Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,850

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Pirate Captain:
Avast! I'm the pirate captain, and I'm here for your gold!

Gold? Afraid we don't have any gold, old man. This is a leper boat. [his arm falls off] See?

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Pirate Who Loves Sunsets and Kittens:
The Pirate of the Year Awards...

Pirate Captain:
Every time I've entered, I've failed to win. So, I must have a really good chance this time!

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[first lines]

Sigourney Weaver:
Once upon a time, there was a brave, little mouse who loved honor and justice and always told the truth.

[Camera zooms in and we see a rat named Roscuro]

Sigourney Weaver:
No, that's not him.

[Roscuro yawns]

Sigourney Weaver:
That's a rat. And anyone who knows anything, knows there is a big difference between a mouse and a rat. [Roscuro climbs on a barrel and looks at the sun] First of all, rats hate the light. They spend their lives in the darkness. They're also terrified of people, which is why they slink and cower all the time. [Roscuro goes to near of a sailor named Pietro] And as far as telling the truth as concerned, well, that is impossible, because as everyone knows...

[Roscuro clears his throat]

Sigourney Weaver:
...a rat can't talk.

[begins to talk] Tell me that thing again, please.

Come on!

Just once, I promise. Tell me one more time and I won't ask you ever again, I swear.

Fine. We are headed to Dor, one of the most magical places in the whole world.

No, that's not what you said before. You know, every place has something special, and in Dor, it's the soup!

The Tale of Desperaux  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So, you're a gentleman.

[turns to Despereaux] Tell me that story... about the princess. Tell me what she looked like.

Well, she was...

Was she angry?

No. No, not at all. Her heart was full of... longing.

What's longing?

Sigourney Weaver:
And that's how a friendship is born. Over the next few weeks, he told Roscuro everything he knew about loyalty and honor and chivalry and courage. He told him about the Princess, and where her longing came from. That she missed the rain, and the soup, and even the rats.

Even the rats?

Sigourney Weaver:
He told him about their code of honor, about his noble quest, about duty and loyalty. And there, in the darkness of the cellar, two knights pledged devotion to a princess who was trapped inside a castle. Trapped in a life full of pain and longing. Even if no one could tell.

The Tale of Desperaux  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sigourney Weaver:
[last lines] So, you could call all of this a big misunderstanding if you wanted to. A king was hurt, so he hurt a rat. And a rat was hurt, so he hurt a princess. And a princess was hurt, so she hurt a servant girl without even meaning to do it. And that servant had been hurting for so long, that almost nothing could make her feel better. But was it a mistake, or was it just good luck? Because the servant girl went back to her farm. And the jailer finally found his princess. And the king found something stronger than grief. And the mice finally got rid of their fear. And the people of Dor lived side-by-side with their rats...all except one, who went back to sea and felt a cool breeze each morning, and the sun on his face every afternoon. And we'd tell you that they all lived happily ever after, but...what fun is that?

The Tale of Desperaux  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Bella is walking in her wedding shoes and almost falls in them.]

Alice Cullen:
You just have to break them in.

Bella Swan:
I've been breaking them in. For three days. Can't I just go barefoot?

Alice Cullen:
NO! Absolutely not!

Bella Swan:
I just think it's a little much, you know? The dress and the shoes, and all of this.

[Jasper and Carlisle are carrying benches, Esme is carrying flowers in vase.]

Alice Cullen:
No. It's exactly enough. Tomorrow will be perfect.

[Emmett and Rosalie are carrying huge tree stumps.]

Emmett Cullen:
Where do you want them, boss?

Alice Cullen:
On either side of the aisle.

Rosalie Hale:
What aisle?

Alice Cullen:
[exasperated] Does no one have vision?

[As Alice goes, Bella quickly takes off shoes, looks up to see Edward looking kind of sad, and then Alice is back.]

Alice Cullen:
You, go home and get lots of beauty sleep. That's an order.

Bella Swan:

[Bella hugs Alice and skips away towards her truck.]

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Alice Cullen:
What did I say about beauty sleep?

Bella Swan:
Sorry, bad dream. Maybe, it's just wedding jitters.

Rosalie Hale:
Do you need some help? I can do her hair.

Bella Swan:

Rosalie Hale:
Please. I'm not offended by your choice of groom.

Bella Swan:
Just my blatant lack of respect for mortality.

Rosalie Hale:

Alice Cullen:
Weddings! They bring everyone together!

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey, so, did you find our daughter?

Charlie Swan:
Are those graduation caps?

Ha! How creative!

