SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 11

SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series that airs on Nickelodeon. The show follows the adventures of the title character and his various friends in the underwater city, and being pursued by the evil Plankton. It spawned a movie, followed by several short films, and video games.

Patrick, you gotta hide! There's an angry mob... [sees an angry mob with police cars around Patrick's rock; deflatedly] Coming for you. They're here.

They done busted my dome!

Ol' Ribeye:
They wrecked me up!

They got pictures of me naked!

Mr. Krabs:
No one wants to see your moles.


Mr. Krabs:
Officer! [grabs Officer John and pushes him to Rube] That guy's camera took pictures of me Krabby Patty ingredients. And I want that film, before Plankton gets it!

[Officer John pushes Mr. Krabs aside and grabs Rube's camera. He opens it and sees Plankton already inside of it, but the camera itself appears to not have any film in it.]

Way ahead of you, Krabs. But there's no film in this camera at all.


Officer John:
That's strange.

[Everyone looks at Rube in confusion.]

Sorry for the misunderstandin', everybody, but I didn't take any pictures today. I don't even have a camera.

[The camera disappears, with Plankton falling to the ground which surprises everyone.]

[shocked] Huh?!

In fact... [waves his arms as his voice fades] I'm not even here.

[Rube disappears completely and everyone gasps in a shocking surprise.]

[nervously] Um...uh... [waves his hands in the air; it turns out that Rube was nothing more than an illusion] And we're backing away, and backing away, and backing away!

[Everyone backs away in fear and runs off. The screen fades back into "The Tidal Zone."]

French Narrator:
You see? I told you. Things always get weird in "The Tidal Zone." [cackling wickedly]

[appears in "The Tidal Zone" and takes pictures] Amazing! [floats away as the episode comes to an end]

[It's night, and SpongeBob still won't come down from the roof of the Krusty Krab]

I sure do miss my friends. Hey, maybe I can see them from up here. [looks out from the roof and sees his house, Squidward's house, and Patrick's house. Inside Squidward's house, Squidward is preparing himself dinner] Ooh, looks like Squidward has a date. Good for him. It can be so tough to put yourself out there. [He sees Squidward clink both glasses of wine and drink them both] Oh, no. Poor Squidward. He's all alone! [He gets an idea and lights up- literally] Ah! [pulls out a flashlight from one of his pores] Don't worry, friend. I'm here for you. [shines a light down at Squidward's house and makes a shadow puppet. The shadow puppet massages Squidward's head and back. The octopus enjoys the massage, his eyes closed]

Hm? Oh! Oh, that feels good. [He opens his eyes] Huh? [His mouth drops open and he sees a giant shadow stretching across his ceiling. He dives across his table, clings to the wall and screams as though he'd seen a ghost]

Hmm, maybe he's hungry.

[Squidward is standing with his hand on his head, wondering what that horrible sight he'd just seen was. SpongeBob's shadow puppet reappears, forces Squidward's mouth open and tries to feed him his dinner, but Squidward springs to the door and struggles to get it open]

Come on, Squidward! Eat your... [There's a crack as SpongeBob's hand cramps up] Ow! Hand cramp! Hand cramp! [The shadow starts clumsily knocking things around and throws Squidward's dinner on top of him] Ow, ow, ow, ow!

[His shadow puppet knocks over the table. Squidward runs to the window and struggles to open it. It won't budge so he pounds on it, yelling in distress. One of the shadow puppet fingers comes crashing down on Squidward's head by accident. The octopus' Moai house jumps about due to all of the commotion going on inside and soon its resident runs out screaming]

Guess he wasn't hungry after all.

[The sea bunnies crawl into Squidward's house. Squidward zips the door shut as sea bunnies crawl under the wallpaper. Squidward hides under the table and dials the shellphone.]

Hello, Animal Control? Save me!

[The sea bunnies emerge from the wallpaper and from one of Squidward's paintings. More sea bunnies emerge from the cabinets while others emerge from the electric outlet. Squidward blubbers in panic as sea bunnies invade his house. One sea bunny emerges from his nose. His entire house is flooded with sea bunnies. Squidward escapes from the upper window of his house. He gets up and groans like an old man. He shakes the sea bunnies off him and growls in anger. He grabs a mallet from the shed and spits on his hand.]

GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! GAH! [hits his house with the mallet] That'll get them out.

[Squidward's house cracks and breaks into two halves. The sea bunnies form into his own house from underneath the wallpaper, much to Squidward's horror.]

Sorry about your house, Squidward.

Yeah. We just heard.

[Squidward is overwhelmed with what he did and whacked himself on the head with the mallet. His head opens and his brain flies out. Squidward goes mentally insane and grows bunny ears, whiskers, a pair of buckteeth, and a fluffy tail. He then begins to hop like a sea bunny.]

[maniacal laugh] I'm a bunny now! [crazy laugh] I'm a bunny now! I'm a bunny now!

Animal Control Officer:
Okay, Mr. Tentacles, easy does it. [puts a straitjacket on Squidward]

[Squidward kicks the animal control officer in the face and runs away. The animal control officer gets up and goes after the mentally-crazed Squidward with the net.]

[maniacal laugh] I'm a bunny now! [crazy laugh] I'm a bunny now!

[As the animal control officer chase after the crazy squid into the sunset, one sea bunny makes a face to look like Squidward. He mumbles like Squidward and plays "Shave and a Haircut" on the clarinet before closing the sea bunny window, ending the episode.]

What are you two dizzy dingbats doing out here?!

Just treasuring our time together, Squidward.

Well, that time is over! Say good night, go to your separate houses, and be quiet! [SpongeBob and Patrick whimper and cry]

[cries] I can't do it! I can't be away from my best friend!

[cries] No, it hurts too much! [he and Patrick continue to cry.]

Oh, will you two cut it out? [SpongeBob and Patrick stop crying]

Cut it out... Squidward, that's a great idea!

Squidward and Patrick:
It is?

[SpongeBob takes out a pair of scissors, cuts off part of his head and forms it into a tiny version of himself.]

Wow! My turn!

[Patrick rips his head off and also forms it into a tiny version of himself. SpongeBob and Patrick hug each as the tiny versions of themselves hug and dance around.]

I think I'm gonna be sick! [gets sick and runs back into his house]

[gives Mini SpongeBob to Patrick] Here you go, Patrick. Now we never have to be apart, [Patrick gives SpongeBob Mini Patrick] even when we're not together.

This is great. See you forever, SpongeBob.

Yeah, see you forever, Patrick. [enters his house and yawns] Time for bed, Tiny Patrick.

[Mini Patrick jumps happily on SpongeBob's hands and hops on his head as SpongeBob goes upstairs. Bubble transition to SpongeBob washing his face with soap and water. Mini Patrick jumps off of SpongeBob's head and dives into the sink. He pops out of the suds and rides on the rubber duck like a cowboy. Bubble transition to Mini SpongeBob brushing Patrick's teeth. However, he shrivels up by the bad odor inside Patrick's mouth and falls into the sink.]


Bubble Bass:
I hope you didn't damage my goods.

Oh, your goods are all good, Bubble Bass. And we sure build up an appetite for that free lunch. [Patrick gulps out a bib and fork and knife]

Bubble Bass:
Oh, yes, about that. I'm afraid I was waiting for you so long that I ate them! [eats the paper bags] Mmm. [belches and SpongeBob whimpers]

[inhales and swallows the fork, knife, and bib. grumbles] If my friend SpongeBob doesn't get his free lunch, [a realistic close-up of Patrick's face] things are gonna get crazy! [pants while Bubble Bass melts]

That was the meanest thing I ever saw, Bubble Bass. You, sir, have crossed the line of aquatic decency. You might think you took a couple of bottom feeders like us for a ride today, but I got a newsflash for you, slappy. These bottom-feeders wouldn't eat your free lunch if you paid us.

I would.

Come, Patrick. I'll make you a free Krabby Patty for $2.50 plus tax.

Bubble Bass:
[watches the pair leave and laughs] Well, you pulled it off, Bubble Bass. And you didn't even have to flick a fin. [hums and opens a box]

Mama Bass:
[emerges from a box and growls] Bubble Bass, why do you think it's funny to pack your mother in a box and drag her all over town?!

