Found 134 quotes starting with SP:

Space is almost infinite. As a matter of fact, we think it is infinite.

– Dan QuayleRate it:

Space is as infinite as we can imagine, and expanding this perspective is what adjusts humankind’s focus on conquering our true enemies, the formidable foes: ignorance and limitation.

– Vanna BontaRate it:

Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space.

– Douglas Noel AdamsRate it:

Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the drug store, but that's just peanuts to space.

– Douglas AdamsRate it:

Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is…

– Douglas AdamsRate it:

Space is like one's mind.... infinite

– Boss-manRate it:

Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards.

– Fred HoyleRate it:

Spalding Smails This is good stuff. I got it from a Negro. You're probably high already and you don't even know it.

– CaddyShackRate it:

Spare minutes are the Gold-dust of time; the portions of life most fruitful in good and evil; the gaps through which temptations enter.

– Author UnknownRate it:

Spare no expense to make everything as economical as possible.

– Samuel GoldwynRate it:

Spare no expense to save money on this one.

– Samuel GoldwynRate it:

Spare not, nor spend too much, be this thy care, Spare but to spend, and only spend to spare. Who spends too much may want, and so complain; But he spends best that spares to spend again.

– RandolphRate it:

Spare your breath to cool your porridge.

– Miguel de CervantesRate it:

