Kirby: Right Back at Ya!, Season 1

Kirby: Right Back at Ya!, known in Japan as Hoshi no Kirby (星のカービィ Hoshi no Kābī, Kirby of the Stars), is a Japanese anime series created by Warpstar, Inc. and based on Nintendo's Kirby franchise. The series ran for one hundred episodes from October 6, 2001 to September 27, 2003. The series aired on Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting in Japan and in the United States on 4Kids TV; 4Kids Entertainment heavily edited the content and alternate dialogue in the process.

Monster!? That's ridiculous! There's no monster in this castle!

Yes there is! It's big and it eats everything in sight!

That's King Dedede! There's no monster. Now why don't you go on back to your homes so the King can have his supper in peace?

Hey, wait a minute, Escargoon! Not so fast! [Tiff, her brother Tuff, and their parents Sir Ebrum and Lady Like enter the throne room] How do we know you're not lying again?

Yeah, like you usually do?

You have no right to speak to me that way. Your parents should slap you silly.

Papa, something funny's going on!

Sir Ebrum:
You might be right, Tiff. A monster is the kind of thing that Dedede would love.

Lady Like:
The king must be behind this!

You're court official, how dare you accuse his royal highness! [to King Dedede] Want me to check 'em in for a two-week stay in the dungeon, sweet kingey?

King Dedede:
[Laughs and turns to face everyone else] A monster, huh? Would the monster happen to look anything that? [He points to a fish tank containing a small octopus]

That's it! That's the monster! Except it was a hundred times bigger!

King Dedede:
[laughs] Well you can see this ain't no monster, it's my new pet octopus. The only thing he likes to eat is sardines.

[He drops one in the tanks. The octopus eats it]

King Dedede:
Hehehehe. Little fella wouldn't hurt a fly less it was on the end of a fish hook!

Of course it wouldn't. Now get out and go back to your trailer park so the king can have his dessert! Go on! Poof, you're gone!

[Tiff runs up to the octopus. The two exchange stares]

Tell me, citizens of Dreamland. For what purpose have you come to consult me?

Sir Ebrum:
We seek your wisdom and knowledge Kabu! For three nights a giant monster has been stealing our sheep.

Lady Like:
And it's robbing me of my beauty sleep.

Mayor Len:
King Dedede says it's not his monster...

Chief Bookem:
But I don't believe that rascal.

You know the truth, Kabu!

Please tell us where the monster is, Kabu, and how we can make it go away.

The monster is here. And all of Dreamland is in grave danger.

Why did he come here?

It was called here by your own King Dedede. [in the distance, Dedede and Escargoon are watching from Dedede's tank]

Sounds like the big Kabu-na's got your number, crownie.

King Dedede:
[punches Escargoon on the head] That tattle-telling tiki!

The monster was created, by one far more powerful than King Dedede.

Chief Bookem:
I'd like to lock both of them up.

Mayor Len:
What can we do to stop them?

There is nothing you can do.

[Everyone is in shock]

Sir Ebrum:
Oh dear!

Lady Like:
Oh dear me!

Is Dreamland doomed?

Can anybody help, Kabu?

There is one hope... a Star Warrior traveling through space... whose name is Kirby.


Yay, Kirby!

Hmmm, bet he's cute!

King Dedede:
[He and Escargoon enter] That's trash you're talking, Kabu. Ain't no such person as Kirby.

That's right. You're full of Kabu-loney.

Kabu can see the future.

King Dedede:
Then why don't you predict what's gonna happen when I push this here button?

I predict you will not push it.

King Dedede:
Hey Escargoon, did ya hear that one? [laughs] Well I predict you're dead wrong!

Meta Knight:
This is not a storm. It is a monster, brought here by King Dedede. It is called Kracko.


Meta Knight:
The king is jealous and suspicious of Kirby. He will do anything to get rid of him. So he has been ordering monsters.

I know. Kabu told me.

