Shrek the Third

Shrek the Third

Shrek the Third (called Shrek 3 in early production, not to be confused with Shrek 3-D) is the second sequel to Shrek. It was released on May 18, 2007.

Production: Dreamworks
  Nominated for 1 BAFTA Film Award. Another 5 wins & 15 nominations.
Rotten Tomatoes:
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Who's ready for Thirds?
He's in for the royal treatment
The Wait is Ogre!
Cookies that talk. Trees that walk. Donkeys on deck. It must be... Shrek!
A family movie you will want to see ogre, and ogre, and ogre again
The best Shrek yet!
For the funniest happily ever after.

[At the Poison Apple Pub]

Prince Charming:
What does a Prince have to do to get a drink around here? [Mabel turns around in front of him] Ah, Mabel, why they call you an ugly stepsister I'll never know. Where's Doris, taking the night off?

She's not welcome here and neither are you. [spits into the mug and wipes it with a towel] What do you want, Charming?

Oh not much, just a chance at redemption... [laughs] and a Fuzzy Navel. [stands up and turns to the villains] And Fuzzy Navels for all my friends!

[Captain Hook angrily rips across the piano keys with his hook, the Singing witch angrily bares her teeth at Charming, the Evil Queen angrily breaks her pool cue stick, and Stromboli angrily breaks his beer mug]

Captain Hook:
We're not your friends. [Mabel grabs Prince Charming by his shoulders and pins him on top of the bar; he then places his hook against his neck] And you, don't belong here.

You are right, oh, I mean, you are absolutely right, but I mean, do any of us?

Do a number on his face!!!

No, no, wait, wait, wait, wait! We are more alike than you think. [to the Evil Queen] Wicked Witch! The Seven Dwarfs saved Snow White and then what happened?

Evil Queen:
Oh, what's it to you?

They left you the un-fairest of them all. And now here you are, hustling pool to get your next meal. How does that feel?

Evil Queen:
[remorsefully] Pretty unfair.

[to Stromboli] And you! Your star puppet abandons the show to go and find his father.

I hate that little wooden puppet.

And Hook...need I say more? [Hook backs off, feeling insecure about his appendage] And you! Frumpy-pigskin.


Where's that first-born you were promised? [Rumpelstiltskin caresses a pacifier tattoo on his forearm; turns to Mabel] Mabel, remember how you couldn't get your little fat foot into that tiny glass slipper? [Mabel sighs depressingly] Cinderella is in Far Far Away right now, eating bonbons, cavorting with every little last fairy-tale creature that has ever done you wrong!! [turns his attention to the villains] Once upon a time, someone decided that we were the losers. But there are two sides to every story. And our side has not been told. So who will join me? Who wants to come out on top for once? Who wants their happily ever after?!

[The villains cheer rowdily and start to have a big brawl in the pub. Charming looks and drinks his Fuzzy Navel]

[confronts Charming in the dressing room] Break a leg. On second thought, let me break it for you.

Thank goodness. I was afraid you wouldn't get back in time. [presses a button as Shrek grabs him]

Where's Fiona?

Don't worry. She and the others are safe...for now. [grins evilly]

[The guards burst in and holds Artie hostage. Shrek puts him down]

[Walking up to Artie] Let me guess. Arthur.

[Facing him] It's "Artie", actually.

This boy is supposed to be the new King of Far Far Away? [laughs and held the dagger to Artie's throat] How pathetic. Stand still so I won't make a mess.

Charming, stop! I'm here now. You got what you wanted. This isn't about him.

Then who's this about? I'm supposed to be king, right?

You weren't really next in line for the throne, I was!

But you said the king asked for me personally.

Not exactly.

What does that mean?

I said whatever I had to say, alright? I wasn't right for the job, I just needed some fool to replace me, and you fit the bill, so just go!

[hurt and angry] You were playing me the whole time.

You catch on real fast, kid. Maybe you're not as big of a loser as I thought.

[Donkey tries to reason with Artie, but Puss stops him]

You know, for a minute...I actually thought.

What, that he cared about you? He's an ogre. What did you expect? [Artie breaks free from the guards and looks at Shrek before storming out the dressing room in anger. Shrek feels guilty] You really do have a way with children, Shrek.

[The guards forced Shrek out of the room]

[First lines; The movie begins with a familiar beam of light shines down. The beam of light descends onto a stage. Lightning flashes to reveal Prince Charming riding his valiant steed Chauncey across the open plains. The wind blows back his golden mane]

Prince Charming:
Onward, Chauncey! To the highest room of the tallest tower, where my princess awaits rescue from her handsome Prince Charming!

