We Bare Bears, Season 4

We Bare Bears is an American animated sitcom created by Daniel Chong. It follows three bears, Grizzly (a grizzly bear), Panda (a giant panda) and Ice Bear (a polar bear), and their awkward attempts at integrating with the human world in the San Francisco Bay Area.

[Baby Grizz is taken to the principal's office]

Baby Panda:
[to Baby Ice Bear] Oh, man, maybe Grizz did so well that he's getting some sort of prize.

No way, you guys. Going to the principal's office is like practically a death sentence.

[Moby draws a hangman with the letters "GRIZZ" on a piece of paper, and does a death expression. Baby Panda gasps]

Yeah, he takes you into his dungeon of an office, a dark, old place where you can't hear the laughter of another kid for miles. [in another scene, Baby Grizz writes lines on chalkboards under the principal's supervision, until the former turns into chalk himself] He makes you write lines and lines on four giant chalkboards while he just sits there on his throne, watching you, making you write in chalk until you become the chalk. [The principal laughs evilly in the room of children that were turned into chalk, one of which breaks after it falls onto the floor.]

Baby Panda:
[back in the classroom] Oh, my gosh! [to Baby Ice Bear] Bro, we have to rescue Grizz before it's too late. You have any plans in mind?

[Baby Ice Bear shows Baby Panda a mini-mine made from pencils and glue.]

Baby Panda:
Maybe something a little less harmful. [puts down the mini-mine]

Hey, we want to help you guys.

Baby Panda:
You don't still think we're lame?

No way. You guys are cool. Besides, the principal has tortured one too many students. It's time to take down that tyrant once and for all.

Baby Panda:
Yay! Ooh. But how are we gonna get to the principal's office?

Oh, we got a plan.

[Grizzly and Ice Bear learn from Panda they are in space]

[screaming; as Ice Bear gasps] WHAAAT?! [Panda continues to fiddle with the console in hopes of steering the ship back to Earth] Wait. This is for real?! We're actually in space?! There's got to be some way to turn this thing around, right?

I'm trying!

[the ship steers to the direction of Earth...]


[...then to the direction of the Sun.]

[The bears scream as they prepare to crash into the Sun.]

[The bears run away from the console] D'oh. There's got to be another way out. Oh, geez, oh, geez, oh, geez. [covers his eyes] Guys, I'm so sorry for dragging you into this.

Yeah, no time, Panda, okay? [they find an escape pod] Look! The escape pod! Come on!

[Grizz and Ice Bear hop into the escape pod, but it can hold only the both of them]

Aw, nuts. [they both turn around] Uh, there's not enough room for all of us. [Panda closes the pod] Got to find a... Huh? [realizing Panda won't join them; muffled] Panda! Wait. What are you doing?

[Panda breaths heavily, and decides to launch the pod into space]

Panda, NO! [inside the pod] Panda! Panda! What have you done? [Panda turns on the monitor to communicate with Grizz and Ice Bear] Aah!

Hey. Hello? Bros, I-I don't know if this thing is on, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry it's ending like this... and for being selfish. You guys might mess stuff up sometimes, sure, but you're just being you.


And you know what? That's what I love about you. So I guess this is goodbye, bros. [touches the camera with his right paw, Grizz also touches the monitor where Panda's paw is] Take care of Miki-chan.

Panda? Panda? [monitor goes static, and soon there is no more signal.]

[both Grizz and Ice Bear crying] NO, PANDA!

[in the last moments, Panda looks up, and tearfully shuts his eyes as the ship crashes into the Sun...]

[A new episode is being filmed]

Baby Grizzly:
[to the family as he hops off the sofa] Hey, family, want to see how fast I can ride my bike around the living room?

Tom Hortins:
Sorry, son, but not right now.

Baby Grizzly:

[The doorbell rings.]

Barbara Jones:
Oh! That must be cousin Lorenzo!

Baby Grizzly:
[clueless] Huh? Who's that?

[A boy named Lorenzo scoots his way into the living room as upbeat music plays]

Lorenzo in the house! [stops before the family, to them] 'Sup.

