Found 80 quotes starting with QU:

Qu'elles soient fabriquées ou réelles, les questions du présent ne doivent jamais nous faire oublier les silences du passé.

– President Pierre NkurunzizaRate it:

Quality education is the key to civilization and socialization. Yes! sound education is bound to make you civilized and socialized eventually. Thus, endeavour to be educated. Moreover, never mind your age in your quest for education. For, it does not matter. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba GeorgeRate it:

Quality in a product or service is not what the supplier puts in. It is what the customer gets out and is willing to pay for. A product is not quality because it is hard to make and costs a lot of money, as manufacturers typically believe. This is incompetence. Customers pay only for what is of use to them and gives them value. Nothing else constitutes quality.

– Peter DruckerRate it:

Quality is never an accident.

– William A. FosterRate it:

Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.

– William A. FosterRate it:

Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.

– John RuskinRate it:

Quality is value to some person.

– Gerald WeinbergRate it:

Quality leadership always contains a vision for the organization that displays the transition from the present into the future. The transition shall include plans of action and goals to reach the vision.

– RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo)Rate it:

Quality Mom Time, Grandmas Recipe, and a Memory to Last is the title of the first book from the curiously curated creations children's book series.

– Kristina LuciaRate it:

Quality of support to the social media post only matters, not quantity because it has been proven plenty of times that the majority of population have got selfish/foolish mentality

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

quand il parle, ses mots s'apparentent à des perles enfilées sur un fil de soie ... quand il parle, il est comme le lustre répandu par un rubis ... quand il parle, c'est comme des éclaboussures de cristal qui fendent le bleu ....

– Naveen PatnaikRate it:

Quand je grandissais en Inde, on m'a appris que si vous êtes doué avec des talents spéciaux, vous ne les possédez pas. Ces talents ne sont pas les vôtres, car ils viennent à vous directement de Dieu. I été en outre invités à utiliser ces talents divins doué pour faire avancer la société, en aidant les gens qui sont dans le besoin. Il est l'un des enseignements les plus merveilleux que je l'ai hérité de mon enfance en Inde. il me rappelle constamment que la vie est un processus de concessions et prendre; et que plus vous donnez à la société, plus vous recevez de dieu. Cette philosophie intéressante de la vie inspire l'humilité, et garde mes pieds fermement sur le sol - quel que soit le pays ou le continent je vis dans et je suis reconnaissant à mes parents et les enseignants qui m'a guidé avec ces précieuses leçons de vie.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Quand vous réalisez que la porte menant à vos rêves est verrouillé, ne jamais abandonner. essayer d'ouvrir la porte avec tout et toutes les touches que vous pouvez avoir dans votre boîte à outils. Si quelques premières touches ne fonctionnent pas, vous ne devez pas perdre votre espoir - car il est souvent la dernière clé qui ouvre la porte, et vous permet d'atteindre votre onirique. Voilà pourquoi il est judicieux d'avoir beaucoup de clés dans votre boîte à outils, continuer à essayer, ne jamais perdre espoir, et le dernier mais non le moindre, jamais fait partie de vos rêves.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Quando você está andando na estrada que é pavimentada com tijolos dourados de boas intenções, lembre-se que ele pode acabar onde você nunca gostaria de entrar -, porque as boas intenções muitas vezes vêm com imprevistos não tão boas consequências inesperadas. Então você tem que estar alerta, em todos os momentos. Fortalecer suas boas intenções com boas ações, e Deus sempre estará com você em sua viagem ao seu destino desejado. Cheerio, meu amigo.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Quantum fiction is any story that witnesses life and the human experience on a subatomic level.

– Vanna BontaRate it:

Quantum mechanics is certainly imposing. But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory says a lot, but does not really bring us closer to the secret of the 'Old One.' I, at any rate, am convinced that He is not playing at dice.

– Albert EinsteinRate it:

Quantum mechanics tells us that every feeling is a collapse of some wave functions due to the interference of a matrix of attention functions.

– Amit RayRate it:

Quarrel not at all. No man resolved to make the most of himself can spare time for personal contention.

