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(thinking) He gave up his own strength to save his monster! I'll place two cards face down and end my turn. (thinking) I've never come across a duelist like him before. He refuses to let any of his monsters go to the card graveyard. He protects them at all costs! Why would a duelist like this hold a card like the Seal of Orichalcos? Rafael, don't you understand what's going on here? As long as you're loyal to Dartz, you'll never be true to yourself. You have too much respect for your cards to use them for such an evil purpose. But Dartz has brainwashed you into believing you're someone else!

The only thing Master Dartz did was open my eyes to the truth.

You're wrong!

This world is an evil place, and you're part of the problem. So I'm here to fix that. And thanks to my master, I have just the tool to do it. Now, I play the Seal of Orichalcos!


Sorry, Pharaoh, it's too late for that now. Your fate is sealed!

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

Now I play Butterfly Dagger. This weapon gives my Backup Gardna 300 extra attack points. It also allows me to summon my Guardian Elma.

I've never seen that Guardian monster.

There are plenty of monsters in my deck you've never seen, and this one lets me bring my Guardian Shield back from the graveyard. And I'll give it to Guardian Elma. Plus, my Backup Gardna's special ability transfers my Butterfly Dagger to Guardian Elma. Now, Guardian Elma… attack his Queen's Knight! Guardian Grarl, it's your turn now! Attack his King's Knight with Gravity Axe! What now, Pharaoh? What puny knight stands between me and your Life Points?

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

As we speak, the most devastating creature that ever lived is waiting to rise again. All it needs now is your soul, and the Sacred Seal of Orichalcos will take care of that once I take you down. Of course, I already defeated you once, but somehow you were able to cheat me by switching places with someone else. [Flashes back to their last duel as the Seal took Yugi] Don't even think about trying to pull a stunt like that gain, Pharaoh. I don't appreciate being lied to, and besides, there's no one for you to hide behind this time, 'cause now it's just you and me. The winner leaves a free man. The loser becomes a prisoner to the beast!

You're on! If that's what it takes to set my friends free, then let's duel! And once you're out of my way, I can go straight for Dartz! It's just a shame that a duelist with your talents has to throw it all away by following a madman.

Look, Master Dartz opened me up the truth and made me who I am today. You're just jealous because you don't have [holds up "the Seal of Orichalcos" card] one of these, right? Well, not anymore, anyway.

You can't tempt me with that again, Rafael.

I wasn't planning on it, but you can have one last look at it while you shuffle my deck… for old time's sake.

I know what you're trying to do, and it won't work. I won't give in to my dark side!

We'll see about that.

(thinking) I must stay true to my heart, no matter what he tries to do.

[Pharaoh and Rafael shuffle their decks]

May the best man win...and when I do, you'll be gone forever. I'm gonna enjoy this.

Pharaoh and Rafael:
Time to Duel!

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

[Tristan and Tea running the streets Tristan carried Joey]

Why did the Pharaoh take off liked that?

He must've gone after Dartz for what happened to Yugi.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

Well, It's about time you showed up for our rematch.

This doesn't concern you, Rafael. I'm here to see Dartz. Is your master so much of a coward that he sent you to do his battles for him?

Not quite. You owe me something. But first. [holds a card and he catches the card to the Pharaoh] Why don't you take this?

[spots the Claw of Hermos card] It's the Claw of Hermos. Joey's card. So you're the one who defeated Joey, aren't you?

Actually, Pharaoh, Mai beat Joey, then I defeated her.

But why? Wasn't Mai on your side?

Yes, I never trusted her, and turns out i was right all along.

[Flashes back to Mai and Rafael's duel inside Paradius]

[voice-over] After she took Joey's soul, she turned on us.

I've had it with your ridiculous world domination mumbo jumbo and i want out! It's time for Dartz to answer for what he made me do to Joey. Let's see how he likes it when the orichalcos captures him!

You sure you don't wanna take that back? Dartz isn't exactly known for his sense of humor.


Then you leave me no choice. It's my duty to protect him, so goodbye to your soul.

[voice-over] Biggest mistake she ever made.

[Rafael defeats Mai and she screaming as the orichalcos claims her soul away.]

Joey! I'm sorry, I tried my best.

[she collapses]

[voice-over] Unfortunately, her best wasn't good enough.

[the flashback ends]

This madness has to stop. Just think of how many innocent lives have been destroyed. You may be next.