[Lightning cracks. Thunder booms. Charming straddles a wooden hobby horse and gallops in place. A stage hand uses a bellow to blow air into Prince Charming's face. Another stage hand turns a crank that creates the moving background. In the orchestra, a man uses coconuts to create the sound effects of a galloping horse. Two more stage hands back stage create the cheap sound effects of thunder and lightning. A crudely constructed castle tower sits in front of a cheaply painted backdrop. The Fairytale Creatures are sitting at a table in the audience]

Gingerbread Man:
This is worse than "Love Letters". I hate dinner theater!

Me, too. [his nose grows]

Prince Charming:
[rides to the base of the tower] Whoa there, Chauncey! [dismounts and sets his hobby horse on the ground, and strikes a dramatic pose]

[as the princess, leaning from the tower window] Hark! The brave Prince Charming approacheth.

Prince Charming:
[puffing his chest out] Fear not, fair maiden. I shall slay the monster that guards you, then take my place as rightful king.

[An old couple at a table look confused]

Old Lady:
[to the old man] What did she say?

[Prince Charming glares as the bored audience largely ignores him. A man in a bad ogre costume comes onto the stage. The whole crowd erupts into applause]

Gingerbread Man:
Yeah! It's Shrek!

Little Pigs & Pinocchio:
Whoo, Shrek, yeah!

Prince Charming:
[ignoring the cheers, pulls out his sword, and confronts the Shrek-like beast] Prepare, foul beast, to enter into a world of pain with which you are not familiar!

[singing while carrying a birthday cake] Happy birthday to thee / Happy birthday to thee

Prince Charming:
Do you mind?! [hops out of the way when a chair lands on stage. It slides past him and bumps into the tower facade]

Gingerbread Man:
Do you mind?! Boring!

[The audience laugh]

Prince Charming:
[glares at them, then rises to recover, and points his sword at the monster again. The tower facade starts to topple] Prepare, foul beast... [looks over his shoulder and sees the facade falling. He cringes. The scenery slams against the stage, but Prince Charming is unharmed, perfectly framed in the princesses' window. The crowd laughs at the embarrassed Prince Charming. He shakes his mangled sword at the audience] Someday, you'll be sorry.

[off-screen] We already are!

[They laugh again. Prince Charming throws down his sword, picks up his hobby horse, and exits]

Ogre Mascot:

[The song and the laughter follow Prince Charming backstage. Prince Charming walks through a tunnel backstage that leads to a door. The door has a star with his name written on it. He opens it. Prince Charming sits at his broken vanity and sobs. His make-shift dressing room is in an alley way next to the theater. Horses whinny as a carriage passes by. The castle of Far Far Away can be seen on the hill in the background. Prince Charming breaks down and cries. He looks up and sees a picture of the Fairy Godmother taped to the vanity. "Don't stop believing! Mommy's Little Angel" is written on the picture]

Prince Charming:
[heavy sobs] Mommy... [weeps again and then looks back at the picture. A determined change grows across his face] You're right. I can't let this happen. I CAN'T! [looks at the castle on the hill. He stands up, faces the castle, and holds his chin up high] I am the rightful King of Far Far Away. And I promise you this, Mother, I will restore dignity to my throne! [a big gust of wind blows a newspaper page across his face. He peels it off and looks at the headline. His eyes tense and narrow. In the newspaper is a picture of Shrek and Fiona waving to the crowd] And this time, no one will stand in my way. [crumples up the newspaper in his fists]

[Shrek and Puss in Boots search the hallways, looking for Artie]

Oh, Arthur, come out, come out, wherever you are!

[Off-screen we hear mumbling from inside a locker. Shrek and Puss in Boots look as Donkey bursts out of the locker. He has been stuffed inside. Off-screen we hear some students laughing]

[angrily] Yeah, you better run, you little punk no-goodniks! 'Cause the days of little Donkey Dumpy Drawers are over!

[An "I Suck-eth" sign has been taped to Donkey's butt. Shrek spots students entering the Gymnasium. They approach a hall monitor who stops them]

Hall Monitor:
Hold it.

[Two mascot costumed students walk up to the hall monitor]

Student 1:
We're here for the mascot contest.

Student 2:

[The hall monitor waves them in. Shrek gets an idea]

[pleased with himself] We're here for the mascot contest, too.

Hall Monitor:
[suspicious] This is a costume? [reaches out and starts painfully pinching and pulling Shrek's skin]

[trying to hide the pain] Ay! Worked on it all night long. [struggling not to scream in agony]

Hall Monitor:
[lets Shrek's face snap back into the place, and still suspicious] Looks pretty real to me.

