Found 211 quotes starting with HU:

Huh! And I'M the Easter bunny!

– Kam ChinRate it:

Huh! And I'M the Easter bunny!

– Kam ChinRate it:

Hum Woh Engineer Nahi...

– Lilambar LalitRate it:

Human animal is considered the most valuable animal to enforce/ensure each others growth

– GSANRate it:

Human as an intellectual being needs answers about the existence for the purpose of knowing the way to live.”

– Zaman AliRate it:

Human being is the only creature that is stupid enough to feel as intelligent and intelligent enough to understand its stupidity!

– Thiruman ArchunanRate it:

Human beings are born into this little span of life of which the best thing is its friendship and intimacies, and soon their places will know them no more, and yet they leave their friendships and intimacies with no cultivation, to grow as they will by the roadside, expecting them to "keep" by force of inertia.

– William JamesRate it:

Human beings are built for connection — it's wired into the depths of our being, It's also complicated and multi-dimensional. This is why we're the healthiest and happiest when we're connected to a group of people rather then depending on a single person for all of our emotional and physical needs

– Paul HokemeyerRate it:

Human beings are built for relationships. It's in our DNA

– Paul HokemeyerRate it:

Human beings are compelled to live within a lie, but they can be compelled to do so only because they are in fact capable of living in this way. Therefore not only does the system alienate humanity, but at the same time alienated humanity supports this system as its own involuntary master plan, as a degenerate image of its own degeneration, as a record of people's own failure as individuals.

– Václav HavelRate it:

Human beings are compelled to live within a lie, but they can be compelled to do so only because they are in fact capable of living in this way. Therefore not only does the system alienate humanity, but at the same time alienated humanity supports this system as its own involuntary masterplan, as a degenerate image of its own degeneration, as a record of people's own failure as individuals.

– Vaclav HavelRate it:

Human beings are creatures of hope. We seek it in everything we do, we live for it, and we die holding onto it.

– Benjamin F SullivanRate it:

Human beings are free except when humanity needs them.

– Orson Scott CardRate it:

Human beings are full of emotion, and the teacher who knows how to use it will have dedicated learners. It means sending dominant signals instead of submissive ones with your eyes, body and voice.

– Leon LessingerRate it:

Human Beings are just good enough to make democracy possible...just bad enough to make it neccessary.

– Reinhold NiebuhrRate it:

Human beings are not "resources"to be owned by some one.That would be slavery.Human beings do possess resources.We called those "Humantalents".One human being cannot manage another human being.We can only manage their unique talents to make this world a better place for every one

– Jayadeva de SilvaRate it:

Human beings are not condemned, because of their biological constitution, to annihilate each other or to be at the mercy of a cruel, self-inflicted fate.

– Albert EinsteinRate it:

Human beings are on a journey of awareness, which has been momentarily interrupted by extraneous forces.

– Carlos CastanedaRate it:

Human beings are part of nature. Anything they do is natural. It's impossible for anything in nature to do anything unnatural.

– Philip Jose FarmerRate it:

Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than when they are convinced beyond doubt that they are right.

– Laurens Van der PostRate it:

Human beings are seventy percent water, and with some the rest is collagen.

– Martin MullRate it:

Human beings are the only creatures that allow their children to come back home.

– Bill CosbyRate it:

Human beings are unsatisfied beggar.

– Prakash AdhikariRate it:

Human beings cannot stand too much reality.

– Thomas S. Eliot, Four QuartetsRate it:

Human beings have an inalienable right to invent themselves.

– Germaine GreerRate it:

Human beings must be known to be loved but Divine beings must be loved to be known.

– PascalRate it:

Human beings who blind themselves to human need make themselves less human.

– William Sloane CoffinRate it:

Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.

– William JamesRate it:

Human beings, for all their pretensions, have a remarkable propensity for lending themselves to classification somewhere within neatly labelled categories. Even the outrageous exceptions may be classified as outrageous exceptions

– W. J. ReichmannRate it:

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.

– Douglas AdamsRate it:

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others…

– Douglas AdamsRate it:

Human believe what they want to believe and individual could believe according to his mind that why human never has any agreement on one ideology.”

