America's Next Top Model, Cycle 12

America's Next Top Model (2003-) is an American reality television show created and hosted by Tyra Banks in which several young women (regularly called "girls" on the show) compete to win a modeling contract. Each "cycle" of the show constitutes roughly half of a regular U.S. TV season (9-14 episodes).

[to Angelea who is standing next to Aminat and starts rolling her eyes with Celia in the background] Who are you rolling your eyes at? Do you have an eye problem?

[to Sandra] Why are you smiling?

[to Angelea] Me too! Because I can!

[to Sandra] Why are you smiling?

[to Angelea] Because I can! [laughs]

[in confessional about Sandra] Sandra looked at me and she's like, "Now you want to roll your eyes?" Like, you know, like... don't get me started!

[to Angelea whilst the other casting girls including Teyona and London take notice of the fight] Long nails!

[to Sandra] So what?! So what?!

[to Angelea] You don't have any class whatsoever.

[to Sandra] I got class! [Jessica appears]

[to Angelea] So, therefore, I have no time for you! [dismisses and palms off Angelea and walks away]

[to Sandra walking behind in disgust] Ugh!

[to Angelea whilst the camera lady takes notice] Oh, yeah! Whatever! Whatever! [to Angelea, pointing] Oh, yeah! Look at them long, ugly toes.

[to Sandra, pointing] Bitch, you got ugly ass corns!

[to Angelea] Yeah, that's why I'm beautiful!

[about Sandra to Fo and Teyona] Bitch needs a perm! That's what she needs!

[to Angelea] I don't care! I do not care! [in confessional about Angelea] I will not let anyone in this competition intimidate me. If she comes at me wrong, I'm going to stand up for myself. I'm not going to try and be your friend.

[to Sandra and Angelea] Why are you fighting?

[to Jay about Sandra] This bitch is trying to try me!

[to Angelea] I don't care about you. I'm not here for you.

[to Sandra and Angelea] You couldn't just turn a blind eye? Really?! Regardless of what she did, and I don't even know what she did, let's just get you up and do your photoshoot.

[to Sandra] Goddess of love. I'm Venus.

[eleven girls return to the panel to receive the verdict for the third elimination]

[to Sandra, Celia, Aminat, Fo, London, Allison, Kortnie, Nijah, Teyona, Tahlia and Natalie] Eleven beautiful girls stand before me but I only have ten photos in my hands and these photos represent the ten of you will still be in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. So I will be calling one girl at a time based on how she performed individually in her photo. The girl that performed best will be displayed as digital art and her partner in the picture will be cropped out! [flips over Sandra's photo first] Sandra! [Sandra happily comes down to collect her photo making her way in between Nijah and Teyona] Congratulations. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.

[to Tyra] Thank you!

[flips over Aminat's photo second] Aminat. [Nijah smiles whilst Aminat comes down to collect her photo] Congratulations.

[to Tyra] Thank you very much.

[flips over Tahlia's photo third] Tahlia. [Tahlia comes down to collect her photo]

[to Tyra] Thanks.

[flips over Fo's photo fourth] Fo! [Fo comes down to collect her photo] Congratulations, Fo.

[to Tyra] Thank you.

[flips over Celia's photo fifth] Celia! [Celia comes down to collect her photo]

[to Tyra] Thank you so much.

[flips over Kortnie's photo sixth] Kortnie. [Kortnie comes down to collect her photo] The artist. Congratulations. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.

[to Tyra] Thank you.

[flips over London's photo seventh] London. [London comes down to collect her photo] Congratulations, London.

[to Tyra] Thank you.

[flips over Teyona's photo eighth] Teyona. [Teyona comes down to collect her photo]

[feeling relived] Hooh!

[to Teyona] Hooh! Your hair looks so much better. Congratulations, Teyona.

[to Tyra] Thank you.

[to Allison, Nijah and Natalie] The next name I am going to call is... [flips over Natalie's photo ninth] Natalie. [Natalie comes down to collect her photo] Congratulations, Natalie. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.

[to Tyra] Thank you.

