Ozark, Season 3

Ozark (2017-2022) is a crime drama thriller web television series, released by Netflix, about a Chicago-based financial advisor who secretly relocates his family to the Missouri Ozarks when his dealings with a drug cartel go awry. The show was created by Bill Dubuque and Mark Williams.

Wendy Byrde:
So, listen...I know how concerned you are about security. And...I just want you to know I've been thinking a lot about it, too. About safety... and our future.

Marty Byrde:

Wendy Byrde:
I've been reading about the cartel war. Navarro's lost 61 men in the last five weeks alone.

Marty Byrde:
Hmm. What's that got to do with us?

Wendy Byrde:
There's a saying in politics. "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

Marty Byrde:

Wendy Byrde:
And...Helen's coming into town. I know, you're expecting the worst, but let's...let's preempt that. Pitch her on the idea of expansion.

Marty Byrde:
What does that mean?

Wendy Byrde:
Hotels. Casinos, but we keep the daily operations legitimate. We sell the idea to Navarro as a safety net. We put his share in a trust...for his kids. Untouchable. That way, if the cartel war goes south, then he has a whole new revenue stream. Completely legal. Well? What do you think?

Marty Byrde:
Well, I just...I think that's batshit crazy.

Wendy Byrde:
It's not.

Marty Byrde:

Wendy Byrde:
No. It's not. And actually, it was Helen's idea. She talked to us about expansion. There is a...hotel and casino on the Kansas border in St. Joe's. Its infrastructure is old. It's getting killed by a casino across the river. And all it needs is an influx of cash to upgrade, and they would crush their competition, but their margins are too low. It's a win-win.

Marty Byrde:

Wendy Byrde:
Just like that?

Marty Byrde:
Just like that.

Wendy Byrde:
Jesus. [scoffs] Of course.

Marty Byrde:
I'm trying to keep us safe, Wendy.

Wendy Byrde:
Yeah, well, so am I.

Marty Byrde:
I mean, how much more fucking stress do you wanna take on?

Wendy BYrde:
This would all be legitimate.

Marty Byrde:
Except for the seed money from the drug lord, which, by definition, is not legitimate?

Wendy Byrde:
We are pre-approved by the gaming commission. No one would question the initial investment. We have Navarro's gratitude. This would only increase it. Don't you understand? We're in.

Marty Byrde:
We're alive. Big difference. You want to know what a good outcome from this cartel war would be? Navarro getting blown off the face of the Earth, and you and I being out from underneath this.

Wendy Byrde:
But what if that doesn't happen? Expansion makes us a political player. It insulates us, and that keeps us safe. We could be the very legitimate, very public face of Missouri gaming. [chuckles] We'd be too big to fail.

Marty Byrde:
Wendy, I did not agree to stay here to start raising red flag after red flag.

Wendy Byrde:
It's the smart play.

Marty Byrde:
Stop. I'm here. Take the fucking victory, okay? And do not tell me what is smart and what is not smart. You blew through that stop sign six months ago.

Wendy Byrde:
Do you know what I did today? I talked to a woman about her toe ring stand. I have the time. We have the clout. I can do this. Just think-- think about the things we could build. Why should the Charles Wilkeses of the world have a stranglehold on this state? We could have the money and the influence. We could control every political lever in Missouri. We could give millions to the causes that we care about. We could run this goddamn place.

Marty Byrde:
Do you even hear yourself?

Wendy Byrde:
I do. Do you hear me?

Marty Byrde:
I understand you're upset.

Helen Pierce:
Oh, really? Do I seem upset? My client, on the other hand...

Marty Byrde:
We've been over all this.

Helen Pierce:
Yes, we have.

Marty Byrde:
Considering the amount of hires that we had to make, there's no way--

Helen Pierce:
Yes, you don't know who might've infiltrated, so you don't wanna launder. I understand. Just as I'm sure you understand that I didn't ask to drive to the Ozarks today, but we all have to do things that are outside our comfort zone, don't we?

Marty Byrde:
They think that we killed a fed. Agent Petty’s DNA was all over Cade Langmore’s truck.

Helen Pierce:
They know you didn’t kill him.