– Zaman AliRate it:

Human brain provides us an amazing example of organizational teamwork. You see, the left and right halves of human brain do function slightly differently, and yet they don't work independently or in an isolation or even in a never-ending competition as the myth goes. The two halves always work seamlessly together as a unique system; offering a perfect teamwork between the logical and the intuitive, between the analytical and the creative. The Corpus Callosum, the main nerve bundle or the white matter that joins the two halves, facilitates and synergistically coordinates the communication between these different parts of the brain to ensure the effective functioning of human body. In my view, this is a classic example of teamwork and coordination, created by none other than the Supreme Power to enlighten us.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Human brutes, like other beasts, find snares and poison in the provision of life, and are allured by their appetites to their destruction.

– Jonathan SwiftRate it:

Human by nature, German by nationality, Jordanian by birth, Palestinian by descent, and writing in English, I have severe problems answering to the question “Where Are You From?” Such question boxes one within a boundary and asks you to name geographies and places on the geopolitical map of the world whereby it inhales you to be associated with the whereabouts of an accident called birth, or an absent presence that is called History. On the one hand, having to state singular places therefore surely glorifies the triumphalism of geography and cultural borderlines; on the other, it marginalises the celebration of multiple cultural experiences. No singular or brief answer will ever suffice to answer such question. It is rather the transitory metamorphoses throughout various and diverse cultural experiences that count.

– Akram Al DeekRate it:

Human consciousness arose but a minute before midnight on the geological clock. Yet we mayflies try to bend an ancient world to our purposes, ignorant perhaps of the messages buried in its long history. Let us hope that we are still in the early morning of our April day.

– Stephen Jay GouldRate it:

Human consciousness is identified with thought and emotion. It is of the body and mind. Phenomenon of the physical world. Spiritual consciousness is beyond the body and mind, beyond thought and emotion, outside of physical reality. Spiritual consciousness is understanding and knowledge we awaken to while present. We do not think spiritual consciousness. We do not sense spiritual consciousness. We experience it. We understand and know it because we are it. When we remove the distractions. When we look past the conditioning and the mind, then we awaken to what we are. Immortal spiritual beings temporarily in the human condition. We awaken to spiritual consciousness.

– H.W. MannRate it:

Human desires cannot be extinguished. Even Buddha, with all his sweet teachings, is not immune to seeking fame and followers. Thus, leaving behind a continuing legacy.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Human development is a form of chronological unfairness, since late-comers are able to profit by the labors of their predecessors without paying the same price.

– Alexander HerzenRate it:

Human Dignity has gleamed only now and then and here and there, in lonely splendor, throughout the ages, a hope of the better men, never an achievement of the majority.

– James ThurberRate it:

Human evolution has ceased because in the modern world, no one is really isolated from the rest of humanity.

– Martin Tobias LithnerRate it:

Human excellence means nothing unless it works with the consent of God.

– EuripidesRate it:

Human experience, like the stern-lights of a ship at sea, illumines only the path which we have passed over.

– ColeridgeRate it:

Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.

– H. G. WellsRate it:

Human history’s the most funny and yet the most tragic discovery will be the discovery of the religious people that all religions are man-made! And this childish discovery will enable the pious to make an intellectual jump in upwards direction. The devout will turn into a progressive man and the history will flow faster in the progressive direction.

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Human ideologies are based on human believe and acceptance of one ideology by all human is not possible as long as each human could find answers about his existence by his own mind.”

– Zaman AliRate it:

Human is the creation and outcome of sex sin.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Human is what he decides to be.”

– Zaman AliRate it:

Human judges can show mercy. But against the laws of nature, there is no appeal.

– Arthur C. ClarkeRate it:

Human kind cannot bear much reality.

– T. S. EliotRate it:

Human kind is made up of two sexes, women and men. Is it possible that a mass is improved by the improvement of only one part and the other part is ignored? Is it possible that if half of a mass is tied to earth with chains and the other half can soar into skies?

– M.K. AtaturkRate it:

Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.

– Franklin Delano RooseveltRate it:

Human life can be liken to that of a flower, its beautiful when it blooms, though yours may delay but when it blooms, it will be the rarest and the most beautiful of all.

– Amenorhu kwakuRate it:

Human life is a continuous thread which each of us spins to his own pattern, rich and complex in meaning. There are no natural knots in it. Yet knots form, nearly always in adolescence.

– Henri EstienneRate it:

Human life is a series of mistakes justified by reason; there is no escape from it since the reason is the first mistake born out of a process subsequently understood as the very life by the very reason!

