Emeasoba_g's Quotes Page #6

Here's the list of quotes submitted by emeasoba_g  —  There are currently 345 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Access to Internet is an access into a Great wealth of knowledge and information. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Listen up, it does not matter how much money you have or how much wealth you have acquired over the years. Yes! what really matters is how many people you have enriched already with your money and wealth. As a matter of fact, no one is going to remember you and celebrate you for just being rich and stingy. Note: you can only be remembered and celebrated perpetually for being rich and generous, (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

A Warm Welcome To Year 2018. Every New Year Brings Along Brand New Opportunities And Possibilities For Us To Utilize And Maximize. Thus, Receive God's Uncommon Grace To Achieve All That You Could Not Achieve Last Year In This New Year. Listen Up, You've Got To Keep Your Fingers Crossed (Be Hopeful). For, This New Year Is Going To Be Better Off Than Last Year (all-round). Only Believe Undoubtedly. Because, It Will Be Unto You Just According To Your Own Faith (Matthew 9:29) Mark You. Happy New Year Ahead Anyway. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Jesus Christ is the reason for this season. Thus, as we commemorate his birth. May we spread the peace, hope and true love that his birth brought to humanity. Merry Christmas. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

The END of anything or any human counts more than the beginning. Yes of course, it is only he or she that endures to the end or rather holds firm to his or her faith that will be saved at last. Moreover, it is the end of a vision, aspiration or dream that proves whether it is ordinary or extraordinary, true or false. Also, it is he or she that perseveres or persists to the end that can and will leap or reap the reward for hard work (genuine success). Likewise, it is he or she that eventually reaches or crosses the finish line that emerges a winner in a race. Besides that, it is your last thoughts, words and actions that will determine your salvation or damnation on the day of reckoning. As a matter of fact, it is better for you to begin badly in anything and afterwards end up well. Than for you to begin well and afterwards end up badly. For, that will entail nothing else but only a tragedy. Nevertheless, all of the above evidently signifies that the END of anything or any human truly counts more than the beginning. Therefore, I urge you to be more concerned with what your end would be rather than your beginning. Because surely, the END is ever the BOTTOM LINE QED. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Why God blesses us is for us to be a blessing to someone else or others. No one is made for himself or herself. Yes! besides that, if your life does not enrich other lives, then you are not actually living. I mean, you are just existing. In other words, you are expected to be a channel of blessing to someone else or others as long as you live here (on earth). Season's Greetings anyway. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Whenever you need money, God will give you an opportunity to give. When you need forgiveness, God will give an opportunity to forgive. When you need a miracle, God will give you an opportunity to believe. When you need help, God will give you an opportunity to help someone else. So, be conscious of what you are not giving or doing to others rather than what God is not giving or doing to you. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Never get too relaxed with who you are currently or with what you have achieved so far. Because, you may miss to become who you aspire to be or fail to achieve what you can still achieve. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Fallibility is simply defined as state of being capable of making mistakes or being wrong sometimes. Permit me to tell you this, every human is fallible in nature. Yes! you heard me right as usual, even the Pope himself is fallible in nature. That is to say, there is no exception to what I'm writing or talking about. Although, he (the Pope) is widely regarded as infallible according to the dogma of the Roman catholic church. But come on, is the pope (a) catholic? Nevertheless, it is delusion to regard any human as infallible. I mean, anyone who regards any other human as incapable of making mistakes or being wrong is nothing but delusive. Besides, whoever that claims to be infallible has never tried out something new before and it is only a coward who is often reluctant to try out something new, just because of fear of failure. Wait a second, is the Pope (a) catholic? Furthermore, in case you don't know, almighty God is the only one who is ever infallible. Apart from him (Almighty God) no other person is infallible naturally, regardless of world renowned professors. Anyway, do quote me right or rather you can say I said so. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Never ever look down on anybody, no matter his or her present condition. For, condition changes with time. I mean, one who is nobody today can become somebody tomorrow (mark you). ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Proverbs 19:21 says there are many devices or plans in every human heart. Nevertheless, it's God's will that shall prevail. That is to say obviously, God's will is bound to prevail over your own will (mark you). ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Whoever that worries over and over again is faithless or hopeless. Yes! if you're faithful or hopeful you shouldn't be worried about anything, no matter what battles you. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Psalms 66:12 says, you let men ride over our heads. We passed through water and fire. Yet, you finally brought us to a place of abundance. That is to say, God might allow you to pass through difficulties, hard times or diverse challenges in order to eventually make your life, future and end better off or worthwhile (mark you). ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Contentment is a matter of choice. In fact, nothing will make you contented until you choose to be contented. Oh! yes, no person will make you contented unless you decide to be contented. Contentedness will not come to you. It can only come from you (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Persistence guarantees expected result i.e. a satisfactory outcome. Likewise, motivation or inspiration guarantees aspiration or ambition. Thus, endeavour to motivate or inspire someone else, others or the world as a whole as much as you can and as often as you can. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