Do you think i really care? I made a commitment to help Master Dartz save the planet from crumbling at the hands of people like you, and if keeping my promise means giving up my own soul, well, then so be it, 'cause even if i'm captured, i'll be doing my part by giving the Great Leviathan the strength it needs to restore peace to the world once again.

Wake up, Rafael! Can't you see that your so-called Master Dartz is just using you to satisfy his own selfish needs? If you really what to save the world, then stop fighting me and join my side.

As soon as the great beast is revived, I'm afraid your side will no longer exist, Pharaoh, and all it needs to get started is one more strong soul.

Oh no. It's true.

You better believe it. as we speak, the Great Leviathan lurks in the shadows all over the earth. And as soon as i defeat you, your life energy will be offered to the beast, giving it the strength it needs to fully cross over into our world.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

[Pharaoh looks at soulless Mai in the elevator]

[gasps] Mai? Mai, say something. She must have been in a duel, and it appears she lost both the duel and her soul belongs to Dartz now. I must put an end to this.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

[voice-over, evilly laughing] We've been expecting you, Pharaoh.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

Joey, please say something?

I don't think he can hear us.

Then it's true. The Orichalcos took his soul.

When I get my hands on the person who did this to Joey, they're gonna wish they were never born! Wake up, man.

Who did do this? [she looks at the soulless Valon] 'Cause by the looks of Valon, I have to say it wasn't him. So Tristan what's going on here?

Don't you see Tea? Joey must have defeated Valon and then Mai showed up. She did this to him. I'm sure of it!

How could she?

Easily. She couldn't wait to get rid of Joey.

That's true, Tristan, However, There's only one person we can really blame for all of this, and I think you know who I mean. He hides safely in his fortress while others do his dirty work. Well, not anymore. [rans off]

Pharaoh, Wait!

(thinking) This all ends now, Dartz.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

[Pharaoh, Tristan and Tea arrives and they found a soulless Joey.]

[shocked] No way!

What happened?

He lost the duel.

Wait, Does that mean?

Yes his soul belongs to Dartz now.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

[Mai arriving back to Paradius headquarters and looks up]

Here goes nothing.


Hey Dartz! Is that you?

Guess again, Mai.

Rafael! What do you want!?

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

(Mai hold Joey's lifeless body, her eyes full of tears)

Joey, wait! SNAP OUT OF IT! This is all my fault! I was angry and confused, and I blamed all my loneliness on you! So I tried to get rid of you. How could I be so selfish? You're the only one who ever cared about me. [sobbing] You're the closest friend I ever had, and how did I repay you? By leaving you for a madman who promised me power. [grabs the Claw of Hermos card] I'll make him regret the day he ever met Mai Valentine!! [she hops the motorcycle droves off back to Paradius leaving Joey behind next to Valon.] The only way to fix this is to meet Dartz face to face.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

Congratulations. You win.

(Collapses from exhaustion)

Joey, no!! You're wrong. I never attacked so you didn't lose the duel.

But, I'm too exhausted... to finish.

I won't let the Orichalcos take you away, Joey.

It's too late for that. I already lost the duel, so there's no turnin' back. I'm just glad that if one of us had to lose our soul, it didn't have to be you, Mai.

Don't say that.

Hey, Mai, that was one of the greatest duels I ever fought. Thank you.

(His spirit is taken by the Seal, leaving Mai horrified)

Joey!! NO!!

(The fragment of the Orchicalcos on her choker shatters)

She's been set free! [spots at Joey Wheeler in stone] Ah! But what's this? It seems miss Valentine has served her purpose.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

[Mai hold Valon's lifeless body, her eyes full of tears]

Mai Valentine:
Valon. Come back... Valon.

Joey Wheeler:
It's too late. The orichalcos has him now.


Joey Wheeler:
Hey, Mai... We'll get him back.

Mai Valentine:
How could he do this? Valon's the one who told me you have to duel for yourself. Then he turns around and fights you to protect me? How pathetic. Hmm. He deserved this.

Joey Wheeler:
What? Look, Mai, Valon realized what he told you was wrong. He found out what dueling is really about determination and heart.

Mai Valentine:

Joey Wheeler:
He fought like a true duelist today.

Mai Valentine:
I thought you wanted to destroy him.

Joey Wheeler:
Hold on, Mai, Valon may have annoyed me... but no one deserves to have their soul taken away and then held captive by some power-hungry psychopath! I don't care who they are!