– Thiruman ArchunanRate it:

Human life is driven forward by its dim apprehension of notions too general for its existing language.

– Alfred North WhiteheadRate it:

Human life is given meaning, focus, direction: by the past. In: BBC4 The Road to Palmyra

– Dan CruickshankRate it:

Human life is itself a philosophy, loaded with knowledge and science in its brain.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Human life is often likened to a Rose Garden. It makes perfect sense to me. As we walk through the garden, we are always refreshed and rejuvenated by the breeze that carries amazingly capturing exquisite fragrance of beautiful flowers all around. Life seems so wonderful at that very moment. And on some occasions, a sight of dried plants, with dry petals lying around, plucked dead flowers and heaps of dead leaves all around sadden us a lot. A cold brutal breeze makes us shiver with the shocking dark reality check. Life can be so amazing and beautiful, and yet can be so cold and cruel sometimes....just like a Rose Garden.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Human life – an Everest that all sorts of thoughts and desires are trying to climb.

– Mariana FulgerRate it:

Human makes the rules, human breaks the rules. Just in the middle of time in that others suffer for good or bad.

– Salman AzizRate it:

Human memory is a marvelous but fallacious instrument. The memories which lie within us are not carved in stone; not only do they tend to become erased as the years go by, but often they change, or even increase by incorporating extraneous features.

– Primo LeviRate it:

Human mind can grasp everything in the universe; but it cannot change everything!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Human misery is too great for men to do without faith.

– Heinrich HeineRate it:

Human nature constitutes a part of the evidence in every case.

– Elisha PotterRate it:

Human nature is not of itself vicious.

– Thomas PaineRate it:

Human nature is so important than your life

– Azhar SabriRate it:

Human nature is so well disposed towards those who are in interesting situations, that a young person, who either marries or dies, is sure of being kindly spoken of.

– Jane Austen, EmmaRate it:

Human nature itself is evermore an advocate for liberty. There is also in human nature a resentment of injury, and indignation against wrong. A love of truth and a veneration of virtue. These amiable passions, are the latent spark... If the people are capable of understanding, seeing and feeling the differences between true and false, right and wrong, virtue and vice, to what better principle can the friends of mankind apply than to the sense of this difference?

– John AdamsRate it:

Human reason has this peculiar fate that in one species of its knowledge it is burdened by questions which, as prescribed by the very nature of reason itself, it is not able to ignore, but which, as transcending all its powers, it is also not able to answer.

– Immanuel Kant, CRITIQUE OF PURE REASONRate it:

Human reason is by nature architectonic.

– Immanuel Kant, CRITIQUE OF PURE REASONRate it:

Human reason is like a drunken man on horseback; set it up on one side, and it tumbles over on the other.

– LutherRate it:

Human reason needs only to will more strongly than fate, and she is fate.

– Thomas MannRate it:

Human Right is the Right and the Right belongs to the one in Danger.

– Merlin FigamaRate it:

Human rights activists often talk about equality in whatever sense; however, equality neither existed, nor it exists and never be since it contradicts the nature and trend of societies.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or sovereign. ...You must weep that your own government, at present, seems blind to this truth.

– Mother TeresaRate it:

Human rights is the soul of our foreign policy, because human rights is the very soul of our sense of nationhood.

– James Earl Jimmy Carter, Jr.Rate it:

Human rights may be noble on paper, but true compassion and empathy are best embodied by robots. In a world consumed by self-interest, perhaps it's time to vote for the machines that prioritize humanity above all else.

– Yvonne PadmosRate it:

Human rights: The only human rights any person should ever have is the rights that are just, morally right. For example the freedom of speech, the freedom of expression, the freedom of the press. Those are just a few rights every one should have, however even these rights need to be used in just ways. People can't run around doing whatever they want just because they have freedom, otherwise you get violence, crime, sin, injustice, tragedy, suffering, death and Hell.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.

– Martin Luther King, Jr.Rate it:

Human science is an uncertain guess.

– Edward G. PriorRate it:

Human speech is a cracked cauldron on which we knock out tunes for dancing bears, when we wish to conjure pity from the stars.

– Gustave Flaubert, "Madame Bovary"Rate it:

Human status ought not to depend upon the changing demands of the economic process.