– Abraham LincolnRate it:

Quarrelling with a drunkard is like disputing with a man who is not present there.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Quarrels would not last long if the fault were only on one side.

– La RochefoucauldRate it:

Quba natti qabuu mitti Qabsoo Oromootiif jecha qawweelle yoo natti qaban Daqiqaa tokkofuu ijaa hin limsadhu

– Jawar MohammedRate it:

Qué dulces néctares y aromas emergerán una vez que se revelen las profundidades de tu esencia.

– A.E. SamaanRate it:

Que es maravilloso que nos complementamos, y no somos iguales en muchos aspectos. Somos como el día y la noche, el sol y la luna, el mar y la tierra. Que no es para que tratemos de llegar a ser igual, mi amigo; sino para honrar a nuestro diferenciador y cualidades que complementan y respetarnos unos a otros por lo que somos. Es complementar nuestras diferencias que pinta nuestro mundo tan hermoso - con múltiples colores fascinantes y mágicas. tan felices que somos diferentes, y no cambiamos. eres bueno como tú! Aclamaciones!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Que es sólo un mito que "rayo nunca cae dos veces en el mismo lugar". Muy recientemente, el 30 de junio 2014, tres rascacielos de altura en aumento desde chicago fueron alcanzados por un rayo 22 veces - 10 huelgas para los sears torre (alias willis), 8 a la torre del triunfo, y 4 para el centro hancock juan. científicamente hablando, hay una buena probabilidad de que un rayo puede golpear cualquier lugar más de una vez, dado el tiempo suficiente, y en el mismo lugar una y otra vez. puede tomar tan poco unos segundos en una sola tormenta eléctrica, o el tiempo que millones de años - pero un rayo finalmente golpeará dos veces, por lo menos. Y es la verdad que es más extraña que la ficción.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

que no es nada fácil ser un águila, y que también un águila real. el águila real no vive en la casa del rey, sino que prefiere los picos más altos de poderosas montañas. el águila real siempre da la bienvenida a los violentos vientos, que soplan con la energía más alta sólo para hacerle volar más y más, a mucho mayores alturas cada vez. usted es un águila, verdaderamente el águila real. usted debe recibir a los vientos violentos y las tormentas, especialmente cuando su océano se está convirtiendo desprovisto de cualquier confusión. y lo más importante, tiene que volar muy alto, siempre! debe elevarse, sin miedo en el cielo abierto - porque eso es su verdadero carácter. difundir sus fuertes Wiings y volar, águila real!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Que nunca se sabe lo que puede deparar el futuro, sobre todo cuando ves todas las puertas cerradas conseguir. Puede ser el camino misterioso poder supremo anima y le autoriza para cualquiera buscar o crear una nueva puerta que llevaría a su destino. Momentos difíciles en la vida pueden ser desconcertantes, a veces, y sin embargo, tiene que haber una respuesta. Tener fe en Dios y la confianza en sí mismo - siempre!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Que sera, sera (whatever will be, will be) i.e. if something is destined to happen, no one can stop it from happening. Yes! it's a matter of time and no matter how unimaginable, unrealizable or unattainable it seems to you or anyone else. For instance, Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria and Barack Obama of Kenya/U.S.A became presidents against the expectation and imagination of the world. Just because, God is too faithful and well able to begin and actualize whatever he has predestined to do or be. And so, he (God) will surely and eventually bring to pass whatever he has predestined to happen in your life or lifetime. I mean, he will surely make you the person that you are destined to be or become. You (can) bet your bottom dollar i.e. it is bound to happen. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba GeorgeRate it:

Queer little twists and quirks go into the making of an individual. To supress them all and follow clock and calendar and creed until the individual is lost in the neutral grey of the host is to be less than true to our inheritance.... Life, that gorgeous quality of life, is not accomplished by following another man's rules. It is true we have the same hungers and same thirsts, but they are for different things and in different ways and in different seasons.... Lay down your own day, follow it to its noon, your own noon, or you will sit in an outer hall listening to the chimes but never reaching high enough to strike your own.