sparks of lust, burn in it, Blondes The erection ring of patience, love inspiration, tender love insight, I've been waiting for the blonde all my life, When I saw the blonde with from even after death, in ghost mode, it is impossible to forget, nervously supported by a dry orgasm, he has a love-struck shock, a tic, not mine and I'm excited, screaming, Clowns My boner sticks out like a cane at the clown, my eyes become squinty with love, my tongue curls up into a tube, I can’t say anything out of love, my penis is like a jumping stick, I roll up to her, I move towards her on springs, I put my tongue out like a scarf, I am captivated by her beauty for all eternity, kissing her on my soul is not washed off with clown lipstick, fires like a Thomson machine gun with a salute from the penis, her name, when I kiss her lips, on her clown fake lips she puts a chastity belt on me from fake lips, I am faithful to her with all my heart, her smile and her laughter is better than any fun, Old ladies The skin of an old woman is like cotton candy, a delicate flower of mature love, Liberates the soul, mercilessly falls in love, and the body of the old woman’s beauty, my dynamite of other women, concentrates passion on her, love for the old woman, my heart and body lusts every second, Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich Aphorisms Life attacks with its inadequacy from a society that laughs at stupidities, when you call to reason people laugh and justify their sins, and there is no need for prophecies that people die from sinful stupidity, stinginess, indifferent blindness, dormancy of laziness, sleep in their vices, Greed grows lies, silence and false optimism of corrupt television, Stupidity itches in a vicious, sinful head, the mind wanders in the darkness, races of sins in circles of reincarnation, civilizations from inflation in stagnation, without love, without friendship, fear and poverty forces one to betray, they live in the indifference and laughter of the majorities , swearers, envious onlookers, the body weakens from fear and lack of self-confidence, everyone runs away from their body, changes gender, the wardrobe of fascination propaganda, the design of lies changes, the shooting of truth in bans, logic dies and abstract egoism, cowardly indifference, Selfish world destroys the truth, and brings into trends only stultifying content, propaganda sects of lies of corrupt television, Jokes First date with a girl, the girl bites the lobster and splashes the guy with saliva, when we eat lobster for free, the girl tells her boyfriend, chat, chat, show, show Reality show, a guy cries that a girl didn’t choose him, they twist his balls and toes from below to make him cry Music Each music has its own movement and deepening, an atmosphere that creates a special background of perception, imagination through the sound of a certain thought of mood, like fine tuning of a musical instrument, for hearing and feeling music, hearing is tuned in different people to a certain rhythm of mood, Architecture Architecture is a symmetrical metaphor for culture, the main symbols are an endless knot of cyclical life, BBW Monsoon rains of lust when I see a fat girl, her love is priceless, as is the beauty of her body, ideal body shapes, big breasts and butt, erotic temptation of all men, Hormones in my pants burn like stars in the sky when I see a fat girl, dreams and dreams, shine like night stars , an eternal dream, an indestructible ideal, I am a faithful sex toy for a fat girl, I faithfully keep my love for her, a gently seductive gaze, pulling me along, life is not enough to get enough of your sweet love and exciting passion, Blondes girls The portal of the heart of endless love is open for the blonde, tender attraction, only she has the keys to the heart, hair like the light of the sun, and skin the color of golden seas of male lust, Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich Aphorisms Intuition will outshine grief. In poverty, pride grows, selfishness, betrayal, fraud, corruption, inflation, crime, narcissism, ego, despair, marriages collapse, love relationships, everyone is tested for strength, whether they will resist their greedy weaknesses, kleptomania, fears, or preserve family, Jokes You're a swindler, you're a swindler (you're crazy), you stole so much money, you can scam (you're crazy), you're a swindler (you don't care about a swindler) Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you forgot to take my phone number for a date, this five-story building is your husband, another girl runs up, oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you forgot to take my phone number Have you seen these terrible cakes, their eyes on a drunken vacation So you have two penises, you shoot them with a shotgun, and when you don’t want to meet anyone, you tie them up like shoelaces Adviсe Advice: how to strengthen love, lisp like a small baby or child, hug more, kiss, give compliments, gifts, lie together, cuddle, make you feel important and valuable in your life, talk about how much you love your soulmate, erotic chat, virtual sex by correspondence if she likes it, increase passion, attraction from a distance, you can masturbate only on your soulmate, the penis is a manual thing, which girl you set it up for and will react to this one (but masturbation is a sin), think more often, concentrate on your soulmate , watch a slide show of your other half, watch a video, strengthen love in your memory, so you are more aware that you love her, concentration, imagine together that you are somewhere in a beautiful place, impatiently wait for a new meeting, listen to audio recordings of her voice, feel her voice in your soul , look into each other's eyes for hours, intertwining of souls, hug time, say I love you more no, I love you more, every day say I love you to your girlfriend and your parents and family members, Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich Aphorisms A cheerful gif of sinful stupidity, a cyclical karmic mistake in reincarnation, Internal understanding, neuro-internet intuition and telepathy beyond consciousness, Relationships are when you chew food information on one side for half your life, and then on the other side due to caries of selfishness, in old age you are chewed on complex information in blender your descendants, In hopes nest fears, in them are our failures, Poetry So sexy that even the photo shoot begins to burn from her beauty, Jokes Scratch the inscription on the T-shirt, you want the inscription on the men's shorts There, behind the wall, a Rottweiler and a pit bull are fighting, no, this is aggressive sex between newlyweds, they endured it for a long time Lost my pride, lost or traded, you know the crisis Alphonse is like a squash ball, it flies off and comes back, you sweat in extreme blood pressure, so your soulmate breaks away from your stubbornness and love is renewed Look at how long his video is, put it on accelerated speech, like people who boast that they can speak quickly, look how quickly the mouth of the king of cunnilingus moves, fast speech leads to bed, the girl herself won’t understand how it all happened, he’s having a seizure, add foam at mouth, foamy thick mustache, you said penis, it doesn’t matter Adviсe How to defuse stupidity? Cut the right wire connected to the ego Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich Aphorisms The mystical inadequacy of sinful zombie trollers, the self-criticism of envy lead to the mindset of a hater, the thriller of a stupid life is incomprehensible, dumb, interesting, narcissistic, hysterical, sleeping in their crazy paradoxical vices, running from reality, despondently well-fed roaring, feeding on dark energy, living in depression, not knowing about true homeless people, The alluring light of false hope from scammers, like an electric lamp for mosquitoes, like the light of a jellyfish that stings, in the darkness of an indifferent crisis, like a neon sign where there is poor service and low-quality goods, Dreams are symbolic parables, Fear has the depth of despair in the subconscious , the length of the distance of decades of oblivion, the source of pain is a nest of fear, In meditative solitude, in unity with the infinity of intuition, bio quantum insight into eternity and evolutionary awareness, a true vision of the world, immersion in the deep reality only for the brave, spiritual, where the multidimensional consciousness of empathy is activated DNA disclosure, multi-level spirituality devoid of fears under the guise of temptations and desires, Poetry Ass yum (yum yum), Subconsciously love for you intensifies, and pulls unconsciously like a lunatic in love, looking only for you, spontaneously pronouncing compliments, burst out of my mouth because I’m filled with love for

– Musin Almat ZhumabekovichRate it:

Spartacus is dead, but he's still talking. (Spartacus est mort, Mais il parle encore)

– Charles de LEUSSERate it:

Speak anything as bullshit on social media and most often start debating about it; Say something actually of wisdom & wit and all usually remain quiet over it, but some even quit from that network.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Speak but little, and that little only when thy own purposes require it. Heaven has given thee two ears but only one tongue, which means: listen to two things, but be not the first to propose one.