[to Nijah and Allison in the bottom two] Will Allison and Nijah please step forward. So you two stand before me for very different reasons. Allison, when you walk into a room people, go "Whoa. That's different, that's interesting, I've never seen that before." So the judges go "Hmm that's something special there." But what we didn't see in your photo was something special there. Is it a fluke that happens in pictures sometimes? Because what they saw today was quite depressing for them and then we have Nijah. What they see in your pictures is a beautiful girl but they're trying to get back to that girl in the first week. That photo was so beautiful, so sparkly, such shine in those eyes, such tension in your body and they wanna see that girl. So who stays? [flips over Allison's photo tenth and last] Allison. [Allison hugs Nijah before coming to collect her photo] I don't think it's a fluke. You just need to find your light and not rely on those pretty big eyes. Congratulations. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.

[to Tyra] Thank you.

[to Nijah] So you have some hard competition. That's why you're going home.

[to Kortnie and Sandra in the bottom two] Will Kortnie and Sandra please step forward? I only have one photo in my hands. It's interesting that you two stand before me because you guys are both really pretty, pretty girls. With you Kortnie the girl we see in this judging room with such an alertness that even now as I speak you are like this but we look at you're pictures and it's this. And then we look at Sandra. Another pretty girl but the judges are disappointed because they feel that you are just resting on what the Lord and your Momma and Daddy gave you and Benny Ninja reported that your performance was disappointing. So who stays in this competition? [flips over Sandra's photo] Sandra. [Sandra looks stunned, Celia looks furious, Allison looks worried, Sandra goes to collect her photo]

[to Tyra whilst feeling relieved] Thank you so much.

[to Sandra] You've got to focus. You've got to push. You can't rest on just being beautiful. Congratulations.

[to Tyra] Thank you so much.

[to Sandra] You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. [Sandra collects her photo and hugs Kortnie before joining the other surviving girls]

[steps next to Kortnie right after Sandra hugs Kortnie] Tyra, with all due respect, I think there's something you should know about what was said this week by Tahlia. Before you send Kortnie home, I think you should know that Tahlia did express that she did not want to be in this competition anymore and that she did not feel that this was a wise career move on her part. [London and Aminat look at Tahlia] It's quite unfair for someone who doesn't even want to here, to remain in the competition.

[to Celia] Do you know what I think is unfair? That you're saying this, and not Tahlia. Tahlia did not say that to me, she did not say that to the judges. So what is truly you saying that to me.

[to Tyra] I apologize.

[to Celia] So, the judges have made their decision. Take your place, Celia. [Celia joins the other surviving girls]

[goes down to the kitchen with Aminat and Tahlia to confront Celia after Tahlia got thrown under the bus at the last judging panel immediately when Kortnie got eliminated and Sandra survived the bottom two for the second time] Can I ask you all like a serious question? Like, serious talk! Don't you really feel like a fool right now? Like, what were your motives for doing that? If you felt that stuff was wrong, you should have said something to her because that makes all of you and me feel like, all of you are fake as hell because you all were plotting with her.

[to Teyona] Nobody was plotting!

[to Celia and Allison] Don't sit there and look like you're confused and you're sad and you don't know what the hell is going on. For you to even conspire with her about that, that really hurts my feelings because I thought you were a better person than that.

[in confessional] Aminat and Teyona come downstairs and they're just verbally attacking us and reminding me of why I hated high school.

[to Celia about trying to save Kortnie] For you to fess up because your girl got sent home?! Like, truly, you disgust me! [to Allison] You disgust me even more, like...

[to Celia, Allison and Natalie] Fake as hell! Fake as hell! Fake as hell!

[to Allison] ...because I felt, like, I was close to you. Like...

[to Aminat] Aminat, I haven't done anything!

[in confessional] Me and Tahlia are literally standing next to each other on the stairs, not even talking to each other when this is our issue and we're just like, kind of watching the fight like, "Uh, shouldn't you all, like, be us right now?" [quietly to Allison telling her to keep quiet] It's just not worth it.

[to Allison] Hey! Look! That's your mommy! She's telling you, "Don't talk. Don't talk." Be her mother. Yeah, I'm down here!

[to Allison] Go on and talk to her.

[to everyone] I have no problem telling Tyra that home to me right now is the best place in the world because I had to question my motives of being here!

[in confessional about Tahlia] Tahlia makes this speech from the staircase... and it's a bit too, like, "chicken soup for the teenage soul" for me.

[to everyone referring to her getting the first call out for best photo now at last judging panel which is displayed in the Upper East New York apartment as digital art until the next elimination] Now that I'm actually here and I get to look and finally see my picture, I'm excited and now I know that I actually do belong here!

