Justice League Unlimited, Season 3

Justice League Unlimited (JLU) is an American animated television series that was produced by Warner Bros. Animation and aired on Cartoon Network. Featuring a wide array of superheroes from the DC Comics universe, and specifically based on the Justice League superhero team, it is a direct sequel to the previous Justice League animated series.

Shayera Hol:
Why would you even try to move a prisoner that dangerous without calling us?

Maybe because we thought we could do our jobs without help from the mighty Justice League.

Shayera Hol:
And yet... here we are.

Okay, Shayera, what's done is done. Let's see if we can pick up his trail. Aztek?

The wall's submolecular integrity has been compromised.

Shayera Hol:
Leptons showing residual weak-force interactions?

Yeah. How did you know?

It's a common energy signature of matter-phasing technology. I assume it doesn't leave a trail?

Shayera Hol:
No such luck. Maybe Aztek could...

"King Faraday":
You guys want some coffee? Apparently I got nothing better to do here.

Sorry, we got caught up in the work.

King Faraday:
Special Agent King Faraday. I'm the liaison between the Attorney General's office and the Justice League.

Uh, good to meet you. I'm...

King Faraday:
Aztek. I've been well briefed on all of you. Security on Luthor's transfer was lax because it didn't seem necessary. We haven't had a peep outta him since he was arrested for that Brainiac business last summer.

He's a broken man. Just sits in his cell talking to himself.

Shayera Hol:
When he's not stealing police vans you mean?

That came out of nowhere. We had no reason to think he was an active threat.

King Faraday:
Do what you can. Put out an APB, stake out airports, train and bus stations.

Already done, for what it's worth.

King Faraday:
If he's sighted, don't approach him. Call in the League.


Chuck Sirianni:
What is it, honey?

Your old footlocker's beeping. At first I thought it was the smoke detector.

Chuck Sirianni:
That ain't no smoke alarm. It's a sound I never thought I'd hear again. There's trouble on Blackhawk Island.

Aztek didn't find anything else?

Sorry, Superman. It was a bad lead.

Nobody's fault. When you guys do pick up Luthor's trail, call me. I want in.

Shayera Hol:
You know what? This new monitor-duty rotation isn't so bad. No more overnights unless you want them. Only one shift a week and you're done. Wally?


I'm telling you, you should let it grow out.

[Flash is staring at Fire from across the room]

Shayera Hol:
Why don't you just go talk to her?

What, me? Talk to her No way!

Shayera Hol:
Yeah, you'd probably be wasting your time anyway. I hear she's...

you know... [Flash looks curiously at her]

Shayera Hol:

Ha, ha.

Shayera Hol:
If you're afraid to talk to her, I'll tell her for you. [Starts walking over to Fire]

[Stopping her] Don't!

Shayera Hol:
You are so very sad.

King Faraday:
Got something for you. Tell Hawkgirl your story, Mr. Sirianni.

Chuck Sirianni:
We met a while back, ma'am. Longer for me than for you. When you traveled in time to World War II, you fought alongside my squadron.

Shayera Hol:
You're one of the Blackhawks.

Chuck Sirianni:
Only one still kicking, I'm sorry to say.

What's the problem?

Chuck Sirianni:
During the war and for decades after, we captured a lot of weapons. Real sci-fi stuff. We hid the worst of it on Blackhawk Island. We decommissioned the place over 30 years ago. But this morning, the old security alarm went off. Might be nothing.

Shayera Hol:
Or it might be someone raiding your armory. We'll take a look. Shayera out. Pick a third for the team.


Shayera Hol:
Oh, Yob Shiggurath! Hey, Fire!


Shayera Hol:
We've got a mission. Let's go.

Chuck Sirianni:
I'm not going to argue with you about this.

I didn't come to argue. It gets cold up there.

Allow me. Something of a specialty of mine.

[Flash, Batman, and Orion enter a bar to confront the Trickster. The Rogues spot them and dash out.]

I mean what's so special about a "disco of death?" Heck with 'em! I'm an artist! They're just robbing banks. Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang... Probably would have gone for it if I was a "Captain"...

[Flash clears his throat.]

Got ya!

[Trickster fires a gun with a nose-shaped barrel. Batman slaps it away, and the blast hits the pool table behind them.]

It's a snot gun. Ha ha.

Where are the others?

Those crabby hacks can go plug a hole for all I care. But I'm not about to rat 'em out!