– Angelo PatriRate it:

Quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est. Translated: A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand.

– SenecaRate it:

Question everything. Every stripe, every star, every word spoken. Everything.

– Ernest J. GainesRate it:

Question for the Family Feud game show: "Name something that you can't say on TV.

– Tom ZeganRate it:

Question to you – who will remember you after you are dead?

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Question with boldness even the existance of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear.

– Thomas JeffersonRate it:

Question with boldness even the existence of a God because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.

– Thomas JeffersonRate it:

Question: Is it Tyron or Tryon Edwards? There seems to be a discrepancy. What is meant by ill-desert or is this a typo?

– Tyron EdwardsRate it:

Question: Why are we Masters of our Fate, the captains of our souls? Because we have the power to control our thoughts, our attitudes. That is why many people live in the withering negative world. That is why many people live in the Positive Faith world.

– Alfred A. MontapertRate it:

Questions With our first breath we begin to wonder. It could be that our first wonderment was..."Where's Mama's tit?" What our last wondering thought instant of our last answered within. For some of us our questions ask why we are the way we are. Our uniqueness prohibits answer to be other than our own. We may act similar in similar situations but why we do so is different. Any answer we get from outside ourselves comes from what others think. Some of our questions have answers we are not ready to understand. KnowyerLoved, CWD

– Carl DeHavenRate it:

Questions are the creative acts of intelligence.

– Frank KingdonRate it:

Quick, cheap, or good, pick two.

– William D. SnowRate it:

Quickly, bring me a beaker of wine, so that I may wet my mind and say something clever.

– AristophanesRate it:

Quiet and sincere sympathy is often the most welcome and efficient consolation to the afflicted. Said a wise man to one in deep sorrow, "I did not come to comfort you; God only can do that; but I did come to say how deeply and tenderly I feel for you in your affliction".

– Tryon EdwardsRate it:

Quiet and sincere sympathy is often the most welcome and efficient consolation to the afflicted. Said a wise man to one in deep sorrow, I did not come to comfort you God only can do that but I did come to say how deeply and tenderly I feel for you in your affliction.

– Tryon EdwardsRate it:

Quiet is the absence of sound. Silence is the presence of silence.

– Robert FrippRate it:

Quiet minds can't be perplexed or frightened, but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm.

– Robert Louis StephensonRate it:

Quietly, almost a breath, an angel touched you by the hand - your heart, he made it shine in the times of hope.

– Sir Kristian Goldmund AumannRate it:

Quinn: Do you know what I have been doing that would have cured me? Fine! I'll tell you. I've been sliding through an interdimensional wormhole seeing how ways people like you can screw up civilization!!!!!!

– Amy MartinRate it:

Quis costodiet ipsos custodes? (Who will watch the watchers?)

– JuvenalRate it:

Quis titulos, quicquid sunt, homines non honorant, sed est verus, qui honorem elit. Titles Don't Honor Men, But Real Men Honor Titles. - Deo Optimo Maximo.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Quit now, you'll never make it. If you disregard this advice, you'll be halfway there.

– David ZuckerRate it:

Quit telling us to forget the past and never look back. We learned from the past, gained wisdom from the past that we apply every day in the process of living. If we forget the past, we’ll forget who we are since that’s where we came from.

– RJ IntindolaRate it:

Quit thinking that you must halt before the barrier of inner negativity. You need not. You can crash through whatever we see a negative state, that is where we can destroy it.

– Vernon HowardRate it:

Quit thinking that you must halt before the barrier of inner negativity. You need not. You can crash through...whatever we see a negative state, that is where we can destroy it.

– Vernon HowardRate it:

Quit worrying about your health. It'll go away.

– Robert OrbenRate it:

Quite frankly Ted, the very mention of the word 'Republican' seems to have negative connotations for the Americans in our studio.

– Frank LuntzRate it:

Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children.

– Dan QuayleRate it:

Quite minds cannot be perplexed or frightened, but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm.

