Howardmann's Quotes Page #7

Here's the list of quotes submitted by howardmann  —  There are currently 184 quotes total — keep up the great work!

We can choose to continue with the existing reality, or we can choose to change the world we live in by learning, by evolving, by becoming conscious of our programs, and re-writing them as needed to create what we want. Simply, we cannot realize who we truly are by remaining who we have been. And so it is collectively. It is up to us to change ourselves. It is up to us to change the world.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Proper meditation develops awareness, allowing us balance through consciousness. Rather than living the life of a slave to our programming, we are liberated from our thoughts and emotions. We become the watcher, the observer of our thoughts. Conscious of this moment, and aware of all that is going on. Aware of what programs are running, and in this moment able to re-write any that are negative or destructive. In this moment, we simply re-record the music track of our lives, to the music we want for our lives. It is our movie, and we are the writers, directors, and actors.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

One critical point related to stress vs relaxation, with regards to consciousness, is that stress takes us out of our conscious mind, and into our sub-conscious mind. A fast reactionary mode necessary for survival, but locking us into our programming, pre-programming not of this moment, but of the past, a mere shadow of life, not a living moment. By proper meditation, we shift our physical and mental state from the state of disease, to a state of healing, and collectively we do this on a planetary scale. We also shift from being governed by the sub-conscious, to a conscious state of mind. When we do this collectively, we complete the collective mind.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Perception determines our reality, our life experience, our sub conscious programming, our physical and mental health. Perception may control our lives, but we control perception. Perception is interpretation by the brain. It can be of the sub conscious or conscious. While conscious, we determine our perception.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Negative programming. We write the programs. And we can rewrite the programs. If we drop the negative self- talk. If we drop the negative self- beliefs. If we drop the negative world view. Then we drop the negative programs. Think about the word negative. It refers to negative energy. What we put our energy into we create more of. Focusing on the negative is like praying for what we don’t want. If we stop putting energy into what we don’t want, then we stop creating it.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

In proper meditation, we learn to watch our thoughts. We can then consciously live in this moment the way we desire. We simply choose to accept or reject any thoughts or emotions that surface. They are either part of what we want to be as a human being or not. They either support our view or not. They are either constructive or destructive. They are either for the greater good on not. As we make these determinations our reality shifts. This moment becomes the best it can be. We begin to evolve. Moment by moment we grow. Moment by moment we live.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

We have evolved to this point. All is as it should be. But it is time to wake up, to gain consciousness, to learn and to adapt, to evolve, to move into a much larger reality. It is time to collectively wake up, to move out of the collective sub conscious and into collective consciousness. It is time to complete the collective mind.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

The process has already started. Science is proving more and more each day what some spiritual teachers have been teaching for thousands of years. People are starting to wake up in larger numbers. As people awaken they will influence others. With each awakening the cosmic mind gets a little brighter. As we evolve so will the cosmic forces of creation. The human race and planet earth will heal. Poverty, starvation, and war, will someday be a thing of the past. We create our own reality. We collectively create a much larger reality. The next step in mankind’s evolution will be spiritual.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Look at nature. A single bee cannot really do much. But you put a group of bees together and they can form a hive. A colony of bees that work in harmony. Each one doing its part. Some bees collect pollen. Some bees tend to the hive. Some bees guard the hive. Some bees tend to the nursery. Together they make a lot of honey.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

When we are in human consciousness, we identify with the body – mind. We believe we are one and the same. We then project everything through that point of view. From the view point of the ego. But we are not the ego. The ego is a function of the brain. A phenomenon of the body. A view point that allows us to operate in the time – space continuum. But it is a limited view point. A view point that separates us from others and God. Human consciousness exclusive of spiritual consciousness is hell. Heaven or hell is up to us. We create from where we are consciously. Spiritual consciousness is the way.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

The physical world of matter is a reality. But it is a reality within a larger reality. Matter is made of energy. Everything in the universe is made of energy. We have consciousness. We are consciousness aware of itself. We are pure conscious energy. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. So, we are immortal pure conscious energy. We have existed before our human incarnation, and we will still exist after. We are immortal pure conscious energy.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

When we go to the market for ice cream, we get into a car. We are not the car. The car is simply a vehicle for travel. When we spiritually awake, we realize we are an immortal spiritual being temporarily in human form. The human body is our vehicle to travel about. Although we are in a human body, we are not the human body any more than we are the car.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Human consciousness is identified with thought and emotion. It is of the body and mind. Phenomenon of the physical world. Spiritual consciousness is beyond the body and mind, beyond thought and emotion, outside of physical reality. Spiritual consciousness is understanding and knowledge we awaken to while present. We do not think spiritual consciousness. We do not sense spiritual consciousness. We experience it. We understand and know it because we are it. When we remove the distractions. When we look past the conditioning and the mind, then we awaken to what we are. Immortal spiritual beings temporarily in the human condition. We awaken to spiritual consciousness.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Spiritual teachers attempt to teach that which is beyond all thoughts and words. But being in the human condition we use thoughts and words to communicate. Do not get caught up on the teacher, their thoughts or words. Focus on the lesson, the concept. To focus on the sign post, is to miss the message. The message is not the sign post, but where the sign post is pointing.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

The truth is within all of us. We all come from the same source. We are part of it. And therefore, we have knowledge of it. When we awaken, and we all will eventually, then we will know what we have always known. We are one.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Salvation, enlightenment, transcendence, is not a destination. Nor an event in the future. The answer is within us right now. To be fully spiritually awake while in human form. To live not in, but through this body – mind. To help others do the same. This is salvation. This is Heaven on Earth

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Health is the art of balance. Good mental and physical health require balance. Balance of diet, exercise, sleep, and stress. Imbalance creates stress on the body and mind. Poor health and disease are states of imbalance. Relaxation restores balance. Relaxation is the ideal state for good health. Relaxation is the ideal state for healing. Meditation is the art of consciously relaxing body and mind.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Enlightenment has nothing to do with clothing, ritual, self - hypnosis, imagination, or trans like states. Enlightenment requires understanding our true essence, understanding the true essence of God, understanding the true essence of the cosmos. Enlightenment is beyond all thought. Enlightenment can only be experienced. Enlightenment is transcendence.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Truth, Reality, Consciousness. Always is what it is. No beginning, No end, No birth, No death. That which never changes, sets us free.

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

No matter what it is called. No matter how it is imagined. Fancy labels and fantasy are based in thought. Thought is based in human consciousness. Human consciousness is not spiritual consciousness. Fantasy is not reality. We cannot wake up to who and what we truly are while remaining in the dream. There is a simple approach based in reality that works well. Awareness

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Spiritual teachers appear when we are in need, appear when we are ready, reminding us of who we are, reminding us of what we know, pointing to our essence, pointing us towards each other, redirecting us to God, leading us to oneness, Spiritual Teachers remind us there is only one reality, Presence

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

The thoughts we think today create the life we live tomorrow

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

All is as it should be. Learn, let go, move on

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Unhappiness is directly proportional to our denial of reality

H.W. Mann  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

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A Paul Simon
B Freddie Mercury
C Ray Charles
D John Lennon