SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 4

SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series that airs on Nickelodeon. The show follows the adventures of the title character and his various friends in the underwater city, and being pursued by the evil Plankton. It spawned a movie, followed by several short films, and video games.

Defense calls Plankton to the stand. [Plankton looks surprised; later, on the stand] Why did you go into the Krusty Krab that day?

To, you know, say hello to my once good friend, Mr. Krabs. What?

Are you sure it wasn't to make off with one of these? [he shows Plankton a Krabby Patty. Plankton starts licking his lips] Gotcha. Weren't you there to steal the formula of the most delicious, sweet smelling sandwich known to Bikini Bottom? Krabby Patty...

[continuously sweating] Uhh... uhh... uhh... [he tries to bite the sandwich, but SpongeBob takes it away. He takes off his fake casts] I can't take it! Gimme! Gimme, gimme, gimme! [jumps for the sandwich and grabs it, then he runs off with it] Yippee! Finally it's mine!

Mr. Krabs:
[grabbing the sandwich from Plankton] I'll take that!

Huh? No, no, no!

Mr. Krabs:
Once again, Plankton, the sweetest of life's joys has eluded your grasp. [he eats the Krabby Patty]

No, no, no, no!

[bangs gavel] Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, your honor. We find the defendant not guilty... but he is cheap.

Mr. Krabs:
Thank you, SpongeBob. I was foolish not to accept your help from the beginning.

That's okay, Mr. Krabs. I made you a present.

Mr. Krabs:
A present? For me?

Close your eyes and hold out your hand. [Mr. Krabs does so. SpongeBob gives Mr. Krabs a "wet floor" sign with many nails in it. Mr. Krabs grabs it and starts yelling in pain] It's a "wet floor" sign. I made it myself.

Mr. Krabs:
Well, it'll do. After all, it's free!

Mr. Krabs:
Hey, Carl, what have ya done with me restaurant?! Processed Krabby Patties? Computerized registers?!

Look around you. Our customers are quite content with the contrived, and the mediocre. [customer falls asleep, snoring]

Mr. Krabs:
That's because they don't know what they're eating. [grabs a pile of the gray sludge from the Krabby Patty making machine in the kitchen, then walks up to a customer] 'Scuse me, ma'am. Do you know what's in that Krabby Patty you're eatin'?

Incidental 63:

[Mr. Krabs shows her a pile of the gray sludge to emphasize his point. The customer gasps, screams at the sight of it and runs out]

Mr. Krabs:
See that? Without all your smoke and mirrors, no one would stomach this garbage!

Incidental 42:
What'd he say? Garbage?

[Customers notice what's in the Krabby Patties and everyone runs out. Mr. Krabs laughs as Carl takes out a book of rules, appears angry.]

[annoyed] Eugene, you're in violation of your contract.

Mr. Krabs:
Rules! Here's a rule for ya: people can't eat stain glass barstools! [throws barstool into the big screen TV out of rage and takes the cash register to the kitchen] I'll show you automated! [runs off to the kitchen]

[calls on his walkie-talkie] Mr. Blandy? Code red! Free thinker!

[Mr. Krabs shoves the cash register in the Krabby Patty making machine]

Howard Blandy:
Mr. Krabs, is there a problem here?

Mr. Krabs:
You better believe there's a problem! I used to kiss the ground ya walked on, Blandy! But after seein' this, I wouldn't even spit in your direction! Krabby Patties are supposed to be made by hand, one at a time!

[Cut to the kitchen, where the Krabby Patty machine inflates and about to blow up. Cut back to Mr. Krabs.]

Mr. Krabs:
Not on a conveyor belt!

[Krabby O'Monday's begins to shake and make sirens, as Mr. Krabs suddenly notices. Howard and his team suddenly stop, eyes blank. Gray sludge begins to leak out of the kitchen into the main room.]

Oh my...

[The garbage blows up from the kitchen and blows everybody away off the Krabby O'Monday's including the employees. The restaurant blows up and got destroyed. Carl was seen floating away.]

Does this mean I won't get that raise, sir?

Howard Blandy:
[he looks at the restaurant which is destroyed by the gray meat] It's ruined!

We'll have to sell it. We'll be lucky if we get a fraction of what we paid for it. [Mr. Krabs drives up with boat full of suitcases]

Mr. Krabs:
I'll buy it for full price!

Sold. We won't need your contract anymore. [rips off the contract] Nice doing business with you.

Mr. Krabs:
Pleasure's all mine. Now get out of me restaurant. [laughs while Howard Blandy and his friends walk away sadly in humiliation, leaving SpongeBob and Squidward] Well, we did it, boys. [puts the hats on them] The Krusty Krab is ours again. Ya know, in that fit of maniacal rage, I may have destroyed the restaurant, scared away all our customers, and forced us into bankruptcy because I returned nearly every penny I sold this stink heap for, but it was all worth it. And, I got back the love of me dear friends.

Really, Mr. Krabs?