Marty Byrde:
But you know what I mean. I think what none of us can account for is the emotional component for the FBI. We can't be sure what level of resources they'll invest.

Helen Pierce:
So, is it a tougher hand? Sure. But the reality is, it doesn't matter if they think that you hired Cade to get rid of Petty and then got rid of him. You've always known the laundering would have to be done right under the FBI's nose.

Marty Byrde:
And it will. I just need some time before I start moving tens of millions of dollars through that building.

Helen Pierce:
You're supposed to be the best. That's why you were hired.

Marty Byrde:
Well, then listen to me, okay? People as individuals are completely unpredictable. One person making one bet, there's no way I could possibly know which way he or she is gonna go, but the law of large numbers--

Helen Pierce:
Yeah, you're mistaking this for a discussion. Look, I was sent here for a simple reason, to deliver one simple message in person, despite my own various shit-shows, which I guarantee stack up quite nicely against your own. Launder the fucking money. Starting tomorrow. Are we good, or are we in our feelings?

Marty Byrde:
We're good.

Helen Pierce:

Frank Cosgrove:
We got issues, Marty. We got issues of trust. We got issues of respect. Hell, we got issues of understanding the basic fucking rules.

Marty Byrde:
That's why we're here. That's why you're hearing about this from us first, and it's why we're offering you an extra 10% on top of what we're already paying you. We want to make this right.

Frank Cosgrove:
You got any idea what my boy has been begging me...to let him do to her? What he's got every right to do. You know what "untouchable" means?

Marty Byrde:
I do. We do.

Frank Cosgrove:
Then why do you think you can fix this by throwing a couple of coins at my feet like I'm a fucking beggar?

Marty Byrde:
It's not a couple of coins. It's an extra 10%.

Frank Cosgrove:
[points at Ruth] I want her fired. Then we talk money.

Marty Byrde:
I understand that you're pissed. I'd be pissed off too, but we are not the only ones at fault.

Frank Cosgrove:
So someone else went head-first off the top deck?

Marty Byrde:
Your son threatened to rat us out.

Frank Cosgrove Jr.:
That's bullshit.

Marty Byrde:
He threatened to give up our operation.

Frank Cosgrove Jr.:
He's fucking lying, Dad.

Marty Byrde:
Frank, I respect your code.

Frank Cosgrove:
[to Ruth] Is this true?

Ruth Langmore:
He said, "You really want to do this with everything I know about you?"

Frank Cosgrove Jr.:
You're not gonna take her word over mine.

Marty Byrde:
Frank, you're absolutely right about trust, which is why we are willing to trust that Frank Jr. was just joking, if you are willing to trust that Ruth will not make the same mistake twice.

Frank Cosgrove:

[They shake hands]

Marty Byrde:
She's untouchable, too.

Marty Byrde:
I'm just asking for your help.

Wendy Byrde:
Actually, you're not. You're going behind my back to expressly do what you know we are not allowed to do.

Marty Byrde:
Because you won't help. Do you not see a pattern here?

Wendy Byrde:
You've done nothing but fight me on this. And now, now you want unfettered access to the very thing you've tried to undermine since the very beginning.

Marty Byrde:
I don't want-- I need access, Wendy. We need access.

Wendy Byrde:
We have made promises to our shareholders about this casino, and I don't think-- I don't think we want to annoy our shareholders.

Marty Byrde:
What would you have me do?

Wendy Byrde:
I don't feel very compelled to help you right now. I just had a very interesting conversation with Frank. From Kansas City.

Marty Byrde:
Oh, yeah?

Wendy Byrde:
Hmm. And you do...you do realize what a magnificently stupid and dangerous thing it was that you did in Kansas, right?

Marty Byrde:
I pleaded with you, "Please don't do this. Please do not get us further in on this." Remember that?

Wendy Byrde:
Yeah. And because you didn't get your way, you went behind my back to sabotage me.

Marty Byrde:
I was trying to protect our family, Wendy. That's it.

Wendy Byrde:
That is such-- That is such a tired...

Marty Byrde:
Is it? Okay.

Wendy Byrde:
...tired excuse. Yeah. You know what you like to do? You like to control your family.

