Gabby & Debby

Gabby & Debby


[Gabby and Debby find themselves in a forest. They notice a lone cabin in a field nearby with a large sign "Royal Australian - Radio Relay Station VK 1123". They approach the cabin. A man comes out of the cabin, chopping wood and washing laundry. Gabby and Debby watch the man, hiding behind a barrel. Then a voice comes out of the radio transmitter in the cabin]

Sick man at Mountain Robe:
[his voice is faint and agonized] 1... 1-2-3...

Debby Sela:
What's going on?

Gabby Sela:
I don't know.

Sick man at Mountain Robe:
1-1-2-3. This is 4-3-7. This is 4-3-7.

[the radio operator enters the cabin and answers the transmission]

Sick man at Mountain Robe:
4-3-7, 4-3-7, this is 1-1-2-3. This is 1-1-2-3. Over.

[Gabby and Debby get near the cabin wall]

Debby Sela:
What's happening?

[Gabby shushes her. They eavesdrop to the transmissions]

Radio operator:
This is 1-1-2-3. This is 1-1-2-3. Over.

Sick man at Mountain Robe:
I'm very sick. I don't know what's wrong. Send a doctor.

Debby Sela:
[whispering] What's happening?

Sick man at Mountain Robe:
Please. Send... a doctor.

Gabby Sela:
[to Debby] He's talking to a man. The man is very sick. He's asking for a doctor.

Radio operator:
Where're you calling from, 4-3-7?

Sick man at Mountain Robe:
I'm... calling from... Mount Robe.

Radio operator:
Wait a minute, I'm looking at the map.

[the radio operator finds the location of Mount Robe in the map. Then he looks at a list of doctors, sorted by areas, and picks the name of Dr. Victor Johnson. Turning the modulator, he contacts Dr. Johnson]

[while Gabby is searching the map inside the cabin for the location of the sick man's cabin, Debby looks outside the window. Meanwhile, the radio operator realizes that Gabby fooled him, and returns to the cabin]

Debby Sela:
He's coming closer. Gabby, he's coming back!

Gabby Sela:
Here it is. Here's Mount Robe. You ready?

[they hold hands. Gabby touches the map with the magic stick. In a flash of light, they disappear, and are teleported to the cabin of the sick man]

Gabby Sela:
There he is. Mister? Mister?

[Gabby touches the sick man's shoulder. The man coughs and look at them]

Sick man at Mountain Robe:
Wha... what's happening? What are you doing here?

Gabby Sela:
Take it easy, mister.

Sick man at Mountain Robe:
Help me. Please... help me. I need... a doctor.

[the sick man's head drops]

Gabby Sela:
The doctor isn't coming. It's raining too hard. Mister? Mister?

[Debby presses her ear to the sick man's chest, and is relieved to hear his heart beating]

Debby Sela:
He's only sleeping.

[Debby puts her palm on the sick man's forehead, finding that he is feverish]

Debby Sela:
Gabby, he's very sick. Let's take him to a hospital!

Gabby Sela:
You're right, but...

Debby Sela:
But what?

Gabby Sela:
We need a map. Yeah!

[while Debby puts a damp cloth on the sick man's forehead, Gabby is looking for a map]

Debby Sela:
Gabby, hurry!

Gabby Sela:
[impatiently] Well, help me.

[Debby puts the cloth down on a table and joins Gabby in looking for a map. She notices a map on high shelf, beyond her grasp]

Debby Sela:
Gabby, look! There's a map lying up there!

Peter Martin:
[calls on radio] Mr. Nicholson, this is Peter Martin. Can you hear me?

Mr. Nicholson:
Yes, Peter, go ahead. I can hear you.

Peter Martin:
We can't get into Area 5.

Mr. Nicholson:
What do you mean you can't?

Peter Martin:
It's full of rocks.

Mr. Nicholson:
Are you sure?

Peter Martin:
Of course I'm sure. I'm standing by the entrance. I can see the whole area.

Mr. Nicholson:
So move the rocks out of the way!

Peter Martin:
We can't move them. They're too heavy.

Mr. Nicholson:
Then use dynamite!

Peter Martin:
We can't use dynamite. That's too dangerous. The roof is very weak here. It's going to fall down any minute.

Mr. Nicholson:
But that's the only way to get into Area 6!

Peter Martin:
I know, but we can't get through. What do you want us to do?

Mr. Nicholson:
I don't know... give me a minute to think.

