Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Forgetting Sarah Marshall is a 2008 American comedy film about a music composer who is devastated when his television star girlfriend of five years leaves him for someone else. To get over his heartbreak, he takes a Hawaii vacation, only to find his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend there.

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Director(s): Nicholas Stoller
Production: Universal Pictures
  4 wins & 19 nominations.
Rotten Tomatoes:
From the guys who brought you "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" and "Knocked Up"
The ultimate romantic disaster movie
When Peter got dumped by his girlfriend, he wanted to get as far away as possible. Apparently... so did she
A comedy about getting dumped, and taking it like a man.

Rachel Jansen:
Welcome to Turtle Bay- what can I do for you?

Peter Bretter:
I'm checking in. My name's Bretter- Peter Bretter- but actually, I don't have a reservation. Just thought I'd... take my chances. (smiles weakly)

Rachel Jansen:
Oh! (raises her eyebrows) Wow- bold! (she looks through the registrar) We are all booked up, but we do have the Kapua Suite available.

Peter Bretter:
Um, okay- how much is that?

Rachel Jansen:
$6,000 a night.

Peter Bretter:

Rachel Jansen:
Beautiful views.

Peter Bretter:
I can imagine... that's a little bit out of my price range. Sorry. (he looks around) That's a shame- this is such a beautiful- (he jumps as he looks out the window and sees Sarah walking by outside in her bikini)- hotel.

Rachel Jansen:
(follows his gaze) Oh, yeah, it's Sarah Marshall from Crime Scene. (laughs) People are excited that she's here.

Peter Bretter:
(swallows) She's my ex-girlfriend- we broke up three weeks ago.

Rachel Jansen:
(startled) Oh- I'm sorry, sir.

Peter Bretter:
Okay, like, this is fine, right?

Rachel Jansen:

Peter Bretter:
It's totally fine- (looks over his shoulder and sees Sarah entering the lobby) Okay, there she is. (He turns back to the desk; Sarah notices him) Did she see me?

Rachel Jansen:

Peter Bretter:
is she coming over here?

Rachel Jansen:

Peter Bretter:
I wish I wasn't wearing this f***ing shirt.

Rachel Jansen:
Fair enough- why don't you try unbuttoning it?(Peter opens the top two buttons of the shirt and looks at her for approval) Button it back up. (as he does so, Sarah comes up to the desk and he turns to face her.)

Sarah Marshall:

Peter Bretter:
Hey- Hi.

Sarah Marshall:
...What are you doing here?

Peter Bretter:
(deadpan)...I came here to murder you. (chuckles hysterically)

(suspiciously) Really- what are you doing here?

Peter Brenner:
...I have been having a tough time, you know, back in L.A.- uh- but then, I came here, and here you are. I just think that's too crazy to-

Aldous Snow:
(enters the lobby) Hey there, little sex object! (slaps Sarah's rear and kisses her forehead, catching her off-guard) I've lost a shoe (holds up a black flip-flop) Have you seen it anywhere? (doesn't notice Peter staring at him, or Sarah staring at Peter) It's like this one, but obviously it's- um- opposite of-um, excuse me, Misses? (to Rachel) I've lost a shoe- it's like this one- it's like, this one's fellow- sort of like the exact opposite of this one, in fact-

Rachel Jansen:
(sarcastically) Uh-huh?

Aldous Snow:
Not like, an evil version, but just, you know- a shoe, like this, but for the other foot, otherwise I'd have to-

Sarah Marshall:
Aldous, this is Peter (indicates him)

Aldous Snow:
Hey! Alright, Peter! Nice to meet you, mate. (shakes hands with Peter and shoulder-bumps him) Aldous- good to meet you, man. (Peter nods, looking irritated)

Sarah Marshall:
My ex-boyfriend.

Aldous Snow:
Oh, right! Hey, I'm Aldous Snow.

Peter Bretter:
I know who you are, yeah- you're very, very famous.

Aldous Snow:
Yeah, I am, I am- for my sins. So, are you, um, staying here as well?

Peter Bretter:
I'm not, as a matter-

Rachel Jansen:
I'm sorry- excuse me, Mr. Bretter, Ms. Marshall- (to Peter) But, we were, um, able to book the Kapua suite for you, sir, for four nights. (Surprised, Peter looks back at Aldous and Sarah- Aldous looks equally surprised, Sarah looks shocked and angry)

Peter Bretter:
You were?

Rachel Jansen:
(smiles and nods) Yes, sir.

Peter Bretter:
(Looks back and forth between Rachel and Aldous/Sarah) Marvelous!

Aldous Snow:
Perfect! Perfect amount of time. Listen, if you want to have dinner with us one of those nights, you're very-

Sarah Marshall:
(sharply) Aldous!