Meta Knight:
There is a company. They call it... Nightmare Enterprises. [starts flashback] It was created thousands of years ago, by one known as eNeMeE. eNeMeE's goal is to conquer the entire universe. To do this, he created legions of monsters and sent them throughout the galaxies. But they were challenged. Those who loved freedom fought mightily against the monsters. They formed armies, and called themselves Star Warriors. We fought bravely, but eNeMeE's monster warriors outnumbered the Star Warriors. Our ranks dwindled until only one Star Warrior remained. I was alone, injured, but alive. I had survived, and luckily, a spark of hope survived with me.


Meta Knight:
Yes. The hope that I would not be the last warrior. [ends flashback] It was my hope that young warriors would appear. Warriors with new strength and new spirit. Warriors who would battle to defeat eNeMeE. [starts another flashback] That is why I came to this planet, to serve King Dedede. [ends flashback]

To serve King Dedede? Why would you want to work for anybody like him?

Meta Knight:
Starships are designed to automatically fly warriors to where monsters are detected. The king likes monsters, so I hoped a young warrior would come here.

You were right, Meta Knight. Kirby came here.

Meta Knight:
Yes, but too soon. Kirby's Starship detected the King's monster, but Kirby was not scheduled to awaken for another 200 years. That is why his ship crash-landed. He is totally untrained. He cannot speak. He can barely think!

Then Kirby is just a baby.

Meta Knight:
Yes, but luckily, he has great natural abilities. If he develops them properly, he may be able to defeat eNeMeE. And I can help him.

Then you are gonna help Kirby, aren't you?

Meta Knight:
My help will not be enough to make him a warrior. Kirby will also need your help. The Warp Star is the source of Kirby's power. He needs only to see it to get his power, but he is unable to guard the star for himself. It can only be kept safe by one who truly loves and cares for him.

Well I kept it safe so far, didn't I?

Meta Knight:
Yes, so far. But this monster is much more powerful than the others... Perhaps too powerful for even the Warp Star to help Kirby defeat it.

Chief Bookem:
What's that?

Mayor Len Blustergas:
Don't know, but it looks unfriendly.

King Dedede:
Them Cappy-ccinos need half-and-half'in'! [sics Slice 'n Splice on the townsfolk, resulting in a massive mix-up of their body parts with several screams let out]

Mayor Len Blustergas:
Oh, this is baaaa-d.

Aw, are you kidding?

King Dedede:
[laughs] Un-baa-lievable!

Why'd ya have to go and mix us up with sheep? I know you like fleecing your subjects, but this is ridiculous.

Just look at me. I used to be fine and feathery. Now I'm fat and furry.

Have a gander at me, mate! A mammal's gotta be bats to want wings!

I want my body back as much as you do, but that there monster's too tough for us to tackle.

Crikey. Kirby's gonna have to give that beast a shalackin' so I can get me fur back.

Let's go find him.


King Dedede:
Say, you Cappies look kinda sheepish. Hah! Sheepish! That's a good one! [laughs]

Chief Bookem:
King Dedede! [Dedede looks at Bookem with a shocked expression on his face] Body-snatchin's illegal.

King Dedede:
So what? You may have my body, but I'm still head around here!

Mayor Len Blustergas:
We demand you return us to normal, your highness. We're one furious flock!

Chef Kawasaki:
I like lamb chops, but this is ridiculous.

[the Cappies are speaking in a way that's considered unintelligible]

Listen, we don't wanna start a stampede. Let's give their bodies back and go after Kirby.

King Dedede:
Good idea. I'm glad I thought of it. Listen up! I've done decided to be magnanimous and give y'all yer Cappy bodies back. Slice n' Splice, stick 'em all back together!


Slice n' Splice:
There's no escape.

Fololo & Falala:
Leave Kirby alone!

Slice n' Splice:
You two wimps think you can stop me?

At least we can protect the Kirbys.

