Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,258

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[being taken away by the Germans] I'm proud to be Polish! I'm just as proud to be Jewish!

Karol Wojty?a:

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Adam Stefan Cardinal Sapieha:
Karol, to be a good leader you must first learn to follow.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Karol has just witnessed Marek killing two German soldiers with a switchblade. He runs over to one of the soldiers who is wounded, slowly dying. The German soldier points his gun at Karol's head]

Karol Wojty?a:
Lord, most merciful God. Welcome this man's soul. [the soldier moves his gun away, dies] Forgive him his sins.

Let's go. [aggressively] Let's go! Stubborn. You are a fool, do you know that? You could've killed us both.

Karol Wojty?a:
You didn't have to take their lives.

They were German.

Karol Wojty?a:
They were human beings, Marek!

Not for what they do to us! They do not deserve to live!

Karol Wojty?a:
God decides that. Not you!

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Karol Wojty?a:
One day, God may use you too, Marek!

Sure he will. I can hardly wait!

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Stefan Cardinal Wyszy?ski:
[to Cardinal Sapieha] It's just what we need, another intellectual priest.

Karol Wojty?a:
With all due respect, Archbishop Wyszy?ski. There are many of us who...

[Wyszy?ski hands Karol a photograph of Marek who is killed]

Stefan Cardinal Wyszy?ski:
I understand you knew him. [Karol stands shocked] One by one, they are hunting down the members of the Home Army. They know that they will go underground again. Anyone who was a part of it and tried to spoil their plans for Communist Poland.

Karol Wojty?a:
There are many ways to spoil such plans.

Stefan Cardinal Wyszy?ski:
If you wish to survive, you have to understand.

Karol Wojty?a:
Yes. Thank you, excellency.

Stefan Cardinal Wyszy?ski:
I also tell you this because I am told that there are many young people in Poland who count on you.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Karol Wojty?a:
Thank you, Holy Father. For allowing me to be present.

Adam Stefan Cardinal Sapieha:
[dying] The time has come.

[Karol takes his hand]

Adam Stefan Cardinal Sapieha:
Karol. Trust God. He has a plan for you. In you, he has placed a gift. Honour it.

Karol Wojty?a:
I will do whatever God asks.

Adam Stefan Cardinal Sapieha:
Dear God, protect him.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Karol Wojty?a:
The Communists say this: "No room for God in their new city."

Stefan Cardinal Wyszy?ski:
That is what they say.

Karol Wojty?a:
They don't understand. He's already there.

Stefan Cardinal Wyszy?ski:
Whatever you maybe thinking, we cannot afford a head on collision which will result in pain and bloodshed. We must work with them.

Karol Wojty?a:
Apparently, there is an open area where a church could be built.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Cardinal Konig:
I believe the Lord asks us to show the world the pope is not only and always an Italian.

Second Cardinal:
The last known Italian was uh...

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger:
Exactly 455 years ago.

African Cardinal:
We must have someone who can reach all people, all nations. A pope who can be papa to everyone.

Cardinal Konig:
Especially youth.

African Cardinal:
Yes, exactly. Young people need a voice they can trust.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Cardinal Konig:
Siri and Benelli are deadlocked.

Stefan Cardinal Wyszy?ski:
God has challenged us.

Cardinal Konig:
Perhaps Poland could present a candidate?

Stefan Cardinal Wyszy?ski:
No. I am too old, and if I left Poland, it would be a victory for the Communists.

Cardinal Konig:
Eminence, there is another?

Stefan Cardinal Wyszy?ski:
You - you don't mean... No, he's too young, far too young Wojty?a.

Cardinal Konig:
Young, but one of the finest minds in the room.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Cardinal Karol Wojty?a:
Your eminence, I - I am needed in Poland. I have so much to do, and there's so many people count on my... What must I do?

Stefan Cardinal Wyszy?ski:
Do you remember Quo Vadis? Peter was fleeing Rome and he came across Jesus, who was going the other way, and he asked him--

Cardinal Karol Wojty?a:
"Domine, quo vadis?"

Stefan Cardinal Wyszy?ski:
"Lord, where are you going?" And our Lord replied.

Wyszy?ski and Wojty?a:
"Eo Romam iterum crucifigi."

Stefan Cardinal Wyszy?ski:
"I am returning to Rome to be crucified again." If you should be elected. I beg you to accept... For Poland.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Elderly Cardinal:
[in Italian] Do you accept your canonical election as Supreme Pontiff?