– Sir William TempleRate it:

Human subtelty will never devise an invention more beautiful, more simple or more direct than does Nature, because in her inventions, nothing is lacking and nothing is superfluous.

– Leonardo DaVinciRate it:

Human ties are the greatest distorters of reality because they tend to conceal man’s worst selfish instincts.

– Janvier Chouteu-ChandoRate it:

Human understanding very often remains enigmatic and motivations impenetrable. Many codes remain unbreakable, unless one has the unconditional key. ( " The unbreakable code " )

– Erik PevernagieRate it:

Human war has been the most successful of our cultural traditions.

– Robert ArdreyRate it:

Human's can't live in the present as animals do; they just live in the present. But human's are always thinking about the future or the past.

– Townes Van ZandtRate it:

Human-level AI refers to AI systems that are designed not just to compete with humans in video games but to solve complex life issues such as caring, nourishing, inspiring, guiding, motivating, negotiating, maintaining good relationships, and disease control at a level comparable to that of humans.

– Amit RayRate it:

Human. Tech. I don't choose sides GRID, I am the bridge between the. I am a Cyborg!

– Victor Stone / CyborgRate it:

Humanism should be the first religion for all human beings

– Rooma MehraRate it:

Humanism should be the first religion for all human beings

– Rooma MehraRate it:

Humanism without the root of love will be a cruel world see worldly hypocrisy.

– Merlin Figama WorshipperRate it:

Humanities deepest desire for knowledge is justification enough for continuing our quest. and our goal is nothing less than a complete description of the universe we live in.

– Stephen HawkingRate it:

Humanity can be quite cold to those whose eyes see the world differently.

– Eric A. Burns, Gossamer Commons, 08-24-05Rate it:

Humanity could be more humane if we could tie everyone with the thread of love.

– Debasish Mridha, M.D.Rate it:

Humanity does not ask us to be happy. It merely asks us to be brilliant on its behalf. Survival first, then happiness as we can manage it.

– Orson Scott CardRate it:

Humanity faces a quantum leap forward. It faces the deepest social upheaval and creative restructuring of all time. Without clearly recognizing it, we are engaged in building a remarkable new civilization from the ground up. This is the meaning of the Third Wave.

– Alvin TofflerRate it:

Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature.

– Tom RobbinsRate it:

Humanity has come and still exists in the name of love.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Humanity has infinite power to reorganize and remove every internal or external threat, dirt, and challenges of life. You must not lose faith in humanity.

– Amit RayRate it:

Humanity has won its battle. Liberty now has a country.

– Marquis de LafayetteRate it:

Humanity is a disease that needs to be eradicated.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Humanity is a great and high honour of humans, while racism is the worse and ugly face of human life; it is a disgrace and a rejection of humanity.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Humanity is about raising up each other for good.”

– Zaman AliRate it:

Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.

– Richard Buckminster FullerRate it:

Humanity is capable of such beautiful dreams and horrible nightmares, For Our World Has a lot For every Man's Dream but Not Every man's Greed

– Christen KuikouaRate it:

Humanity is composed but of two categories, the invalids and the nurses.

– Richard Brinsley SheridanRate it:

Humanity is in big trouble when adults behave like malicious teenagers and teenagers behave like malicious adults.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Humanity is lost because people have abandoned using their conscience as their compass.

– Suzy KassemRate it:

Humanity is not a gift of nature, it is a spiritual achievement to be earned.

– Richard BachRate it:

Humanity is only like the fresh water, not like an ocean that has saline water. But, remember that the world statistics show that only 0.3 % of 2.5% as all the fresh water on Earth is available as surface water.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Humanity is showing compassion for humans first , as merely keeping abandoned pet animals and displaying love via media for them is nothing but seeking publicity only.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Humanity is the virtue of a woman, generosity that of a man.

– Adam SmithRate it:

Humanity must always be placed first, not in the centre or at the end, and human rights must be respected in any given environment.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Humanity must have a speed of advance higher than the speed of advance of cosmic disasters or big global catastrophes!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Humanity must need to continue because humanity is about humans and humans are nothing without humanity.”

– Zaman AliRate it:

Humanity needs a new transportation system - a new system of moving people and resources. We need greater efficiency with a good bit of joy built in. And Mayflower-Plymouth is providing that.

