Wikidude's Quotes Page #4,986

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[while chasing Guy] I am a caveman!

The Croods  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[About Guy, who's escaping; gasps] He's loose!

The Croods  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

I am a caveman!

The Croods  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[hugs Grug] I love you, too!

The Croods  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Everything falls in.

The Croods  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Top Dollar:
Problem is, it's all been done before. See what I'm saying?

Bad Ass Criminal:
That's no reason to quit.

Top Dollar:
Wrong. Best reason to quit. Only reason to quit. A man has an idea. The idea attracts others, likeminded. The idea expands, the idea becomes an institution. What was the idea? That's what's been bothering me, boys.

The Crow  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Eric Draven:
Little things used to mean so much to Shelly.

The Crow  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Eric Draven:
SARAH: I used to think they were kind of... trivial.

The Crow  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Eric Draven:
Believe me, nothing is trivial.

The Crow  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Top Dollar:
When I started the first fires in this goddamn city, before I knew it, every charlatan and shitheel was imitating me! You know what they got now? Devil's Night greeting cards. Isn't that precious? The idea has become the institution, boys. Time to move on.

The Crow  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Top Dollar:
You're him, huh? The avenger. The killer of killers. Nice outfit. Not sure about the face, though.

The Crow  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Everybody feels different about themselves, one way or another. But we’re all going the same way. Just taking different roads to get there, that’s all.”

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Anton Pamchenko:
Do you know what I think would be wonderful? If you would go out there today and skate for these people the way I have seen you skate. Enjoy each other.

Kate Moseley:
What's the matter?

Doug Dorsey:

Kate Moseley:
Are you all right?

Doug Dorsey:
Fine. Kate, I'm sorry. My timing-- I know it stinks, but...I just keep thinking this thing with us...It's gonna go away. I keep thinking if I can just keep moving and checking, I'll get clear, but...Do you understand what I'm telling you?

Kate Moseley:
I don't wanna fight anymore.

Doug Dorsey:
No. I mean, yeah, I don't wanna fight.

Kate Moseley:
Look, we have to skate.

Doug Dorsey:
This won't wait. Kate, maybe I wasn't ready. Maybe- Maybe you didn't give me much of a chance. Maybe-- I don't know. I just-- I just--

Nine-six. Nine-three.

Doug Dorsey:
Kate, somewhere in the middle of all this I fell in love with you.

You may take the ice.

Doug Dorsey:
I'm saying I love you. I'm saying it out loud. Don't say we're not right for each other because we may not be right for anybody else.

You have to go on.

Doug Dorsey:
Will you shut up a minute. It can't be any harder to stay together than it was to stay apart.

Thirty seconds.

Doug Dorsey:
Will you wait a minute. Kate. I need you. I need you.

Kate Moseley:
We're doing the Pamchenko.

Doug Dorsey:

Kate Moseley:
Oh, you heard me.

The Cutting Edge  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Doug Dorsey:
Think I'm doing this to get a program out of you?

Kate Moseley:
You wanna win, don't you?

Doug Dorsey:
No. It's no good, Kate. It's too dangerous.

Kate Moseley:
Then we’re agreed. We're putting it in.

The Cutting Edge  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Sir Leigh Teabing:
This used to be the ballroom. I have little occasions to dance these days. I trust you recognise The Last Supper, the great fresco, by Leonardo Da Vinci. [To Sophie] My dear, if you would close your eyes?

Robert Langdon:
Leigh, save us the parlour tricks.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
You asked for my help, I recall. Allow an old man his indulgences. [To Sophie, who has closed her eyes] And Mademoiselle, where is Jesus sitting?

Sophie Neveu:
In the middle.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
Good. He and His disciples are breaking bread. And...what drink?

Sophie Neveu:
Wine. They drunk wine.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
Splendid. And one final question: how many wine glasses are there on the table?

Sophie Neveu:
One? The Holy Grail.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
Open your eyes. [Sophie does so, and looks at the screen the painting is being displayed on] No single cup. No chalice. Well, that's a bit strange, isn't it? Considering both the Bible and standard Grail legend celebrate this moment as the definitive arrival of the Holy Grail. Hmmm. [To Robert] Now, Robert, you could be of help to us. If you'd be so kind as to show us the symbols for man and woman?

Robert Langdon:
No balloon animals? I can make a great duck. [He presses his fingertips together, keeping his hands apart] This is the original icon for male. It's a rudimentary phallus.

Sophie Neveu:
Boyhood to a point.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
Yes, indeed.

Robert Langdon:
This was known as the "blade". It represents aggression and manhood. It's a symbol still used today in modern military uniforms.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
Yes, the more penises you have, the higher your rank. Boys will be boys!

Robert Langdon:
Now, as you can imagine, the female symbol [He pressees the heels of his hands together, keeping his fingers apart, in the shape of a begging bowl] is its exact opposite. This is called the "chalice".

Sir Leigh Teabing:
[Also making the shape with his hands] And the chalice resembles a cup, or vessel, or, more importantly, the shape of a woman's womb. No, the Grail has never been a cup! It is, quite literally, this ancient symbol of womanhood. And in this case, a woman who carried a secret so powerful that if revealed, it would devastate the very foundations of Christianity.

Sophie Neveu:
Wait, please. You're saying the Holy Grail is a person...a woman?

Sir Leigh Teabing:
And it turns out, she makes an appearance, right there. [Pointing at the screen, still showing the painting]

Sophie Neveu:
But they are all men,

Sir Leigh Teabing:
Are they? What about that figure on the right hand of Our Lord, seated in the place of honour? [As Sophie approaches the screen, which now shows the figure seated on Jesus' right hand side, supposedly the Apostle John] Flowing red hair, folded feminine hands, hint of a bosum, no?

