Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,092

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[To Kate] It must be hard, having such an ear for music as you, with a son who is not interested and a daughter who can't even hear.

Orphan  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Holding Kate's diary] Makes very interesting reading... I read about why Max is deaf. How you were drunk and drove the car into the lake? If John hadn't been there, she'd be dead now.

Orphan  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Is that your blood, Corporal?

Some of it is, sir.

Pandorum  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

God? You think God survived? He's dead along with the rest of humanity. There's no law or order, no good or evil. Just us. And you think you're going to be the one to judge me? You want to take a shot at me?

You know what? I just might.

You are suffering, son. I can see it in your face. I've been there. Just imagine just for a minute, imagine yourself without the chains of your morality. You'd even surprise yourself. It's the ultimate freedom.

No. This isn't freedom. This is Pandorum.

Oh, pandorum. Pandorum isn't what they warned us about. I know it's frightening at first, terrifying in fact. Isn't that what you're feeling right now, terrible fear? Let go and on the other side of it is divine clarity. Purity. Enlightenment!

Shut up! What's out there?

You are resisting what is! You have to let go of your petty concept of reality. That's just baggage from the old world. And we both know that didn't work out very well now, did it? They fucked up our planet! Life eats life! And all that's left is what is. This ship is a seed from which we can create a new world!

Shut up! What's out there?

A new world! A natural state! Raw, beautiful...

What do you see?

...perfect! I am offering you the kingdom. And all that's holding you back is your own fear!

Pandorum  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

After what I just saw, procedure just went out the fucking window.

Pandorum  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

I understand that it's felt like every man for himself. If we're going to get out of this... a little fucking solidarity goes a long way. We all want to survive, right?

Pandorum  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

There will always be law and you will pay for what you've done. Even if that means I have to pull the sick out of you.

Pandorum  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

I'm gonna fucking carve you up!

Pandorum  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

I was younger than you when I first came onboard. Funny, I can't even remember what life was like before this flight began. It's all I have.

Pandorum  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

I guess this thing does land itself. Doesn't float too well though, does it?

Pandorum  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

This... truly is Noah's Ark. This archive holds the world we are going to live in.

Pandorum  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

You think I survived this long trusting strangers?

Pandorum  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Oh, how the whole world cheered to the thunder of earth's mightiest creation—Elysium. One small spark to ignite the heavens for the heroes to venture farther and farther than any of mankind's machines! And we slept. We slept a slumber so deep that no one had dared three little Indians were left to mind the store.

Pandorum  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Three little Indians with the burden to bear. No more law. Nothing left to care. Just three little souls whose destiny had become undone because there was chop chop chop chop... then there was only one. One little Indian left.

Pandorum  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

One little Indian left, alone with all his doom. He refuses to go to bed, so what does he do? He decides to stay up and play in his room. What nasty little games he would play with his slumbering prey. He was slayer, he was master. He was both God and the Devil! See, that's what some would say. He would grow to manhood, a self-proclaimed king. Master of his own vessel. Home to his own sin. He just cast out all who had behaved. Just exiled to the cargo hold to fend amongst themselves...and scavenge, feeding off their own. Evil grew. The king no longer wanted to play. So he returned to his bed of slumber. And while the king slept, a whole new world of evil we wept.

Pandorum  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Question is, what would be more stupid? Trusting the ship will hold to see another day when it's kept me alive for all these years? Or trusting somebody who's desperate enough to say anything just when I'm about to carve a steak out of his girlfriend?

Pandorum  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Welcome back, a cappella enthusiasts. My name is John Smith, and sitting here to my left is Gail Abernathy-McCadden-Feinberger.

Well, you saved the Jew for last.

I did. I did.

You're listening to Let's Talk-Appella, the world's premiere downloadable a cappella podcast. We are coming to you live from the nation's capital, where the Barden University Bellas are about to rock the historic Kennedy Center. Boy, these girls have broken down every single barrier in their path, haven't they, Gail?