Bubble Bass:
[shocked] MOTHER?! [grunts as she picks him up and stuffs him in two boxes]

Mama Bass:
[pulls a dolly out her hair] We'll just see how you like it! [pants as she pushes him]

Bubble Bass:
I didn't do it! [Mama Bass bumps into a mailbox] OW! [bumps him into a building] Mother, please— [grunts] It was SpongeBob and Patrick! [grunts] I'll dry the dishes, Mommy. [grunts] I love you, Mommy. [episode irises out on him inside the box]

Nat Peterson:
Hooray for SpongeBob! He's our hero!

[The townsfolk cheer. But their cheering shakes the ladder even more.]

No! Ahh! Ohh--ow!

[The ladder crumbles and all of the trash as well as SpongeBob, Old Man Jenkins, and the townsfolk are sent crashing down to Bikini Bottom. The city is now a complete mess with trash.]

Old Man Jenkins:
[pops out from the trash, grabs a bottle cap and a fork, and stands on Nat Peterson's head] I'm King Neptune! King of the seven seas, the lakes, rivers, puddles... [spits saliva into a spittoon] And spit too! I'm the king of spit!

King Neptune:
[off-screen] So you're the king of spit? [thunder roars]

Old Man Jenkins:
[nervously] Uh-oh.

[Out from the clouds, the real King Neptune appears on his chariot and he's not very happy.]

King Neptune:
"Uh-oh" is right.

[Old Man Jenkins stands scared as Nat Peterson, upon seeing the real King Neptune, whimpers in fear. He grabs a suitcase and runs away. King Neptune ignites his trident and zaps Old Man Jenkins, burning him to a crisp.]

Old Man Jenkins:
I smell like toast. Am I breakfast? [bites off his hand] Needs jelly.

Mr. Krabs:
[comes by and notices the pile of trash. He also notices SpongeBob's hands sticking out from underneath] Hmm? [pulls out a mortally wounded SpongeBob] Ooh, well, look at that. Someone threw away a good SpongeBob standee. [laughs and throws SpongeBob in his truck-load of SpongeBob-standees] Yagh! [closes the trunk] Oof! [climbs in the truck] Ugh. [drives away with his truck, carrying SpongeBob and the standees inside]

They called me a hero.


[The door slams itself shut, leaving Squidward locked outside. Squidward tries to open it to go back in, but it wouldn't budge. The lights turn on. Squidward turns around and finds himself in a haunted themed area made by Patrick himself.]

[whimpering] I've lost it. I can't tell what's real anymore! [Patrick scares Squidward with a toy worm and a toy snail under his feet. The toy snail makes Squidward flip over and fall on the ground.]

Boo! I'm a haunted... [swings over Squidward with a tablecloth over his body] tablecloth! [Squidward screams a sprays more ink out from his nose. The ink fills several cups, pitchers, bowls, and pails laid out by Patrick. Patrick swings himself into a wall and laughs. Squidward runs up the stairs while spraying ink in more cups and bowls laid out by Patrick. He runs into a spooky baby's room with creepy music playing in the background.]

Not creepy nursery rhyme music! [Squidward hears a creaking sound in the crib behind him. He looks in the crib and sees Patrick wearing a creepy baby costume while having a nose similar to Squidward's.]

Dada! [Squidward screams and sprays more ink out from his nose into the crib. Squidward runs out through the window. Patrick puts the sucker back on the baby bottle filled with ink] Thank you, Daddy!

[Squidward falls to the ground and sees a spooky but crudely version of the Krusty Krab in front of him.]

The Krusty Krab? How did I wind up here? I don't think I want to go in. [a newspaper falls on him; he gasps as he reads it] This newspaper is dated 60 years into the future. [The conveyor belt underneath him moves and it takes him inside. Squidward covers his eyes] I can't look! I'm afraid to see. Please, no.

[Squidward looks up and sees a puppet version of his old futuristic self in his workstation.]

Puppet Squidward:
May I help you, young man?

[Squidward's nose becomes a faucet and he screams the ink out of himself. Patrick, who is operating the old Squidward puppet, watches down happily. Squidward has had enough of the haunted area and goes to run away. He runs out of the haunted area and bumps into Don the Whale at the lemonade stand.]

Squidward, if you want to buy some black lemonade, you'll have to get in the back of the line.

[Mr. Krabs is bathing in a tub of money in the restaurant. SpongeBob and Sandy enter the restaurant and sulk over to Mr. Krabs.]

