Steven Universe, Season 4

Steven Universe (2013–2019) is an American animated television series created by Rebecca Sugar, former storyboard artist, writer, and composer for Adventure Time. It is produced by Cartoon Network Studios, and is the first show by the studio to be created by a woman. The series aired on Cartoon Network in North America from November 4, 2013 to January 21, 2019.

Why can't I master this?

Aw, Peridot, it's okay. Even if none of your Peri-plans worked, at least they were really funny. [eats some marshmallows] And the others will probably think so, too when we go back and get them.

"Go back?" Let it be known that I, Peridot, refuse to move forward, or back, until I am victorious.


I don't get it. I'm smarter than your average peridot. How did I fail today against some barely functional, stupid, cloddy dumb-dumb?!

Hey, hey. Corruptions aren't dumb. They just think a little different. That's all.

[pause] Okay. Just to make sure my Earth vocabulary is correct on this. Let's say, I'm a monster. I spend all my time slamming my face into hard objects and throwing my tongues in the air for fun. How am I not... dumb?

..Well, she must be doing something right. She hasn't fallen for any of your Peri-plans. [Peridot's face twitches at Steven]

It's luck! Nothing that thing does makes any sense! [angrily kicks a rock. Steven thinks it over, then throws a marshmallow at her] Hey! [shields herself as Steven continues throwing handfuls of marshmallows at her] Why are you bombarding me with your confectionery puff rocks?!

[continues throwing marshmallows] To show you what it's like to be a monster! Pretend I'm a freaked-out human screaming at you in fear! Pretend I'm an Earth animal chasing you away from your first safe hiding spot! Pretend I'm an angry green gem trying to poof you! This is life for you, now! ENDLESS SUFFERING!

[Peridot angrily snatches the marshmallow bag from Steven and thrashes it around in her mouth]

There. You see?

[calms down, spits out the bag] Yeah.

What you're doing makes total sense. You remember what it was like to have everything important taken away. Being under attack, feeling trapped. You were frustrated. So is she. Why don't you try thinking about all of this from her point of view?

I can't see nothing in here.

You cannot see anything, my darling-- because the show hasn't started yet!


Live, from a metaphysical room deep in the temple, it's "Sardonyx Tonight!" [under a spotlight, speaking into microphone] Goooood evening, everybody! We have a brand new fusion with us tonight. I'm so excited I could just shatter. [throws the microphone off aside] Everyone welcome, Smoky Quartz! So tell me literally everything there is to know about yourself, and do not skip out on any of the juicy details.

Well… I like, long walks through the Kindergarten. Actually that's where I sort of- pow- became me. And, uh, pow! Beat Jasper.

Oh, that Jasper! Always running around Kindergartens and causing trouble. Boy, that didn't quite work out for her. Guess she should go back to preschool, am I right, folks?

Yeah. She lost her mind in a corrupted fusion. I guess you could say she has a… short fuse? [Sardonyx and the audience laughs] Easy crowd, huh? Where'd you get 'em?

I made them myself. But. Smoky, I think what we really want to know is… who are you? Who is…Smoky Quartz?

Uh, well, between the fight and now, I've really only existed for like, ten minutes, so, Uh… I… I don't know. But I do know how to do this! [summons her yo-yo] This one's called "Sad Baby in a Diaper"! Bow!

Yes, the yo-yo. Seen it, lived it, loved it. But what about the rest of your game?

I ain't exactly a deck of cards here. Oh! I can lick my elbow. I have three of them now!

We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor! [snaps her fingers, and the overhead light goes out]


Listen, Smoky, let's talk-- fusion to fusion. That's a nice yo-yo, but, I want to know the yo-you.

What? [giggles as Sardonyx brushes their cheek with a make-up duster]

Smoky, there's bound to be way more to you than just… a yo-yo. You're a fusion. You're full of surprises! You just don't know it yet.

