


[Back at Southfork Ranch in the evening. Sue Ellen is home to see Bobby that he's in the house to have a drink]

Sue Ellen Ewing:

Bobby Ewing:
Sue Ellen, what are you doing here?

Sue Ellen Ewing:
[sighed] Don't condemned me without hearing my sight of, Bobby.

Bobby Ewing:
I really don't care very much about your sight of it. You couldn't kill J.R., even he doesn't deserved that. [Bobby sits down, read his newspaper, and drink]

Sue Ellen Ewing:
[sighed] I think it's a little strange to hear to defending him, as well as you know him.

Bobby Ewing:
He's my brother. And that's the bottom line. I love him.

Sue Ellen Ewing:
Well... [sighed] they're very few people in the world who can make a statement like that.

Bobby Ewing:
[sighed] What do you want, Sue Ellen?

Sue Ellen Ewing:
I wanted to talk to Miss Ellie.

Bobby Ewing:
What makes you she's gonna be any happier seeing her than I am?

Sue Ellen Ewing:
I think see might understand what happened.

Bobby Ewing:
Even mama can only turned the other cheek so many times.

Sue Ellen Ewing:
I thought she might knew where John Ross is. I want him.

Bobby Ewing:
She's in Florida. Clayton's gonna be bringing her home tomorrow.

Sue Ellen Ewing:
[sighed] Do you know where John Ross is?

Bobby Ewing:
No. And I'm not sure I'd tell you even if I did.

Sue Ellen Ewing:
Bobby, I'm gonna get him back one way or the other. J.R. is hardly able to take care of him from prison.

Bobby Ewing:
[Scoff] What makes you think that J.R.'s gonna end up in prison?

Sue Ellen Ewing:
For killing Nicholas Pearce, that's why! Don't you think I'm gonna see him prosecuted for that?

Bobby Ewing:
Well that make a wonderful headlines for John Ross to read, wouldn't it? Mother accuses father of killing her boyfriend. That's real love, Sue Ellen.

Sue Ellen Ewing:
You don't know a damn thing about it!

Bobby Ewing:
I know it would be hard for John Ross to live with that.

Sue Ellen Ewing:
You expect me to just let him get off scot free? [Lucy arrived in the living room and find out what Bobby and Sue Ellen complaining about]

Lucy Ewing Cooper:
Well, if you're a better shot, you wouldn't have to worry about that.

[Later in the evening in the city of Dallas and the Dallas Police Department. Sue Ellen is interrogated by Detective Kane about the incident]

Sue Ellen Ewing:
And so I thought the only way to get my son back was to once and for all force J.R. to tell me where he was.

Detective Kane:
And Mr. Pearce went along to help you?

Sue Ellen Ewing:
Yes. But, uh, J.R. refuses to tell me. When we started arguing, J.R. pulled out the gun to threatened us. Then Nick jump him to try to get him to put the gun away.

Detective Kane:
So, Mr. Pearce was shot during the struggle?

Sue Ellen Ewing:
There was a shot, I don't know whether anyone was hit or not.

Detective Kane:
And then?

Sue Ellen Ewing:
[sighed] And then they struggled out toward the balcony, and somehow...


Sue Ellen Ewing:
J.R. had threw him over.

Detective Kane:
He threw him over?

Sue Ellen Ewing:

[Sue Ellen drinks some cup of coffee before continuing an answers]

Detective Kane:
And then?

Sue Ellen Ewing:
And then he turned back to me. I was sure he was trying to kill me, too. So I... I pick up the gun... I couldn't believe what he'd done. And he came toward me... I killed him.

Detective Kane:
Well, you shot him. Whether he's dead or not some other question.

[Detective Kane and Sue Ellen have a seat]

Sue Ellen Ewing:
You don't mean that he's still alive?

Detective Kane:
I don't know. He was still breathing when he got into an ambulance. He lost a lot of blood. We haven't heard him a thing since.

Sue Ellen Ewing:
I don't believe this! You mean that bastard is still alive?

Detective Kane:
I should make you happy, at least you won't be facing murder charge.

Sue Ellen Ewing:
[sighed] It'll most be worth it just knowing he's dead. But it wasn't murder. It was self defense. I already told you that.

Detective Kane:
Yes, ma'am. Well, Mr. Ewing does live might be interested here what he has to say.

[In the evening at the Dallas Memorial Hospital. Knocking on the door, is the Detective Kane to questioning J.R. Ewing while eating his dinner in bed]

Detective Kane:
Mr. Ewing?

J.R. Ewing:

Detective Kane:
I'm Detective Kane, Dallas P.D.

[Showing his Police Detective I.D. badge from his jacket]

Detective Kane:
I'd like to talk to you about last night, the, uh, shooting?