Puss in Boots:
If he were real, could I do this? [he throws his Batarangs deep into Shrek's butt]

Or this? [kicks Shrek hard in the groin with his hind legs]

[winces, sweats, and unbelievably strained] If it were real, that would have been agonizingly painful.

Now watch this!

[interrupting; through gritted teeth] That's quite enough, boys.

[After Shrek, Donkey, and Puss successfully recruit Arthur Pendragon to inherit the throne after Harold's death, Artie looks back as he leaves Worcestershire knowing he won't go back]

[delightfully] I can't believe it. Me, a king? I mean, I knew I came from royalty and all, but... I just figured everyone forgot about me.

Oh, no. In fact the King asked for you personally.

Really? Wow. But look, I know it's not all gonna be fun and games.

It really is all fun and games, actually. Sure, you have to knight a few heroes, launch a ship or two. By the way, make sure you hit the boat just right with the bottle.

Boat with a bottle? Any idiot can hit a boat with a bottle.

Well, I've heard it's harder than it looks.

[excited] This is going to be huge. Parties, princesses, castles. Princesses.

[Meanwhile, Donkey and Puss go to tell Artie all about being king]

It's gonna be great, Artie. You'll be living in the lap of luxury. They got the finest chefs around waiting for you to place your order.

And fortunately, you'll have the royal food tasters.

Oh yeah? What do they do?

They taste the food before the King eats, to make sure it's not poisoned.


[Trying not to make Artie reconsider] Or too salty.

Don't worry about it. You'll be safe and sound with the help of your bodyguards.


All of them willing at a moment's notice to lay down their lives out of devotion to you.

Really? [Meanwhile, Shrek cues them both to stop and that they're making the situation worse]

The whole kingdom will look to you for wisdom and guidance. [Shrek is still cueing them to stop talking]

Just make sure they don't die of famine!

Or plague.

Ooh, plague is bad.

The coughing, the groaning, the festering sores.

[laughing] Festering sores, hey! [To Puss] You are one funny kitty cat.

[confused]What did I say?

Shrek We don't want Artie here getting the wrong idea. [Meanwhile, Shrek notices that Artie is not there] Artie? [Soon the ship turns violently and Donkey and Puss are flinged from the scene] [Meanwhile, Artie is seen turning the ship's wheel back to Worcestershire]

Ship Captain:
There goes my hip!

Artie! What are you doing? [Shrek pushes Artie away and pulls the wheel to go to Far, Far, Away]

What does it look like?! [he pushes a broom to the wheel]

This really isn't up to you. [He pulls the wheel again]

But I don't know anything about being king! [they start fighting over the wheel]

You'll learn on the job! [Donkey is being pulled back and forth and is on the verge of throwing up]

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm going back.

Back to what? Being a loser? [Artie, visibly hurt by what Shrek called him, lets go of the wheel, causing Shrek to pull too hard, breaking it] Now look what you did!

Look what I did? Who's holding the wheel, chief?

[Holding in his puke sees danger up ahead and swallows his puke] Shrek!

[Shrek sees the shallow end and sharp rocks, he tries to steer away from the rocks, but due him breaking the wheel earlier, is unable to and soon the ship crashes causing everyone to fall in the ocean]

Ship Captain:
Land ho!

[Puss is seen shivering and as they reach the beach, shakes himself causing him to look like a furball]

How humiliating.

[sarcastically] Oh, nice going, Your Highness.

Oh, so now it's "Your Highness"? What happened to "loser"? Huh?

Hey, If you think this is getting you out of anything, well it isn't. We're heading back to Far Far Away one way or another... and you're going to be a father!

[confused and uncontrollably] What?

[Looking at Shrek] You just said "father".

I said king! You're going to be king!

[mimicking Shrek] "You're going to be king!" Yeah, right.

Where do you think you're going?

Far Far Away... from you!

You get back here, young man! And I mean it.

Boss? I don't think he's coming back. Maybe it's for the best. He's not exactly king material.

When were you planning on telling him that you were really supposed to be king?

Oh, come on. Now why would I do that? Besides, he'll be ten times better at it than me.

Whoa, Shrek, then your gonna have to change your tactics if you want to get anywhere with this kid.

You're right, Donkey. [he picks up a log] What about this? [he presses it together with his other hand with a possible intention of knocking Artie out cold]

[angrily] Shrek!

[laughing] Oh, come on. It's just a joke. [he throws the log away] Still...

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