Emeasoba_g's Quotes Page #7

Here's the list of quotes submitted by emeasoba_g  —  There are currently 345 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Internet is not just an information highway or expressway. It's also the easiest and fastest way to make a positive, global and long-lasting change or impact. So, do you long to make a positive, global and long-lasting change or impact? If yes then, utilize or maximize the internet as often as you can. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Proverbs (chapter 24:16) says, when the just falls, he gets back up. That's what the scripture says. Now that implies, if you are down presently may be due to circumstances beyond your control. You shouldn't be weighed down. Rather, what you've got to do is just to get back up to your feet and then press on. Do remember this, the down fall of any human is not the end of his or her life. Yes you heard me right as usual. No matter how woefully you think you've fallen already. I am saying to you, you can still make it to the top with time. Believe you me, that's possible, unless you do think otherwise. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Winners are not extraordinary persons. Rather, they are people who do allow themselves to be guided by principle. Now that is to say, Losers are those who refuse to be driven by principle. And anyone who is not driven by principle is being driven by sentiment. Oh! yes, there is no two ways about that. Therefore, you've got to be principled rather than sentimental. For, even decisions taken based on sentiment is never impactful. In other words, any impactful and successful decision is a product of principle. Moreover, that implies clearly it truly pays to be principled rather than to be sentimental. So come on, be principled and never sentimental. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

To achieve the incredible, you should first and foremost forsee its possibility, acknowledge its possibility, believe in its realization and then most importantly, work hard (relentlessly) towards its actualization. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Mindset is one's habitual way of thinking. And (mark you) anything you often set your mind on is what you will definitely experience. Be it success, failure or stuffs like that. Therefore, do have a positive mindset at all times and never a negative aspect of it. For, as you think so you are. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

What is Death? Death is the unavoidable End of every living human and every living thing. As a matter of fact, you will surely taste death someday, sometime, somehow and somewhere. Regardless of your present financial status, social status, academic qualifications or family background. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Every marathon race starts with one step forward. Moreover, a single letter or word marks or begins an article or a book. Even the journey of a thousand mile begins with a step. That is to say, you have to begin from somewhere in order to get to anywhere. Thus, dare to start something new. For, you will gradually and eventually grow big or rather succeed. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Jesus Christ (the saviour of the whole world) is risen from the dead/grave to die no more. So, may you experience the power of his resurrection in all its ramifications. Happy Easter celebration, anyway. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Love is charity and charity is nothing else but life full of cheerful giving. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Guess what drives the world like nothing else does? It is passion. And it will forever remain the driving force behind all careers and professions. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

In order to realize your dreams, visions or aspirations. You should take a flyer. That is to say, dare to take chances or rather dare to make a choice or take a decision with an uncertain outcome. Mind you, a coward does not achieve a lot of things in his or her lifetime. Now that means, you are expected to be courageous all the way. Because, a single chance or risk which you will resolve to take now or subsequently is most likely to change or turn your life around positively. Thus, dare to take chances/risks. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

Life is a one time experience. Thus, endeavour to give it all you've got now that you are still alive. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

God (Almighty) is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. That is to say, God is fantastically and extraordinarily good, wonderful and awesome all-round. In fact, God is indescribable and incomparable. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

God (Almighty) is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. That is to say, God is fantastically and extraordinarily good, wonderful and awesome all-round. In fact, God's Greatness is incomparable. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

Today is Christmas day. And it does not really matter whether Jesus Christ was actually born today or not. That is to say, chronological accuracy has nothing to do with today's celebration. The fact is that a Grand Genius (Jesus Christ) had been born. Who preached the truth (the undiluted word of God). Guess what? the summary of his message was true love. And by the virtue of his message the world has become better. Oh! yes, Jesus Christ is the reason for this season. Thus, as we commemorate his birth. May we spread the peace, hope and true love that his birth brought to humanity. Merry Christmas. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