J.R. Ewing:
Yeah. Well, it's about time. I assume you got that fruit cake wife mine locked up.

Detective Kane:
Uh, no, sir, we don't.

J.R. Ewing:
You don't?

Detective Kane:
As a matter a fact she wants us to bring charges against you for the murder of Nicholas Pearce and attempted assault on her.

J.R. Ewing:
This a joke, right? You're not really a policeman? Somebody hired you to do this to me? Yeah, I know who. Cliff Barnes and it's sound like that moron sense of humor. Huh?

Detective Kane:
Mr. Ewing, I am who I say I am, and your wife wants charges filed against you.

J.R. Ewing:
God, it's not an option try to kill me. She's filing charges against me, too?

Detective Kane:
Well, now, you threw Nicholas Pearce off your terrace?

J.R. Ewing:
Well, of course I do. Hell, the man was intend on killing me, I just trying to protect myself, that's all.

Detective Kane:
That's not what Mrs. Ewing said.

J.R. Ewing:
Well, Mrs. Ewing is a flat out all faced liar. Uh, did you see my door in my apartment? They kicked it in, came in, threatened me, both physically and otherwise?


J.R. Ewing:
I'll tell you, I - I just did what any good Texans will do. I was defending my home against intruders.

Detective Kane:
You mean you pulled the gun on him?

J.R. Ewing:
Well, I had no choice. But I didn't start that fight. Pearce jumped me. He was pounding on me and I was trying get away. He was after me all the time. And, well, when he went over the balcony, he was only because slipped trying to pushed me over. And then I turned around, there was Sue Ellen, standing there with the gun in her hand, she looked me straight in the eye, pull trigger. You want to know why?

Detective Kane:
She says you came after her?

J.R. Ewing:
That's a damn lie. She shot me. Because her lover was dead, or didn't she tell you they were lovers, huh? Well, if you don't know, you're the only one on Dallas. Nope. Vengeance. It was vengeance, pure and simple on her part. And I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna file attempted murder charges against her.

Detective Kane:
Now, Mr. Ewing, you can both be guilty of attempted murder?

J.R. Ewing:
That's right. So the sooner you get out of here and lock that woman up the safer I'm gonna feel.

Bobby Ewing:
[after telling Jock he wants out of Ewing Oil] I want out! I almost did something today that I never would have been able to forgive myself for.

J.R. Ewing:
Almost? That mean you didn't sign with Westar Oil?

Bobby Ewing:
So you know about Westar, do you? Well, I can't say I'm too surprised.

J.R. Ewing:
Well, Bobby... I built Ewing Oil into a power because I knew everything that was happening in Dallas. I still do. That's how you run a successful business.

Bobby Ewing:
Well, maybe you're right. And maybe you can't care for the people.

[turns to Jock]

Bobby Ewing:
I wanted to run this company on the up and up, Daddy. Only after awhile, the deals became more important than the people. I was borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, all the time pretending it was for the right reasons. And then I realized, after a while, that you can only lie to yourself just so long... that I could pretend that whatever was good for Ewing Oil was all right, but it's not. It's not all right for me.

J.R. Ewing:
Well, if you didn't sign with Westar, that means you blew the deal with Jordan Lee and the cartel. And on top of that, we still owe them $12 million, money we don't have.

Jock Ewing:
Is that true, Bobby? Did you go back on your word with the cartel?

Bobby Ewing:
I hate to disappoint you, J.R. But we're just fine with the cartel.

[turns back to Jock]

Bobby Ewing:
I phoned Jordan Lee and I told him why I couldn't go in on the deal with him. Then I put him together with Nick Hammond, Hammond Oil? Nick agreed to take over our part of the investment completely, with the blessing of the cartel.

[Jock smiles]

Bobby Ewing:
We're in real solid with 'em, Daddy. Till they find out J.R.'s back.

J.R. Ewing:
You're crazy, Bobby. You lost us millions of dollars.

Bobby Ewing:
Well, I'm sure you'll find a way to get it back. You're very good at that sort of thing. A lot better than I wanna be.

[Bobby walks out]

J.R. Ewing:
Well, if that don't tear the rag off the bush. He almost bankrupts us, he leaves, and I gotta cover his tail. I tell you!


Jock Ewing:
Just what are you talkin' about, J.R.? Nothing wrong with the company! We got a refinery we didn't have before, plenty of product. We're even back in with the cartel. I'm proud of the way Bobby acted. He showed people that the Ewing name stands for something! He's a hell of a son! And a hell of a man!

Bobby Ewing:
[Bobby arrives at the Cattlemen's Club] Well, this looks like some kind of party! Why wasn't I invited?

J.R. Ewing:
Well, sit down Bobby! We've got a lot of room, a lot of booze!