Peter Bretter:
No. No, that's very gentlemanly of you, but, uh, you two enjoy your trip, and, uh, I'll be just fine on my own (with a gesture of superiority) in my Kapua Suite.

Aldous Snow:
Alright, Peter.

Sarah Marshall:
Have a good trip, Pete.

Aldous Snow:
I like your shirt- it's colorful. (he and Sarah walk away) Bye, ta-ta! (to Sarah) I was wearing two shoes this morning, wasn't I?

Peter Bretter:
Bye, now. ( swallows, turns back to Rachel) Thank you. Thank you for bailing me out like that, but I still can't afford that room.

Rachel Jansen:
Nobody can- it's for, like, Oprah, or like, Celine Dion. Really, it's not a big deal. So, you can stay in the suite, but since you're not technically a guest, you have to clean up after yourself. (hands him a key) Otherwise, here is your room key, and enjoy your stay! (smiles; a bellhop notices what she's doing an grins to himself)

Peter Bretter:
(bewildered)... Why are you doing this for me?

Rachel Jansen:
(pause, glances in the direction Sarah and Aldous took) She's here with some guy, already? Kind of messed up.

Peter Bretter:
Yeah, right?! Thank you-

Rachel Jansen:
Really, it's not a big deal- go, go enjoy yourself!

Peter Bretter:
(tries to read her nametag) Rachel...

Rachel Jansen:

Peter Bretter:
Jansen. I mean, a thousand times, thank you! You know what I mean? I-

Rachel Jansen:
Go- go enjoy yourself!

Peter Bretter:
(to Brian via his computer) I'm confused and I don't know what to do.

Brian Bretter:
What's up with that hat? What are you- what, are you in the Buena Vista Social Club?

Peter Bretter:
(put out)... This is a nice hat.

Brian Bretter:
(smirking) What member of The Brat Pack are you? You look like one of those guys suspected of killing JFK.

Peter Bretter:
... That's very funny. That's great.

Liz Bretter:
(offscreen) Tell him to make friends.

Brian Bretter:
(glances in her direction, then back) ...You need to get out there and make some friends, man.

Peter Bretter:
(annoyed) Is Liz there right now?!

Brian Bretter:
No! No, she- she's not in here, buddy.

Peter Bretter:
(more annoyed) I just heard her.

Brian Bretter:
She's... gone (looks right, in Liz's direction)

Peter Bretter:
Who are you looking at?! (Brian continues to look right)

Brian Bretter:

Peter Bretter:
Is she still- (sarcastically) Hi, Liz!

Brian Bretter:
No, I swear on my mother's grave, it- (Liz leans into view and waves hello over Brian's shoulder) Okay, it was Liz. She wasn't here the entire time- Go out and meet people! We meet people all the time-

Liz Bretter:
All the time on vacation.

Brian Bretter:

Peter Bretter:
I've tried, all right?! There's like, a couple dudes here, but- they're kinda weird.

Liz Bretter:
Just- be friendly? (Brian nods) Iron your shirt-

Brian Bretter:
Iron your shirt, look sharp-

Liz Bretter:
Even your T-shirts.

Peter Bretter:
...There is this girl at the front desk who's pretty cute. (Liz makes a sound of approval, Brian makes a sound of disgust)

Brian Bretter:
Oh, yeah- you know what? Go and have another dirty one-night stand- that worked out so well before.

Peter Bretter:
What do you want from me?! You just told me I need to meet people.

Liz Bretter:
Ask her out! (to Brian) I mean, maybe that's what he needs is, like, a rebound!

Brian Bretter:
He's had plenty of chances for rebounds! This isn't- (Peter covers his face in exasperation)

Liz Bretter:
Can we get on the same team, here?

Brian Bretter:
(instantly backing down) Okay I'm sorry. (turns back to Peter) We're on the same team- sorry. (he and Liz do a mini-high-five)

Liz Bretter:
You should go out on a date with this girl, Peter.

Peter Bretter:
... Well, maybe I'll ask her out, then. (Liz nods approval)

Brian Bretter:
My wife says so.

Sarah Marshall:
(after she, Peter and Rachel have each had a lot of wine) So... just so we're clear, and so that I can kinda hone in on your- your central thesis of the night, wade through all the bullshit- you're telling me you think you have the right to just f*** anyone, anywhere, anytime? That's what you're saying?

Aldous Snow:
Yes! That's right, there it is! Not so eloquently as you just put it, sweetheart, but- (spills his cranberry juice over the Tommy Bahama shirt Sarah bought him, and doesn't notice) Ultimately, that is- (notices the spill and laughs) Oh, no! Not the shirt! (laughing) Take my eyes, but not the shirt! (Rachel and Peter laugh, Sarah looks disgusted as Aldous wipes off his hand on his mouth) Mmm, yeah, that's pretty much what I believe, Sarah.