– HafizRate it:

Speak clearly, if you speak at all carve every word before you let it fall.

– Oliver Wendell HolmesRate it:

Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before you let it fall.

– Oliver Wendell HolmesRate it:

Speak not to fill the silence, but to seed understanding.

– Aloo Denish ObieroRate it:

Speak of the devil and he appears.

– Italian ProverbRate it:

Speak of things public to the public, but of things lofty and secret only to the loftiest and most private of your friends. Hay to the ox and sugar to the parrot.

– Johannes Trithemius, 1488Rate it:

Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your Silence. Hovsep kazezian

– Hovsep kazezianRate it:

Speak out in acts; the time for words has passed, and only deeds will suffice.

– John Greenleaf WhittierRate it:

Speak peace, and peace is born.

– Laura JaworskiRate it:

Speak properly, and in as few words as you can, but always plainly; for the end of speech is not ostentation, but to be understood.

– William PennRate it:

Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far.

– Theodore RooseveltRate it:

Speak the language of high intelligence, and thus you speak the language of God.

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Speak the truth, but leave immediately after.

– Slovenian ProverbRate it:

Speak the truth, do not yield to anger give, if thou art asked for little by these three steps thou wilt go near the gods.

– The DhammapadaRate it:

Speak to me as to thy thinkings, As thou dost ruminate, and give thy worst of thoughts The worst of words.

– William ShakespeareRate it:

Speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee.

– Biblical ProverbRate it:

Speak well of your enemies; after all you made them.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Speak what you think to-day in words as hard as cannon-balls and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day.

– Ralph Waldo EmersonRate it:

Speak what you think today in hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said today.

– Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Self-Reliance", 1841Rate it:

Speak when you are angry--and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret.

– Laurence J. PeterRate it:

Speak with emotions, not with words.

– Baba FaizRate it:

Speak with the heart and it helps to meet a person on the same nature part; Speak with the mind and it helps to bind with a lot of people whose real intent behind every kind word needs to always find.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Speak your TRUTH through LOVE or say nothing at all. Words of hate, separate.

– Gordana BiernatRate it:

Speakers who talk about what life has taught them never fail to keep the attention of their listeners.

– Dale CarnegieRate it:

Speaking about the ultimate reality of life to a very large majority of people is like narrating an epic story in full detail to them and then in the end only getting a basic question from them as who the lead protagonist was there in this whole tale.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Speaking and doing are two different actions springing up the two completely different results. But, the best result arrives when a man’s speaking of good words matches with his corresponding and timely action to benefit everyone.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Speaking generally, punishment hardens and numbs, it produces obstinacy, it sharpens the sense of alienation and strengthens the power of resistance.

– Friedrich Wilhelm NietzscheRate it:

Speaking like this doesn't mean that we're anti-white, but it does mean we're anti-exploitation, we're anti-degradation, we're anti-oppression.

– Malcolm XRate it:

Speaking of poison, unlike processed food, which is bad to consume, art should be the polar opposite: it should be over-processed to the point of being dangerous. To be deemed subversive, and intriguing to the eye and intellect, it must induce some form and degree of disruption. In that perspective, art is always safe, despite of idiotic censorship, as long as you don't eat it.”

– Adamo MacriRate it:

Speaking out own inner feelings is being positive only,but the same thought may be taken in as negative by those whose soul is not reflective, heart is not corrective and mind is manipulative by nature.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Speaking the truth is better than speaking one's mind.

– Goa KerleRate it:

Speaking truth in a away that it seems a lie benefits you more than telling a lie which seems true.

– AshimaRate it:

Speaking' and 'Saying' are two different languages. Speaking discharges resonance. Saying emanates ideas. ( "Words flew away like birds" )

– Erik PevernagieRate it:

Special-interest publications should realize that if they are attracting enough advertising and readers to make a profit, the interest is not so special.

