Avatar: The Last Airbender, Season 3

Avatar: The Last Airbender (2004-2008) is an American animated television series that aired on Nickelodeon. The series follows the adventures of twelve-year-old protagonist Aang and his friends, who must bring peace and unity to the world by ending the Fire Lord's war against the other three nations.

[Aang clutches to a piece of driftwood after losing his glider and being stuck in the ocean]

I'm not gonna make it... I failed.

[Roku appears in a flash of lightning]


You haven't failed, Aang.

But everyone thinks I'm dead again... they think I've abandoned them. And I'm losing this war...I'm letting the whole world down.

If anyone is to blame for the state of the world, it is me. I should have seen this war coming, and prevented it. You inherited my problems...and my mistakes. But I believe you are destined to redeem me, and save the world.

I don't know...

[A beam of light shines over Aang and Yue appears in front of the moon]

You already saved the world. And you'll save the world again. But you can't give up.

You're right, I won't give up.

[Aang creates a giant wave and uses the driftwood to begin surfing towards the Fire Nation, Yue increases the size of the wave and then recedes back into the moon]

[In the next scene, Aang wakes up on a volcanic island with Momo on his chest. The rest of Team Avatar are running towards him with Katara in front]

You're okay!

[Katara runs up and hugs Aang first, and is then followed by the rest of the group)

I have so much to do.

I know, but you'll have our help.

[jokingly] You didn't think you could get out of training just by coming to the Fire Nation did you?

What about the invasion?

We'll join up with my dad and the invasion force on the day of the eclipse.

Hey! What's... [Toph grabs the broken shard of Aang's glider that washed up on shore] Oh, it's your glider.

That's okay. If someone saw it, it would give away my identity. It's better for now that no one knows I'm alive.

[Aang uses his airbending to leap up to a higher ledge on the island. He holds his glider and looks down at the lava covered rock, and then plunges his glider into the ground, where it begins to burn as he jumps away.]

[Zuko tosses a portrait of him, his parents and Azula on the campfire]

Ty Lee:
[startled] What are you doing?

What does it look like I'm doing?

Ty Lee:
But... it's a portrait of your family.

You think I care?

Ty Lee:
I think you do-

You don't know me, so why don't you just mind your own business?!

Ty Lee:
...I know you.

No, you don't! You're stuck in your little Ty Lee world, where everything is great all the time!

Zuko, leave her alone.

"I'm so pretty, look at me! I can walk on my hands! Woo!" [flops down in the sand, facing away] Circus freak!

[Azula snickers]

Ty Lee:
[tearful and angrily] Yes, I'm a circus freak! Go ahead and laugh all you want! You wanna know why I joined the circus?

Here we go...

Ty Lee:
Do you have any idea what my home life was like, growing up with six sisters who looked exactly like me?! It was like, I didn't even have my own name! I joined the circus because I was scared of spending the rest of my life as a matched set! At least I'm different now! "Circus Freak" is a compliment!

I guess that explains why you need ten boyfriends, too.

Ty Lee:
I'm sorry, what?

Attention issues? You couldn't get enough attention when you were a kid, so you're trying to make up for it now.

Ty Lee:
Well, what's your excuse, Mai? You were an only child for fifteen years, but even with all that attention, your aura is just this dingy, pale, grey-

I don't believe in auras.

Yeah... you don't believe in anything.

[sarcastically] Oh, well, I'm sorry I can't be as crazy and high-strung as the rest of you.

I'm sorry, too; I wish you would be high-strung and crazy for once, instead of keeping all your feelings bottled up inside. She just called your aura dingy, are you gonna take that?

What do you want from me? You want a teary confession about how bad my childhood was? Well, it wasn't. I was a rich only child who got anything I wanted... as long as I behaved. And sat still. And didn't speak unless spoken to. My mother said I had to keep out of trouble. We had my dad's political career to think about.

Well, that's it then: you had a controlling mother with certain expectations, and if you strayed from them, you were shut down. That's why you're afraid to care about anything... and why you can't express yourself.

[stands up, angrily] You want me to express myself? LEAVE ME ALONE!