[Mr. Nicholson examines the map of the mine. Then he hears Frank's faint voice calling him via the radio]

Mr. Nicholson:
Yes, Frank.

[Frank tries to speak, but he is too weak. He coughs, his breathing becomes heavier]

Mr. Nicholson:
Go ahead, Frank. I can hear you. Frank?

[Frank loses consciousness. His fingers let go of the radio transmitter]

Mr. Nicholson:
Frank! Can you hear me? Frank! Can you hear me?

Peter Martin:
[calls on radio] Mr. Nicholson!

Mr. Nicholson:
What is it, Peter? What's happening down there?

Peter Martin:
The roof in Area 4 is starting to fall down. We're coming back up. We can't do anything to save Frank now.

Mr. Nicholson:
[reluctantly] Alright, alright.

[Mr. Nicholson thinks for a moment. Then he grabs his helmet and radio transmitter. He and another man enter the mine. As soon as they leave, Gabby and Debby approach]

[Gabby, Debby and Frank arrive in the elevator room by using the magic stick]

Debby Sela:
Gabby, the elevator isn't here.

Gabby Sela:
Wait a minute.

[Gabby sees a lever under a warning sign "Put your hat on!", and pushes it. A noise is heard, indicating that the elevator is going down]

Gabby Sela:
There. It's coming. C'mon, let's get him in.

[when the elevator arrives, Gabby puts the map of the mine on the floor, near the radio transmitter, and they lift Frank]

Debby Sela:
Be careful.

[They carry Frank to the elevator. Debby looks back, noticing they left the radio transmitter on the floor]

Debby Sela:
Gabby, look! The walkie-talkie fell.

Gabby Sela:
Leave it.

[they put Frank in the elevator, get out of it, and Debby pulls the lever. The elevator doors are closed, and it moves upwards]

Debby Sela:
He's safe now. Let's get out of here!

[before they can leave, another tremor occurs]

Debby Sela:
The roof is going to fall any minute!

[dust, rocks and wooden beams fall from the ceiling. The room is engulfed with darkness. Meanwhile, Mr. Nicholson and others are outside the mine. Suddenly he receives a call in his transmitter]

Peter Martin:
Mr. Nicholson! Mr. Nicholson, can you hear me?

Mr. Nicholson:
[opens the transmitter] Yes, I can hear you. Go ahead.

Peter Martin:
Frank Thompson is alive!

Mr. Nicholson:

Peter Martin:
We found him.

Mr. Nicholson:
Well, where is he?

Peter Martin:
By the entrance of the elevator.

Mr. Nicholson:
C'mon, let's go. Hurry!

[Mr. Nicholson and the others hurry to the elevator. Meanwhile, down the mine, Debby regains consciousness, and looks for Gabby]

[Uncle Max tells Gabby and Debby about his last trip to an ancient Incan city in Peru, using slide projector to show them photos of the Incan culture]

Uncle Max:
I came back from Peru two days ago. I'm going to go there again next month.

Debby Sela:
Do you work alone?

Uncle Max:
No, I don't. I work with an archaeologist from Jerusalem, Dr. White. He is in Peru right now with his daughter.

Gabby Sela:
Where? What's he looking for?

Uncle Max:
[chuckles] Wait a minute. You were hungry five minutes ago. Don't you want to eat lunch?

Gabby Sela:
[smiles] No...

Debby Sela:
Oh, c'mon, uncle Max. Tell us, where is Dr. White?

Uncle Max:
[shows them a photo of ancient ruins] Well, Dr. White is working inside this Incan city.

Gabby Sela:
What's he doing?

Uncle Max:
He is looking for something that looks like this.

[uncle Max takes from the closet an ancient clay pot, shaped like human head, and gives it to Debby]

Debby Sela:
[examines the pot] What is that?

Uncle Max:
It's an Incan treasure. It's called a "portrait jar". It's very old. Dr. White is also looking for other treasures. We think they are in a secret room.

Debby Sela:
A secret room?

Uncle Max:
Yes. We found it last month.

Gabby Sela:
So what's the problem?

Uncle Max:
Well, we know where the room is, but we don't know how to get into it. There's no entrance.

Gabby Sela:
No entrance?

Uncle Max:
[pointing at the photo Gabby is holding] That's right. The secret room is in that building. That's where Dr. White is right now.

[Gabby and Debby look at each other. They decide to travel to Peru using the magic stick and help Dr. White to find the entrance to the secret room]

[using the magic stick, Gabby and Debby arrive at the old Incan city. They see archaeological equipment and ancient items, clearly placed there by Dr. White and his daughter]

Debby Sela:
Gabby, look! Where're Dr. White and his daughter?

