[after seeing Pat with a broken nose] Did I explain it wrong? Is that it?
No, boss, you didn't.
Pat's got a weak constitution. You boys know that. That's why he's working as a bartender. He's my only sister's son. And if he doesn't have me, who's he got? And if I'm not there, you're there. [to Jimmy] I should've let you go, Jimmy. [to Tinker and O'Connor] Well, one of you boys owes me an apology. Now I leave it up to you to decide which one of you wants to say "I'm sorry."
[takes off his hat] I'm sorry, boss.
I'm sorry, boss.
I believe you, Tinker. [walks over to O'Connor] But you, O'Connor, somehow I don't believe you. Now you better try it again. 'cause if there's one thing I can't stand, it's a man who's untruthful.
I'm sorry, boss.
If there's one thing that disgusts me, it's a man who can't admit when he's wrong.
I swear to God, boss, I'm sorry.
You disgust me, O'Connor. You wanna know why you disgust me?
No, why, boss?
[punches him] 'Cause you're a bleeder. You bleed too much. You are a messy bleeder. [kicks him in the groin] You're weak. You got no endurance for PAIN. [karate chops him and knocks him down] Aw, come on, get up. Hey, you'll be fine. Come on. [to his men] Well, help him up! [Wesley's men stand him up] You're gonna be fine. And you know why? Because I like you. [punches and knocks him out] Get this piece-of-shit coward out of here.