Christmas season is all about giving or rather it's a time of giving (tangible gifts, money or intangible gifts) to someone else or others. Thus, endeavour to be a blessing to someone else or others this season. Listen up, never claim that you don't have something to share with someone else or others. For, nobody is too poor to give. Yes! everyone has something to share with someone else or others. Besides that, God himself the author of true love gave us (humans) his ultimate and his best (his one and only son) the Grand Genius (Jesus Christ), in order to teach us (humans) how to give. COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON, anyway. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

Worrying never solves a problem or a challenge. Yes! it only worsens a problem or a challenge. Thus, desist from worrying. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

Endeavour to do only what you can be proud of someday. In other words, desist from doing anything that you might regret in the future or for life. That is to say, always think twice and as well apply wisdom on or before you take any decision or make any choice in life. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

Genuine love loves all and sundry without conditions, it loves without expectations and it loves without complaints. In other words, genuine love is ever patient and tireless (it bears or tolerates all flaws, mistakes, short- comings, weaknesses, insults or disappointments) come what may. That is to say, true love is complaisant in nature (it is willing to please others). I mean, it is not self-seeking (it has the best interest of others at heart). Moreover, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances. Besides, it endures all (everything and everyone) without weakening. Also, true love does no wrong to anyone (it never hurts anybody). Conclusively, genuine love lasts perpetually and never for a short while. Oh! yes, that is just the qualities of true love. So, permit me to tell you this, anything less than the above qualities is not a genuine love at all. Anyway, do quote me right or rather you can say I said so. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

I'm writing and publishing not to make (both) ends meet. Oh! yes, I'm just writing and publishing in order to enrich or touch enormous lives globally and to change people's thoughts, lifestyles and beliefs positively. Guess what! I've succeeded in doing just that. Besides, I've equally succeeded in making a global impact all over the internet and even beyond it via my God-given thought-provoking quotes, insights, ideas, motivations and inspirations. As a matter of fact, I'm presently a source of inspiration and motivation to millions of people (globally). And mark my word(s), I will ever remain a source of inspiration and motivation to the world and even to the posterity ahead (all future generations ahead) by virtue of my upcoming books. Because, I'm full of strokes of a genius (I'm saturated with original, unique, innovative and impactful ideas, insights, motivations and inspirations). And so, I intend to write and publish many worth-reading books on or before my demise. Anyway, thank Goodness, God (almighty) and Heavens for everything is gradually turning around for my own good or betterment. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

Never be carried away by anything or anyone no matter the beauty or handsomeness. In fact, you should not be carried away by fashion, because it changes with time. You don't have to be carried away by beauty or handsomeness, because it fades away with time. Refuse to be carried away by money or riches, because you are here (on earth) just for a little while. Oh! yes, no human can live forever i.e. no one can and will ever enjoy his or her riches or wealth forever (Proverbs 27:24). Moreover, refuse to be carried away by your knowledge or wisdom, because it will cease once you are dead. Besides that, desist from boasting or bragging about your properties or assets, for they will surely become old-fashioned sooner or later and consequently they will depreciate in value and at worst become worthless. Conclusively, all of the above proves that everything or everyone comes and goes unimpeachably (beyond doubt and criticism) and then life goes on as ever. In other words, nothing or no one is perpetual (never ending or never changing) naturally and in actual sense. Therefore, always bear all of the above in mind. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

Death is unavoidable, unimpeachably (beyond doubt and criticism). In fact, you can manipulate and escape every other fact of life except death itself. Besides that, every other fact of life has a solution excluding death. Oh! yes, you will surely die someday, sometime, somehow and somewhere. Thus, engage and indulge yourself in doing only something or things that can outlive you and speak for you perpetually after your demise. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

Passion, experience, willingness to learn and tireless quest for more insights are the roots of all knowledge and wisdom. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

Anyone who is devoid of true love is undoubtedly devoid of kindness. Yes! you heard me right and mind you, anybody who is devoid of kindness is equally cruel or inhumane. I mean, he or she is abysmal (extremely bad). You can say I said so anyway. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

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