Babylon 5

Babylon 5

Creator J. Michael Straczynski's ambitious and complex futuristic space opera charts five years in the lives of those aboard the titular five-mile-long space station, where personal drama plays out against a tense political backdrop of looming war between bitter enemies the Centauri and the Narn.

Genre: Sci-Fi

[Londo enters his broken into quarters to see G'Kar sitting inside] You left your door unlocked, ambassador; careless of you. I thought it best to sit here and guard your room until you returned

Londo Mollari:
And did you find anything of interest in my humble quarters, while you were "guarding it."

[Frustrated] No.

Londo Mollari:
No. Care for a drink? Oh I forgot, the Days of G'Quan forbid it, but they come to a close very soon. Do they not?

You know why I am here.

Londo Mollari:
The G'Quan Eth, yes? Difficult to grow, expensive to transport, very expensive to own, but so very important to you at this festive time.

[Barely controlling his temper] I understand that you are in possession of G'Quan Eth. If this is so, I am here to purchase it from you.

Londo Mollari:
Ever since we left your beautiful planet, G'Quan Eth plants have been hard to find. Mine, which is being cared for in a safe place, I have been saving for a special occasion. When you drop the seeds into a proper mixture of alcohol... Whole new universes open up. It's shame you Narns waste them, burning as incense.

[Growling at the idea at an important religious item being used to get drunk] Name your price.

Londo Mollari:
[Thoroughly enjoying that reaction] Oh, you are asking for quite a sacrifice of me, but in the interest of interstellar peace and friendship, Um: 50,000 commercial credits, in cash, in advance.

[Leaping to his feet] That's an outrage!

Londo Mollari:
Of course, it's an outrage! The question is how important is your religious ceremony is to you?

[talking about the voice of resistance]

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
How's it going?

Cmdr. Susan Ivanova:
Well, the recorders are all hooked up. We've adjusted the Stellarcom to transmit on a broadband frequency rather than point to point. So technically, we're ready to go.

Dr. Stephen Franklin:

Cmdr. Susan Ivanova:
There's just one little thing we don't have: power. The ISN uses tachyon relay stations to boost the signal through hyperspace. Without that, the signals would take years to get from Earth to here. Well have you tried patching into their system.

Cmdr. Susan Ivanova:
We tried but it didn't work. We can transmit the signal throughout most of this sector but beyond that... If we gonna broadcast all the way to Earth, we need a hell of a lot more power than what we've got now. I don't know where we're gonna get it. I've been working on this for days. I don't have a clue.

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
What about Epsilon 3? During the war, we evacuated a lot of the wounded down there for safekeeping. Now, I spent a lot of time looking around. There's enough power down there to broadcast clear to the Rim.

Cmdr. Susan Ivanova:
Or, just a crazy thought, we could try Epsilon 3.

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
Yeah, you could do that.

Cmdr. Susan Ivanova:
I mean, it's the logical choice. Anybody could see that in about two seconds. Only a fool would fail to see that.

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
Well, I wouldn't...

Cmdr. Susan Ivanova:
It's absolutely obvious.

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
Well, I wouldn't have thought of it for sure.

Cmdr. Susan Ivanova:
You're far too modest Stephen.

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
No no, that's why you get paid the big bucks after all.

Cmdr. Susan Ivanova:
Yep, that's my job. Well, if you'll excuse me, I think there's a shuttle with my name on it waiting for me. Just fee free, look around. I'll be back.

Marcus Cole:
[Number One has just come on to Dr. Franklin, who is skeptical] Ask me, I think she likes you.

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
Ah, c'mon, nah... it's just business, that's all.

Marcus Cole:

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
Look, I was just helping her out of a difficult situation, that's all...

Marcus Cole:
Fifty credits says that's not all she wants you to help her out of.

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
Oh, c'mon, Marcus you're such a...

Marcus Cole:

Dr. Stephen Franklin:

Marcus Cole:
We're still in a war here, Stephen. Only now it's a different kind of war, maybe the worst of the two. It's hard to know who to trust; a situation like this makes you afraid, makes you want to reach out to someone who may just feel the same way as you do about things, who might be willing to risk this much to help you when the rest of the world couldn't give a damn.

Number One:
Oh, Franklin, I almost forgot; since it was your hotel that was bombed this morning you're on your own. Maybe you'd like to join me for dinner tonight? I can't promise much, but it'll be the best we can pull together.