Gabby Sela:
I don't know. Let's look around.

[Debby sneezes. Gabby notices that they are near the building shown in the photo which uncle Max showed them. Debby stoops to examine a bag]

Gabby Sela:
Gabby, look at this!

[Gabby approaches and looks. Suddenly they hear voices coming]

Dr. White:
[his voice sounds from afar]... we looked here yesterday...

Debby Sela:
Someone is coming!

Gabby Sela:
Quick, let's hide.

[they hide behind a rock. Dr. White and his daughter appear, carrying bags of items they found]

Dr. White:
C'mon, Julie.

Julie White:
Do you want some coffee?

Dr. White:
Yes, please. I don't understand... where is the entrance to the secret room?

Julie White:
[puts a coffee pot on a small gasoline stove] Maybe there is no secret room.

Dr. White:
But we found secret rooms in other Incan cities a few months ago.

[Dr. White takes a map of the Incan city from one of the bags and places it on a large stone]

Dr. White:
[points at area marked in the map] I'm sure that this is the secret room... but where is the entrance?

Julie White:
Let's make an entrance!

Dr. White:

Julie White:
Let's break one of the walls.

Dr. White:
But that's impossible.

Julie White:

Dr. White:
The building is very strong. The walls are very thick.

Julie White:
What are we going to do?

Dr. White:
[sighs] I don't know. I really don't know.

[while Dr. White and July are inside the building, Gabby takes a flashlight from their equipment. They use the magic stick on the map of the secret room and disappear with a flash of light. Dr. White and July come back, and they are puzzled to see that Debby is gone, and so is the map]

Dr. White:
What is going on?

[Gabby and Debby find themselves in a dark room]

Debby Sela:
Gabby, turn on the flashlight.

Gabby Sela:
It isn't working. Wait a minute...

[at last Gabby manages to turn on the flashlight. Debby screams in horror when she sees a face in the light]

Gabby Sela:
What is it?

Debby Sela:
There's someone in here!

[Gabby approaches, aiming the flashlight]

Gabby Sela:
[chuckles] C'mon... that's a portrait jar.

[Gabby puts the magic stick on the shelf, hands Debby the flashlight and takes the portrait jar. Debby aims the flashlight at the jar. They realize it is the portrait jar which uncle Max mentioned]

Gabby Sela:
This is the secret room.

[Gabby hands Debby the jar. She places the flashlight on the shelf, then places the map and the jar there too. Now that the room is illuminated, they can see there are paintings on the walls, and in the middle of the room there is ornamented stone table]

Gabby Sela:
Where is the treasure?

[they examine the decorations on the table surface]

Debby Sela:
Gabby, look at this! It's beautiful.

Gabby Sela:

[Gabby finds a handle and turns it. Square part of the table surface is lowered, exposing the hollow interior of the table]

Debby Sela:
Gabby, look!

Gabby Sela:
The treasure!

[they look inside the table. It contains many old coins. Excitedly, they grab handfuls of the coins. Meanwhile, Dr. White and July are inside the building]

Julie White:
Which way did they go?

Dr. White:
I don't know.

[Gabby is watching the news about the paintings on TV]

Now here's important news: art thieves stole two very expensive paintings from the Coleman art gallery last night. The police have no idea who stole the paintings. This morning they found this map on the floor of the gallery, but they don't think that it's going to help them find the thieves, because the streets on the map don't have any names.

[an image of the map is shown on the TV screen]

The Australian artist John Walsh painted the two paintings.

[images of the paintings are shown on the TV screen]

One of them is a painting of a young girl. She's sitting under a tree. A tiger is sleeping next to her on the grass. In the second, two men are playing ball in the field. The Coleman gallery paid 50,000 pounds for the first painting. They paid 100,000 pounds for the second painting. And now, here's the weather...

[Debby enters the room, holding a newspaper]

Debby Sela:

Gabby Sela:
[turns the TV off] What?

[Debby opens the newspaper on the page where image of the map is included]

Debby Sela:
Look! That's the map the police found in the art gallery this morning. It's in all the newspapers. Let's go there!

Gabby Sela:
Wait a minute...

Debby Sela:
Why? The police don't know where this place is.

Gabby Sela:
I know.

Debby Sela:
So let's help them! Let's find out where it is and tell the police.