Mr. Krabs:
No, not really. Get back to work! [he hands them Spatula and the Mop. SpongeBob was glad while Squidward was annoyed, leaving Mr. Krabs, who now pushes the key to open the register and ends with dollar signs, ending the episode]

[SpongeBob, Squidly, and Patrick all head to the bridge to stop the evil wizard, but a Dark Knight blocks their path]

Dark Knight:
[dark male voice] Halt! Who goes there?

Doth mine eyes betray me? 'Tis the nefarious Dark Knight! [sings] Oh, dark knight, spare us please, don't cut off our heads or boil our knees. Pray take these two and let me go free and I will give to thee some... cheese! [cow moos]

SpongeBob and Patrick:
Dark Knight?

Dark Knight:
[dark male voice] I asketh once more. Before I rip thee limb from limb, reveal thyself!

I am SpongeBob and this is Patrick. [laughs nervously] We've been sent to rescue Princess Pearl from Planktonimor.

Dark Knight:
[dark male voice] If thou wisheth to get across, thou willst have [reveals herself as Medieval Sandy and speaks with a female voice] to get through me!

[gasps] Medieval Sandy! I know how to handle this: With a little karate! [both attack each other, but SpongeBob swallows Sandy then spits her out into a rock]

Dark Knight:
Whah! By the hammer of Odin, this be a new fighting style mine eyes have not yet seen.

I am bad! Oh, yeah! Whoo!

Dark Knight:
Doth thou tryeth to insult me? Thou willst drink from the fountain of shame!

Do you hear that, Patrick? I told you see zings like a squir... Whoa! [Dark Knight destroys the armor and throws SpongeBob into a rock. SpongeBob ends up having his legs and arms switched. He laughs] Good one, Medieval Sandy! But can you handle my feet of fury? [attacks Dark Knight, but the Dark Knight jumps out of the way as SpongeBob bounces off the rock and into Dark Knight sending her into the other rock. SpongeBob attacks her again, but the Dark Knight pins him against the rock]

Dark Knight:
Wouldst thou like a little rubdown? [as she is rubbing SpongeBob, it turns into dust causing the Dark Knight to cough. SpongeBob appears normal again and karate chops the Dark Knight as she crashes onto a rock. SpongeBob then walks up to her as he is about to finish her off] You have bested me, yellow knight... Strike quick and true, noble sponge...

I don't understand a word you just said! [laughs. Dark Knight turns into a real live action squirrel, but with the crosses for eyes as dead] Uh, Medieval Sandy, you don't look so good. Sandy? Sandy...? [screen turns black then water is thrown onto the Dark Knight] Patrick, it's working! Do it again. [Patrick gathers spit and spits it upon her]

Dark Knight:
Thou hath spared me, kind and noble sponge. And to thee, I owe a debt of gratitude, for I will follow you in your quest to defeat Planktonimor and learn a trifle of that karate.

Yeah, karate! Whah! Cha-cha! [karate chops Squidly in half]


[Mr Krabs walking into the Chumporium. Plankton is dusting off his knickknacks]

Ah. A clean snow globe is a happy snow globe. [laughs]

Mr. Krabs:
Plankton! You may have fooled everyone else, you might have even fooled yourself, but you ain't fooling me.

Oh, I get it. You caught me red-handed. [laughs then sighs] Those were the days, huh, Eugene?

Mr. Krabs:

But I found there more to life than just trying to steal your formula. And I found it all right here in novelty items.

Mr. Krabs:

Ah, Eugene. Stuck in your old ways.

Mr. Krabs:
Bubkes! If there's one thing certain in this world, it's that you can't resist me formula. [takes out the formula] You know you want it.

Thanks...but no.

Mr. Krabs:
A-ha, I knew it. [chuckles] It was all a trick to get me to hand over...Wait, did you say no?

Well, if you don't believe me, that's your problem not mine.

Mr. Krabs:
Problem?! I don't have a problem! You're the one with the problem! Look at this. It means nothing. It's all a facade, a hoax, a con, a front... [throws a shelf down; Plankton gasps] ...A sham, a snow job... [throwing the snow globes onto the ground and breaking them] ...Bologna with a side of flimflam and an order of Jive! [smashes the lava lamps with the baseball bat]See?! Who's the one with the problem?!

Look what you've done. This is my livelihood.

Mr. Krabs:
Sure it is. And this isn't the formula that you don't want. Come on, eh? Eh? Oop, too slow. [chuckles tauntingly]


Mr. Krabs:
[gasps] Oh, I get it. Stick to your guns, and eventually we'll all believe it. Soften us up and when our backs are turned, you'll make your move. [drops the formula] Oops. [walks out of the Chumporium]

What's this? [groans] Hey, Krabs!

Mr. Krabs:
I knew you'd come back.

You forgot something. [throws the formula back at Mr. Krabs] Can't you understand I've wasted so much time chasing after you? And now I have something that's mine. And it makes me happy. [walks back into the Chumporium]

Mr. Krabs:
[realizing that Plankton was telling the truth] I never thought I'd see the day. What happened to the invertebrate I used to know? [becoming upset] Plankton? [cries loudly, he runs across the road and falls down crying some more]

Patrick, what's happened to you?

I don't know what you mean.

Uh... [laughs] You know, Mr. Krabs is probably wondering where I am...and...