Charlie Swan:
Or weird.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh my gosh! You're so beautiful. Oh, honey. Crap! My mascara.

[Alice gives her tissue]

Bella Swan:

Thanks. Charlie, get in here.

Charlie Swan:
You're sure? I don't wanna... I know, I look hot.

We thought you needed something blue.

Charlie Swan:
And something old. Besides your mother.


Charlie Swan:
It was Grandma Swan's.

But we added the sapphires.

Bella Swan:
It's beautiful, you guys. Wow. Thank you so much.

It's your first family heirloom. Pass on to your daughter, and her daughter.

Bella Swan (wants to hug Renee):
Mom, I love it.

Alice Cullen (stops Bella):
Ah-ah! Nope. No smudging my masterpiece.

She's right.

Bella Swan:
Thank you.

Alice Cullen:
Okay. Time for... the dress! Do you wanna see it?

I wanna see it!

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Wedding vows

Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. (to Edward): Please, repeat after me. "I, Edward Cullen".

Edward Cullen:
I, Edward Cullen.

"Take you, Bella Swan".

Edward Cullen:
Take you, Bella Swan.

"To have and to hold".

Edward Cullen:
To have and to hold.

Bella Swan:
For better or for worse.

Edward Cullen:
For richer or for poorer.

Bella Swan:
In sickness and in health.

Edward Cullen:
To love.

Bella Swan:
To cherish. As long as we both shall live.

Edward Cullen:
I do.

Bella Swan:
I do.

Edward Cullen:
I love you.

Bella Swan:
I love you.

[Edward and Bella kiss]

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(In the woods behind the Cullens' house)

Bella Cullen:
What's a wedding present doing out here?

Edward Cullen:
Just a little more private.

Jacob Black:
The best man didn't have time to get a tux.

Bella Cullen:
Jacob! Jacob!

[Bella runs to Jacob and hugs him]

Bella Cullen:

Jacob Black:
Hey, Bella.

Bella Cullen:

Edward Cullen:
This is kind of you.

Jacob Black:
"Kind" is my middle name.

Edward Cullen:
I'll see if Rosalie wants to dance.

[Edward leaves]

Jacob Black:
I'm sorry I'm late.

Bella Cullen:
Doesn't matter. Everything's perfect now.

Jacob Black:
Will you dance with me?

[They start to dance]

Bella Cullen:
Where have you been? We were gonna put your face on a milk carton.

Jacob Black:
Mostly northern Canada. I think. It's weird to be back on two legs again, in clothes. Gotten out of practice with the whole human thing.

Bella Cullen:
Well, are you okay? Being here?

Jacob Black:
Why? Afraid I'll trash your party?

[Jacob hears wolves in the woods]

Jacob Black:
You're not the only one. You'd think I'd be used to telling you goodbye by now. Come on, you're not supposed to be the one crying, Bella.

Bella Cullen:
Everyone cries at weddings.

Jacob Black:
This is how I'm gonna remember you. Pink cheeks. Two left feet. Heartbeat.

Bella Cullen:
'Cause what, soon I'm going to be dead to you?

Jacob Black:
No. I'm sorry. I'm just trying to appreciate your last night as a human.

Bella Cullen:
Well, it's not my last night.

Jacob Black:
I- I thought you...

Bella Cullen:
I didn't really wanna spend my honeymoon writhing in pain.

Jacob Black:
But what's the point? It's not like you're gonna have real honeymoon with him, anyway.

Bella Cullen:
It's gonna be as real as anyone else's.

Jacob Black:
That's a sick joke. You are joking. What? While you're still human? You can't be serious, Bella. Tell me you're not that stupid!

Bella Cullen:
I mean, it's really none of your business.

Jacob Black:
No! You can't do this!

Bella Cullen:

Jacob Black:
Listen to me, Bella.

Bella Cullen:
Jake, let me go!

[Edward appears]

Edward Cullen:
Jacob, calm down, all right?

Jacob Black:
Are you out of your mind? Huh? You'll kill her!

[Seth grabs him]

Seth Clearwater:
Walk away, Jake.

[Jacob gets free of him, then of Quil and Embry, then Sam appears]

Sam Uley:
Enough, Jacob!

Jacob Black:
Stay out of this, Sam.

Sam Uley:
You're not gonna start something that we'll have to finish.

Jacob Black:
She'll die.

Sam Uley She's not our concern anymore.

[Jacob and the pack leave]

Sam Uley:
Let's go, Seth!

[They both leave]

Bella Cullen:
I'm really, really, really stupid.