Gabby Sela:
[ties his shoes] OK. But I'm going to go there alone. I want you to stay here.

Debby Sela:

Gabby Sela:
Because it's dangerous, Debby.

Debby Sela:
That's not fair!

Gabby Sela:
[folds the newspaper] Take it easy.

Debby Sela:
No! I bought the newspaper, and I brought it here.

Gabby Sela:
[takes the magic stick from the desk] C'mon, Debby. I'm going to be back in five minutes.

Debby Sela:
So take me with you!

Gabby Sela:

[Debby folds her arms, annoyed]

[the thieves drive back to the old house. Gabby and Debby watch them, hiding behind bushes. Once the thieves go down to the basement, smug for pulling off the theft, unpleasant surprise wait for them:
the police inspector sits on a bench]

Second thief:
What... who are you?

Inspector Zimmerman:
I am inspector Zimmerman.

[the thieves look at each other puzzled. They turn to the door, only to see a policeman standing there, holding a nightstick]

Second thief:
What are you doing here?

Inspector Zimmerman:
I am waiting for you.

First thief:
[smiles innocently] For us?

Inspector Zimmerman:
That's right.

Second thief:

Inspector Zimmerman:
Because you stole two paintings from the Coleman art gallery last night.

[the thieves feign innocence]

Second thief:
Paintings? What paintings? I don't know what you're talking about.

[the inspector stands, goes to the closet and takes out the two paintings]

Inspector Zimmerman:
[dryly] I am talking about these paintings.

[the thieves stare at the paintings in disbelief. The bespectacled thief is so astonished that he cannot hold his tongue]

First thief:
[to the bearded thief] But we... how did they get back in there?

[the bearded thief tries to shush his accomplice, but it is too late]

Inspector Zimmerman:
OK. Let's go.

[the policeman handscuffs the thieves]

Inspector Zimmerman:
C'mon, let's go.

[the policemen take the thieves and the paintings and leave the house. Using the magic stick, Gabby and Debby transport themselves into the old house. They rejoice for their success in helping the police to catch the thieves and recover the stolen paintings]

Debby Sela:
That was a great idea!

Gabby Sela:
Yes, it really worked!

[Gabby and Debby are among their youth group. Some are playing a ball; some are sitting and reading; Gabby and two others are looking at a piece of paper and chuckling. Gabby passes the paper to the other group members. They gather around, looking at the paper and laughing. Ronny the group leader arrives]

Ronny the Group leader:

[the group keeps laughing, no one listens to Ronny]

Ronny the Group leader:
[more loudly] Quiet!

[the group becomes quiet]

Ronny the Group leader:
[smiles] Hello, boys and girls. I'm happy to see you here today. Well, now it's time for the treasure hunt. You all know how to play?

The group:

Ronny the Group leader:
I sat at home for long time. I worked very hard and made a very long list for you...

[the group members pass the paper to each other behind their backs]

Ronny the Group leader:
...but now it isn't here. Do you know where it is?

[the group members shrug, feigning innocent]

Ronny the Group leader:
Anyway, there are...

Male group member:
Four notes!

[the group laughs. Ronny looks startled, realizing that the group already knew about the surprise he prepared for them]

Ronny the Group leader:
Four notes, yes, four notes. The notes are in...

Female group member:

Ronny the Group leader:
[faintly] Bottles, eh, yes. Well, there is a wonderful prize. The prize is...

The group:
Two tickets to the cinema!

[without waiting for further instructions, the group spreads around, looking for the bottles. Gabby and Debby call to others, but no one stays with them]

Ronny the Group leader:
Wait! Wait!

[Ronny blows his whistle, but no one listens. Gabby and Debby see that only they are left]

Gabby Sela:
[sighs] OK, Debby, let's go.

[the group search the area thoroughly for the bottles. Suddenly Debby sees scary-looking scarecrow, and yells in fear]

Gabby Sela:
It's only a scarecrow. Quick, look for the note in a bottle.

Debby Sela:
[sits downs on a stone] Gabby, let's rest.

Gabby Sela:
[impatiently] Debby, look for the bottle.

Debby Sela:

Gabby Sela:
Well, look behind the scarecrow.

Debby Sela:

[while Gabby is searching inside the scarecrow, Debby looks behind it, and finds something]

Debby Sela:

Gabby Sela:

Debby Sela:
[shows Gabby a large stone] Look at this.

Gabby Sela:
[sighs, examining the stone] It's just an old stone.

Debby Sela:
[turns the stone] But look at this.