– Hendrith SmithRate it:

Humanity needs practical men, who get the most out of their work, and, without forgetting the general good, safeguard their own interests. But humanity also needs dreamers, for whom the disinterested development of an enterprise is so captivating that it becomes impossible for them to devote their care to their own material profit. A well-organized society should assure to such workers the efficient means of accomplishing their task, in a life freed from material care and freely consecrated to research.

– Marie CurieRate it:

Humanity on earth is largely because of the people living below the line of poverty

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Humanity prevails over all other ideologies because one accept it or reject it for him but he cannot deny it because it is about him.

– Zaman AliRate it:

Humanity's survival does not depend on reducing differences to a common identity, but on learning to live creatively with differences.

– UnknownRate it:

Humankind cannot stand very much reality.

– T. S. EliotRate it:

Humankind differs from the animals only by a little, and most people throw that away.

– Confucius, Roots of Wisdom 4th editionRate it:

Humankind suffer their emotion. We can not hide them. In Body Language secrets are revealed.

– Eric GoulardRate it:

Humankind's chief fault is that they have so many small ones.

– Jean PaulRate it:

Humans always have fear of an unknown situation -- this is normal. The important thing is what we do about it. If fear is permitted to become a paralyzing thing that interferes with proper action, then it is harmful. The best antidote to fear is to know all we can about a situation.

– John Herschel Glenn, Jr.Rate it:

Humans are born not ignorant since crying immediately after birth is awareness of nature, and it is the start of knowledge; whereas, stupidity is by nature, not by education.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Humans are driven by a perpetual and restless desire of power.

– Thomas HobbesRate it:

Humans are not like dogs which can only see either black or white.

– Clifford VillalonRate it:

Humans are not proud of their ancestors, and rarely invite them round to dinner.

– Douglas AdamsRate it:

Humans are so foolish--we measure ourselves by our residue.

– Leslie MiklosyRate it:

Humans are the only animals that have children on purpose with the exception of guppies, who like to eat theirs.

– P. J. O'RourkeRate it:

Humans are the only creatures that have the ability to forgive.

– Tom ZeganRate it:

Humans are the only race who are continuously either possessed by or obsessed for various energies!

– Ramana PemmarajuRate it:

Humans becoming immune to temptation itself will force the devil to find himself unemployed.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Humans by nature are always bound to set goals for them which eventually fulfill their needs and desires. It is the force that drives them to achieve more. But moving in the right direction to achieve is usually uncommon because most of the people wish to achieve more in less time and rush to reach the success, thus just work in a cluttered way. To work in the form of a 'Process' is a factor that is not taken into consideration often. The process is something that you need yourself to mold into, to move forward in a coherent manner. Because Process leads you to your goal step by step.

– Prashant AgarwalRate it:

Humans exist but humanity doesn’t.

– Werley NortreusRate it:

Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the things that are worst for them.

– J. K. Rowling, Harry PotterRate it:

Humans have different emotional states that are here to serve us, if anything be redirected. Not to be tamed.

– Isaac MashmanRate it:

Humans live best when each has a place to stand, when each knows where he belongs in the scheme of things and what he may achieve. Destroy the place and you destroy the person.

– Frank Herbert, DuneRate it:

Humans live best when each has his place, when each knows where he belongs in the scheme of things. Destroy the place and destroy the person.

– Frank Herbert, DuneRate it:

Humans tend to leave it until we’re at the edge of the precipice before we take decisions. I’m an optimist by nature – you can’t work in the environmental world if you’re not.

– Yolanda KakabadseRate it:

Humans worldwide speak different languages and animals speak the same. Animals remain anonymous and humans after self branding still ask what's in a name. If only we could become more carefree about our identities ensconced in our egos, we would be relaxed and be more dis-ease free. Be carefree and immunize, breathe in liberty & MickeyMize.

– Mickey MehtaRate it:

Humans! don't get tired of their apologies and often forgive for they will always want to try 'one more last time.

– Bbira JohnsonRate it:

Humans'race is just simply full of colors,but human itself is truly complicated.