Yeah. Yeah I guess that is how surprises work.

I've got it! Every fusion gets something new - a new power, a new weapon…

Like a yo-yo?

Yes, but better. Let's find out what's new about you. [snaps her fingers and the spotlight comes back on] And welcome back! Don't those cartoon characters make you want to buy those products? I sure hope so, or else I'd be off air. [laughs] We have a new segment for you all, tonight. That's right, everyone. It's time to "Hit…That…Bird!" During Opal's adventures at the Sky Spire, she took down a flock of bird monsters with her bow. [screen monitor shows a clip from "Giant Woman" of the said event] Let's see if you got her "Opalescent" aim.

[shows Buddy Budwick's journal to the Gems] Hey, do you know anything about this thing? [Amethyst takes a closer look]

Hmm. Steven, you deserve to know the truth. And the truth is... I have no idea what that thing is, I've never seen it before in my life.

Excuse me, Amethyst, allow me. [sees illustration of the Palanquin] Uh, well... it appears to be an illustration in some kind of journal.

C'mon, you know what I mean. I had a dream where I saw this thing. Connie and I were wondering if maybe...

[stammers] S-Steven, why don't you and Connie— [Garnet interrupts her]

You can't go there! [everyone stares at Garnet for a beat]

..Why not?

[shady] Yeah, why not? [Garnet hesitates. Steven sighs and closes the journal]

I thought you were going to tell me everything from now on.

Oh, Steven... we—

[points Palanquin illustration] Does this have anything to do with Pink Diamond?! I already know Mom shattered her, so what is it about this that you can't tell me?! [Pearl winces to Garnet]

Please! You're making Pearl very upset.

No! I'm very upset! [Connie and Amethyst back away]

We're--not--going. Rose never wanted you to see this place.

"Rose wanted..." [growls] What about what I want?! [points at Garnet] I'm sick of everyone lying to me! Rose is my mom! Out of anyone! Don't I deserve to know the truth?! [Amethyst offers a box of popcorn to Connie, who declines]

This isn't the time.

I don't care!! I wanna go there now!!


I'm sorry... I... I shouldn't have brought the book.

Yes, you should've brought it. It's lucky something has some information that I don't have to get out of them!!

[An Amethyst Guard throws Steven and Greg into a room full of Amethysts and Jaspers]

Homeworld Amethyst:
These the ones?

Steven! Greg! They found me out!


You won't believe what I've been through! These Amethysts, they're really, really... great!

What?! [all of the Quartz soldiers laugh]

Homeworld Amethyst:
[laughing] Your faces!

Amethyst 8XL:
[laughing] You were right. That was priceless!

[hugs Steven] I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I had to! What are you wearing? Greg, this is a good look for you.

What is going on?

These Amethysts, they're all from Earth! They're from the Prime Kindergarten! Wait. Hey, 8XL!

Amethyst 8XL:

You guys, I'm an 8! Tell them, tell them!

Amethyst 8XL:
The Amethyst under me never popped out. We were all waiting and, nothing.

I'm 8XM! Facet 5, Cut 8XM! That's me! This is 8XG, this is 8XH…

Amethyst 8XJ:
I'm J.

Oh, geez! Sorry, I'm worse than Holly Blue!

Amethyst 8XJ:
Aren't we all?

"Skinny" Jasper:
Prime, Prime, Prime. You Amethysts are so cliquey.

Skinny's a Jasper! There are gems here from the Beta Kindergarten, too. Hey, where's Carnelian?

"Skinny" Jasper:

[carries Amethyst] I'm not the shortest anymore!

This is unreal.