Mai Valentine:

Joey Wheeler:
You know what, Mai... I realize something now. As long as that Orichalcos thing has control over your mind, I'll never be able to talk any sense into you! As a matter of fact, the only way I can save you at this point is to duel you! So, what do you say!?

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

Great Leviathan... I sense the arrival of powerful soul. Let's see who, shall we? [spots at Valon in stone] Well... look what the orichalcos dragged in. My former employee. Now it's Miss Valentine's turn to send me a soul... or to give up her own. [evily laughter]

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

[Joey and Valon were engaged in an armored standoff in the middle of the Oricalchos field]

Joey Wheeler:
It's time to activate Big Bang Dragon Blow's special effect! [Joey tributes Red-Eyes Black Dragon to make Big Bang Dragon Blow supercharged] By sacrificing my Red-Eyes, I made my armored fist even more powerful! Now it's able to destroy all your monsters and subtract their strength from your Life Points! [Big Bang Dragon Blow builds up pressure against Valon and Joey sends Valon flying away from the center and destroying his Armor monsters]

[skids to a halt] You did it. You won. [panting and making his Life Points drop to 0] Congratulations. Goodbye.

Mai Valentine:
[gasps] It's my fault.

Don't be silly, Mai. I caused my own downfall. I thought if i won i could make you forget about Joey Wheeler. But now i understand why he meant so much to you. The guy's got heart.

Mai Valentine:
Valon, wait.

Hey Joey, It's up to you now, Saved Mai.

Mai Valentine:

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

[When Mai showed up and found Valon in the duel with Joey]

Hey, Mai! You're just in time to catch the end of the greatest duel ever played.

[anger] You and i had a deal, remember!? Joey Wheeler's mine! [Orichalcos blocks her] Ah!

Mai, no!

Look, you've done enough, so why don't you take a hike and let me finish this!?

Sorry, no can do.


I'm having way too much fun out here to stop now. Plus this duel is no place for you.

Why's that?

There's too much at stake. I won't let you risk losing everything you have. That's why i challenged Joey Wheeler in the first place to protect you. I wanted to get rid of him so you'd be able to move on with your life, and that's exactly what i'm gonna do.

Guess what, Mai. I'm fighting for same reason.

Then let's get on with it! Shall we? I can't wait to see what you play next.

You're gonna have to wait, Valon, 'cause i play one card face down and end my turn.

Big mistake, pal.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

[thinking] You're mine, Wheeler.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

Hey, i did it! I finally found Joey. If this read out's right, Joey's not far, guys.

All right, I'll takes this and track him down. You move the trailer to a safer place.

Not so fast Pharaoh. [Pharaoh stops and looks at Tea and Tristan] You're not going alone.

That's right. We're all this together.

I guess You've made up your minds. [smiles] Thank you. Now let's go.


Rebecca, You stay here. Duke, can you keep an eye on them until we get back.

You got it.

No, I want to go, too. Come on, Grandpa.

Mm-mmm We've got our own work to do. We need your talents back here.

[Rebecca sighs]

Rebecca, as soon as Joey safe, we'll find Yugi.

Promise me he's all right.

Yugi's going to be just fine. I promise. Please, trust me.

Come on, man, you don't have a second to lose, so go kick some butt and take names.

Well, that's one way to put it.

Let's chit-chat later, OK.

Good luck with everything.

You, too.

If you need us, just call.


[They ran off together to find Joey]

Don't worry, Rebecca. [Rebecca looks at her grandfather] Yugi will be back here safe and sound in no time at all.

But how do you know?

Because I believe in the Pharaoh, and you should too.


Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

Let's try this again. [typing the laptop] Come on... [groans]

Tristan Taylor:
Hey! Any luck in there, Rebecca?

Tea Gardner:
You've asked five times. She's working as fast as she can.

Duke Devlin:
Aren't you the one who told us to have faith?

Tristan Taylor:
Why don't you get off my back, Duke! Joey's in trouble, and it we don't move fast things could get even worse!

Tea Gardner:
Take it easy, Tristan.

Tristan Taylor:
I can't, Tea! Don't you guys see that this whole thing is my fault!?

No, Tristan.

Tristan Taylor:
When Joey and I got separated from you guys, he told me about his plan, and i should have talked to him out of it then.

[Flashes back to Joey and Tristan carry Rex Raptor on the railway tracks to find Tea and the Pharaoh, but Joey feels down.]

Joey Wheeler:
I just figured it all out.

Tristan Taylor:
Figured what out? What are you talking about, Joey?