– Fran LebowitzRate it:

Specialization is for insects.

– Robert Heinlein, The voice of Lazarus LongRate it:

Speculations and loans in foreign fields are likely to bring us into war... The war-for-profit group has counterfeited patriotism.

– Charles Lindberg Sr., 1915Rate it:

Sped up my XT ran it on 220v Works greO

– AnonymousRate it:

Speech is a mirror of the soul as a man speaks, so is he.

– Publilius SyrusRate it:

Speech is a mirror of the soul: as a man speaks, so is he.

– Publilius SyrusRate it:

Speech is but broken light upon the depth Of the unspoken.

– George EliotRate it:

Speech is conveniently located midway between thought and action, where it often substitutes for both.

– John Andrew HolmesRate it:

Speech is external thought, and thought internal speech.

– Antoine de RivarolRate it:

Speech is human, silence is divine, yet also brutish and dead therefore we must learn both arts.

– Thomas CarlyleRate it:

Speech is human, silence is divine, yet also brutish and dead: therefore we must learn both arts.

– Thomas CarlyleRate it:

Speech is the mirror of the mind.

– SenecaRate it:

Speech is the mirror of the mind. (Imago Animi Sermo Est)

– SenecaRate it:

Speech was given to the ordinary sort of men, whereby to communicate their mind but to wise men, whereby to conceal it.

– Robert SouthRate it:

Speeches are not magic and there is no great speech without great policy.

– Peggy NoonanRate it:

Speed and simplicity: these are the keywords to overcome the enemy.

– John GiordaniRate it:

Spell STRESSED backwards, and you get DESSERTS. You can reverse stress by eating desserts. Life is sweet!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Spend and be spent.

– Theodore Roosevelt, sign posted at his grave siteRate it:

Spend everyday casual, but industrious Every moment alert, but relaxed.

– Guy FinleyRate it:

Spend not on hopes.

– George HerbertRate it:

Spend time for yourself, walk in solitude, refresh your mind and body so that you can spend time for others and walk with them! Spend time for yourself!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Spending a decade or more years with a single organization is not often experience but only enjoying own time by doing nothing valuable for that same company.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Spending a few minutes with the children is often better than chatting an hour over tea or coffee with an adult person

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Spending by government currently amounts to about 45 percent of national income. By that test, government owns 45 percent of the means of production that produce the national income. The U.S. is now 45 percent socialist.

– Milton FriedmanRate it:

Spending money is like pouring water into sand and earning it is like taking water back from sand.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Spending money more than you can earn is spinning a rope around your own neck.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

spent some time gittin juiced on the junk you know and the poems would come thick and black, coffeelike, a little bitter you know and when the pores started jiving and all it'd be time to git on down and groove, let the words flow forth, try not to suffocate, live one more day.

– Scott C. HolstadRate it:

Spesso si sente che le persone cambiano quando si passa attraverso le fasi difficili più difficili della tua vita. In realtà, le persone non cambiano, ma le loro maschere cadono a rivelare il loro vero volto. La parte migliore dei tempi peggiori nella vita è che si ottiene l'occasione di vedere le persone nelle loro veri colori. Una volta che vedete i loro veri colori nella luce nuda, non si dovrebbe mai dimenticare coloro, e, soprattutto, non si deve mai cercare di ridisegnare loro quando i tempi cambiano.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Spider-Man Go web. Fly. Up, up, and away web. Shazam. Web it. Tally ho.

– Spider-ManRate it:

Spike Lee was the voice depicting the ills of social issues. Joseph Strickland will depict the spiritual issues (or ills) from within.

– Joseph StricklandRate it:

Spirit fight do not require population to conquer.

– Nansel LarsonRate it:

Spirit is a child, the tune of dancing feet its lullaby

– Shah Asad RizviRate it:

Spirit is living, and Life is Spirit, and Life and Spirit produce all things, but they are essentially one and not two.

– H Hahn BlavatskyRate it:

Spirit is the real and eternal matter is the unreal and temporal.