[clapping sarcastically at Tahlia and Sandra and Allison turn their heads] Oh!

[to everyone] I tried very hard.

[clapping sarcastically at Tahlia] Bravo!

[to everyone] Very hard...

[clapping sarcastically at Tahlia] Bravo!

[to everyone] ... to, like, every single one of you guys.

[to Tahlia] That's beautiful. That's beautiful. [in confessional about Tahlia] So when she's doing poorly, she doesn't want to be here. She hates it. But the minute she does well, she's like, "Okay, I want to be here!" and that's what annoys me. [to Tahlia] This is a competition! If you don't want to be here, we're going to try and send you home!

[to Natalie with London looking] You consider yourself part of the "we" now because that's what just came out of your mouth. You just said, "we", so you knew what the hell was going on. [in confessional about Natalie] Oh, so you're part of this, too? Alright, you can be in the line of fire, too. [to Natalie] I don't freaking like you and you know what? If I could and if I knew I was going to get sent home, I swear to God I will wipe your place on the floor!

[to Aminat] Oh, please! Please do that!

[to Natalie] I know you want me to go home!

[to Aminat] Yeah!

[to Natalie] But you know what?! You know something! You're looking stupid!

[to Aminat] Okay, Aminat!

[to Natalie] Stupid! Stupid! You're stupid! [coming downstairs]

[to Aminat] Please continue what you just said.

[to Natalie] [comes to the counter] Let me spell it out for you! [gets in Natalie's face] S-T-U-P-I-D! Stupid! Yeah, keep talking, stupid!

[to Aminat] Go on, please.

[to Natalie] You're stupid! Stupid! Stupid! You're worth nothing. You'll never be worth anything. You're phony!

[to Aminat] Go on, I'm loving it! [in confessional about Aminat] Getting in my face is just proving that you're so immature. Like, I've never had anybody disrespect me like that. [to Aminat] I love this! You keep making yourself look like such an idiot!

[to everyone as she goes upstairs] You all are putting a new meaning to bitches and backstabbing! That is so real! [Natalie has her hands on her hips and just leaves]

[during a group discussion when the top thirteen girls are getting to know one another in New York]

[voiceover about Sandra and Nijah] With their argument from casting week still fresh, Sandra could not resist provoking Nijah again.

[to everyone] Who here is not in college.

[raises hand to everyone] I'm not.

[to everyone] I'm not in college.

[to Nijah] College drop out?

[to Sandra] No I never went.

[to Nijah] Oh.

[in confessional] We were all sitting around the runway and we were all talking to each other like saying where we're from and whether we go to college and blah blah blah.

[to Nijah] Aren't you plus-size?

[to Sandra after Celia and Jessica turn their heads and look at Sandra] No I am not.

[to Nijah] You're not?

[to Sandra] No.

[to Nijah] Are you in the middle or...?

[to Sandra] I'm not plus-size.

[to Nijah] Oh.

[in confessional about Sandra] Here's the mystery with Sandra. We're trying to figure out if she knows that she's doing and she just kind of is like evil or maybe she's like "Oh my God! Maybe I didn't know that I was doing that!"

[to Nijah] You're not plus-size at all.

[to Jessica] Yeah.

[to Nijah] You just got a booty!

[to Jessica] Thank you! Thank you! [in confessional] I have had a little confrontation with Sandra already, stuff that happened back in Vegas. [in a repeat scene of the casting girls doing their makeup when talking to Sandra] So don't worry about what I got going on. Yeah, alright!

[to Nijah in the same repeat scene of the casting girls doing their makeup] Shut your mouth!

[to Sandra in the same repeat scene of the casting girls doing their makeup] Yeah, we'll see.

[to Nijah in the same repeat scene of the casting girls doing their makeup] Thank you!

[back to the present in confessional about Sandra] And she's been getting into it with not only me but with a lot of the other girls. [to Sandra] Anything else you wanted to know why I'm not in school right now, right?

[to Nijah] Oh, no. No, I'm good.

[to everyone] I am not a college drop out. I graduated high school and I'm class of 08.

[girls applaud and cheer on Nijah, Sandra gives a straight face and then smiles]

[in confessional about Nijah] My first goal is to get Nijah out of here because I really can't stand her. [view of New York city]

[voiceover about Nijah confronting Sandra] Later, Nijah confronts Sandra giving her the opportunity to explain herself. [Sandra and Isabella are unpacking and sorting out their belongings in the bedroom]

[to Sandra] If you care about being the bitch of the house of whatever you can go...

