Police Commissioner:
The Chief thinks that you should give the eulogy.
Chief Inspector Dreyfus:
The what?
Police Commissioner:
The tribute!
Chief Inspector Dreyfus:
Police Commissioner:
You knew him intimately.
Chief Insp. Dreyfus:
I hated him intimately!
Police Commissioner:
But you're the expert who's going to track down his murderers!
Chief Insp. Dreyfus:
I'm the expert who would dearly love to–– to kiss his murderers, don't you understand?!
Police Commissioner:
Now, the PR people loved the angle.
Chief Insp. Dreyfus:
Sacrilege! I won't do it.
Police Commissioner:
Chief Insp. Dreyfus:
No. I'm a good Catholic.
Police Commissioner:
So's the Chief's wife.
Chief Insp. Dreyfus:
I don't care! [Hesitates] What's she got to do with it?
Police Commissioner:
She wrote the speech.