What I'm about to show you, I discovered in that wretched Fire Nation prison. [her flashbacks of her time in the prison are shown as she speaks] The guards were always careful to keep any water away from us. They piped in dry air, and had us suspended away from the ground. Before giving us any water, they would bind our hands and feet so we couldn't bend. Any sign of trouble was met with cruel retribution. And yet, each month I felt the full moon, enriching me with its' energy. There had to be something I could do, to escape. Then... I realized that where there is life, there is water. The rats that scurried across the floor of my cage, were nothing more than skins filled with liquid. And I passed years developing the skill that would lead to my escape... Bloodbending. Controlling the water in another body.[Katara looks horrified] Enforcing your own will over theirs. Once I had mastered the rats... I was ready for the men. And during the next full moon, I walked free, for the first time in decades. My cell unlocked, by the very guards assigned to keep me in. Once you perfect this technique, you can control anything... or, anyone. [glances at Katara]

But... to reach inside someone, and control them? I- I don't know if I want that kind of power.

The choice is not yours. The power exists! And it's your duty to use the gifts you've been given to win this war! Katara, they tried to wipe us out; our entire culture! Your mother!

I know.

Then you should understand what I'm talking about. We're the last Waterbenders of the Southern Tribe! We have to fight these people whenever we can, wherever they are with any means necessary.

...It's you. You're the one who's making people disappear during the full moons!

They threw me in prison to rot, along with my brothers and sisters! They deserve the same! You must carry on my work.

I won't! I won't use Bloodbending, and I won't allow you to keep terrorizing this town! Arrgh!

[Her arms suddenly twist and contort as Hama Bloodbends her]

You should have learned the technique before you turned against me! It's impossible to fight your way out of my grip. I control every muscle, every vein in your body!

[She jerks Katara around like a puppet, then forces her to kneel]

[tearfully] Stop... please.

[Hama cackles, but Katara draws water from the grass and glares up at her; Hama's smile vanishes]

[stands up]... You're not the only one who draws power from the moon. My bending is more powerful than yours, Hama. Your technique is useless on me!

[She and Hama battle with Waterbending; both fight fiercely, but Katara soon overpowers Hama, just as Sokka and Aang arrive]

We know what you've been doing, Hama!

Give up! You're outnumbered!

No. You've outnumbered yourselves! [She Bloodbends them, forcing them to attack Katara]

[swinging his sword] Katara, look out! It's like my brain has a mind of its' own! Stop it, arm, stop it!

This feels weird!

[ dodges, then freezes Aang to a tree] Sorry, Aang!

It's OK!

[Hama makes Sokka charge Katara again, but she freezes his arm to another tree]

Don't hurt your friends, Katara! And don't let them hurt each other!

[She rips Aang and Sokka free, then hurls them at each other with Sokka's sword pointing at Aang]


[Sokka and Aang stop at the last second as Katara Bloodbends Hama, forcing her to kneel. Toph arrives with the captured villagers, who shackle Hama]

You're going to be locked away, forever.

[smugly] My work is done. Congratulations, Katara. You're a Bloodbender.

[She cackles as she is led away. Katara sinks to the ground and cries as her friends comfort her]

Hey, I heard you guys flying around down there, so I just thought I'd wait for you here. I know you must be surprised to see me here.

Not really, since you've followed us all over the world.

Right... Well, uh... anyway, what I wanted to tell you about is that I've changed, and I uh, I'm good now. And, well, I think I should join your group. Oh, and I can teach firebending... to you. See, I uh...

You want to what now?!

You can't possibly think that any of us would trust you, can you?! I mean, how stupid do you think we are?!

Yeah, all you've ever done is try to hunt us down and capture Aang.

I've done some good things. I mean, I could've stolen your bison in Ba Sing Se, but I set him free. That's something.

[Appa licks him from behind]

Appa does seem to like him.

He probably just covered himself in honey or something so that Appa would lick him. I'm not buying it.

I can understand why you wouldn't trust me, and I know I've made some mistakes in the past.

Like when you attacked our village?

Or when you stole my mother's necklace and used it to track us down and capture us?!

Look, I admit I've done some awful things. I was wrong to try to capture you, and I'm sorry that I attacked the Water Tribe. And I never should've sent that Fire Nation assassin after you. I'm gonna try to stop him-

Wait, you sent Combustion Man after us?!?!

Well, that's not his name, but...

Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to insult your friend.

He's not my friend!?

That guy locked me and Katara in jail and tried to blow us all up!

