[Sandy Frink has arrived by helicopter, and everybody is wide-eyed at his entrance in a three-piece suit and white-soled sneakers]
Heather Mooney:
That's Sandy Frink? The hell was I thinking? [goes somewhere else]
[tries to greet Sandy] Sandy, hi! You look so rich. I mean, great. [Frink slightly smiles at her but moves on]
Sandy Frink:
Michele. After all these years, you still take my breath away.
Thanks. So you must be, like, the most successful person in our entire graduating class.
Well, I guess that depends on how you define "success." If, to you, success means having a house in Aspen. one in Acapulco, penthouse in New York, mansion in Malibu, 60-foot yacht, an eight-seat Windstar, a Bell Jet Ranger, a Bentley, a personal trainer, a full-time chef, a live-in masseuse, and a staff of 24, then, yeah... I guess I am successful. But no matter how much I accumulate... there's still one thing I just don't have.
[lost in his monologue] Your own country?
I don't have you, Michele. Will you dance with me?
Only if Romy can dance with us.
Sure. [they perform a dance rendition of Time After Time]