– Mary Baker EddyRate it:

Spiritual awakening happens when we stop resisting

– H.W. MannRate it:

Spiritual awareness. You don’t know what you don’t know. Until you do. And then you will never be the same again. We realize we are not a human being trying to have a spiritual experience. We are a spiritual being temporarily in the human condition. We are a human being. The human part is the mind-body. The being part is our spiritual essence. We are a spiritual being – being human. The being human is the temporary part. The mind-body will eventually expire, but the spirit is immortal.

– H.W. MannRate it:

Spiritual consciousness is difficult to understand because it is beyond thought. We cannot really understand it through the intellectual process. It is something we must experience to truly understand. We must step out of the dream and into our true essence. This is why we call it the awakening. We awaken from basic human consciousness. The ego is a necessary viewpoint to operate from in the physical world. But it is a dream like state. A state identified with the mind-body. It is not who we truly are. We awaken to actual consciousness. We awaken to spiritual consciousness.

– H.W. MannRate it:

Spiritual force is stronger than material force thoughts rule the world.

– Ralph Waldo EmersonRate it:

Spiritual growth depends on two things: first a willingness to live according to the Word of God; second, a willingness to take whatever consequences emerge as a result.”

– Sinclair B. Ferguson (1948- )Rate it:

Spiritual light does not attract insects.”

– Wesley D'AmicoRate it:

Spiritual nature, like bodily nature, will be served; deny it food and it will gobble poison.

– Clive LewisRate it:

Spiritual teachers appear when we are in need, appear when we are ready, reminding us of who we are, reminding us of what we know, pointing to our essence, pointing us towards each other, redirecting us to God, leading us to oneness, Spiritual Teachers remind us there is only one reality, Presence

– H.W. MannRate it:

Spiritual teachers attempt to teach that which is beyond all thoughts and words. But being in the human condition we use thoughts and words to communicate. Do not get caught up on the teacher, their thoughts or words. Focus on the lesson, the concept. To focus on the sign post, is to miss the message. The message is not the sign post, but where the sign post is pointing.

– H.W. MannRate it:

Spiritualism exits only for individuals. Reason is born when two men interact; addition of more and more members necessitates the spreading of the reason culminating as culture. Hence a culture is as dynamic as the reason. The nature of the reason is the nature of the spirit within for some and instinct for some others.

– Thiruman ArchunanRate it:

Spirituality does not encourage idleness, but you must be more practical than those who are not spiritual.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Spirituality is a magnet, and magnet affects iron, not wood or stone. Similarly, faith and devotion are iron, who has that, spirituality touches the believer, not an unbeliever.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Spirituality is for people who know hell and want to know heaven

– H.W. MannRate it:

Spirituality is life through awareness of our true essence

– H.W. MannRate it:

Spirituality is life through awareness of our true essence. In essence we are of the energetic realm. We are conscious energy. We illuminate from source. Like rays of sunshine illuminating from the sun, each of us are part of the whole. Collectively we make up supreme consciousness. The purpose of human life is for each of us to express our higher self. To awaken. Together we complete the whole. As we awaken, the greater good is done.

– H.W. MannRate it:

Spirituality is not a journey in the physical sense. But self-realization, making peace between heart and mind.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Spirituality is the drive for the ultimate expansion of the heart and removing all the fears, doubts, and hatred from the mind.

– Amit RayRate it:

Spirituality is the vaccination against the colonization of religion.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Spirituality is to get connectivity with own heart, mind & soul on a whole to awaken sensibility to make oneself more aware of own true worth/character & real personality. But, a self-obsessed person who has weak/sick mentality to love oneself or own face only thinks its practice is to spying to read the identity & deeds/activity of others and seek own profitability.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Spiteful words can hurt your feelings, but silence breaks your heart.

– unknownRate it:

Split the atom's heart, and low Within it thou wilt find a sun.

– Persian Mystic PoemRate it:

Splitting the atom is like trying to shoot a gnat in the Albert Hall at night and using ten million rounds of ammunition on the off chance of getting it. That should convince you that the atom will always be a sink of energy and never a reservoir of energy.

– Ernest RuthefordRate it:

Spontaneous kindness is to hipsters as high beams are to deer.

– J. Jacques, Something Positive Comic, 08-22-05Rate it:

Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.

– E. M. ForsterRate it:

Sport feels the heart. Life feels the love. (Le sport éprouve le cœur. La vie éprouve l'amour)

– Charles de LEUSSERate it:

Sport in the sense of a mass-spectacle, with death to add to the underlying excitement, comes into existence when a population has been drilled and regimented and depressed to such an extent that it needs at least a vicarious participation in difficult feats of strength or skill or heroism in order to sustain its waning life-sense.