[The audience cheers on as the family laughs and applauds]

Baby Grizzly:
Lorenzo? [greets Lorenzo] Uh, hi. I'm Grizz.

[As Baby Grizz walks to Lorenzo, the latter scoots over him and to stage left]

Barbara Jones:
[The family cheers for Lorenzo] Oh, fantastic!

[the audience cheers again] 'Sup.

Victoria Taylor:
Wow, Lorenzo! You're cooler than ice! [audience laughs]

Tom Hortins:
I love you, Lorenzo! [sniffs] Sorry.

Barbara Jones:
Welcome to the family, Lorenzo!


[The audience cheers and applauds]

Baby Grizzly:
Uh... yeah, good job, Lorenzo, but, uh... check out my sweet moves! [struggles to move his tricycle but couldn't] See?

Victoria Taylor:
[gasps] Everyone, look at Lorenzo!

[They all look up as Lorenzo jumps from above to scoot down the railing and back onto the floor upbeat music continues]

Lorenzo's... [removes his helmet and shakes his hair] in the house. [winks]

[The audience cheers and applauds]

Cut! [laughs as he makes he makes his way towards Lorzenzo] Lorenzo, baby, that was amazing! The audience loves you!

Victoria Taylor:
You're the best actor I've ever seen.

Tom Hortins:
You are a natural.

Baby Grizzly:
[walks off his tricycle] Uh, wait for me, guys! [tries to get Barbara's attention] Mom? I'll have that poutine now! [tries to get Tom's attention] Dad? Dad? It's your favorite son, me! [tries to get Victoria's attention] Uh, Sis? Uh, I don't know, hockey or something? Hmm. [to all] Uh... That's not what I ordered!

[they turn to Baby Grizz]

Ugh, we got to get rid of that line.

Barbara Jones:
Yeah. So cheesy! [they turn back to Lorenzo]

Baby Grizzly:
[taken aback, he walks backwards] What? No... this can't be! [falls off the set and onto the trash bin] Whoa! Ugh! [groans] [a crew member throws the tricycle into the bin] Hey, what are you doing with my bike?

Crew Member:
That's showbiz, kid. [walks away]

Baby Grizzly:
What? What's going on? [sees the new script] Oh, this must be the new script pages. [reads through the new script, where Lorenzo has almost the same line "Lorenzo's in the house" but Baby Grizz doesn't have any] Wait a minute. "Lorenzo, Lorenzo, in the house, Lorenzo?" We're not even in the house in this scene! I need to go talk to the director.

[Baby Grizz walks towards the director and his assistant discussing about Lorenzo]

I'm telling you, this kid is a genius. If we keep this up, our ratings might even beat I Love Moosie!

Assistant Director:
What about Grizz?

[sighs] I think our best plan is to do some rewrites and slowly fade him out of the show. [they both walk away]

Baby Grizzly:
Write me out of the show? [looks down] But they're my family.

Victoria Taylor:
Oh, hey, Lorenzo. [Baby Grizz turns to see her chatting with Lorenzo while they're having a break] So... I was wondering if you could give me some acting tips one of these days?

Sure, no problem.

Baby Grizzly:
I thought she wanted my acting tips? [shakes his head] Eh, Sis was always easily swayed. But Mom and Dad would never — [finds Barbara and Tom joining Lorenzo as well] wha?!

Barbara Jones:
Oh, Lorenzo, you're such a breath of fresh air. It's so nice having you a part of the family.

Tom Hortins:
And you deliver your lines so well.

For sure.

Baby Grizzly:
[looks at the script] Hmm. [looking determined] If they want rewrites, I'm gonna do some myself. [tears away the script into half]

[Baby Grizz is cheered on after he emerges as the winner of the race through the studio]

Sick. [does a sign of the horns gesture on both hands] Grizz is in the house!

And cut! That was a hoot and a holler!

[The family pats Baby Grizz]

Tom Hortins:
Way to go, kiddo.

Victoria Taylor:
We're so proud of you. Great job, buddy. Grizz, that was so good. You got to share some of those acting tips.

Tom Hortins:
Ah, boy, what a race. I'm gonna grease up those wheels for you right away!