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
[shrugs] Sure.

Number One:
[to Marcus] We're a little short-handed on guard duty tonight. If you could help out...

Marcus Cole:
Love to!

[Number One leaves]

Marcus Cole:
That'll be fifty credits...

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
Now don't you start with me, Marcus. Don't.

Marcus Cole:
C'mon, you cheap bastard...

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
Marcus, look...

Marcus Cole:
Sorry, gotta go. Guard duty. - Touch passion when it comes your way, Stephen. It's rare enough as it is. Don't walk away when it calls you by name.

[... ]

Number One:
[much later, as Marcus is keeping watch] Ohhhh. Stephen...

Excuse me, Commander [she places a covered tray with a note on top of it and whispers something in Ivanova's ear. Ivanova reads the note and gives an exasperated sigh]

Michael Garibaldi:
What, what what what?

Cmdr. Susan Ivanova:
It's nothing

Capt. John Sheridan:
[leans a bit closer to the tray] I smell bacon and eggs.

Michael Garibaldi:
Get outta here, do you know how hard it is to get eggs up here before they spoil? I have tried, it can't be- [he sniffs the air around the tray] Yeah... bacon and eggs, definitely. [he lifts the lid to find some strips of real bacon and a mound of scrambled eggs. Both he and Sheridan let out expressions of awe]

Cmdr. Susan Ivanova:
It's from Marcus. [Sheridan and Garibaldi exchange looks] It's nothing like that, I did him a favor. I got him an Identicard so he could use some of the facilities on the station. He asked what he could do for me in return, I said 'Surprise me'.

Michael Garibaldi:
I can get anchovies, I can get olive oil, anything that doesn't spoil, I haven't seen a fresh chicken egg in over three years... I mean, cooked or otherwise.

Capt. John Sheridan:
And bacon? Forget it!

Cmdr. Susan Ivanova:
[Letting out another sigh and looking slightly guilty] Look... if you want it, it's yours.

Michael Garibaldi:
Oh no we wouldn't dream of it.

Capt. John Sheridan:
Go on, eat.

Michael Garibaldi:
We'll just sit right here.

Capt. John Sheridan:
Uh-huh. And watch.

Cmdr. Susan Ivanova:
[Shaking her head in embarrassment] I'm gonna kill him. After breakfast... if I can find him.

As you know, when Minbari become close as we have become close...

Capt. John Sheridan:
Not another ritual.

It is our tradition.

Capt. John Sheridan:
I'm just about ritualed out.


Capt. John Sheridan:
How many more of these rituals are there?

Depending on the length of time we take before fully committing to one another, which clan is in dominance at the time, the types and amounts of offerings made at temple as many as


47. No, no, no 50.

Capt. John Sheridan:


Capt. John Sheridan:
Anyone ever elope on your world?

It has happened, bit it is always a great disgrace...

Capt. John Sheridan:
A disgrace to the family, the caste, the clan. Got it.

That's why Minbari do not have problems with relationsships. We have a ritual for everything. For being together, for being apart, for meeting, for saying goodbye, for solving disputes...

Capt. John Sheridan:
All right, all right, all right. Which is this one?

It is called shan-fall. The third movement of preparation and mutual understanding.

Capt. John Sheridan:
Oh, that old one yeah.

In a little while, you come to my quarters where we spend the night together discovering one another's centers of pleasure. It is done with great deliberation, prayerfully, with respect and meditation. It is good for us to know all we can about one another should we continue the joining of our hearts and our blood. So you can meet me there. Unless of course you can find something of equal value sitting here and staring at plants while feeling guilty about things you cannot change.

Capt. John Sheridan:
[to himself after Delenn walks away] Nope.

Capt. Susan Ivanova:
[Sitting on the floor in Medlab, rocking herself back and forth, crying silently and staring at Marcus's body] I said go away!

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
Susan it's me. You okay?

Capt. Susan Ivanova:
Damnit Stephen, why the hell did he do it?I didn't want him to, I never, *never* would have asked him to!

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
I know. [he sits down next to her] I know.

Capt. Susan Ivanova:
And how the hell did he find out about that machine?

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
Look, after we gained control of the Alien Healing Device, Sheridan and I decided it was too dangerous to let others know about it, so I coded all my log entries. He must've hacked his way through half a dozen security overrides.

