Carlton Drake:
You're being dumb, Brock. I'm not insane. What's insane is the way humans choose to live today. Think about it. All we do is take, take, take. It can't go on. We've brought the planet to the brink of extinction. We're parasites. You're a good example. Think about it. All you do is take. You took my Symbiote. You take potshots at a great man trying to get something done.
Eddie Brock:
Carlton Drake:
Didn't you take from the person you loved most, who trusted you the most? That's insane. What I've initiated is a whole new world, a new species. Man and Symbiote combined.
Eddie Brock:
Let me tell you something, buddy. Alright? Just man-to-man. Because I have spent a significant amount of time, alright, with one of those creatures up my ass. It's not a lot of fun. And then I find out, all along, they're killing you.
Carlton Drake:
This is the last time I'm asking you. Where is my Symbiote?
Eddie Brock:
I have no idea.
Carlton Drake:
[turns into Riot] Where is he?
Eddie Brock:
Oh my God!
Where's Venom?
Eddie Brock:
That is the ugliest looking thing I have ever seen.