Barbara Jones:
That rewrite in the script was so refreshing. We need more of that in the show!

[steps into the set; to Barbara] Exactly my thinking! More Grizz! [to Baby Grizz] What do you think? We're going to bump you back up to star! And fire Lorenzo!

Baby Grizzly:
[in disbelief] Huh? Wait... W-What? [He steps back, while the director and onscreen family move to stage right] You're gonna fire him just like that?

Yeah! It's gonna be great! [to audience] What do you think, audience?

[The audience cheers and applauds]

[as Baby Grizz looks on to the audience and then to the director in dismay] You're the real star, kid. I should have known all along.

Baby Grizzly:
[to Lorenzo as he practices his scooter tricks at stage left] Lorenzo, are you okay with this?

Ehh, yeah sure. I don't care. It's not like any of this is real, anyway. [shakes his hair]

Come on, Grizz, what do ya say?

Barbara Jones:
Oh, Grizz.

Victoria Taylor:
Come on, join us. You're part of the family, Grizz, come on.

Tom Hortins:
We love you, Grizz.

Baby Grizzly:
[raises his paws in denial] No! No! [the rest steps back] You know what? I learned something today. [to the director and onscreen family] Having a family is a big responsibility. [walks towards Lorenzo] All this time I thought Lorenzo was getting in the way of us.


Baby Grizzly:
[walks in front towards the audience] But then I realized, it wasn't Lorenzo. It was this family. Families don't care about high ratings, fancy scooter tricks, or giving someone more attention based on popularity.

Tom, Barbara and Victoria:

Tom Hortins:

Baby Grizzly:
[to the audience] No, that is not what family is aboot!

Crew Member:
Aww. [turns on the spotlight on Baby Grizz]

Baby Grizzly:
Family is aboot love, happiness, loyalty, [as the moose duo look on] friendship, or something like that. I'm actually not really sure. But I need to go out and discover it for myself.

Audience Member #1:
You go find that new family, Grizz!

Audience Member #2:
[The audience shouts words of encouragement to Baby Grizz] Find that family, boy!

Wait a minute! [the spotlight turns off, to Grizz] Kid, [scratches his head] what are you saying, eh?

Baby Grizzly:
I'm saying you're gonna have to find another star. Because I'm oot. [leaves along with his tricycle as the rest look on]

Hey, wait! If you walk out that door, I will pull all the episodes featuring baby Grizz. And most importantly, you'll be walking away from your fame and fortune.

Baby Grizzly:
That's not what I ordered. [leaves through the door]

Oh. [they look away in regret, but the director sees Baby Grizz returning from the door] Huh? Grizz!

Baby Grizzly:
[walks inside] Sorry. I forgot that wasn't a real door. [walks out of the set]

[takes a deep breath] Okay, people, [to the cast] we're going to stick to Plan B and focus on Lorenzo. Huh? [The assistant director approaches the director and whispers indistinctly to him] What? Cancelled?

[Plays the video, "Scared By Cucumbers"]

Yo, Internet! We back at it again at the bear cave.

We just found out that our bro is freaked out by cucumbers! [laughs as Grizz shows a cucumber] Check it out.

[Ice Bear is chopping onions in the kitchen. Grizzly places a cucumber near him. Ice Bear turns around, surprised by the sight of the cucumber and flies away as the music plays; Grizz and Panda laugh]

[Outside the bathroom]

Cuke boys!

[places a cucumber on the floor] Cuke boys.

[Ice Bear comes out after having a shower, and opens the door. He is shocked to find the cucumber and quickly flees, as the music plays again and more laughter is heard]

[Grizzly and Panda run around the cave with another cucumber]

Cuke boys in the house!

[Ice Bear is sitting on the sofa playing a video game. Behind him, Panda snickers as he drops the cucumber on the sofa]

Ice Bear:
What is funny?

[offscreen; snickering as well] Nothing.

[Ice Bear turns to his left. He shrieks when he finds the cucumber there, jumps to the ceiling and climbs away, with music playing again and more laughter]

[A cucumber is put on the table] Okay, up until now, we've been using a cucumber, [tilts the camera to show Grizzly with a jar of pickles] but what about pickles!