Capt. Susan Ivanova:
It's typical, he was always pulling crap that like, even I never knew what the hell to do with him. He was the most undisciplined, the most annoying... [glances back at his body] I was just lying there and I was feeling myself letting go of my body. And I remember the last thing I thought was, 'I'm gonna die now'... and it wasn't so bad. And then I heard this voice coming from far away saying 'I love you.' And I thought 'Is this God? Is this God?' I mean, he really did have an English accent just like in all those old movies. And then I felt myself being pulled down, and I got heavy, so heavy, you know, tired, and it was... I forced my eyes open, and there he was next to me. And we were hooked into that damn machine, and I tried to pull it apart, Stephen, I swear to God I tried. I just-I couldn't even move, I couldn't move! [breaks down sobbing]

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
Look, there was nothing that you could have done, all right? Your system was traumatized. You can't blame yourself.

Capt. Susan Ivanova:
I don't, I don't, I don't. I just-you know, all my life I've had problems with relationships. You may have noticed.

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
A little.

Capt. Susan Ivanova:
You know, the ones I loved always ended up hurting me or leaving me. And the ones who stayed, they had nothing inside. No depth. After awhile I just decided to forget about it. And then, here was Marcus. I knew he'd never hurt me... and I knew that he'd never leave me... and I knew that he loved me. I knew it. I just didn't want to admit it. And he gave so much, and he wanted so little in return. He just wanted a kind word, or a smile and all I ever gave him in two years was grief! It's because I think I saw what I wanted. And I was afraid.

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
I thought you knew it wasn't going to work out. You were just protecting yourself from being hurt again, that's all.

Capt. Susan Ivanova:
Maybe, but maybe I should've tried just one more time. I could've done that for him. Now I can't. At least I should have just boffed him once.

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
'Boffed'? Did you just say 'boffed'?

Capt. Susan Ivanova:
[managing a weak smile through her tears] It's the type of thing he would've said. I mean hell, it's not like I was doing anything else.

Dr. Stephen Franklin:
Well I guess that's one way to deal with unrequited love, huh?

Capt. Susan Ivanova:
All love is unrequited, Stephen. All of it. [She leans towards Stephen and he gathers her in his arms, both of them now crying softly]

[addressing the Grey Council] Three years. For three years I warned you this day was coming, but you would not listen. Pride, you said, presumption. And now the Shadows are on the move. The Centauri and the younger worlds are at war, the Narns have fallen, even the Humans are fighting one another. The pride was yours, the presumption was yours. For a thousand years, we have been awaiting the fulfillment of prophecy. And when it finally happens, you scorn it, you reject it because you no longer believe it yourselves. "We stand between the candle and the star, between the darkness and the light." You say the words but your hearts are empty, your ears closed to the truth. You stand for nothing but your own petty interests. "The problems of others are not our concern." I do not blame you for standing silent in your shame. You, who knew what was coming, but refused to take up the burden of this war. If the Warrior Caste will not fight, then the rest of us will. The council has lost it's way. If it will not lead, if we have abandoned our covenant with Valen

[takes staff from council leader]

then the council shall be broken!

[breaks staff in two]

As was prophesied. We must stand with the others now before it's too late. Between the Worker Caste and the Religious Caste, we control two thirds of our forces. To you, I say, listen to the voice of your conscience. Break the council and come with me. Our time of isolation is over. We move now, together or not at all.

[Delenn exits, followed by all but the Warrior Caste members of the Grey Council]

Major Ed Ryan:

Captain John Sheridan:
Major Ryan. [looks behind him] Where's General Hague?

Major Ed Ryan:
General Hague was killed in our last firefight. We were coming back from a meeting with some officials on Orion 7 when we were ambushed. He was on his way to the command deck when we were hit amidships by the Clarkstown. In his absence, I've tried to carry on as best I can. Between this and what's been going on back home, the crew is... just stunned.

Captain John Sheridan:
[continues] What's the latest on the coup?

Major Ed Ryan:
A few senators have managed to escape Earthdome, shock troops are out in force everywhere, Paris, London, New York, Moscow, New Delhi.

Cmdr. Susan Ivanova:
How are the folks back home dealing with all this?

Major Ed Ryan:
That's the irony. Most of them have welcomed martial law. It's cut crime down to nothing. On the surface, it's peaceful.

Captain John Sheridan:
Yeah, the peace of the gun.

Michael Garibaldi:
Why haven't we seen any of this on ISN?

