[Barry is queuing at the prison parlor.]
Barry Allen:
[Gives the prison guard his ID card] Here to see Henry Allen.
Prison guard:
[Takes Barry's ID card from him] Sign.
[Barry picks up a sharpie and uses it to sign a sign-in form.]
Hurry it up, will you? [Barry turns to him] What, you got a problem?
Barry Allen:
[Uses his super speed to draw glasses, a mustache, and a surgical staple line on the man's face] No, there's no problem.
Hmph. Better not be.
[Barry turns back to the form. He writes down the initials "B.A." on it.]
Prison guard:
You know where to go.
[As Barry goes to talk to his father, the prison guard looks at the form, then secretly uses his phone to send out a notification.]
Prison guard:
[To the man, whose face has a drawn glasses, mustache, and surgical staple line] Are those prescription? Or are you just trying to look brainy?
[The man figures out that Barry drew glasses, a mustache, and a surgical line on his face.]