... [to Aang] Why aren't you saying anything? You once said you thought we could be friends. You know I have good in me.

[Yon Rha is heading home in the rain; he hears someone following him several times, then finally stops]

Yon Rha:
Nobody sneaks up on me without getting burned!

[He Firebends at a bush behind him, but nothing happens. As he turns to continue, he falls over a tripwire; when he tries to get up, a fire blast stops him]

We weren't behind the bush. [he advances on Yon Rha] And I wouldn't try Firebending again.

Yon Rha:
Whoever you are, take my money. Take whatever you want! I'll cooperate.

[Approaches and pulls back her hood] Do you know who I am?

Yon Rha:
No...I'm not sure.

[angrily] Oh, you'd better remember me, like your life depends on it! Why don't you take a closer look?!

Yon Rha:
Yes... yes! I remember you, now! You're that little Water Tribe girl!

[In a flashback, Yon Rha is shown confronting Kya and a young Katara during his raid on the Southern Water Tribe.]

Just let her go, and I'll give you the information you want.

Yon Rha:
You heard your mother. Get out of here!

Mom... I'm scared...

Go find your Dad, sweetie. I'll handle this. [Katara runs off]

Yon Rha:
Now, tell me: who is it? Who's the Waterbender?

There are no Waterbenders here. The Fire Nation took them all away, a long time ago.

Yon Rha:
You're lying. My source says there's one Waterbender left in the Southern Water Tribe. We're not leaving until we find the Waterbender!

If I tell you... do you promise to leave the rest of the village alone? [Yon Rha grunts and nods]... It's me. Take me as your prisoner.

Yon Rha:
[smirks] I'm afraid I'm not taking prisoners, today.

[In the present, Yon Rha gulps]

... She lied to you! [turns away, tearfully] She was protecting the last Waterbender.

Yon Rha:
What?! Who?

[spins around, furious] ME! [She bends the rain, stopping it mid-fall, then forms the water into a huge dome around them; Zuko watches, amazed. Katara morphs the water into ice spears and hurls them at Yon Rha, who cowers, but she stops them inches from his face, then dissolves them back into water]

Yon Rha:
[scrambling to grovel in front of her] I did a bad thing, I know I did! And you deserve revenge! So why don't you take my mother? That would be fair!

I always wondered, what kind of person could do such a thing. But, now that I see you, I think I understand. There's just...nothing inside you. Nothing at all. You're pathetic, and sad, and empty.

Yon Rha:
[whimpering] Please, spare me!

But as much as I hate you... I just can't do it.

General Shinu:
Ba Sing Se is still under our control. However, earthbender rebellions has prevented us from achieving total victory.

What is your recommendation?

General Shinu:
Our army is spread too thin. But once the eclipse is over and the invasion defeated, we should transfer more domestic forces into the Earth Kingdom.

Hmm. Prince Zuko, you've been among the Earth Kingdom commoners. Do you think adding more troops will stop these rebellions?

...The people of the Earth Kingdom are proud and strong. They can endure anything as long as they have hope.

Yes, you're right. We need to destroy their hope.

Well, that's not exactly what I-

I think you should take their precious hope and the rest of their land and burn it all to the ground.

Yes. Yes, you're right, Azula. Sozin's Comet is almost upon us, and on that day, it will endow us with the strength and power of a hundred suns. No bender will stand a chance against us.

General Shinu:
What are you suggesting, sir?

When the comet last came, my grandfather, Fire Lord Sozin, used it to wipe out the Air Nomads. Now, I will use its power to end the Earth Kingdom ... permanently. From our airships, we will rain fire over their lands, a fire that will destroy everything; and out of the ashes, a new world will be born, a world in which all the lands are Fire Nation and I am the supreme ruler of everything!

[The generals applaud as Zuko's flashback ends]

I wanted to speak out against this horrifying plan... but, I'm ashamed to say I didn't. My whole life, I struggled to gain my father's love and acceptance. But once I had it, I realized I'd lost myself getting there. I'd forgotten who I was.

...I can't believe this.

[shocked] I always knew the Fire Lord was a bad guy, but his plan is just pure evil.

What am I gonna do?

I know you're scared. And I know you're not ready to save the world. But if you don't defeat the Fire Lord before the Comet comes... there won't be a world to save, anymore.

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