[Slice n' Splice laughs as he raises the moon rod, ready to strike all four as Fololo and Falala brace themselves, only to stop and look on at them in recognition]

Slice n' Splice:
You look familiar. Yes, I remember. You're Fofa! Yes. I'm sure of it. You're Fofa.


Who's that?

Boy Kirby & Girl Kirby:
Fofa! Fofa! Fofa!

Slice n' Splice:
Fofa was your name before I split you in two.

Fololo & Falala:

Slice n' Splice:
[starts flashback and narrates] That was some time ago.

N.M.E. Sales Guy:
Well, King Sucker's back to get his pocket picked again.

Sell him Fofa. Better yet: chop it and charge him double. [laughs]

N.M.E. Sales Guy:
Brilliant idea, eNeMeE.

[Slice n' Splice carries Fofa to the Monster Delivery System]

No! Let me go, you creep! I don't wanna be sent to hurt anybody!

N.M.E. Sales Guy:
All you can do is float in the air, you useless little clown. We're splitting you in two.

In two?! No please, you can't!

[the N.M.E. Sales Guy lets out a short mischievous laugh as Slice n' Splice splits Fofa into Fololo and Falala before they are delivered to King Dedede]

King Dedede:
These puny two ain't monsters.

Yeah, two-for-one sales are always a ripoff.

King Dedede:
[growls and throws Fololo and Falala down to Sir Ebrum and Lady Like] Y'all look after these here scrawny rejects 'cause I don't want 'em.

Sir Ebrum:
Ah, but Your Majesty...

Lady Like:
We already have a brand new mouth to feed.

King Dedede:
Then ye're lucky these two ain't got no mouths! [laughs]

So that's where we came from...

We used to be one, and now we're two. [flashback ends]

Slice n' Splice:
This was the very moon rod used to split you in two.

We're really Fofa.

Fofa. I like that name. [laughs] We finally know where we came from!

Right! We're not just Fololo and Falala.

We're closer than that.

Fololo & Falala:
We're really Fofa!

[as King Dedede gets up] I guess that's why we get along so well. Right, Falala?

Right, Fololo!

King Dedede:

[as she and Tuff look on] Tuff, look.

I wonder what that sun rod does.

That must be the one that puts them back together.

Slice n' Splice:
You two will never be one again.

Yes, we will.

We'll show you!

Wow, Tiff, I never knew what girls could be like 'til I met Princess Rona.

And what is that supposed to mean?

Before I met Princess Rona, I thought all girls were like you.

Is that so? Well before I met Commander Vee, I thought boys were like you. But now I know they can be gallant and handsome. ["Commander Vee" turns to her as if "he" just heard her. She gasps] I hope he didn't just hear me...

"Commander Vee":
You must be Sir Ebrum's daughter, Tiff. I'm very pleased to meet you, Tiff.

I'm very pleased to meet you, Commander Vee.

"Commander Vee":
And this amiable young man must be your brother Tuff.

[groans] What's amiable mean?

"Commander Vee":
And who's your little pink pet?

Kirby isn't a pet! Kirby's a Star Warrior, Commander Vee.

"Commander Vee":
Oh, a Star Warrior! I beg your pardon, Kirby! Please forgive my mistake. I'm especially pleased to make your acquaintance.

Poyo! [moves closer to "Vee" in a friendly manner]

"Commander Vee":
[laughs] You're quite friendly for a warrior.

King Dedede:
[laughs and bursts in with a bouquet of roses in hand] Sorry to louse up yer lunch. Ah, blossoms for a blossom.

"Princess Rona":
I am very grateful, King.

King Dedede:
Princess, I'm about to show ya the best time ya ever had in yer royal life.

"Commander Vee":
I'm afraid that won't be possible.

King Dedede:
Yeah? Why not?

"Commander Vee":
Her Highness needs to rest after a long journey to your planet, and she doesn't desire a tour guide.