Marty Byrde:
I'm asking you for fucking help on a problem that you created, and you're not helping. That's the whole story.

Wendy Byrde:
To you.

Wendy Byrde:
Are you really okay? This doesn't feel like something you'd get over in a day.

Marty Byrde:
Well, it was-- it was hell. I wasn't lying, and I-- I told the kids that, but, um... Wendy, this might have been the best thing that could have ever happened. I spent a decade afraid of something, and when it finally arrived, it wasn't at all what I thought it would be. And I wasn't who I thought I would be.

Wendy Byrde:
What does that mean?

Marty Byrde:
It means you were right. Me burying my head in the sand wasn't gonna keep us safe, but I figured out what is.

Wendy Byrde:
What's that?

Marty Byrde:
I'm gonna turn Agent Miller. I'm gonna put her in our pocket. That's what I told Navarro. That's what got me out.

Wendy Byrde:
The warrant is gonna expire in a couple of weeks. If we just wait it out, she'll be gone.

Marty Byrde:
They're gonna keep coming back. That's what Maya said, that this is gonna be a long play for them.

Wendy Byrde:

Marty Byrde:
Yeah. Yeah, that's what she said. Years. We'll never know when the hammer's gonna fall, and she's very... she's very good. [laughs] I don't know if I can stay in front of her. But if we own her... all the anxiety goes away. Wendy, if you want safety, if you want to get the kids out, this is it. You hear me?

Wendy Byrde:
People...People don't just turn an FBI agent.

Marty Byrde:

Wendy Byrde:
So why don't we just...take a breath...

Marty Byrde:
What are you doing?

Wendy Byrde:
...be still.

Marty Byrde:
Don't do that. You asked me to get involved, and this is what it looks like. This is me supporting you, Wendy.

Ben Davis:
I have that feeling like when you just quit a job. Tell your boss to get fucked, walk out to your car and just drive away. It's a good feeling, man. [laughs] I've never been a fan of the routine. I've never been a person other people can force into a thing. I mean, I'm peaceful, I'm loving, but I'm not like the others. I'm not. I'm not like the others, and I will not fall in line with the others. When they're saying "This is normal, what you walked into is normal, what we built here is normal, and your reaction to it is wrong. That's not normal." No. No. Mmm-mm. [pause, notices an American flag emblem on the dashboard] You serve in the military? [The taxi driver says nothing.] I get it, I get it. Thank you. I can never do that, thank you for your service. Did you ever wake up in the middle of the night and play out the worst possible scenario? Like you're driving your car, and a kid comes out of nowhere on a bike or one of them scooters, and you smack into that kid, and...the kid dies. The good part of your life is over. I wake up, I'll just flash to that. Me, not you. In my warm bed, roof over my head. [singsongs] In my warm bed, roof over my head. Food in the fridge—fridge in the first place, I'll wake up, I'll just start thinking about the guy by the gun store who lives in a tarp. And the city just keeps fucking with him, and he's just a guy. He's just a guy, he's just a guy, he's just a guy out of his mind. He's probably a marine, because he has that look, much like yourself. He has that look much like yourself and he's just trying to get it all...you know, he's just trying to get by, but he can't, 'cause he can't, 'cause he can't, 'cause he can't get...[tears up] but he can't...find the click anymore, the...the...the key. Can't get it all...put together again. But there are days, I would imagine, there are days when, when it's like...when it's close. When it's, like, this close to, like..."Oh...I remember. I remember what my mind was, before the thing happened that ruined my mind. I remember who I am now, and I don't gotta sleep on the sidewalk by the gun store in order to not to kill myself, or kill my wife." But then...[exhales] he loses it. Another day goes by, I'll lie in my bed, cry about...killing the kid on the scooter, or...the homeless marine, or my father dying. And my father was not a good person, but...I imagine him there at the end. I just want to hold him. You know? That's kind of always been a problem of mine, I'll go deep into another person's shit, or I spin out on a thing that hasn't happened yet. It might not happen. But I worry. I just worry. Like Tom Petty. What a shame. [inhales] My day's been going good, man. How's your day been going?

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