– Robert Louis StevensonRate it:

Quiting smoking is like quiting a beautiful bitch of a lover, she is beautiful but you have 1001 reasons to quit her, quiting benzos is like going out of prison digging the rock with a spoon.

– MeRate it:

quitters never loose to the whole world it makes them #1 uno in gods eye

– GodRate it:

Quitters never win. And Winners never quit.. Rip MM♡º

– ChasityRate it:

Quitting is the only thing that really brings permanent failure.

– Oscar Auliq-IceRate it:

Quitting smoking is easy, I've done it hundreds of times.

– Mark TwainRate it:

Quo fata trahunt, retrahuntque sequamur. (Wherever the fates may lead us, let us follow them.)

– VergilRate it:

Quod est ante pedes nemo spectat: coeli scrutantur plagas. (No one sees what is before his feet: we all gaze at the stars.)

– Marcus Tullius CiceroRate it:

Quotation ... A writer expresses himself in words that have been used before because they give his meaning better than he can give it himself, or because they are beautiful or witty, or because he expects them to touch a cord of association in his reader, or because he wishes to show that he is learned and well read. Quotations due to the last motive are invariably ill-advised the discerning reader detects it and is contemptuous the undiscerning is perhaps impressed, but even then is at the same time repelled, pretentious quotations being the surest road to tedium.

– Henry W. FowlerRate it:

Quotation ... A writer expresses himself in words that have been used before because they give his meaning better than he can give it himself, or because they are beautiful or witty, or because he expects them to touch a cord of association in his reader, or because he wishes to show that he is learned and well read. Quotations due to the last motive are invariably ill-advised; the discerning reader detects it and is contemptuous; the undiscerning is perhaps impressed, but even then is at the same time repelled, pretentious quotations being the surest road to tedium.

– Henry W. Fowler, A Dictionary of Modern English Usage (1926)Rate it:

Quotation, n The act of repeating erroneously the words of another.

– Ambrose BierceRate it:

Quotations (such as have point and lack triteness) from the great old authors are an act of reverence on the part of the quoter, and a blessing to a public grown superficial and external.

– Louise GuineyRate it:

Quotations are the gold mine of human mind, the silver pearls of the wisdom ocean, and the cool drops of the rain of intelligence.

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Quotations in conversation are torches in darkness.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Quoted from Interview by "Jim Kramer-The Street-June 17, 2015." Some seniors take part-time jobs during retirement to supplement their income, especially if they have been hurt financially by stock market downturns. Others may choose part-time work to keep busy, to socialize and to maintain their social and mental acuity.

– Michael BivonaRate it:

Quotes About The Impossible: ►Who defines what is impossible? No one. Impossible is simply the set of things that we have not YET achieved. ►Every record ever broken and every formerly ''impossible'' journey began with one person, taking one step forward and acting on their dream. Hear, then, ''impossible feat'' (feet) as the ultimate oxymoron. *Quotations by Brad Mittman MD

– Brad Mittman MDRate it:

Quotes are great if they make you change and ACT

– danwiseRate it:

Quotes are just a Quotes, unless if you really do it in your daily life.

– Nikolas FernandezRate it:

Quotes are nothing but inspiration for the uninspired.

– Richard KemphRate it:

Quotes are only good if you put them to use in your life.

– Vince BakerRate it:

Quotes are the enchanted way of freezing our thoughts in time forever.

– Sanita BelgraveRate it:

Quotes have more impact coming from the life of a person who demonstrated and came up with the quote.

– Vince BakerRate it:

Quotes, proverbs, and wise sayings are fragments of wisdom that, when gathered, build the castle of enlightenment.

– Aloo Denish ObieroRate it:

Quoting a Quote in writing costs nothing, nor degrades; sure, it enhances and qualifies writing.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Quoting the act of repeating erroneously the words of another.

– Ambrose Gwinett BierceRate it:

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    Who Said, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself”?
    A Franklin D. Roosevelt
    B Evel Knievel
    C Lyndon B. Johnson
    D John F. Kennedy