[grabs Trickster] Talk, while you still have a jaw!

Hey hey! Would you guys please take it down a notch? Let me handle this. [leads Trickster back to the bar and sits with him] James, you're off your meds, aren't you?

Better off without 'em. Take 'em if I start feeling down.

You know that's not how the medicine works. You're not well!

I'm fine. You wanna throw some darts?

No. Listen, James. You're wearing the suit again!

I am? [examines his clothing] Well, whaddaya know?

Here's the deal, buddy. Tell me where those guys went, and I'll come see you in the hospital. We'll play darts...! The soft kind.

Okay, they're gonna ambush you at the Flash Museum.

See? That's all we needed! [gets up to leave with Batman and Orion] Come on, we better get over there.

What about your enemy?

Oh, right! [Calls to Trickster] Dude, soon as you finish your drink, turn yourself in!

[raising his mug] Got me again, Flash!

Amanda Waller:
Wade. You know better than to dwell on the past.

General Wade Eiling:
I'm talking about right now. The Justice League is still the single greatest threat to global security.

Amanda Waller:
I used to believe that too. But remember: we used to say the same about the Soviets. Our enemies are never as evil as we imagine... and maybe we're never quite as good.

General Wade Eiling:
Nuts. Don't tell me the bleeding hearts in Congress got to you.

Amanda Waller:
I'd eat them alive.

General Wade Eiling:
You would too. You've got some onions, Amanda.

Amanda Waller:
Then listen to me. I'm not the League's greatest fan, but their intentions are good. I can work with them.

General Wade Eiling:
What if you're wrong, though? Turns out the metahumans aren't on the side of the angels? We won't have any way to defend ourselves. Look what happened last year: Superman walked into Cadmus and tossed our best men like a salad.

Amanda Waller:
Oh, for heaven's sake.

General Wade Eiling:
What's to stop him from doing it again? They're all orbiting us with a space weapon, supposedly decommissioned. That's a much bigger threat than the Russians ever were. If we'd rolled over like this with the Soviet Union, given up our nukes-

Amanda Waller:
We'd all be living under a red flag?

General Wade Eiling:
Yes, ma'am, you'd better believe it. After all our work, what did Cadmus accomplish? You get a reprimand, I'm pushing pencils, and the League gets another base here on Earth, that Metro Tower. When one side loses ground and the other side gains, that isn't a truce - it's a surrender!

Amanda Waller:
It's a different world, General. Learn to live in it.

General Wade Eiling:
Superman, you coward! All your men are down, and you won't even show your face!

Shining Knight:
He cannot hear even your bellowing, monster. As we speak, Superman rescues an entire star system a universe away. Do your worst - I'll not let you harm another.

General Wade Eiling:
I do what I do in service to my country.

Shining Knight:
Once, at the word of my lord King Arthur, I was ordered to lay waste to an entire village. I knew my king's heart could not be so unjust, so I spared them all.

General Wade Eiling:
Then you're a lousy soldier.

[Eiling punches the Shining Knight in the jaw]

Shining Knight:
There it is...the creeping moral decay of the past thousand years.

[Shining Knight swings his sword at General Eiling, who dodges easily]

Shining Knight:
Arthur thanked me, oaf! Had I been wrong, I would have handed over my sword and left the court in shame!

[Eiling slams Shining Knight into the ground]

General Wade Eiling:
Save yourself a hospital stay and stand down. That magic armor won't help you.

Shining Knight:
Have at thee!

[Shining Knight tries to punch Eiling, but is slammed into the ground again]

General Wade Eiling:
You're a relic. In this world, power is the only thing that matters. You and those other no-name heroes, you're just people. In the great scheme of things, nothing you do has the least bit of significance. [Shining Knight rises again, but Eiling punches him again] I'll waste you and a billion like you before you before I allow any power to rival America's. It's my duty.

Shining Knight:
You don't know what the word means!

General Wade Eiling:
You can't win.

Shining Knight:
I'll die as befits a knight, defending the weak. [falls to his knees]

General Wade Eiling:
Why don't you give up?

Shining Knight:
Why don't you?

[General Eiling kicks Shining Knight, then lifts a car]

General Wade Eiling:
Superman and your Justice League are a threat to a safe and stable world.

[He turns to crush Shining Knight, only to find several civilians standing protectively around him]

Old Woman:
Drop the act! You think killing Superman would make the world safe? Or killing this boy? Or us? Tell me - how many of us do you have to kill to keep us safe?