[As Ice Bear is shaving, Grizz drops a pickle from the bathtub. Ice Bear finds the pickle and proceeds to eat it, to Grizz's disbelief]

[the same cucumber] Just cucumbers, then.

[Ice Bear is fixing the vacuum as a cucumber rolls on the floor to the right.]

[whispers] Do it. [Another cucumber rolls to the left] Do more, do more, do a lot more! [Five more cucumbers roll. Ice Bear looks to his right, and freaks out as he tries to shun the cucumbers but stumbles as music plays again and more laughter is heard. As he leaves from sight, the vacuum starts to fly (Panda: The vacuum!)]

Okay, wait. [giggling] Why, wait. We just had a great idea. [to Grizzly] Check this out.

Cuke boys in the house!

[Ice Bear is preparing dinner as Panda, dressed in a cucumber outfit, walks in from behind with Grizz laughing from behind the camera]

'Sup, bro.

Ice Bear:
Ice Bear is preparing di- [taken aback to find Panda's cucumber outfit and throws him out of the cave; Panda screams as he is sent flying through the window]

Oh my gosh, Panda!

[at the hospital; Panda is severely injured] Hey, um... Well, I hope you liked the video. [Panda groans] Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe. [A "PLZ DONATE" button appears on screen] Or donate to help us pay for our hospital fees.

[Rodolfo is injured and is sent to the hospital. A doctor examines an X-ray of Rodolfo's leg, which is fractured]

Lo siento, muchachito, pero (I'm sorry, little boy, but) you have a slight fracture. Unfortunately, this means you won't be able to wrestle for a while.

I understand. Gracias, Doctor.

Baby Grizzly:
[The baby bears approach Rodolfo] Uh, hey, Rodolfo. [They get up to the bed] Uh, how you feeling? We, uh... We really feel bad about this.

Baby Panda:
I feel the worst. [shows him a drawing of himself running in the rain screaming "PERDON!!", which means "sorry" in Spanish] Hopefully this makes you feel better. It's a drawing of me running in the rain screaming "I'm sorry."

Wow. Deep.

Baby Panda:
Thank you. It's the least I could do.

[sighing] I was really excited for the Lucha Libre tournament. I feel like I had a chance to win the prize money and pay for Simon's surgery.

Baby Panda:
Who's Simon?

Simon is my best friend. Vente (Come in), Simon!

[Enter Simon the dog, who is wheelchair-bound. He looks around the ward sniffing, and tries to enter but bumps into the door]

He's also not very smart. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't even have enough money to pay for my own surgery.

Baby Grizzly:
Hmm. Huh? [turns around to find Rodolfo's mask and sport bag. Turns back to Roldofo] Rodolfo, we'll get you that money.

Baby Panda:
[to Baby Grizz] Um, how?

Baby Grizzly:
We're gonna compete in the Lucha Libre tournament!

Baby Panda:
What? But I can't fight! My bones are too fragile.

Baby Grizzly:
[to Baby Panda] Eh, no worries. You can be our manager!

Baby Panda:

This is a bad idea, ositos. You guys really shouldn't enter. There are some tough opponents in this year's tournament.

Baby Grizzly:
[confident] Ohh, they better be tough, 'cause we're bringing the heat.

[A man, Harry, enters the store and sneezes. He rubs his nose and wipes his hand on a wall. He later sees two children engrossed at their videos. Chuckling, he then approaches them from behind to steal their candies]

[as a girl next to him laughs while she holds another video] Ooh, Pa, this one looks cool. [Harry takes away their candies and the girl's toy seal without them noticing.]

Baby Grizzly:
[the baby bears are at the counter while Harry whistles] Hello! How can we help you, sir?

Oh, right. [returns a video] Uh, I'm returning this.

Baby Grizzly:
[takes the video from him] Ooh. How the Grouch Robbed Christmas. I love this movie. [to Harry] What was your favorite part?

Uh, yeah, I don't know. [takes some candies from the counter] I liked the, uh, stealing part?