[to Jessica] I don't want to be.

[to Sandra] You can straighten it out with her.

[to Jessica with Teyona standing opposite and acknowledging] I don't want to be. I don't think it's a good look.

[to Sandra about Nijah] Nijah, she felt bad when she asked you.

[to Nijah] Like I really felt bad. [smiling] Like I hope you don't feel like oh she's...

[to Sandra] I understand that you might want to get to know me but there are certain ways you can go about asking me. You know what I'm saying?

[to Nijah] I mean if you feel like I offend you in any way just come tell me. You don't... You don't need to feel bad or anything. I'm

[in confessional] Sandra feels that she needs to make everybody feel intimidated by her but no Sandra does not intimidate me at all.

[to Nijah] So if you have a problem just...

[to Sandra] And the same goes for you and if you have any other questions.

[to Nijah] I will! I will!

[to Sandra and Nijah] Um, I have a problem.

[to Nijah] Bye!

[to London] What's your problem?

[to Nijah] Nothing! [walks away]

[voiceover about Sandra shouting at Celia and then at Allison] But what you never saw was how Sandra reacted to Celia's actions.

[to Celia about what she said to Tyra regarding Tahlia not wanting to be in the competition anymore after Kortnie got eliminated with Allison, Natalie and London sitting in the same room] You know how I feel about this whole thing? It's none of your business.

[to Sandra about Tahlia] It is my business if she's taking a spot in this house when her heart's not in it, and other people's are.

[to Celia] It's just none of your business. [Natalie laughs out loud in the background] The only person that should have said something was Kortnie.

[to Sandra] You're contradicting yourself right now because you're saying that it's nobody else's business but Tahlia's, but then you're saying if anyone should have said something it was Kortnie.

[to Allison] Yeah, not Celia!

[to Sandra] You don't have to raise your voice.

[to Allison] I said not Celia! I do have to raise my voice because it's not getting through your head!

[in confessional about Sandra] I don't understand Sandra sometimes. She just wants to come off like she's dumb. Maybe it's just the language issue? [to Sandra] You're just restating something you already said that I quoted.

[to Allison] I am not restating something! Do not go there with me! Do not go there with me!

[to Sandra] I don't know where I'm going. [Natalie laughs out loud in the background]

[to Allison] Do not go there, because I'm not the one that you play with! Do not go there with me, okay?! [points at Allison] Don't you go there with me! [points and comes closer to Allison]

[in confessional about Sandra] We don't understand Sandra because the second you start rushing your words or using bigger language, she goes crazy. Like, she starts, like malfunctioning. [Later...]

[to Celia] You are twenty-five years old. Twenty-five!

[to Sandra] How old?

[to Celia] You're twenty-five years old! [Natalie laughs out loud in the background] You act so, so immature. Grow up! [leaves the room]

[in confessional imitating Sandra] You're twenty-five! You're twenty-five! I can't fight with her. I can't even argue with her. I'm just, like, dumbfounded.

[voiceover about Sandra] Sandra's shouting left the others confused and amused. [Sandra goes to the upstairs room]

[to London, Natalie and Celia whilst all cooking in the kitchen downstairs about Sandra] I've been so nice to Sandra and it's, like... [placing hand in face imitating Sandra] Right in my face, "You don't want to go there!" and I was, like "Where am I going?!"

[in a repeat scene of Sandra shouting and pointing at Allison] Don't you go there with me! [points and comes closer to Allison] I'm not the one to play with! [Natalie laughs out loud in the background]

[in confessional about Sandra] Sandra, it's hard for me to talk to her on a human level because she just doesn't seem to grasp any situation really.

[imitating Sandra to Allison, London and Natalie] You're twenty-five... You're twenty-five! [Allison laughs]

[to London, Natalie, Allison and Celia from the staircase] Are you still talking?

[to Sandra] No we were saying...

[to Sandra] No, we were talking about what you wanted and we're like "You're twenty-five! You're twenty-five!"

[to Sandra] You're twenty-five! You're twenty-five!

[to Celia] Yeah, because I feel like you're immature for your age. [walks away]

[in confessional about Sandra] Sandra makes me lose hope when I talk to her.

That's okay. [laughs]

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