[Roark breaks up an argument between the LA Fire Department chief and a DWP engineer on how to stop the lava flow]
Mike Roark:
Knock this shit off! What is with you people? Chief, how long will it take this stuff to get to Fairfax?
LAFD Chief:
At this speed, it'll about ten minutes, give or take.
Enough time to build a barricade? [everybody is blank] All right, look [flips map and starts drawing] Wilshire Boulevard, Fairfax. Eighty K-rails, double stacked in a horseshoe. OK? A cul-de-sac. That's gotta be a wall at least six feet high.
Dr Amy Barnes:
D'you have any helicopters, water tankers?
Not yet, but they're on the way.
All right great. Once you get this lava to pool ok, dump everything you've got on it, all at once, try to form a crust. Maybe it'll dam itself, it's what they did in Iceland.
[surprised at Amy's solution] Thank you.
You're welcome.
DWP Official:
This is like putting a Band-Aid on a broken leg.
LAPD Lt Ed Fox:
I don't know how many men we should keep putting in front of this thing.
We're going to put as many people in front of it as it takes. Listen up, people! Let me tell you what's south of us: no more museums, no more department stores, just homes! People! If we turn and run now, they're gonna be defenseless! You don't like my plan? That's good. Give me another plan, but don't tell me we're backing out! Is everybody clear on that?
All right, let's go. Build a wall! [everybody scrambles to work]