Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,276

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Pru Granger:
Out here, we stick together.

Spirit Untamed  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Pru Granger:
Now I decide not to die falling into a canyon, but instead go home and have my dad kill me for even attempting this.

Spirit Untamed  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Abigail Stone:
Tomorrow, we face our destiny, but tonight, we feast!

Spirit Untamed  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Abigail Stone:
It's okay. You can't rush these things. I spent a whole week singing to Boomerang before he would let me ride him.

Spirit Untamed  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Abigail Stone:
I've heard tales. The most treacherous and merciless creatures hiding in the shadows. Creatures you wouldn’t believe! There’s a moose... and he’s a-waitin', but he doesn’t know what he's waitin' for. And they say at the bottom of a bridge is a shifty fox, who's just sitting there being... shifty! And then, there's a possum that just hangs out lighting matches! [laugh manically] Whoa!

Spirit Untamed  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Abigail Stone:
[sings "Join Up" while playing the ukulele] When the trail gets rough I?ve got my pal and that's enough. Join up, join up. It?s easier than ever when we do the things together. Join up, join up. Heels down in the saddle with my very best friend. Now the beats having someone you can trust to the end! Just listen to each other and together make it through. We join up, join up.

Spirit Untamed  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

This horse got a lot of spirit.

Spirit Untamed  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Alright, boys, let's round 'em up!

Spirit Untamed  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

These horses are none of your business! But thank you for leading me straight to them.

Spirit Untamed  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Doesn't that girl ever give up? Get rid of her!

Spirit Untamed  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Harley Quinn:
I love your accent.

American women all love accents.

Harley Quinn:
We do. 'Cause we don't got none!

The Suicide Squad  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

What does T.D.K. stand for?


Your name is T.D.K., correct?


And it stands for what?

It stands for me. It's what a name is.

Your name is letters?

Captain Boomerang:
All names are letters, dickhead.

The Suicide Squad  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Tyla Dubois:
Fuck you! I can't believe you don't care that I stole, only that I got caught!

I don't only care that you got caught, I care that you got caught for stealing something as stupid as a fucking TV watch!

Tyla Dubois:
It does other things too!!

The Suicide Squad  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

To get me to lead your shite fucking mission, you're gonna send my fourteen year-old daughter to prison?

Amanda Waller:
No. (pause) Your daughter is sixteen, DuBois. You're a real father of the year.

The Suicide Squad  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Amanda Waller:
Each member of your team is chosen for his or her own completely unique set of abilities. This is Christopher Smith, known as Peacemaker. In his hands, anything is a deadly weapon. His father was a soldier who trained his son how to kill from the moment he was born.

Are you having a laugh?

Amanda Waller:

You just said each member of the team is chosen for their unique abilities. He does exactly what I do!

But better.

I always hit my targets dead center.

I hit them more in the center.

Well, you can't hit something more in the center.

I use smaller bullets.


They go inside your bullet holes without even touching the sides.

The Suicide Squad  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Amanda Waller:
Miss Cazo, will you be joining us?

Cleo / Ratcatcher 2:
(groans) I just woke up. I don't function well early in the morning.

Amanda Waller:
My deepest apologies for disturbing you.

Ratcatcher 2:
It's all right.

Amanda Waller:
(bangs on cell door) Get your ass out here!

Ratcatcher 2:
(groans and gets up)

(scoffs) Millenials.

The Suicide Squad  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

(notices a rat on Ratcatcher's shoulder) Oh, no way. That's not coming with us.

Amanda Waller:
She controls rats.

I know, I caught that. It's a disgusting superpower!

Ratcatcher 2:
This is Sebastian. Say hello, Sebastian. (the rat offers it's paw)

I'm not shaking the rat's hand.

The Suicide Squad  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Amanda Waller:
(introducing Abner Krill) They call him the Polka-Dot Man.

(scoffs) Polka-Dot Man. What's he do, throw polka-dots at people? (Waller remains silent) He does. He throws polka-dots at people.

The Suicide Squad  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

"Starfish" is a slang term for a butthole. Think there's any connection?

Amanda Waller:
(deadpan) No.

(jotting in notebook) "No... connection".

The Suicide Squad  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Amanda Waller:

(pointing to his raised hand) Hand.

Amanda Waller:
Yes, that is your hand, Nanaue. Very good.

We're all gonna die.

Polka-Dot Man:
(turning to him) I hope so.

Oh, for fuck's sake...

The Suicide Squad  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Gaius Grieves:
Hey, what is this?! You slaughtered my staff!

Mateo Suarez:
They were loyal to the Herreras. Who are you loyal to, Thinker? They call you "Thinker", yes? All that shit in your face is to make your brain good?

Gaius Grieves:
(sarcastic) Yes, it makes my brain good.

The Suicide Squad  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

You've gotta be kidding me. You're gonna risk the entire mission for a mental defective dressed as a court jester?

This coming from a guy that wears a toilet seat on his head.

The Suicide Squad  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

(staring at pigeon) Bird.

Rick Flag:
Nanaue, stay off the comm!

The Suicide Squad  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Once we're clear, we blow the tits off that thing, and go home.

Gaius Grieves:
This is suicide.

Rick Flag:
Well, that's kind of our thing.

The Suicide Squad  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
A Joseph Stalin
B Charles Dickens
C Albert Einstein
D Oppenheimer