Baby Grizzly:
Oh. I love that part, too! What a naughty fella. Hee-hee. [as Harry takes more candies until there are none left] Um, have you seen Little Nero Meet Santa? Oh, and Sleep Hard is a great action movie. [imitates the male lead] "Yip-a-dee-doo-dah, Mr. Bad Guy."

[unwraps a candy] Huh. Real interesting, kid. [pops it into his mouth] What else you got?

Baby Panda:
How about It's a Stupendous Life? It makes me cry every time. [blows nose]

[Baby Ice Bear gets Baby Grizz and Baby Panda to their attention. He goes under the counter, and rises up, sniffing and looking around.]

Baby Grizzly:
Uh, The Daydream Before Christmas?

[Baby Ice Bear facepalms in exasperation. He tries again by imitating a devil]

Baby Panda:
[raises his paw] Ooh, ooh. Me, me. Gremmonsters. It's Gremmonsters. [Baby Ice Bear applauds] Yes.

Baby Grizzly:
[back to Harry] Would you like to rent those titles?

Nah, they all sound pretty boring.

[As Harry eats the candy, he finds with surprise the store is filled with customers browsing through the videos on the shelves.]

Whoa. This place is packed.

Baby Grizzly:
Yeah, man, it's always busy here. People love renting videos, and they spend lots of money on 'em, - especially during Christmas.

[grins] Hmm. [spits out the unfinished candy and ponders for a while] Say, what time you guys close tonight, hmm?

Baby Grizzly:
We close at 9:00 p.m. It's earlier than usual, 'cause we need extra time to watch movies, dance, and eat popcorn tonight.

[Shocked, Baby Panda and Baby Ice Bear shush him]

Baby Grizzly:
I mean we need to study how to help customers better and keep this place safe and clean!

Uh-huh. Is there a security guard?

Baby Grizzly:
Nope. Just us baby bears. [showing his biceps] But look at my toned biceps. Gonna get triceps soon, too.

[laughing, he exits the store]

Baby Grizzly and Baby Panda:
Bye! Merry Christmas!

[to the baby bears] Excuse me, do you have How the Grouch Robbed Christmas?

Baby Grizzly:
[shows the video to him] Ooh, lucky you.

[Kazumi prepares a dessert and serves it to the baby bears]

And... Here you go! かき氷ひとすでりあがり (Kakigori is served)。

Baby Grizzly/Baby Panda:

どぞ (Please do)。

[The baby bears take a spoonful, and find it delicious]

Baby Grizzly/Baby Panda:

[The baby bears wolf down the dessert, but Baby Grizz's brain freezes]

Baby Grizzly:

[serves tea to Baby Grizzly] Oh, no. Here, have some tea.

Baby Grizzly:
Thank you, Kazumi. [gulps down the tea, then sighs]

Baby Panda:
[to Kazumi] This kakigori is delicious. We've never had anything like it.

Baby Grizzly:
Yeah! It's nothing like that ramen you made.

[Kazumi groans]

Baby Panda:
[to Baby Grizzly] Grizz, rude.

No, he's right. [looks up] Oh, I wish I was better at making ramen.

Baby Panda:
Why are you so persistent in this ramen biz?

[sighs] Well, my father is a renowned ramen chef. [looks up as a flashback to Kazumi's childhood starts playing, when people would line up to dine in the ramen shop. Kazumi's father would serve ramen to the customers. Little Kazumi would watch from outside as customers enjoy their meals and thus she was inspired to be a ramen chef one day] People would flood the street, trying to get into our little shop. I used to love watching customers enjoy my father's ramen. I also wanted to make ramen that makes customers go「おいしい!」(Delicious!) and「おかわり!」(Give me more!) [back in the present] Just like him. [sighs as she feels down] But after he retired and I took over, business hasn't been the same. He still owns the restaurant and said he'd rather close it than has its legacy ruined.

[Baby Grizz tries to eat the honeydew bowl as Kazumi looks to him surprised.]

Baby Grizzly:

[Baby Ice Bear hops onto the counter and gestures to Kazumi.]

Uh... what is he saying?