– Lewis MumfordRate it:

Sport is imposing order on what was chaos.

– Anthony StarrRate it:

Sports (and the often barely withheld violence around them) have become one of the few modern ways to connect with strangers. They give an amazing number of geeks things to talk about. In the old days we settled for, “Hello, how are you?”

– Perry BrassRate it:

Sports do not build character. They reveal it.

– HeywoodRate it:

Sports is like rock 'n' roll, both are dominant cultural forces, both speak an international language, and both are all about emotions.

– Phil KnightRate it:

Sports serve society by providing vivid examples of excellence.

– George WillRate it:

Sports stadium is meant only for playing the game, not acting or drama on the same.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Sports: Sports condition the mind, body, and spirit. They can make you smarter, healthier, stronger, tougher, more confident, and more talented. They can be very fun, and they can sometimes relieve stress. They can make your life a better place. Football is great for cardio and losing weight, plus it can be very fun if you know what your doing. Bodybuilding is great for strength and overall health. Gymnastics is great for flexibility/acrobatics. Karate teaches you self-defense and it can reward you with the gift of movement. Knowing how to defend yourself is one of the greatest highs in life. And you'll never know complete physical freedom until you know all the patterns and movements of karate. All sports are important, they all have something special to teach you, they all have something special to offer you, even if its just fun.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Spouses often point out each other's deficiencies. Instead, we should be each other's motivator. My husband touches my spirit, and I try my best to motivate him, too.

– Kenneth Hartley BlanchardRate it:

Spread love everywhere you go First of all in your own house...let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.

– Mother TeresaRate it:

Spread love not just on Valentine's Day, but every day, for a society that thrives on unconditional love is a society that flourishes.”

– Yvonne PadmosRate it:

Spread the table and contention will cease.

– English ProverbRate it:

Spreading, the hate and such subjects, in whatever form and length, encourages and boosts the individual haters and masters; consequently, it builds not only the way for their evil feelings to enjoy; thereupon that, flames and burns others' life as well. Whereas, those figures that, share and spread such hatred subjects widely, whether in sober faith or not, are more accountable than an original one. As an example that if one, sprays not the water on plants, become that dry, and its leaves, blown up naturally.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Spring blossoms are fairy tales, autumn leaves are tragic dramas.

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Spring has sprung. We're free at last, people. Free at last. Thank you mother nature, we're free. Time to toss open that metaphysical window and check out that psychic landscape. See lots of possibilities budding out there. Time to hoe those rows, feed that seed. Pretty soon you get a garden.

– Robin GreenRate it:

Spring is a true reconstructionist.

– Henry TimrodRate it:

Spring is about to spring. Persephone is coming back and the ice is groaning, about to break with the exquisite and deafening roar. It's a time for madness a time for our fangs to come down and our eyes to glaze over so that the beast in us can sing with unmitigated joy. Oh yes, ecstasy, I welcome thee

– David AssaelRate it:

Spring is God's way of saying 'One more Time

– Robert OrbenRate it:

Spring is on the way; summer is on the way; storms are on the way; wars are on the way; sorrow and happiness are on the way; they are all on the way, they are coming! Everything is on the way! Life is a highway; while we are moving on the way, all else is coming towards us! Devil is on the way; angel is on the way! Stay firm on the way!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Spring is the time of the year, when it is summer in the sun and winter in the shade.

– Charles Dickens, Great expectationsRate it:

Spring is the ultimate genius of the existence and the utter ladder of the lovers ascending to the infinity.

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Spring is when life's alive in everything.

– Christina G. RossettiRate it:

Spring makes everything look filthy.

– Katherine WhitehornRate it:

Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.

– Lewis GrizzardRate it:

Spune nu doar acela care îl ştie pe da. Însă el, care ştie totul, la nu şi da are foile rupte.

– Nichita StănescuRate it:

Spying on any subject means one does not trust or its intention to cause the damage. It does not build the best relationship.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

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    In which movie does this quote appear: "Long live the King" ?
    A The Lion King
    B The King and Four Queens
    C Arthur the King
    D Four Kings