Hey! Please, if you don't mind me asking, we really need your help. We came in with Sapphire, Ruby, and Pearl. We've gotta find them and get them out of-

[The door behind them suddenly opens up, revealing Ruby, Sapphire, Pearl, and Holly Blue Agate standing in the doorway]

Holly Blue Agate:
I'll only be a moment. [enters the room as Steven and Greg quickly hide behind an Amethyst Guard] What are you all doing in here?! Get to your stations! Even you hideous off-color Betas! Get out of your cubbies and into your places! It's the least you can do for the Diamond that kept you worthless sorry Gems in service! That's right. Blue is back already! Now go pretend your filthy vein of Quartz is capable of gratitude! Go, go, go!

Yellow Diamond:
Please tell me you're joking. You only just left, and you're already back?

Blue Diamond:
Yellow. Wh-what are you doing here?

Yellow Diamond:
I'm here to bring you back to reality, Blue.

Blue Diamond:
I'm fine. Just leave me alone.

Yellow Diamond:
It's been thousands of years, Blue, and you still bring yourself to destroy these Gems? She was shattered by a Rose Quartz! The entire cut of Gem deserves the same fate!

Blue Diamond:
But they were hers.

Yellow Diamond:
They should be wiped out of existence, not kept safe in bubbles!

Blue Diamond:
Yellow, she made them. This is all we have left of her. These Gems, this place, and the Earth.

Yellow Diamond:
I thought we agreed we need to put that planet and this whole debacle behind us.

Blue Diamond:
Why can't you just let me grieve?

Yellow Diamond:
You can't keep coming here forever!

Blue Diamond:
Why not?!

Yellow Diamond:
[sighs; to her Pearl] Pearl, do something. Sing for her. Make her feel better.

Yellow Pearl:
Yes, my Diamond. Ahem. [turns to Blue Pearl] Ahem!

Blue Pearl:
Uh… Oh.

Yellow and Blue Pearl:
[harmonizing] ♫ Aah ha haa, aah ha haa / Aah haa, haa haa, haa haa, haaa / Aah ha haa, aah ha haa / Aah haa, haa haa, haa haa, ha haa haaaa ♫

Yellow Diamond:
♫ Why would you want to be here? / What do you ever see here / That doesn't make you feel worse than you do? / And tell me, what's the use of feeling, Blue? / Why would you want to employ her subjects that destroyed her? / Why keep up her silly zoo? Oh, tell me / What's the use of feeling, Blue? / An army has a use, they can go and fight a war / A sapphire has a use, she can tell you what it's for / An agate terrifies, a lapis terraforms / Where's their diamond when they need her, Blue? / You've got be a leader, Blue! / Yes, of course, we still love her / And we're always thinking of her / But now there's nothing we can do / So tell me / What's the use of feeling? / What's the use of feeling? / What's the use of feeling, Blue? / Oh, how can you stand to be here with it all? ♫

Yellow and Blue Pearl:
♫ Here with it all ♫

Yellow Diamond:
♫ Drowning in all this regret? / Wouldn't you rather forget her? Ohhhhh / Won't it be grand to get rid of it all?

Yellow and Blue Pearl:
♫ Rid of it all ♫

Yellow Diamond:
♫ Let's make a plan of attack / Start looking forward and stop looking back, oh / Yes, of course, we still love her / And we're always thinking of her / Don't you know I miss her too? / But tell me / What's the use of feeling? / What's the use of feeling? / What's the use of feeling? / Hmm hm hmmm, hmm hm hmmm / Hmm hmm, hmm hmm, hmm hmm, hmm hmmm hmmmm...♫

Holly Blue Agate:
[as Steven, Greg, and the Crystal Gems try to stealthily file past her] It's a shame, though. This outpost is so remote, I was beginning to think we'd been forgotten. But we haven't! Two diamonds, one day! What an honor! I don't think anything can spoil this for me! [turns and catches the group frozen while boarding the Roaming Eye] What… is… THE MEANING OF THIS?! [the Quartz soldiers appear to watch in the doorway watching behind her] Why are these two outside the contanment area?!