Major Ed Ryan:
ISN is walking a fine line. They know if they push too far, they'll be shut down. We have one chance. Mars has rejected martial law. If they can stand up to Clark, they might be able to rally support from some of the other colony worlds and push him out of power.

Michael Garibaldi:
Unless he pushes back.

Captain John Sheridan:
Oh, he's overextended already. Ah, his power base is back on Earth where he has Nightwatch and the bulk of our forces.

Cmdr. Susan Ivanova:
I just can't believe so many people in Earthforce would go along with all this.

Major Ed Ryan:
He spent the last year putting his people in key places. Anyone who raises a voice is immediately arrested and charged with treason, Under conditions like that, it's... it's easier to keep quiet. [link beeps] Yeah?

Bill Trainor:
We just intercepted a coded message from Earthforce Command. They've started bombing Mars. I repeat, they're bombing Mars. [everyone reacts with disbelief]

Captain Sandra Hiroshi:
Major Ryan, captain, we've just jumped in from Orion 7. They've declared independence.

Captain John Sheridan:
We've heard. What's the reaction?

Captain Sandra Hiroshi:
Clark's afraid of losing the other colonies, so he's sending elite forces to seize direct control of any colony or outpost that might move against him.

Major Ed Ryan:
If he finds out we're here...

Captain Sandra Hiroshi:
It's too late. He already knows. We intercepted attack orders relayed to the Agrippa and the Roanoke. They're hooking up with some heavy reinforcements on the way in.

Major Ed Ryan:
We'd better pull out before we jeopardize Babylon 5 further.

Captain Sandra Hiroshi:
Major, the ships receiving the attack order were already on their way here. He doesn't want to risk Babylon 5 breaking away. So those ships are ordered to seize command of Babylon 5, arrest and detain its captain and the rest of the command staff, and to put the station under the direct authority of President Clark and the Nightwatch.

Cmdr. Susan Ivanova:
The other governments won't stand for it.

Major Ed Ryan:
They won't intervene. All the major powers are divided, distracted, busy with their own wars. We're on our own.

Captain Sandra Hiroshi:
I'm sorry to be the bearer of such bad news captain, but I thought you should know.

Captain John Sheridan:
How long until they get here?

Captain Sandra Hiroshi:
Six hours, tops. Maybe less.

Major Ed Ryan:
I'd better get back to my ship. I should be there when the others arrive. [sets mug he's holding on table and faces Sheridan] If you think it would be any help, we could try to jump, maybe draw some of the fire away from Babylon 5, give you a chance to negotiate.

Captain John Sheridan:
No. Thank you, Major. If this is where we make our stand then... this is where we'll do it.

Please restrain yourself, Mr. Garibaldi, or you will hurt yourself. We can't allow that.

Michael Garibaldi:
[pacing the room] Yeah? Why not?

We have orders.

Michael Garibaldi:
[intercut as if he's asked this many times] Orders? Whose orders? *Orders*? Whose orders? *Whose orders?*

We can't tell you that. You must know that by now.

Michael Garibaldi:
Look, just - *What do you want from me?*

We want to know what you remember after being taken from Babylon 5.

Michael Garibaldi:
I told you, I don't remember anything!

Your vital signs indicate you're being somewhat less than honest. You're just trying to avoid discomfort by telling us what you think we want to hear.

Michael Garibaldi:
[sarcastic] Why would I do that, huh? Maybe because you got me stuck in this tomb? I don't know where the hell I'm at? Maybe figuring out what *you want* is the only way out? Well, *silly me*!

[intercut as if he's been told this many times] Don't think, Mr. Garibaldi. Don't think, Mr. Garibaldi. Just tell us the truth.

Michael Garibaldi:
Aw, gimme a break!

What happened after you left Babylon 5?

Michael Garibaldi:
I *told* you I don't remember!

What happened after...

Michael Garibaldi:
[enraged] *I said I don't remember!*

What happened?

[Garibaldi rips a piece off the chair in the center of the room and begins punctuating his words by battering the rest of the chair with it]

Michael Garibaldi:
I *don't*...

What happened?

Michael Garibaldi:

Stop that, Mr. Garibaldi!

Michael Garibaldi:

[Michael bashes the door once, futilely, and then goes to work on the light fixtures, shattering them one by one, shouting incoherently]

Stop it, Mr. Garibaldi. We can force you to behave.

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