King Dedede:
What's that?

Are you sure? He knows where all the hot spots are. He knows where you can get a pizza at 3 in the morning.

"Commander Vee":
It's getting very late. Good night, Kirby.


"Commander Vee":
On behalf of the Princess, we thank you for your kind hospitality.

"Princess Rona":
Yes. Thank you very much.

Sir Ebrum:
Did you get a glimpse of our coastline as you came in, Princess Rona?

"Princess Rona":
Yes, it was so beautiful and interesting, Sir Ebrum.

Lady Like:

[suddenly, the Waddle Dees close the curtains to the surprise of Sir Ebrum, Lady Like, and "Princess Rona", and King Dedede bursts in wearing a blue tuxedo and carrying a rose, dancing across the table towards "Rona" before the Waddle Dees generate smoke effects and Escargoon hands him a microphone]

King Dedede:
I wanna make you miiiine ♪ Oh yeeeah, babyyy ♪ How's about we get hitched, honey?

Sir Ebrum:
Good gracious!

[Lady Like faints and Sir Ebrum catches her]

King Dedede:
Marry me, sugar pie. Can't you see I wanna make you my one and only flushin' bride?

Real Princess Rona:
Excuse me!

[King Dedede gasps]

Real Princess Rona:
King Dedede, I see you still persist in trying to woo the princess. [the Waddle Dees focus their lights on her] However, the princess remains unmoved by your misguided affection.

King Dedede:
You stay outta this, ya pointy-headed pipsqueak!

Real Princess Rona:
Then the princess will speak for herself.

"Princess Rona":
I am sorry, but I cannot accept your proposal.

[Dedede's rose shatters like glass]

King Dedede:
[cries] I wanna marry the pretty princess!

[To Princess Rona] You've broken the king's heart! [softly] How? I don't know, he doesn't have one.

King Dedede:
You've made a mock-aroon of me, Mushroom Head! Let's duel! [throws glove at Rona]

Lady Like:
Ebrum... [faints and is caught by Sir Ebrum again]

Real Princess Rona:
I accept your challenge.

Oh, no.


Sword Knight:
We should have stayed to protect Kirby.

Blade Knight:
[mumbling] Our promise.

Sword Knight:
We're sorry, kids. We won't let it happen again.

That's okay. The only reason you two were reckless was because you knew Meta Knight was in trouble.

You guys sure are loyal to him. How'd you meet him?


Blade Knight:
[mumbling] Long time ago.

Sword Knight:
Back when Meta Knight and the Star Warriors were battling Nightmare's monster armies. (begins flashback) The struggle turned the whole galaxy into a wasteland. To survive, we became bandits.

[Meta Knight is running up the side of the canyon when Blade Knight and Sword Knight step in his way]

Meta Knight:
Out of my way. Let me pass!

Sword Knight:
Oh, we'll be happy to let you pass, for a price.

[Blade Knight mumbling]

Meta Knight:
I have no time for your games. The monster that is chasing me is truly dangerous.

Sword Knight:
We're dangerous too.

Meta Knight:
I warn you. Leave now while you still have a chance.

[WolfWrath's howl is heard above all three as it leaps down and attacks by surprise]

Blade Knight:
Away! Away! [mumbling]

[Sword Knight attacks but is thrown aside by WolfWrath. It spits a fireball at them only for it to be reflected back by Meta Knight]

Meta Knight:
Run. Quickly! [Blade Knight and Sword Knight hide as he then fights back against WolfWrath and ultimately forces it into a nearby lake as the flashback ends]

Sword Knight:
We were just a pair of lousy crooks.

Blade Knight:
Meta Knight [mumbling] rescued us.

So that's why you follow him.

'Cause he saved you both.

Sword Knight:
[about the weapons hung on the wall of their master's living room] Those things on the wall... We used them to rob and steal. Now they remind us of what fools we were before we met Meta Knight.

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