Baby Panda:
[as Baby Ice Bear gestures again] He says, "Who cares what your dad said? You've got potential to be a good ramen chef. This delicious treat is proof." And I agree. I think you're gonna be a great ramen chef one day.

Baby Grizzly:
Yeah, we'll help you, Kazumi.

Really? [sniffles, and gives the baby bears a tight hug] Aw, thank you, bears! I'm so glad I met you.

Baby Grizzly:
[they're all uncomfortable] Too tight, Kazumi. Too tight.

[The barbecue guy cooks two burgers with meat patty for himself and Grizz, one burger with veggie patty for Panda and a hotdog for Ice Bear]

Dude, thank you.

Barbecue Guy:
Oh, it's nothing. I love making people happy with my cooking. I wish I could cook for everyone in the world, you know? [smoke appears from offscreen] Then there'd be no more sadness and no more pain, just smiles...

Uh, dude, your stuff's burning.

Barbecue Guy:
[turns around to find the barbecue pit on fire, screaming] Ah, what! [dramatic music plays] MY BEAUTIFUL BURGERS! [tries to lift a patty with the spatula, but sends it flying and landing on a bush]

[The bush catches fire, and the barbecue guy faints as the crowd panics]

Don't worry, folks. I got this. [Grizz throws his burger aside and walks to the bush. He slurps the drink into his mouth and spits it on the bush, hence putting the fire out.]

Well, that's that. [continues slurping the drink to find there is no more left] Aw.

[The others heave a sigh of relief. The siren of a fire engine wails from nearby, and the six firefighters on it are amazed by Grizz's heroic act]

Whoa! [stop the fire engine] Whoa!

Firefighter 1:
[they all rush to Grizz] Wow! That was some top-tier firefighting, citizen.

Firefighter 2:
[two firefighters proceed to inspect the bush] Truly incredible. I've never seen a cleaner extinguish.

Oh, thanks. [chuckles] How'd you guys get here so fast?

Firefighter 2:
Well, a good firefighter can always sniff out a blaze. [they all sniff]

Firefighter 1:
Ah, the coast is clear thanks to your quick thinking. Bear, you are a hero. [Everyone cheers and applause]

Aw, shucks.

[More cheering and applause for Grizz]

Firefighter 1:
In fact, in honor of your bravery, we'd like to present you with this! [presents Grizz with a badge] An honorary fire marshal badge! [Attaches the badge onto Grizz] Let it be a constant reminder that wildfires can be stopped by you, only. [chuckles]

Wow. Me only? Yes! Thank you, firemen, and I vow to prevent fires for as long as I live!

[More cheering and applause.]

Barbecue Guy:
[the others leave] Come on, everybody. A round of burgers on me.

[to the firefighter] Wow, I feel like I've finally found my calling, you know? What else can I do to help? Can I drive the truck?

Firefighter 1:
No way, but there is something you can help us with.

[Bear cave.]

[using the laptop] Hey, Shmorby.

[floats up] Yeah, Grizz?

[picks up four boxes] I've got a bunch of stuff to mail.

Okay. [deploys Shmorby drones and sends the boxes outside] My Shmorby drones will send them off without fail.

Hey, Shmorby!

[pops up from below the ground] Hi, Panda.

[picks up his phone] I really need to charge my phone.

No problem. Here comes Shmorby's charging zone. [charges Panda's phone instantly]

Ice Bear:
[fixing his axe] Shmorby.

[appears] Yo!

Ice Bear:
Ice Bear's axe is dull.

No problem. Aha! [his eyes project laser beams that sharpens Ice Bear's axe] Sharpness set to full.

[at the living room eating chips] Hey, Shmorby.


Get me a drink, I'd like a -

[turns into a juice dispenser] Orange soda? [Grizzly pushes the button] Our minds are in sync!

[at his room] Hey, Shmorby.

Oh, you want a bath, you say? [takes him to the decorated bathroom] Already prepared with some choice anime. [projects the computer screen]

Ice Bear:
[at the table with the laptop] Shmorby.


Ice Bear:
Edit Ice Bear's book.

[in the laptop] Okie dokie then, I'll take a look! [check his spelling]

[at the kitchen] Oh, Shmorby!