Holly Blue, I can explain…

Holly Blue Agate:
No need, your Clarity. Not even you could have forseen how incompetent these Amethysts are. Well, if you want something done right... [summons an electrified whip from her gem]... you just do it yourself. [to Steven and Greg] You two are coming with me!

[Holly Blue Agate swings her whip at Steven and Greg. Sapphire and Ruby fuse into Garnet and catch it, stunning Holly Blue Agate and the Quartz soldiers]

Steven and Greg:

Steven, get Greg on board.

Yes, please!

We'll handle this noise.

[Pearl severs Holly Blue Agate's whip. Amethyst catches it and wraps her up with it to the amusement of the Quartz soldiers]

[approaches Holly Blue Agate, summons her right gauntlet] I've been waiting to do this all day... [hits Holly Blue Agate with her left hand, knocking her down]

Holly Blue Agate:
[to the Quartz soldiers laughing at her] What are you doing?! They're traitors! Destroy them!

[kisses and waves to the Quartz soldiers] Famethyst for life!

Holly Blue Agate:
[as the whip fades] I'll report you to the Diamonds! All of you! You'll all be shattered!

You're really going to tell the Diamonds that you allowed a band of traitorous rebels to infiltrate a highly secure facility and escape from right under your careful watch? [inhales sharply] Doesn't sound like a wise thing to do, Holly Blue. So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut. That will be all.

[Holly Blue groans in misery while the Quartz soldiers wave their goodbyes to the Crystal Gems as they take off and leave the zoo]

Thanks so much for coming to get me. That has to be, like, the third craziest weekend I've ever had.

Dad, I'm really sorry I got you into all this. This whole thing started 'cause… I wanted answers.

You don't have to be sorry about a thing. I hope you found what you were looking for.

I did. I found you.

[narrating] The wash was a wash. And so were the New Crystal Gems.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about what's been going wrong with this team-up, and I think it's obvious now that the problem is ALL OF YOU! Connie, you completely lacked Steven's sentimentality. He would have had a much more inspiring speech yesterday. Lapis, your lack of humour has been hurting our morale. Maybe you should switch with Pumpkin.

Let's make Pumpkin the Garnet. You should be the Pearl.

I'm nothing like Pearl! She's so uptight and sensitive! [melodramatic] How dare you?! I'm leaving!

[sarcastic] That's so funny, you should be Amethyst.

That's so dumb, you should be a clod!

Oh, so now I'm a clod? I think you're the clod.

Wow, your Peridot impression is lousy too!


[stunned] That's not a very "Steven" thing to say.

I don't care! So I'm not Steven! Maybe he's really great at helping people work out these arguments! Maybe he's really patient and caring, even though it must be hard for him having to be the adult for a bunch of superpowered children!

We're both thousands of years older than you.

Then act like it! Be the Gems you've been for thousands of years instead of playing this silly game. It's impossible trying to solve problems if we're just trying to copy other people! Oh, what's the point of this? We'll never be the Crystal Gems, we're just the Crystal... Temps. But we have our own way of doing things. So let's go back to that, to fix this mess we made.

[amazed] You do make a good Steven.

Watch it!

Wow. This is nice. It's really nice. I... I should've tried this a long time ago.

But Steven, don't you realize? We've been together this whole time.

Oh! That-that's-that's right. Oh, this is the first time we've hung out together. I gotta capture this moment. [takes out his phone, sees only a black void surrounding him] There's nothing here but me. I'm just... talking to myself. [stands] You're not my mom.

I’m not?

This is how I want you to be, but I don't know if this is who you really are. [the room darkens ominously] I've learned things about you. Things you wanted to keep secret. You locked Bismuth away inside Lion because she wanted to shatter gems, and you never told Garnet or Pearl. But then you shattered Pink Diamond. Now all of Homeworld has it out for Earth, and the Crystal Gems, and me! You put us all in danger and you just DISAPPEARED!!!!!!