Sarah Marshall:
When you're done making jokes, are you gonna get a napkin?!

Aldous Snow:
D'you know what, I think I've improved it, actually! Against all odds- I think I deserve a design award!

Sarah Marshall:
(quietly and angrily) Just please get some seltzer water.

Aldous Snow:
Um, garcon, could we get some- (Matthew rushes over and tries vigorously to clean off Aldous' shirt, while Aldous tries to fend him off; Rachel laughs)

Matthew Van Der Wyk:
I saw it from farther away- Okay, just lean back for a sec- let me-

No, it's all right, it's not there- You're very diligent, and I appreciate it, but- let go of the glass now, you're gonna have to walk away, bless you. (Matthew reluctantly backs off as a waitress brings dessert)

Peter Brenner:
(in mock reaction to the dessert) Oh me, oh my- call the doctor.

Rachel Jansen:
Oh, good! (they both laugh; Rachel feeds Peter some of her dessert. Peter makes sounds of appreciation as Sarah watches them unhappily and drinks another glass of wine)

Peter Bretter:
I love Hawaii.

Rachel Jansen:
(laughs) It's good, huh?

Sarah Marshall:
(subtly disdainful) Yeah, it's nice, but I think- for like a week, tops. Any more than that, and I know I'd go crazy, because I think that Hawaii is- a place to escape- for people who can't deal with the real world (snickers and looks haughtily at Rachel, who glares at her)

Rachel Jansen:
(pauses, swallows her dessert) Yeah- you know, there's so few personal shoppers and pet therapists- gosh, it's such a hard life. (she feeds Peter another bite of dessert, then grabs his face and kisses him. Eventually Rachel pulls away and smirks at Sarah, who is glaring at her) I like living here.

Matthew Van Der Wyk:
Anyone need anymore vino?

Peter Bretter:
I think we're good.

Matthew Van Der Wyk:
(To Aldous Snow) I have a quick question for you, Mr. S. I was actually meaning to ask you- what did you exactly think of my demo? And, did you get it? I mean- did you get it?

Aldous Snow:
Oh! No- I was gonna listen to that, but then, um- I just carried on living my life. (Matthew looks stunned)

Matthew Van Der Wyk:
So- not at all?-

Aldous Snow:
No, I didn't- because, you know, I kind of, just- I got my instincts, and (clicks his tongue) they weren't good.

Matthew Van Der Wyk:
(pause, then lowers his voice to an infuriated whisper) You know what, dude?! F*** you, okay?! You can f*** yourself. I can't yell right now, 'cause I'll get fired- my boss will hear me, and I won't be able to pay off my student loans (Aldous nods understandingly, looking completely bored) but you know what? You're an a**hole. I f***in' hate you. I bought all your records- this whole f***in' time I've been trying to get you to hang out with me- I'm gonna have people f*** with your food the rest of your trip! You f***in' dick! (storms off)

Aldous Snow:
(raising his glass in a mock-toasting gesture) I like him, that was quite moving.

Sarah, Rachel and Peter:
(Sarah, having heard Rachel and Peter having sex through the wall, starts having sex with Aldous and faking a loud orgasm; Rachel and Peter realize what she's doing and have even noisier sex, trying to one-up her and vice versa. Finally, Aldous realizes what Sarah's doing and shoves her off.)

Aldous Snow:
Yeah, alright, that's enough!

Sarah Marshall:

Aldous Snow:
I made a mistake, coming here with you. (Next door, Rachel and Peter noisily finish having sex) You're still involved with 'im next door, in't ya?

Sarah Marshall:
Excuse me?

Aldous Snow:
You should have seen yourself at dinner, Sarah. Then, we come back here, and you put on that... ghastly performance. I mean, I've heard that women fake orgasms, but I've never actually seen one- it really, deeply upset me.

Sarah Marshall:
(embarrassed and furious) You should have seen yourself at dinner! [mocking Aldous's accent] Oh, I'm Aldous Snow... bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. No, no drinks for me thanks... bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

Aldous Snow:
(boredly) That's a really reductive impression. If I wanted to see you act badly, I'd just watch your TV show- which, obviously, I can't now, 'cause it's canceled.

Sarah Marshall:
Oh my God, you're such a prick! And, you know what?! (rolls over and starts indicating his tattoos) Lemme tell you something about these tattoos, okay?! That is Buddhist, that is Nordic, that is Hindu, that's just gibberish- they are completely conflicting ideologies, and that does not make you a citizen of the world, it makes you full of sh*t! (rolls back over)

Aldous Snow:
(pause, raises an eyebrow) Was that genuine, or did you fake that as well? (Sarah looks furious) Right, I'm gonna probably clear off, now. I'll have a little sleep for a couple of hours, but then, uh, I'm gonna probably go in the morning, okay?