[Gabby notices that there is a strange symbol on the stone:
ox head inside ornamented circle]

Gabby Sela:
Good. Now help me. Look in the scarecrow.

Debby Sela:
In the scarecrow?

Gabby Sela:
Ah, look in the pockets.

[Debby finds a matchbox inside one of the pockets, and shakes it. The noise indicates there are some matches inside it]

Debby Sela:
[hands Gabby the matchbox] Look!

Gabby Sela:
Look in the pants.

Debby Sela:
[feels something at the bottom of the scarecrow's pants] There's something here!

Gabby Sela:
What is it?

Debby Sela:
I don't know... it's a bottle! I have the bottle!

Gabby Sela:
Quick, take out the note!

Debby Sela:
[removes the note from the bottle and reads it aloud] "Look for the next bottle. It is under a chair. The chair is behind a box. The box is near a lamp. The lamp is on a table. The table is..." [Debby turns the note] "... in a junkyard!"

[Gabby and Debby found the first note, according to the next bottle is hidden in a junkyard]

Gabby Sela:
[musing] A junkyard? Let's go!

Debby Sela:

Gabby Sela:
There's a junkyard near the power station. C'mon!

[Gabby and Debby hurry to the junkyard. Once they arrive, they start looking for the second bottle. Gabby notices a broken plate under a chair]

Gabby Sela:
There's a plate under this chair.

[Gabby puts the pieces of the broken plate together, and amazed to see it bears the same strange symbol they found earlier on a stone near the scarecrow]

Debby Sela:
There are many chairs in this junkyard, silly, and this chair isn't behind a box. Look, there's a chair behind a box over there!

[Gabby looks at the chair Debby pointed at]

Gabby Sela:
You're right. The box is near a lamp, and the lamp is on a table.

[they approach the chair]

Gabby Sela:
There's a bottle under that chair, and there's a note in the bottle!

Debby Sela:
Read it, quick!

[Gabby removes the note from the bottle and reads it aloud]

Gabby Sela:
"Look for the next bottle..."

Debby Sela:
[sighs] Again?

Gabby Sela:
[shushes Debby, he continues reading] "... It is under an orange tree. The tree is near a very old house".

Debby Sela:
An old house? Wait a minute. There's an old house on the hill, near the road.

Gabby Sela:
Maybe. Let's go!

[Gabby and Debby rush to the old house. They see it from afar]

Gabby Sela:
There it is!

Debby Sela:
But there are many trees near the house.

Gabby Sela:
Yes, but the bottle is under an orange tree. Look, there's an orange tree behind those flowers. Let's go!

[while running to the orange tree, Debby suddenly trips on something. Gabby stops and goes back to help her]

[the basement is dark and dusty. Gabby and Debby find many candlesticks with candles inside them, and use the matches they found earlier to light them. The room is full of various items, apparently belonged to ship captain]

Debby Sela:
Look at all those things in this room...

[Gabby examines a ship's steering wheel. Then he takes an old sword and unsheathes it]

Debby Sela:
Gabby! Gabby!

Gabby Sela:

Debby Sela:
[looking at a telescope] Look at this!

Gabby Sela:
It's a telescope. Look...

[Debby gives Gabby the telescope. He extends it to full length, then looks through it. Moving around, Gabby sees on the wall via the telescope a map with the strange symbol they saw several times earlier. Meanwhile, Debby finds a gramophone and puts a recond on it. The room is filled with pleasant jazz music. Gabby puts the telescope down, approaches the gramophone and winds it several times. They continue searching the room. Gabby touches a dusty clock, then opens a large chest and takes out a vase. Debby searches a desk]

Debby Sela:

Gabby Sela:

Debby Sela:
The desk isn't locked!

Gabby Sela:
Well, look in the drawers.

[Debby opens a drawer and finds inside it a lock, feather-pens and a ship log]

Debby Sela:
There're a lot of old pens and notebooks in this drawer.

[Debby tries to write with a feather-pen. Gabby examines a textant]

Debby Sela:
Hey, look!

Gabby Sela:
What is it?

Debby Sela:
There's an old pair of eye-glasses in this drawer.

[Debby puts the eye-glasses on, looking rather foolish]

Gabby Sela:
[impatiently] Debby...

Debby Sela:

Gabby Sela:
Look for the box.

Debby Sela:

[Debby puts the eye-glasses back and closes the drawer. She continues searching the desk. Suddenly she fearfully slams the desk shut and moves away from it]

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