Absolutely, John. The first all-female group to win a national title, three-time defending champs, and now, here they are, performing for the President of the United States on his birthday.

Wow! What an inspiration to girls all over the country who are too ugly to be cheerleaders.

Pitch Perfect 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

I'm a Junk. [pause] My mom was a Bella.

Your mother is Katherine Junk?

Fat Amy:

Only the top bitch of the 1981 Bellas. She pioneered the syncopated booty shake. And word is she has a five-octave vocal range.

Yep, still does. You do not want to hear that woman doing it with my dad.

Fat Amy:
What an odd thing to say.


Pitch Perfect 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Okay, we didn’t come here to start something with you guys. We just wanted to check you out. You know, for when we go to the Worlds. And kick your ass.

Fat Amy:
Oooh! Get it, girl.

You? You are the kicker of ass? But you are so tiny. Like an elf. Or is it a sprite? Fairy? What is the word I mean?

Pieter Krämer:

That’s it. You are like a troll.

Well you... are... physically flawless. But that doesn’t mean I like you.

We are not scared about the Worlds because when The Bellas hit the stage we are going to blow minds.

Pieter Krämer:
Blow minds? With what? More of Flabby Abby's baby chute?

Fat Amy:
That's not my name.

Pieter Krämer:
I don't know your name. Could be anything. Obese Denise. Inflexible Tina. Lazy Susan...

Fat Amy:
My name is Fat Amy, un I eat krauts like you for lunch.

Pieter Krämer:
Your team is like, a, how do you say that? A heated mess. You know, a mess where heat is applied to it so what once was a little messy is now even messier.

Darlings, please take my advice. Don’t try to beat us. You can’t. We are the best. I must go and rest my neck. It is sore from looking down on you.

Okay! Just because you are making me very sexually confused does mean that you are intimidating. We got a chip on our shoulder and nothing to lose. And we’re not backing down from anyone. Aca Wiedersehen, bitches. Aw, what’s happening to me? Why am I using my hands so much?

Pitch Perfect 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Tiny Mouse, we meet again. Have you abandoned your foolish plans to face us at the Worlds?

You wish you... gorgeous specimen -- [to Chloe] She’s really in my head.

Pitch Perfect 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Welcome to the Lodge of Fallen Leaves, where Fortune 500 companies send their employees to build teamwork skills.

You run this whole place?

You know, I realized that I had a knack for barking orders and bending people's wills, so I made a career out of it.

Pitch Perfect 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[crammed into a tent with all of the Bellas] I do not understand camping. We are voluntarily living like dogs.

This is the worst. The air we’re breathing is at least ninety percent fart.

Fat Amy:
That reminds me, I need to see a man about a horse. [climbs over the others to get out] Um, before I head out, anyone happen to pack a spare roll of toilet paper? Maybe some Subway napkins? Tootsie Roll wrapper? Or a t-shirt size extra small? [no response] Nope. Side of the tent it is. [she leaves]

What are we doing here?

We’re bonding! You seem so tense. Do you need a back rub?

I’m good. Several body parts are rubbing my back right now.

Beca, I know we’re already close but this retreat will let us discover everything about each other.

Is that right?

[moving in closer] You know, one of my regrets in college is that I didn’t do enough experimenting.

You’re so weird.

I know.

Pitch Perfect 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Hey, everybody, welcome back to “Let’s Talk appella” the portable podcast edition.

We are following the story of the embattled Barden Bellas on their road to redemption.

Trying to crawl their way back into the public’s affection. And if they can just hold off showing us any of their genitalia, they may make it to the World Championship.

But I can’t unsee it.

Well, there’s a picture of it right here.

That cannot be your screensaver, John.

Pitch Perfect 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[after the Bellas' performance] Simple, raw, vulnerable, exposed...I’ve been called many things, Gail, but let me add one more. Impressed.

Thought you were going to say gay.

Pitch Perfect 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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A Terminator 3
B Terminator 2
C Terminator 1
D Terminator 4