[Steven is blown around by a gust of wind while Rose hovers over him]

I finally know the truth! I know what you are! You're a LIAR!!! I thought you never wanted to hurt anyone, but you hurt EVERYONE!!! How could you just leave Garnet and Amethyst and Pearl and dad alone?! They don't know what to do without you! Maybe they didn't matter to you as much as hiding from the mess you made! And that's why I'm here, isn't it?! Did you make me just so you wouldn't have to deal with all your mistakes?! [collapses] Is that all I'm here for?

[stands in front of Steven] Steven, you know that isn't true. In the tape I left you, I told you how much I wanted to have you and let you exist. Do you think what I said to you in the tape was a lie?

[pause] No. I'm sure... I'm sure you meant it.

[Steven and Rose hug. It begins to rain.]

I get it. I know you didn't want me to deal with your problems. But you're a part of me, now. And I have to deal with what you left behind.

[Steven and Connie are searching for the missing people at Onion's hiding spot in the forest. Aquamarine lands on a tree branch behind Connie.]

Steven! It's the gem!

[pokes his head out of a log] What?

She looks just like my drawing. [to Aquamarine] Come on. You don't have to be afraid, we'll help you. Jump down into my arms. My body will break your fall.

Are you my dad?

What? No, I'm not your dad. We can help you find your dad --

I'm not looking for your dad. I'm looking for my dad. I need to find my dad.

Right... Well, we'll help you.

[has gotten stuck in the log] Connie! Connie, wait! be careful.

[interested] Connie. Are you Connie?

Yes! I'm Connie. Me, Connie. Connie, friend.

[laughs, flies off the tree branch] Topaz! I've found one! I've found one! I've found a Connie!

[worried] Steven...? [unsheathes sword]


[Steven and Connie are distracted as Topaz emerges with Lars, Sadie, Jamie and Onion trapped in her torso]

Another gem! She-she has everyone!

Let them go!

[Topaz unfuses, then rushes around Connie and imprisons her while fusing again]

Connie! [breaks out of the log]

[lands on Topaz's head] Look at those organics squirming around.

[summons his shield] Give me back my friends!

[dismissively] Don't bother listening to that Steven. He's not my dad.

[Aquamarine uses her bow as a wand, uses it to grab Steven in an energy field, then spins and throws him into a tree]

Now all we need is my dad and we're out of here! Can't believe they wasted an Aquamarine on a job like this. It's so easy, you could have done it yourself, Topaz!

[falling unconscious] No... you can't... take them...

[freezes Onion, Sadie, Connie, Jamie and Alexandrite trying to escape her spaceship; to Steven] Nice try. But it's hopeless, My Dad. I can't go back to Homeworld without getting what the Diamonds want.

[looks back at his friends frozen in mid-air; pauses and admits to her]I'm... not My Dad.

[stern] What?

I'm not My Dad!

How much longer is this mission going to take?

Well, I can end it for you, right now.

Oh, really?

I'm someone the Diamonds will want more than any of these humans. The leader of the Crystal Gem rebellion, the Gem that shattered Pink Diamond. I'm not My Dad... [lifts his shirt to reveal his gem to her] I'm my mom! I'm Rose Quartz!

[gasps in surprise, deactivates her wand] No way!

[Alexandrite un-fuses as everyone falls into the ocean]


No, don't! Steven!!

What are you doing?!

[turns back] I get it now! I'm the only one who can stop what she started! I can stop all of it!

You're wrong! Steven, get down here!

She wouldn't have wanted this! But I do.

I'm gonna kick your butt if you don't come down here right now!

[Steven pauses and walks back into Aquamarine's ship]

[breaks down as she watches helplessly] Steven... [the door begins to close behind Steven, Aquamarine and Topaz]

[as the door begins to close behind Steven, Aquamarine and Topaz] No! Don't you dare!

[turns back before the door closes] I love you.

NO! STOP!! [the door closes and Aquamarine's ship warps into space instantly] STEVEN!!

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