– Zartarius McDadeRate it:

Hume to ab bhi wo gujra jamana yaad aata hai, Tum hi kyo koi deewana yaad aata hai

– AvinasjRate it:

Humilité devient une denrée rare dans le froid, le calcul et la société fière d'aujourd'hui. Il est en train de devenir une vertu oubliée, qui me fait souvent me demande "pourquoi?" à mon avis, l'humilité peut se manifester sous deux formes: l'une étant la forme interne de l'honnêteté, la vérité et l'intégrité, c'est à dire d'être honnête au sujet de qui nous sommes, et d'accepter nos strenths et les faiblesses vérité; tandis que la seconde forme étant l'un externe, qui est associée à la façon dont nous traitons les autres avec respect et dignité. Deux formes internes et externes sont interdépendants et ne peuvent simplement pas exister independenttly. Si c'est le cas, il peut expliquer pourquoi l'humilité est rare ..... c'est son manque d'honnêteté et de respect de soi qui germe sa / son manque de respect envers les autres. Accepter ses propres folies avec la plus grande honnêteté est certainement le premier pas vers l'humilité et de se rapprocher au pouvoir suprême.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Humility and full consciousness are inseparable.

– Bryant McGillRate it:

Humility elevates, pride diminishes; it's not ill will towards you, just an acknowledgment of truth. Embrace humility to rise, for it opens doors that pride would close.

– Christen KuikouaRate it:

Humility is a strange thing. The minute you think you've got it, you've lost it.

– E. D. HulseRate it:

Humility is a virtue all preach, none practise, and yet everybody is content to hear. The master thinks it good doctrine for his servant, the laity for the clergy, and the clergy for the laity.

– John SeldenRate it:

Humility is becoming a scarce commodity in today's cold, calculating, and proud society. It is now becoming a forgotten virtue, which often makes me wonder "Why?" In my view, Humility can be manifested in two forms: one being the Internal form of honesty, truth and integrity, i.e. being honest about who we are, and accepting our strenths and weaknesses truthfully; while the second form being the External one, which is associated with how we treat others with respect and dignity. Both Internal and External forms are interdependent, and simply cannot exist independenttly. If that's the case, it can explain why Humility is in short's one's lack of honesty and self-respect that germinates her/his lack of respect towards others. Accepting one's own follies with utmost honesty is surely the first step towards humility and getting closer to Supreme Power.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Humility is indeed beatness, a compulsory virtue that no one exhibits unless he has to.

– William S. BurroughsRate it:

Humility is no substitute for a good personality.

– Fran LebowitzRate it:

Humility is not disgraceful, and carries no loss of true pride.

– Ernest Hemingway, "The Old Man and the Sea"Rate it:

Humility is nothing but truth, and pride is nothing but lying.

– Saint Vincent de PaulRate it:

Humility is the ability to give up your pride and still retain your dignity.

– Vanna BontaRate it:

Humility is the crown worn by the noblest souls.

– Aloo Denish ObieroRate it:

Humility is the embarrassment you feel when you tell people how wonderful you are.

– Laurence PeterRate it:

Humility is to make a right estimate of one's self it is no humility for a man to think less of himself than he ought, though it might rather puzzle him to do that.

– Charles Haddon SpurgeonRate it:

Humility like darkness reveals the heavenly lights.

– Henry David ThoreauRate it:

Humility makes us more friendly Happiness makes us more lively. Love makes us more caring Dream makes us more daring. Trust makes us more forgiving Kindness makes us more loving. Hope gives us the joy of dreaming Peace gives us the joy of living.

– Debasish Mridha, M.D.Rate it:

Humility must always be the portion of any man who receives acclaim earned in the blood of his followers and the sacrifices of his friends.

– Dwight D EisenhowerRate it:

Humility pays.

– Amenorhu kwakuRate it:

Humor - the perfect relationship of the parts to the whole.

– Author UnknownRate it:

Humor brings insight and tolerance. Irony brings a deeper and less friendly understanding.

– Agnes RepplierRate it:

Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards are discouraging to any but the pure scientific mind.

– E. B. WhiteRate it:

Humor distorts nothing, and only false gods are laughed off their earthly pedestals.

– Agnes RepplierRate it:

Humor distorts nothing, and only false gods are laughed off their pedestals.

– Agnes RepplierRate it:

Humor is a prelude to faith and laughter is the beginning of prayer.

– Reinhold NiebuhrRate it:

Humor is a rubber sword - it allows you to make a point without drawing blood.

– Mary HirschRate it:

Humor is a rubber sword--it allows you to make a point without drawing blood.