Bobby Ewing:
[icily] Well thank you, J.R. That's real kind of you. Maybe you can explain something to me. Like why wasn't I told that Daddy was going to pull ten million dollars out of Ewing Oil accounts? Did that slip your mind?

John Ross 'Jock' Ewing, Sr.:
[gently] Now you just hold on, Bobby. J.R. don't discuss my business with you or anybody else unless I tell 'em, you understand?

Bobby Ewing:
[still seething] OK, Daddy. Then why didn't you tell me? Didn't you think I should know?

John Ross 'Jock' Ewing, Sr.:
I was gonna tell you tonight.

Bobby Ewing:
Tonight? I want those kind of things discussed with me before you act, not after! Your dealing behind my back makes me look like a fool!

John Ross 'Jock' Ewing, Sr.:
[tersely] Now just what the hell are you talkin' about?

Bobby Ewing:
I... I called Les at the bank and asked him to transfer twelve million dollars from the account.

John Ross 'Jock' Ewing, Sr.:
So what? We got a hundred times that much.

Bobby Ewing:
I'm talking liquid assets! Cash, Daddy... cash! And we don't have that amount! And you know why? 'Cause you TOOK ten million dollars!

John Ross 'Jock' Ewing, Sr.:
[rising to his feet and toe to toe with Bobby] You're damn right I took it. It's mine!

Bobby Ewing:
That money belongs to Ewing Oil!

John Ross 'Jock' Ewing, Sr.:
And who in the hell do you think Ewing Oil is? It's ME! Ewing Oil belongs to me... and don't you forget it, boy!

Bobby Ewing:
And you gave me Ewing Oil to run, in writing! And that makes you obliged to consult me before you do anything that concerns that company!

John Ross 'Jock' Ewing, Sr.:
Obliged! You telling me that I'm obliged to ask you how to spend my own money? Any damn way I see fit?

Bobby Ewing:
That's right! You gave me the power to run that company, and dammit, I intend to run it!

John Ross 'Jock' Ewing, Sr.:
So I gave you power, huh? Well, let me tell you somethin' boy, if I did give you power, you've got nothin'! Nobody gives you power. Real power is something you TAKE!

Bobby Ewing:
[nods slowly with a sigh] Well, I'm gonna remember that.

John Ross 'Jock' Ewing, Sr.:
You do that. [Bobby turns and walks out in a huff... Jock sits back down]

[Back at Southfork Ranch in the evening. The car just drove to the entrance. Miss Ellie is standing there looking at the fireplace for awhile, and get a cup of tea to drink, and sat down in the chair. But J.R. is back home]

Miss Ellie Ewing Farlow:

J.R. Ewing:
Mama. Are you all right?

Miss Ellie Ewing Farlow:
We found Sue Ellen.

J.R. Ewing:
Oh, well. Lucky us. Is she upstairs? Has she made a fool of herself?

Miss Ellie Ewing Farlow:
Listen to me.

[J.R. turn back to his mother]

Miss Ellie Ewing Farlow:
She's in the detox ward at the county hospital. The police found her passed out in the alleyway and threw her in the drunk tank. When I couldn't reach you, Clayton and I went there to get her. By the time we got there, she'd gone into convulsions. The D.T.'s, they call it. She was taken to the detox ward. She's there now, barely alive.

[J.R. sighs]

J.R. Ewing:
We are we gonna do?

Miss Ellie Ewing Farlow:
You, J.R., what are you going do?

J.R. Ewing:
I don't know.

Miss Ellie Ewing Farlow:
Well, I do. You're going to face this problem once and for all. I won't let you run away from it or pass it on to me or Clayton or Dusty or the police. Sue Ellen is your wife. And as long as she is, she's your responsibility. I don't care what shape your marriage is in. She's a woman that we have loved and a woman that has loved us. She's the mother of your son who still needs her. She's a member of this family, J.R. She is a Ewing. And your personal feelings don't change any of that or at anyway excuse you from helping her.

J.R. Ewing:
She won't listen to me, mama. She doesn't want my help.

Miss Ellie Ewing Farlow:
She doesn't want anybody's help. She's sick.

[J.R. regretted]

Miss Ellie Ewing Farlow:
And she'll kill herself if you let her. Which is exactly why you have to make the decision for her.

J.R. Ewing:
What decision?

Miss Ellie Ewing Farlow:
You've ask me for my support before. Now you've got it. You have to commit Sue Ellen to a sanitarium where we can at least begin to help her.

J.R. Ewing:
She'd never agree to that.

Miss Ellie Ewing Farlow:
She has no choice. And neither do you. I'll back you up, J.R., but you've got to lead the way. Tomorrow.

[J.R. will forget tomorrow and he'll remembered. J.R. will take break and sit in a chair next to the fireplace]

J.R. Ewing:

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