Sarah Marshall:
(long pause) I hate your music.

Aldous Snow:
Yeah, well I f***ed the housekeeper the other day. (he rolls over and falls asleep as Sarah stares at the ceiling miserably)

Rachel Jansen:
Wow, we’re really going up to the edge of this, huh?

Peter Bretter:

Rachel Jansen:
Wow, this is really beautiful. All right, so now that your show’s done, are you gonna finish the Dracula musical?

Peter Bretter:
It’s not that was, you know. Sarah always thought it was crazy and...

Rachel Jansen:
Well, you're definitely crazy. But so is everyone, right? So who cares?

Peter Bretter:
I just don't feel like doing anything.

Rachel Jansen:

Peter Bretter:
'Cause my heart is broken, and I can't imagine doing anything right now. It's probably the same reason... you don't go back to school, you know? Maybe it's good we got hurt like that, you know? don't know about you, but it makes me feel impervious to pain.

Rachel Jansen:
Yeah. Kind of like there's nothing left to be afraid of.

Peter Bretter:
Yeah. No, exactly.

Rachel Jansen:

Peter Bretter:
We could leap off this rock, and it won't hurt us as had as they did.

Rachel Jansen:
So, jump then.

Peter Bretter:
No, I meant that, like as a metaphor, you know?

Rachel Jansen:
No. Just do it. You’ll be fine. Jump.

Peter Bretter:
Oh, god. Oh god. I made her kill yourself. You must be crazy.

Rachel Jansen:
So, are you gonna jump, or what.

Peter Bretter:

Rachel Jansen:
Come on, Peter! I can see vagina from here. I can see hoo-ha.

Peter Bretter:
I mean, I'll jump!

Rachel Jansen:
Chicken, come on.

Peter Bretter:
[while hanging from a cliff] So what should I do? I should just let go?

Rachel Jansen:
No, no, no, no, no. If you fall straight down, you'll probably hit a rock and kill yourself!

Peter Bretter:
Totally. So what do I do?!

Rachel Jansen:
Why don't you just press your feet up against the rock, and like, shoot yourself off!

Peter Bretter:
What, like a frog?!

Rachel Jansen:
I don't know, Peter- just get off the f***ing rock!

Peter Bretter:
Here I go! One! [pause]

Rachel Jansen:

Peter Bretter:
Two! [pause] Two and a half-

Rachel Jansen:

Peter Bretter:
Three! [jumps, falls awkwardly, but safely, into the sea near Rachel]

Rachel Jansen:
Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. You saw right?

Peter Bretter:
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I saw it.

Rachel Jansen:
I was there I witnessed it.

Peter Bretter:
[smiling] Thanks.

[She kisses him]

Sarah Marshall:
[after she, Peter and Rachel have each had a lot of wine] So... just so we're clear, and so that I can kinda hone in on your, your central thesis of the night, wade through all the bullshit, you're telling me you think you have the right to just f*** anyone, anywhere, anytime? That's what you're saying?

Aldous Snow:
Yes! That's right, there it is! Not so eloquently as you just put it, sweetheart, but... [spills his cranberry juice over the Tommy Bahama shirt Sarah bought him, and doesn't notice] Ultimately, that is... [notices the spill and laughs] Oh, no! Not the shirt! [laughing] Take my eyes, but not the shirt! Mmm, yeah, that's pretty much what I believe, Sarah.

Sarah Marshall:
When you're done making jokes, are you gonna get a napkin?!

Aldous Snow:
D'you know what, I think I've improved it, actually! Against all odds, I think I deserve a design award!

Sarah Marshall:
[quietly and angrily] Just please get some seltzer water.

Aldous Snow:
Um, garcon, could we get some... [Matthew rushes over and tries vigorously to clean off Aldous' shirt, while Aldous tries to fend him off; Rachel laughs]

Matthew Van Der Wyk:
I saw it from farther away. Okay, just lean back for a sec. Let me...

No, it's all right, it's not there. You're very diligent, and I appreciate it, but, let go of the glass now, you're gonna have to walk away, bless you. [Matthew reluctantly backs off as a waitress brings dessert]

Peter Brenner:
[in mock reaction to the dessert] Oh me, oh my, call the doctor.

Rachel Jansen:
Oh, good! [they both laugh; Rachel feeds Peter some of her dessert.]

Peter Bretter:
I love Hawaii.

Rachel Jansen:
[laughs] It's good, huh?

Sarah Marshall:
Yeah, it's nice, but I think, for like a week, tops. Any more than that, and I know I'd go crazy, because I think that Hawaii is a place to escape for people who can't deal with the real world.

Rachel Jansen:
Yeah, you know, there's so few personal shoppers and pet therapists. Gosh, it's such a hard life. [she feeds Peter another bite of dessert, then grabs his face and kisses him.] I like living here.

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