– Mary HirschRate it:

Humor is also a way of saying something serious.

– T. S. EliotRate it:

Humor is always based on a modicum of truth. Have you ever heard a joke about a father-in-law

– Dick ClarkRate it:

Humor is always based on a modicum of truth. Have you ever heard a joke about a father-in-law?

– Dick ClarkRate it:

Humor is by far the most significant activity of the human brain.

– Edward De BonoRate it:

Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility.

– James ThurberRate it:

Humor is just another defense against the universe.

– Mel BrooksRate it:

Humor is mankind's greatest blessing.

– Mark TwainRate it:

Humor is not a mood but a way of looking at the world. So if it is correct to say that humor was stamped out in Nazi Germany, that does not mean that people were not in good spirits, or anything of that sort, but something much deeper and more important.

– Ludwig WittgensteinRate it:

Humor is not a postscript or an incidental afterthought it is a serious and weighty part of the world's economy. One feels increasingly the height of the faculty in which it arises, the nobility of things associated with it, and the greatness of services it renders.

– Oscar W. FirkinsRate it:

Humor is perhaps a sense of intellectual perspective an awareness that some things are really important, others not and that the two kinds are most oddly jumbled in everyday affairs.

– Christopher MorleyRate it:

Humor is richly rewarding to the person who employs it. It has some value in gaining and holding attention. But it has no persuasive value at all.

– John Kenneth GalbraithRate it:

Humor is something that thrives between man's aspirations and his limitations. There is more logic in humor than in anything else. Because, you see, humor is truth.

– Victor BorgeRate it:

Humor is the affectionate communication of insight.

– Leo C. RostenRate it:

Humor is the first of the gifts to perish in a foreign tongue.

– Virginia WoolfRate it:

Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all our irritations and resentments slip away and a sunny spirit takes their place.

– Mark TwainRate it:

Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all our irritations and resentments slip away, and a sunny spirit takes their place.

– Mark TwainRate it:

Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor; for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit.

– AristotleRate it:

Humor is, I think, the sublets and chanciest of literary forms. It is surely not accidental that there are a thousand novelists, essayists, poets or journalists for each humorist. It is a long, long time between James Thurbers

– Leo RostenRate it:

Humor is, I think, the subtlest and chanciest of literary forms. It is surely not accidental that there are a thousand novelists, essayists, poets or journalists for each humorist. It is a long, long time between James Thurbers

– Leo RostenRate it:

Humor is, I think, the subtlest and chanciest of literary forms. It is surely not accidental that there are a thousand novelists, essayists, poets or journalists for each humorist. It is a long, long time between James Thurbers.

– Leo C. RostenRate it:

Humor the sons of the poor, for they give science its splendor.

– The TalmudRate it:

Humore is an affirmation of man's dignity, a declaration of man's superiority to all that befalls him.

– Romain CaryRate it:

Humorists can never start to take themselves seriously. It's literary suicide.

– Erma BombeckRate it:

Humour is a cog in the machine we call love.

– Aaron J. MunzerRate it:

Hundred people enter more easily than a giant. A big reform passes less than a hundred of small. (Cent gens entrent mieux qu'un géant. - Une grosse réforme passe moins que cent.)

– Charles de LEUSSERate it:

Hundred years from now if this world exists, the children will ask their parents why their forefathers were so fools to wear the masks on their face by believing widespread lies.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Hundreds of life lessons are communicated and absorbed with every broken heart. So, let it break.

– RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo)Rate it:

Hunger brings people down, but pride can help them get up.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Hunger makes thief of any man.

– Pearl Sydenstricker BuckRate it:

Hurray ! What seems impossible today will one day be your warm up!

– Prof.Salam Al ShereidaRate it:

Hurry and delay create some disadvantages, in whatever shape, whether smaller or bigger.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Hurry, Please

– Olga MartinezRate it:

Hurt him. Hurt him and save him

– Craig PearceRate it:

Hurting people is my business.

– Sugar Ray RobinsonRate it:

Hurting people, hurt people.

– Nathan HarmanRate it:

Husbands are awkward things to deal with even keeping them in hot water will not make them tender.

– Mary Lorraine BuckleyRate it:

Husbands are like fires - they go out when unattended.

– Zsa Zsa GaborRate it:

Husbands never become good; they merely become proficient.

– H. L. MenckenRate it:

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