Edward Cullen:
No, it's all right. Come on, people are probably missing us. Let's go back. [kisses her forehead]

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Edward's carrying Bella into the house]

Bella Cullen:
Is this totally necessary?

Edward Cullen:
I am nothing if not traditional.[Sets Bella down in front of the big door] You wanna take a look around?

[in the bedroom]

Edward Cullen:
You tired? Do you want go for a swim?

Bella Cullen:
Yeah, that sounds nice. I could use a few human minutes.

Edward Cullen:
Don't take too long, Mrs. Cullen.

Bella Cullen:

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Edward Cullen:
What is it?

Bella Cullen:
How many days has it been since the wedding?

Edward Cullen:
Fourteen. Why? Will you tell me what's going on?

Bella Cullen:
I'm– I'm late. My period's late. [looks in the mirror] That's impossible. Can this happen? [suddenly grabs her belly] Whoa!..

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Bella Cullen:
Can vampires go into shock?

Dr. Carlisle Cullen:
I actually think they can, why?

Bella Cullen:
Edward might be going into shock.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[The Volturi's secretary brings note to Aro]

Ah. It's from Carlisle. Which is spelt with an "S", Sweet Bianca.

[Aro beckons to Felix and Demetri to stand by Bianca]

He's added a new member to his coven.


Increasing his power. Hm!

[Aro looks at the guards who drag screaming Bianca away]

First it's the spelling, then the grammar.

At least our dispute with the Cullens is over.



Goodness, no. Our dispute goes far beyond the fate of a mere human.

And what might it be?

Why, brother, I thought you understood... They have something I want.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Gabe, I wanna go.

Where you tryin' to go?

I can't be here, I...It's too much.

You serious?

Being here, it, um...It feels like there's this, um... black c-cloud just hanging over me and, uh...I don't feel like myself.

I think you look like yourself.

Okay, yeah. When I was a kid, I went to that boardwalk with my parents. I wandered off. I don't know why, I just did. I ended up in that hall of mirrors. There was another girl in there. She looked like me. Exactly like me.

You were in the hall of mirrors...

She wasn't a reflection. She was real. She was real. Sh-She... I ran as fast as I could. My whole life, I've... I've thought that she's a devil coming for me.

Okay, well, whatever happened, happened a-a long time ago, right?

You know, how sometimes things line up?


You know, like, coincidences? Since we've been here, they've been happening more and more. I think... I feel like it means, like, she's getting closer.

Who? The mirror girl?

You don't believe me.

I-I-I do. I do. I'm processing, okay? It's just... I can't believe you kept all this inside you so long. You know I'm here, right? I'm pretty sure I can kick your ass so if she looks like you, then... Okay, bad joke. All right, I'm sorry. My bad. I'm just trying to lighten the mood.

Us  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Okay, we lost power, go back to bed.

There's a family in our driveway.

There is not a family in our driveway. [looks outside] Huh. Who is that?

It's a family.

Y'all scared of a family?

The boogeyman's family

Okay, all right, enough... enough of that.

Us  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Who are you people?

We're Americans.

Us  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ophelia, call the police.

OK. Playing "Fuck tha Police" by N.W.A.

Us  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

We need to move and keep moving. We take the coast. We go to Mexico.



Whoa. Whoa. Whoa! We got everything we need here. Food, water, backup generator. We're safe here as we're gonna be anywhere.

[pointing to the dead bodies] Tell that to Josh and Kitty. They're right here.

You're scaring the kids.

Too late.

Too late.

They think like us. They know where we are. They won't stop until they kill us. Or we kill them.

Then, let's make some traps or somethin', like some Home Alone type stuff. That way, if she comes...

Tell me you did not just reference Home Alone.

You know what I'm talkin' about.

Gabe, they've been planning this. They have the upper hand. This is the time to run, not to be sprinkling Micro Machines on the floor.

What are Micro Machines?

What's Home Alone?

We're not going anywhere. And that's final.

You don't get to make the decisions anymore!

Us  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm driving.

No way.

I told her no.

Dad's leg is messed up, you're handcuffed. It's not safe, I'm driving.

Zora, no!

I have the highest kill count in the family.

You don't have the highest kill count.

I killed both twins.

Wrong. I just killed the second one.

I killed Kitty.

[pointing at the family] So that's one, one, one and two. I killed two. I killed myself and Josh, so...

It doesn't matter! Zora, get in the back!

Us  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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B Tobias Wolff
C Carol Burnett
D C. S. Lewis