Joey Wheeler:
Why Mai teamed up with those low-lives. It's 'cause i was a terrible friend. I let her down.

Tristan Taylor:
That's crazy. She really got into you, man.

Joey Wheeler:
No she’s not, But it's true. If Dartz my be the one that brainwashed her. But I'm the one that drove her away in the first place. Now i gotta go and set things straight by finding these guys and breaking that spell!

Tristan Taylor:
But how? [confused] Aw, man.

[cuts back to the present]

Tristan Taylor:
What was i thinking?! How could i let him do this?

Tea Gardner:
Joey's got a mind of his own, Tristan.

[thinking] Let's just hope he's using with his legendary dragon the Claw of Hermos.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

Joey Wheeler:
No, Not that!

Well, looks like you're starting to catch on, mate. I play the Seal of Orichalcos!

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

[panting] All right. I'm officially lost. [panting] Phew. I guess i can pretty much forget about finding Joey now. [but the Orichalcos soldier behind him] Huh? [Orichalcos soldier roaring] AHHH! YOU AGAIN?! [gulp] Hi, remember me?

Huh? [stop the car] Tristan!

What's going on?

Maybe we should get someone else behind the wheel.

Tristan needs our help, Look!

[looks at Tristan with Orichalcos soldier] Oh no!

Come on! I’m taking whatever you got!

Go, Celtic Guardian!

[Celtic Guardian attacks Orichalcos soldier]



Hey! Are you alright?!

Huh? [sees The Pharaoh, Téa, Duke and Rebecca running towards him] Thanks, Pharaoh. You came in the nick of time. Of course, I could have taken him myself.

I'm afraid the only thing that would have been taken is your soul had we arrived any later.

I know, so those things are working for Dartz.

Hey, Where's Joey? I thought you guys were together?

We were, Until he decided to hop on some guy's motorcycle and take off after one of Dartz's little flunkies.

[shocked] You're kidding!

Oh no! Was it Valon?


It's Valon. He's the young guy that Rebecca and i dueled.

Is that a bad thing?

Not only does Valon have a thing against Joey, but he's got a deck full of monsters I've never seen before.

Let's go. We have to find Joey before it's too late.

Seto Kaiba:
That chump's gonna have to wait 'cause we've got bigger problems.

What do you mean?

Seto Kaiba:
Look around you!

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

Wake up, Wheeler!

Joey Wheeler:
Who do you think you are!? and what do you what with me?

Okay, look, the name's Valon, I led you here to get rid of you for good, 'cause Mai can't be happy with you around!

Joey Wheeler:
Huh? and what does that mean?

You're a constant reminder of what here life used to be, and Mai whats to forget all that! But as long as you still exist in this world, she be never be able to forget! So, i'm here to erase you for good! [thinking] Plus, i know that deep down, Mai still loves you. and i can't have that! So, what do you say, Wheeler? Do we have ourselves a duel or not? Not that i'm giving you much of a choice!

Joey Wheeler:
You know what, Valon, I never back down from a challenge especially when i'm fighting for a friend! Now let's duel!

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

Here we are, old chum. Glad you could make it. Now let's get down to business, shall we?

Joey Wheeler:
Look, pal i want Mai back.

Then why chase me? She happens to have a mind of her own, you know.

Joey Wheeler:
She did. At least... She did before you guys brainwashed her!

You don't get it, mate. No one was brainwashed!

Joey Wheeler:

Mai chose to join our side with her own free will. And do you know why? She was sick of taking a back seat while you got all the fame! Then i stepped in and changed all that.

Joey Wheeler:
You messed with her head, that's what you did! She was the one of my best friends! But the last time i saw her she was saying things that Mai never would have said.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

[Meanwhile Tristan was running a middle of the streets looking for Joey.]

Joey! Where are you?! [Mai’s motorcycle light appears towards him] Is that you Joey?

Mai Valentine:
[takes her bike helmet off] Not quite but I am looking for him.

Look Mai…

Save it, Dweeb! I know you’re his babysitter so where is he?!

How should I know?! One of your little pals forced him into a game of cat and mouse and now he’s gone!

[gasps] It’s Valon!

This is all your fault, Mai! You’re the one who got Joey into this mess in the first place!

Out of my way! [drove off]

Hey! Get back here! The last thing he needs right now is you!! [Mai ignores him and he growls]

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 4: Waking with Dragons

added by wikidude
6 months ago

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