General Wade Eiling:
They're the ones I'm after, not you. I'm not the menace, metahumans are. Superpowered beings.

You're the only one around here with superpowers.

[After a tense silence, Eiling drops the car]

General Wade Eiling:
All right, I've become what I hate, I'll give you that. But in the long run, you'll see I was right. You'll see you need the likes of me to protect you from them! [bounds away across the city's buildings]

[At the Legion of Doom's base, Lex Luthor is attempting to reactivate the sole piece of Brainiac. Tala enters approaches him as the computer room is overloading]

Lex! Stop it! You'll blow us all to pieces!

Lex Luthor:
Not now, Woman! Something's happening... It's... [but the stone's energy overloads and destroys the machine, failing to recreated Brainiac] it's... just one more steaming flop! [screams in anger and wrecks the control panels with his hands]


Lex Luthor:
Nothing works! [continues wrecking the tools]

Lex, forget bringing back Brainiac.

Lex Luthor:
I don't need input from some crystal-gazing parasite! One who's confused a winch's grip on power with the real thing!

[takes the stone] This is the real trouble-maker for us. It's pure wild goose chase. Look, I will prove it. I will show you what is in there.

Lex Luthor:
Don't be stupid. [takes the stone] This is science. What good is your sorcery? Unless you plan to turn stone into gold? Or maybe a frog?

Such ignorance. Transmutation is what you want to do!

Lex Luthor:
Transmutation is...[pauses] what are you waiting for? Do it! [hands the stone to her]


Lex Luthor:

[performing her Transmutation Sorcery] By the slaughter of the innocent, by pestilence and plague, reveal the hidden unto me. [she uses her powers to view the stone's origins. She finds nothing] There, you see? Just a rock. A worthless piece of... [she sees something from it] oh.

Lex Luthor:

It's not important.

Lex Luthor:
Show me!

[she uses her magic to give Luthor a vision of the past, when the Brainiac Asteroid was destroyed]

Brainiac Computer Voice:
Critical system failure in three seconds. Two seconds. One second. [the asteroid explodes. Tala, almost unable to keep up with the image, screams as the vision nearly fades]

Lex Luthor:
No! Keep the image! [Tala struggles until Luthor sees enough] There is still Brainiac in the universe.

There is no way to tell where it happened.

Lex Luthor:
Wrong. I saw enough of those stars to determine the explosion's coordinates. It should be a simple matter.

You saw the wild goose again. Concentrate on us, baby. Space is too far. Together, we can rule this world. [Luthor pushes her aside] Oh!

Lex Luthor:
If you like this world so much, keep your fool mouth shut. Then maybe I'll let you keep it. Me? I'm going to be a god again. [sometime later, the Society members make changes in their headquarters] Speed it up! Sinestro, don't forget the floor. I want radiation shielding from every direction. Rampage... [interrupted when Bizarro has trouble with his work] [annoyed] Help Bizarro. [to Weather Wizard] Don't distort the metal, moron!

Weather Wizard:
I don't even know why we're doing this.

[Luthor pins him next to the hot molten metal in the wall]

Lex Luthor:
Killer Frost, if Weather Wizard here doesn't shape up, I'm holding you accountable.

Killer Frost:

Lex Luthor:
Structural integrity is crucial.

Killer Frost:
Okay, got it. Jeez.

Give up, Lex! You're only delaying the inevitable.

Lex Luthor:
You're right.

[shoots a blast of his gun at Luthor, who deflects with his gloves] If it's all the same to you, I'd rather snap your neck with my bare hands. [Luthor tries to attack him, but Grodd counters and singlehandedly beats him up again and again] You know, this mutiny was easy. The Secret Society hates you.

Lex Luthor:
Like they love you! [runs towards Grodd, who knocks him away with a kick] Idiotic simian. Half-baked objectivist.

[grabs Luthor] You're ill-equipped to lead, Lex.

Lex Luthor:
[choking] A lower primate masquerading as an intellectual.

I'm the more accomplished, both physically and mentally. [uses telepathy on Luthor, who overrides it with his power-belt and puts Grodd under his control]

Lex Luthor:
Took you long enough. I was beginning to think I'd figured you wrong. Now bow down to me. [Grodd struggles not to, but does so] Who is master here?

[weakly] You... are...

Lex Luthor:
Get up. [Grodd obeys] Take six steps forward. [Grodd does so and opens the door in front of him] Get in. [Grodd does so again and Luthor closes the door and deactivates his power-belt]

[trying to break through the door in anger] I should have let you rot in jail!