God does not show love to us only when we have done perfectly well. Rather, he (God) loves us, even when we make mistakes and fail. Now, that is a perfect example of a true love, which can melt the hardest heart, heal the wounds of the so called broken hearted and even calm down a furious heart. And permit me to tell you this. That's equally the kind of love that we all ought to portray and share among one another. Yes! you heard me right and this is a call to love everyone unconditionally and never conditionally. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Nothing in our lives is arbitrary. I mean everything happens for a reason. That is to say alternatively, whatever you are experiencing presently is not coincidental and cannot be. Because, even the scripture says that everything works together for good of them that love God (Romans 8:28). Now that implies evidently, nothing goes for nothing in our lives or rather nothing happens for nothing. In other words, there is always a reasonable reason behind everything that happens in our lives. So come on, relax and never be bothered even if your present life seems ordinary to you. God can still use your ordinary life to bring extraordinary blessings into your life. Oh! yes, he (God) can do just that, only believe undoubtedly. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

You have something that no one else has or has ever had. Yes! as a matter of fact, you were born separately. And that's why, your fingerprint is unique, your brain is outstanding, your acumen is peculiar, your reasoning is unprecedented. In other words, everything about you is unusual or uncommon. Now that infers, you've got to be unique and remain unique in all your endeavours. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of any kind. Because you should know that testing of your faith stimulates perseverance in you. So says the scripture James 1:2-3. Now that obviously indicates trials and challenges are bound to come your way for as long as you are alive. But that also signifies, you shouldn't be overwhelmed by them. Because, they are naturally designed to test your faith. Moreover, they are aimed at inculcating the spirit of perseverance into you. Yes of course, that's the core reason for trials and challenges of life. Note: overcoming trials and challenges is nothing else but a sign of Great strength and not at all weakness. Therefore, no matter what is going on in your life presently or whatever might come your way subsequently. Just hold your peace and persevere all through it. For, you shall be glorified and dignified eventually (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Your unknown and unseen future is in the hands of the all-knowing and all-seeing God. Yes! God has already known and seen what your future would look like and what your end is going to be, even before your birth. Thus, never be bothered about your future and your end. For, God has got it all figured out and planned out. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

There is hope for everyone who is living, no matter his or her current condition. Oh! yes, a living dog is better off than a dead lion (mark you). -emeasoba george

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Be grateful to God (Almighty) for everything you have presently, no matter how small or unpleasant it seems to you. For, someone right here or out there is longing to possess everything that you have presently. In fact, your dislikes are someone else's likes. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Some challenges of life are predestined and some obstacles of your past are meant to become the gateways and turning points that will take you to the next level of your life. Moreover, you are the deciding factor of your life. In other words, your destiny is in your hands. So come on, choose to be positive each day. Because, positivity attracts opportunity and opportunity per se stimulates creativity eventually. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Do you long to become successful in all you do in life? If yes, then you have to be proactive, productive and innovative (simultaneously).-Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

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