[in his room] Hey, Shmorby!


Ice Bear:
[from offscreen] Shmorby.


The Bears:
[at the table] Shmorby!



[repeatedly looking around] Uh...



Ice Bear:




[as Shmorby gets ordered around at the living room] Shmorby!


Ice Bear:



Ice Bear:

Yo, Shmorby!

[Ice Bear opens the door for a worn-out Charlie and his six snake babies to come in]

Heya, bears.

[both Grizz and Panda are shocked] Whoa, Charlie, what happened to you?

Oh, nothing. Just, uh, here for brunch, [sits between Grizz and Panda] like we scheduled.

Uh, Charlie, we're doing brunch tomorrow? Plus it's it's like four o'clock. [Charlie falls asleep] Charlie? Uh, hey, Charlie, wake up. [gently taps Charlie.]

[suddenly awakens] What? [looks around] I'm awake. Is it snack time? Hold on, babies. [takes out a cheesy poof from one of his pouches, and feeds a snake baby] A-ha! Here you go, pumpkin.

Charlie, you are a wreck right now.

[the snake babies slither down] Yeah, these snake babies are totally wearing you out, man.

Nah, I'm fine. I'm just waiting for that mom strength to kick in. Everything is under con... [sighs.]

Charlie, wake up.

[suddenly awakens] Control! [chuckles] Yeah, parenting's a breeze. [glass shatters]

Uh, Charlie?


[Charlie and the bears look around to find the snake babies playing around the cave, and they rip off part of a pair of curtains and tumble down a lamp. Panda Jr. tries to bite Panda's phone]

Aah! My phone! [touches his phone] No, bad Panda Jr. [Panda Jr. hisses, forcing Panda to back his paw away screaming]

Oh, come on, Panda Jr. Be nice to Uncle Panda. [returns Panda's phone to him] Here you go, sweetie. All right, poopsies. [gets up] Milk time.

Uh, Charlie, are you... sure you can handle everything yourself?

[takes the snake babies, one by one] Uh, yeah, you guys don't have to worry. I've totally mastered this snake-parent thing. I just gotta feed them... [sits back at the couch] again. Oh, right, I'm all out of milk. I guess I got to go to the store...

Hey, man! How about we go to the store for you? You can just... stay here take it easy?

Ah, really? You'd do that for me? You guys are the best friends... ever. [falls asleep]

[whispers as Charlie snores away] Let's go. [the bears leave]

[whispers to Charlie] We'll be back soon, buddy.

[A while later. Grizz and the Poppy Rangers are still waiting for Tabes]

Huh. My butt fell asleep.

Bear Guy, when is Ranger Tabes coming back?

[Their stomachs growl, and they all groan.]

I don't know. I wonder what's taking Tabes so long. [they look at the sea again] Hmm. Yeah, I don't see her anywhere.

[Parker, Wallace and Murphy's stomachs growl again and they groan.]

I bet she got devoured by seagulls.

Why would you say something like that?

What? It could happen.

[The girls bicker.]

[trying to pacify the girls] Um, girls. Um, hey. Hey, everything's gonna be okay. We'll, uh... We're gonna get some food soon.

Ranger Grizz:
[offscreen] You're pathetic, ranger!

Huh? [his shoulder ranger, Ranger Grizz (with a ranger hat and book), appears in his head to his left] My shoulder ranger!

Ranger Grizz:
What are you doing still standing around, maggot? Find these girls some food. You're the one with the book. Tabes made you the leader. Start acting like one.

Fire Grizz:
[another of his shoulder ranger, Fire Grizz (with fire burning on his head and demoralized), appears to his right] No, don't do it. You know it'll happen again.

Ranger Grizz:
Don't listen to that guy. He ain't a ranger, he's a loser!

Whoa! Whoa! Kind of harsh, man.

Fire Grizz:
[looks down] Nah, he's right. I'm a loser.

Ranger Grizz:
[floats to comfort Fire Grizz] Oh, hey, don't be so hard on yourself, son. Why don't we get some ice cream? Would you like that? [Fire Grizz nods] Yeah? Okay. [to Grizzly] But seriously, though, save the children. [they both disappear]

[Tabes continues to trace Kirk's footprints.]