Lex Luthor:
Goodbye, Grodd. It could have gone the other way.

It really could have, couldn't it?

Lex Luthor:
No... But why speak ill of the dead? [punches a button and opens airlock]

You twisted little pink rat-hole of a hominid, I'm not done with you! I'll get out of this, and when I do...!

[Grodd is sucked out of his headquarters to his death]

[Lex Luthor's team has beaten Grodd's rebels]

Lex Luthor:
Can any of you give me one good reason to let you live? [Killer Frost steps forward from the rebels, then freezes her comrades without a word] Killer Frost... you've got a future. Get rid of the rest.

Killer Frost:
You got it.

We're here.

[the headquarters reaches Brainiac's coordinates]

[To Luthor] Darling, Grodd must have used mind-control!... Okay, maybe not. But baby, you don't ever doubt that I love you, correct? I-, I-, I know I did something bad, I'm a sick person. You don't know what it's like to be me.

Lex Luthor:
Don't be afraid, darling. You still have a big role in my plan. In fact... I can't do this without you. [Volcana knocks Tala out, then, she wakes up being used as a mystical conduit to reassemble Brainiac.] I used to think magic was unknowable, unpredictable, and not to be trusted. You've taught me so much, Tala. Even my wealth of scientific knowledge would never have been up to this task. You will be the mystic conduit that will siphon Brainiac's essence from the debris. I'll be able to reconstitute him from that energy. But I doubt you'll see it.

You planned this all along! Even before I-

Lex Luthor:
I'm a sick person too.

Luthor, the collection panels are in place.

[panicked] Lex! Please! I beg you!

Lex Luthor:
Hold that thought. [to Toyman] Do it. [Toyman is about to obey, but time stops] I said do it!

[appearing behind Luthor] He cannot hear you, Lex Luthor. Time has stopped. We exist between two ticks of the clock. In my travels through the myriad paths of infinity, I have seen the first and the last. But what you do today threatens the entire universe. Past, Present and Future.

Lex Luthor:
I should hope it does. Look, I didn't catch the name.

Metron. Scientist and chronicler.

Lex Luthor:
Well, Metron, I'll soon be ready for anything the universe can throw at me. I'm about to become a god.

You don't know what a god is. Or what you are unleashing.

Lex Luthor:
"Tampering with forces beyond my ken", and so forth? Nice try. Look, if you want my power, make your move, otherwise you can get lost.

You will regret your decision. We all will. [Metron disappears as time turns back to normal]

Twinkle, twinkle, Brainiac, Tala's gonna bring you back! [activates the machine]

[last words] Lex! Lex! LEX!

Lex Luthor:
Brainiac! I'm coming! [the machine drains Tala's energy until it creates a mysterious figure which appears with the smoke] People, meet your new lord and master!

[He becomes shocked as, instead of Brainiac, the figure is revealed to be Darkseid, who is now fused with Brainiac and given a new look]

It seems I have you to thank for my resurrection. Though your world will suffer slowly, I grant you a quick death.

[Darkseid uses his power to destroy the base. Scene shifts to Apokolips, where factions of the Apokoliptans are having a civil war]

That rodent, Vundabar, thinks he can rule Apokolips in Darkseid's stead. We'll be the ones who deliver his pestilent corpse to Granny Goodness. [the two sides begin the battle, but before they can, Darkseid emerges and all bow to him] Welcome home, oh, mighty Darkseid.

Arise, my children. Let this meaningless battle for control end today.

Of course, my Lord. We had thought ourselves bereft forever.

Only the slimmest of chances has allowed me to overcome my death at the hands of Superman. But let the universe howl in despair, for I have returned! [The Apokoliptan armies cheer triumphantly]

What is your will, my lord?

As ever, to search for the Anti-Life Equation, that I might bring order to this aimless universe. But first, Superman must suffer for killing me. His adopted world will die screaming. Only then will I seek the ultimate end.

Forgive me, lord, but to attack Earth would violate your pact with Highfather. New Genesis would doubtless retaliate.

[smiles] Where do you think I'm going next?

[scene shifts to the Watchtower as a Watchtower employee runs desperately into the room where Superman and the League are]

Superman! You better get outside quick!

[The League goes outside and confronts Luthor and the remaining members of the Legion of Doom]

Lex Luthor:
We have a little problem...

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