[pause. Karol stands]

Cardinal Karol Wojty?a:
[in Italian] I accept.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Cardinals Felici and Konig walk out onto the Basilica balcony]

Cardinal Felici:
I announce to you a great joy, we have a new Pope!

[the crowd of people cheer]

Cardinal Felici:
Cardinal Woj-ty-la!

[Karol, now Pope John Paul II, walks up the stairs ready to step out onto the loggia]

Master of Ceremonies:
Your Holiness, at this time. It is customary to give only the apostolic blessing.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Pope John Paul II:
It's strange how much I miss it.

Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz:
What, Holiness?

Pope John Paul II:
Hiking, kayak trips. By now the Tatras must be covered in snow.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Pope John Paul II:
My dear Casaroli. According to the rules, I need a Secretary of State.

Agostino Cardinal Casaroli:
Yes you do. And I would be happy to assist in the matter as I had the honour of serving Pope Paul VI.

Pope John Paul II:
And that is why I want you to be my Secretary of State.

Agostino Cardinal Casaroli:
Oh. Holiness, no, no, no. Those were other times. I would be inadequate. You don't need me.

Pope John Paul II:
But I do.

Agostino Cardinal Casaroli:
But why?

Pope John Paul II:
You are tactful in ten languages, a master diplomat, deeply loyal. And as I have noticed on occasion, you have strongly held opinions that would not necessarily agree with mine. With God's blessing between the two of us, the scales will balance.

[pause. Casaroli smiles]

Pope John Paul II:
Done. [they shake hands]

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Agostino Cardinal Casaroli:
[to the pope] Be cautious with matters dealing with religious freedom.

[meeting with Andrei Gromyko]

Andrei Gromyko:
Five minutes. I believe the Catholic church cause great importance to the strengthened of peace, to the supplement, and to the liquidation of weapons of mass destruction.

Pope John Paul II:
Yes, yes. We are in accord with all of that, of course. But, Mr. Gromyko, let me ask you one thing. Is it possible that the obstacles to religious freedom have not been entirely removed from every area of your country?

[Gromyko turns to talk to his associates, he turns back to the pope]

Andrei Gromyko:
From the earliest days, the Soviet state has guaranteed freedom of religious belief.


Pope John Paul II:
That is more or less what they thought.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Karol Wojty?A/Pope John Paul Ii:
Man does not live by rocks alone.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Karol Wojty?A/Pope John Paul Ii:
Faced with this abyss of evil. I can only respond with an abyss of love.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Karol Wojty?A/Pope John Paul Ii:
I will do whatever God asks.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Karol Wojty?A/Pope John Paul Ii:
[to his friends on sexuality] Listen, sexuality is dear to God. As long as it is an expression of true love. It is the matter we use to give ourselves to another person. Not for fun or for a moment. But completely. Sexuality expressed in an irresponsible moment is only another way that we can dehumanise each other.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Karol Wojty?A/Pope John Paul Ii:
Freedom to worship is a sacrosanct right of workers, all workers! And the fact that we are all here together demonstrates that this Catholic community is already a reality! As we stand here in the middle of Nowa Huta! There is already a church!

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Karol Wojty?A/Pope John Paul Ii:
[when being asked about the Soviets removing their cross from Nowa Huta] Next Christmas, we shall put it back. We will put it back until it stays.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Karol Wojty?A/Pope John Paul Ii:
[seeing Roman for the first time after years] Praise God's mercy.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Karol Wojty?A/Pope John Paul Ii:
[praying] Is this what you always intended to guide me? Like me, perhaps Peter felt great trepidation. Perhaps he would prefer to remain by his lake, with his boat and his nets, like me. In you, there must be suffering ahead. The pope needs to be intimate with suffering. So, guided by you, he arrived here. And now you ask me... to leave Kraków, and my people, my friends, my beloved mountains. If this... is real. So be it. Mary, Totus Tuus. I am all yours.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Karol Wojty?A/Pope John Paul Ii:
[now the new Pope, speaking in Italian] Praised be Jesus Christ. ["Always be praised"] Dear Brothers and Sisters, the eminent Cardinals have called a new bishop of Rome. They have called him from a far country... Also I don't know if... if I can make myself clear in your, in our Italian language. If I make a mistake, I know you will correct me.

Pope John Paul II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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Who said: "Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future."?
A John F. Kennedy
B Lyndon B. Johnson
C Jimmy Carter
D Gerald Ford