And what...

[intimidated of Patrick's rage] And, um, well...it's just that, um, you're kinda being a jerk.

Huh? [laughs] I thought you were going to say I was abusing my power.

Uh... well, I...

[explodes] Who's saying I'm abusing my power?! [SpongeBob shrinks and Patrick rips off his cloak] I'll put the whole town in prison! [SpongeBob runs away] Questioning my authority is treason! All these giggly speeches are making me thirsty. SpongeBob, I request a drink. SpongeBob? [claps twice] SpongeBob?! Huh. Gee, everybody's gone. I'm all alone. Fine, I'll get it myself! [walks by the mirror, and his reflection looks like a monster]

Knock knock.

Huh? [gasps] A knock knock joke! [he runs back to the mirror] Who's there?


Patrick and Mirror:
I don't get it.

I'm you and you are me. [a wire in Patrick's head connects and short circuits]

Patrick and Mirror:
[screams] What have I become?! [Patrick races out of his rock]

Aaah, help! Monster! Monster! [he bumps into the Royal Ministry starfish] Huh? Oh, it's, it's you! [he thrusts the crown at the starfish] Here, here, take it. I don't want it anymore. It's turned me into a monster.

Royal Ministry Starfish:
Oh, I think I know what's going on here. Patrick, with great power comes great responsibility. [Patrick is shaking and whimpering] You haven't a clue what I just told you, do you?

No. Uh-uh.

Royal Ministry Starfish:
Oh, just as well. I've come to take the crown back, as it seems that you aren't royalty after all.


Royal Ministry Starfish:
[takes out family history] I've discovered this coffee stain, which upon removal, reveals that Sir Gary is the true heir to the king's crown. [he removes the stain to show Gary's picture on the family history parchment. Bubble transition to Gary having a crown put on his head, SpongeBob and Patrick dressed in medieval clothes]

Well, would you look at that. Gary, you're royalty!

[smiles] Meow?

[scene cuts to the laboratory of the Chum Bucket with Kelpshake on a plate where a sample of the drink goes through a tube, into chemistry bottles, and finally into Karen where she begins a D-N-A scan]

What's the secret ingredient, Karen?

Well, it appears that the main ingredient is, Kelp Juice.

Plankton & Mr. Krabs:
Just kelp juice?

Mr. Krabs:
And to think this whole time I could've been selling these meself!

You? What about me? If anyone, I deserve to make a buck of selling this stuff.

Mr. Krabs:
[removes the glass container and takes kelp juice] No way, pipsqueak. This gold mine is mine.

Not if I can help it. [jumps at Mr. Krabs, but goes between his eyes and splatters into the wall] Ow.

Mr. Krabs:
[cackling] Nice try. [about to take a sip]

I wouldn't do that if I were you. There's another ingredient.

Mr. Krabs:
Hey, I paid good money for this thing. Of course I'm gonna drink it. [takes a sip then spits it out] What the...?! I don't get what the big deal is. This tastes like a wet gym sock.

Really? Let me try that. [Plankton sips the drink and puckers his lips] Actually, there is a bit of a pungent aftertaste.

Mr. Krabs:
Hmmm. [sips again and puckers his lips] Hey, you're right. This ain't half bad. [takes another sip and laughs] This is amazing.

Well, don't be selfish. [sips and laughs] Oh yeah.

Oh no.

[he sips in the rest of the drink until he sucks in the cup] Krabs, we're all out of juice!

Mr. Krabs:
Well, we gotta get more!

You're making a big mistake.

Mr. Krabs:
Ah, phooey! You don't know what you're talking about. [he walks out with Plankton] ♪Kelpshake, Kelpshake. Oh, how I love a Kelpshake.♪

[runs up crying covered in yellowish-green fur] What's happening to me?! [Mr. Krabs and Plankton gasp in shock when they see SpongeBob covered in green kelp and he's naked] They've shut down the Kelpshakes restaurants! [nearly crying as he runs off]

Plankton & Mr. Krabs:
Huh? [they both see workers sucking out all the liquid which is toxic waste in the Kelpshake restaurant that says "CLOSED FOREVER"]

Hazmat #1:
It'll take decades to clean this hazardous material up.

Hazmat #2:
I sure feel sorry for whoever drank this. [Mr. Krabs screams as he is growing yellowish-green kelp fur just like Plankton is, then Plankton screams]

Look at us!

Mr. Krabs:
Now what are we going to do?

I don't know about you... [Plankton takes out a mini helicopter propeller] but I'm going back to what I do best. Stealing your recipe! [laughs]

Mr. Krabs:
Hey, wait a minute! Plankton!

[flies into Mr. Krabs office where the safe is. He tosses the propeller and laughs] Come to papa. [Mr. Krabs opens the door]

Mr. Krabs:
Hold it right there! You're not going anywhere... [opens the safe] without a ten second head start!

It's good to be home!

Mr. Krabs:
You said it.

[laughing while he runs off as Mr. Krabs begins to chase him while having fun] I love being hated!

Mr. Krabs:
Hey, get back here you little booger! [laughs]

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