Oh, Mr. Krabs! [Mr. Krabs gasps and hides in the tub] I got all the secret ingredients on your list, but Plankton stole them all! I made the apocalypse!

[SpongeBob cries a fountain of tears and spray them all over the restaurant, which hits Mr. Krabs. Sandy gets drenched on by the tears and activates the windshield wipers on her helmet.]

Mr. Krabs:
[plugs SpongeBob's mouth with a cork] Now, now, son. You didn't make the apocalypse. I couldn't afford to have Plankton following me while I was getting the real ingredients at the Barg'N-Mart, could I?

[Mr. Krabs pushes the button on the table Fred is eating on and it flips over showing a shopping cart containing the real Krabby Patty ingredients.]

[screams] MY LEG!

So, my list was a fake? So, no apocalypse?

Mr. Krabs:
No apocalypse.

I saved the world! [laughs and dances around the restaurant while Sandy glares angrily at Mr. Krabs] No apocalypse! No apocalypse! No apocalypse! No apocalypse!

Mr. Krabs:
Let's not go too far.

[rolls up her sleeves] You mean you sent my best friend on a dangerous wild goose chase just so you could go shopping?! [backs Mr. Krabs into his office] Excuse us, SpongeBob. [closes the door while wearing her karate glove] This is for my tail!

Mr. Krabs:
Wait, Sandy, I was—

Hi-yah! [karate chops Mr. Krabs really hard. Mr. Krabs ends up crashing into the door, buttocks first] This is for almost getting us killed!

Mr. Krabs:
Wait, Sandy!

Hi-yah! [karate chops Mr. Krabs really hard again. This time, head first at the door, and comes out with a bag of money as compensation for Sandy's submarine] And this is for my submarine, Matilda!

[Mr. Krabs comes out and is completely beaten up.]

[kicks the plank Mr. Krabs is standing on] Hi-yah! Hi-yah! [karate chops Mr. Krabs and sends him flying through the roof]

Mr. Krabs:
Well, I guess I had that coming.

[Meanwhile, at the Chum Bucket, Plankton is fixing up a batch of Krabby Patties with the fake ingredients.]

Can you believe it, Karen? After all these years, the secret ingredients are finally here! And the final ingredient: [pulls out a bucket of ghost dandruff from the bag] ghost dandruff!

[backs away] I wouldn't add that last one...

[adds ghost dandruff to the batch] Ha, ha! I can't wait to see the look on Krabs' face!

[Plankton stirs the fake ingredients all together. Then all of a sudden, the Chum Bucket explodes and sends Plankton flying in the sky.]

[screams until he sees Mr. Krabs] Krabs?

Mr. Krabs:

[straightens himself out] Oh, tender, naïve Patrick, it's not that kind of playground. It's a place to read books! See?

Oh, I love books! [laughs and throws books around] Book! Book! [SpongeBob dodges the incoming books] Book!

[whispers] Gary, I don't think Patrick knows how to use a book properly. [gets hit in the face by a book] Ow! [removes the book and grabs Patrick] Behold the books, Patrick. Each one has a story to tell.


Look out! Those books are cliffhangers, stories for the adventurous. [Two books are clinging for their lives on the shelf. Patrick panics and rushes to help them.]

I'll save you! [climbs on the shelf] Whoa! [falls down and gets crushed underneath]

[pulls Patrick out and shows a log-shaped book] There are logbooks, [holds up a really large book entitled, "War and Peace"] unabridged books, [shows a pop-up book that displays London's Tower Bridge] and books with bridges.

Whoa! [laughs]

[puts a book close to his ear] Listen to the soothing sounds of the audiobooks. [hears seagulls cawing and ocean waves] I can hear the ocean.

[grabs a book and hears a toilet flushing.] Me too!

[SpongeBob and Patrick laugh.]

Cookbooks, for the culinarily curious.

[takes a page that has a picture of a turkey on it. He puts it on a stove, fries it up, and eats it.] I like the pictures.

[reaches in Patrick's mouth and grabs the page] Ah, but the pictures are a mere snack! [closes the book and puts it away] It's the words in the book that really feeds your brain. Let's start you off with an old book. [takes an old book that is covered in cobwebs and dust; he parachutes down and opens the book; and eerie dust bunny appears and SpongeBob sniffs it up] Ah, musty old books smell. Now, read the words, Patrick.