Ranger Tabes:
Hmm. Oh, there there's more! [runs to in front of a bush] Kirk! Kirk, buddy, where... [the bush rustles] Huh? [she turns to the bush] Kirk? [grabs a foot from the bush] Kirk, there you are! [shocked to find the big foot] Aah! Foot!

[reveals himself from inside the bush] Aah! Human!

Ranger Tabes:

[Tabes and Charlie both scream, and the latter hides back inside scared. Tabes recognizes Charlie as the bigfoot she saved from the booby trapper from Rescue Ranger]

Ranger Tabes:
Huh? Oh, hey! You're that Charlie fellow. It's okay. [Charlie peeks out from the bush] I'm not gonna hurt you.

Oh, I... I remember you! Tom, right?

Ranger Tabes:
[reaches out her hand to him] It's Tabes! I'm the forest ra... [facepalms] Wait, what am I doing? I got to find Kirk before he gets hurt! He's lost out in the woods somewhere! [gasps] Wait! Maybe you've seen him around, Charlie.

[pondering] Hmm. Oh, I think I know who that is! I know, just give me a sec! [goes back inside the bush, then comes out again with Dexter the beaver] You talking about my friend Dexter here?

Ranger Tabes:
[sighs] No. [releases Dexter] Kirk's not a beaver. He's my lost dog. I've got no leads, and it's getting dark soon! I'm supposed to protect this forest, but I can't even protect my own dog.

[blows his nose] That's... Ugh... That's so tragic! [assures Tabes] You know what? Leave it to old Charlie! I know secret parts around these woods where we can get some info.

Ranger Tabes:
Really? Thanks, Charlie!

Follow me... [walks off, but soon stops in his tracks] Oh, wait!

Ranger Tabes:
What? What is it?

I can't just bring you into the secret woods like that. They don't look too kindly on human-folk.

Ranger Tabes:
What? [begs Charlie] No! No! Please, Charlie! I have to find Kirk!

Okay, okay, We'll go! But, uh... you're going to need to wear a disguise.

Ranger Tabes:
Anything! I'll wear whatever disguise you got!

Ice Bear:
[inside the briefcase, hopping around, grunting] Ice Bear... stuck.

[The doors open as Monsta X finish rehearsing their dance for the song "Hero".]

Five-minute break?

All other Monsta X members:
Yeah! Alright! It's break time!

[speaking Korean]

Hey guys, no running!

[in Korean] Hey dude, I'm chill.

[They all stop when they find the moving suitcase]

[in Korean] What is this?

It's moving.

[Ice Bear growls and breaks out of the briefcase, shocking the entire group]

Ice Bear:
Uhh... 안영 (Hello). [looks around] Ice Bear looking for Monsta X.

Monsta X:
Monsta... X? [stand in position] 들, 세! 흘! 몬스타엑스! 안녕하세요, 몬스타엑스 입니다! (Two, three! Hoo! Monsta X! Greetings, we are Monsta X!)

Ice Bear:
안녕하세요, 아이스 베어 입니다. (Greetings, I am Ice Bear.)

Cool, so, you're like a polar bear? [grabs Ice Bear's arm]

Ice Bear:
No, ice bear.

[touches Ice Bear's ears] Wow, so cute! [giggles]

Ice Bear:
하지 마세요 (Don't touch). Ice Bear is ice bear.

People call me a polar bear.

Ice Bear:

Hey, welcome to our hotel suite!

Yeah, welcome. You here with anybody?

Ice Bear:
Uh, Ice Bear... was with Panda.

[still hanging onto a window outside the hotel] Ooh, come on, Panda, pull yourself up.

[walks to the window] Really? Did you say a panda bear? Whoa! That's crazy!

Wonho, is that you?

Is he here? [closes the window; Panda falls down screaming]

Ice Bear:
[looks around] Ice Bear thought he was here. Ice Bear... confused.

Hey. [Monsta X chills out on the sofa] 궨차나. 끼지마. (It's okay, no worries.)

Yeah, chill with us.

It's cool.

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