Oh, read the—oh, uh..."Once...Upon a..." "Once upon a..." Once upon a what?!

To continue the story, you have to turn the page. [turns a page]

Oh. "Time." "Once upon a time!" [laughs and turns pages] That's the most amazing trick I've ever seen! I want to stare at more words!

Then feast your eyes!

[SpongeBob turns the pages and Patrick goes to read. Inside Patrick's head, his brain is sitting alone on the couch, feeling bored. It picks its nose and smears it on the arm rest. It then sees Patrick looking at the words in the book he's reading.]

Once upon a time...

Mr. Krabs:
First, we build a furnace to make the bottles.

[Sandy pulls out the molten glass from the furnace. She takes a deep breath and blows the glass into a shoe. She does it the second time and blows it into a human brain. She does it the third time and blows it into a sea shell. She does it the fourth time and makes it into the bottle she needed for her ship.]

Perfect and slick as a whistle. [blows in the bottle and makes a whistle; she shows the bottle to Mr. Krabs]

Mr. Krabs:
Hmm. [takes out a hammer and smashes the bottle] Try again.

[growls in disgust. She makes another bottle and shows it to Mr. Krabs.] Huh?

Mr. Krabs:
[smashes the bottle with the hammer] Try again.

[Sandy makes another bottle and shows it to Mr. Krabs. This time, Mr. Krabs is on a swing.]


Mr. Krabs:
[smashes the bottle with the hammer] Try again. [Sandy makes another bottle.; smashes the bottle with the hammer] Try again. [Sandy makes another bottle.; smashes the bottle with the hammer] Try again. [Sandy makes another bottle.; smashes the bottle with the hammer] Try again. [She makes one more bottle and is breathing heavily in anger. Mr. Krabs holds out the hammer and goes to hit the bottle. Sandy cowers as he is going to strike at the bottle. This time, Mr. Krabs doesn't destroy it. He sees it as the perfect bottle for the model ship.] Perfect!


Mr. Krabs:
Now, we can start on the ship. [accidentally smashes her bottle with the hammer] Oh, wait, um, I wasn't supposed to break that one, was I?

[whimpers and is completely worn out] I feel like chewed-up twine. I'm goin' to bed. And you can forget about the prize money, 'cause the contest is tomorrow.

Mr. Krabs:
[spits his soda out in surprise] Tomorrow?! [cries as his tears fill up his water helmet] Me prize money! Hey, mind if I take a crack at this ship bottle thing?

Knock yourself out. [closes the door]

[An exhausted SpongeBob walks up to the front door of his house.]

[sighs and looks at his watch] Well, I may have missed the live broadcast, but at least I got it all on tape. Here I come, "Mermaid Man!" [tries to open the door but it's locked] Oh. [tries to pull it open but to no avail; he checks his pockets] Where'd I put my keys? [peaks through the window] Did I leave them on the table again? [sees his VCR going haywire and it spits out the tape's film] No, my tape! [the ice block explodes and soda flies everywhere] My soda! [the popcorn machine explodes] My popcorn! [sees everything a complete mess] My "Mermaid Man!" [the house bursts into flames and he screams]

[Gary gets shot out of the house on a flying soda bottle. SpongeBob goes to catch Gary, but he lands on his face.]

Meow. [slithers off of SpongeBob]

[SpongeBob, completely shocked at what happened, starts feeling really sad and begins to cry. His crying is so loud that it is heard all across Bikini Bottom, which results in waking up the townsfolk. Moments later, Squidward, Patrick, Sandy, Larry, Mr. Krabs, Plankton and Mrs. Puff arrive to see what was the matter.]

Hey there, SpongeBob. Why all the waterworks?

[sniffles and wipes his tears with his nose like a windshield wiper] I was so busy helping everyone that I missed "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy" and my VCR didn't record it and now I'll never see it and my life has no meaning!

[SpongeBob sulks away from his friends and goes back into his burning house crying hysterically, now that his chances of seeing the long-lost episode of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy has been shattered. All of SpongeBob's friends including Squidward look on at him with sad faces and realized what they had done:
they took his kindness for granted and inexplicably ruined his chances of seeing the episode he's been looking forward to watching.]

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