[Sophie says something in French, and Sir Leigh replies in French]

Sir Leigh Teabing:
[In English] It's called scotoma. The mind sees what it chooses to see.

Sophie Neveu:
Who is she?

Sir Leigh Teabing:
My dear, that's Mary Magdalene.

Sophie Neveu:
The prostitute?

Sir Leigh Teabing:
[Offended] She was no such thing! Smeared by the church in 592, Anno Domini, poor dear. [Puts his tablet aside] Magdalene was Jesus' wife.

The Da Vinci Code  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Robert Langdon:
This is an old wives' tale.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
The original one, in fact!

Robert Langdon:
There's virtually no empirical proof!

Sir Leigh Teabing:
He knows as well as I do, there's much evidence to support it!

Robert Langdon:
Theories. There are theories.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
Notice how Jesus and Mary are clothed. [Zooms out on the screen, to show Jesus and Mary in the same frame. They are wearing blue on their outside arms and a bright colour on their inside arms; their clothing illuminates as the rest of the picture darkens, to heighten Teabing's point.] Mirror images of each other!

Robert Langdon:
The mind sees what it chooses to see.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
And venturing into the even more bizarre, notice how Jesus and Mary appear to be joined at the hip and are leaning away from each other, as if to create a shape in the negative space between them. Leonardo gives us...the chalice! [he highlights the area, which resembles a triangle pointing down]

Robert Langdon:

Sir Leigh Teabing:
Yes. Ooh, and Robert, er, notice what happens when these two figures [laughs briefly] change position. [He brings a representation of Mary over to Jesus' left side, so it looks like she has her head on His shoulder.]

Sophie Neveu:
Just because Da Vinci painted it doesn't make it true.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
No. But history, she does make it true! Now, listen to this. It's from the Gospel according to Philip.

Sophie Neveu:

Sir Leigh Teabing:
Yes, it was rejected at the Council of Nicea, along with any other gospels that made Jesus appear human and not divine. [reading from a book] "And the companion of the Saviour was Mary Magdalene. Christ loved her more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her on -"

Sophie Neveu:
[interrupting] But this says nothing of marriage!

Sir Leigh Teabing:
Well, actually, um, Robert...?

Robert Langdon:
Actually, in those days, the word "companion" literally meant "spouse".

Sir Leigh Teabing:
[crossing the room to another book on a lectern] And this is from the gospel of Mary Magdalene herself.

Sophie Neveu:
She wrote a gospel?

Robert Langdon:
She may have.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
Robert, will you fight fair?

Robert Langdon:
She may have.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
[reading] "And Peter said, 'does He prefer her to us?' And Levi answered, 'Peter, I see you contending against a woman like an adversary. If the Saviour made her worthy, who are you indeed to reject her?!'" [To Sophie] Yes. And then, my dear, Jesus goes on to tell Mary Magdalene that it's up to her to continue His Church. [He sits down and illuminates figures on the screen.] Mary Magdalene. Not Peter. The Church was supposed to be carried on by...a woman. Few realise that Mary was descended from kings, just as her husband was. Now, my dear, the word in French for "holy grail".

Sophie Neveu:
Le Sangrine.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
From the Middle English, "Sangreal", of the original Arthurian legend. [He writes the word on the screen, using his tablet.] Now, as two words. [He divides it into two four-letter words.] Can you translate for our friend?

Sophie Neveu:
Sang Real, it means "royal blood".

Sir Leigh Teabing:
When the legend speaks of the chalice that held the blood of Christ, it speaks, in fact, of the female womb that held Jesus' royal bloodline.

Sophie Neveu:
But how could Christ have a bloodline, unless...

Sir Leigh Teabing:
Mary was pregnant at the time of the Crucifixion. [He gets up.] For her own safety, and for that of Christ's unborn child, she fled the Holy Land and came to France. And here, it is said that she gave birth to a daughter, Sarah.

Sophie Neveu:
They know the child's name?

Robert Langdon:
A little girl.

Sir Leigh Teabing:

Robert Langdon:
If that were true, it's adding insult to injury.

Sophie Neveu:

Robert Langdon:
The Pagans found transcendence through the joining of male and female.

Sophie Neveu:
People found God through sex?

Robert Langdon:
In Paganism, women were worshipped, as a route to Heaven, but, the modern church has a monopoly on that, in salvation through Jesus Christ.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
And he who keeps the keys to Heaven rules the world.

Robert Langdon:
Women, then, are a huge threat to the Church. The Catholic Inquisitions soon publishes what may be the most blood-soaked book in human history.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
The Malleus Magnificarum! [He throws a book at Langdon, who catches it.]

Robert Langdon:
The Witch's Hammer.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
It instructed the clergy on how to locate, torture and kill all free-thinking women.

Robert Langdon:
Over three centuries of witch-hunts, fifty thousand women are captured and burned alive at the stake.

Sir Leigh Teabing:
Oh, at least that! Some say millions! Imagine then, Robert, that Christ's Throne might live on in a female child? [To Sophie] You asked what would be worth killing for. Witness the greatest coverup in human history. This is the secret the Priory of Sion has defended for over twenty centuries. They are the guardians of the royal bloodline, keepers of the proof of our true past. They are the protectors of the descendants of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.

The Da Vinci Code  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

(at the hangar while police are searching plane) You know, I could run them over if you wish, sir.

The Da Vinci Code  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wouldn't it be great if we heard a train go by in the distance?

Not really.

It'd probably be annoying.

The Darjeeling Limited  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

What did he say?

He said the train is lost.

How can a train be lost? It's on rails.

The Darjeeling Limited  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

He's gonna have a kid in six weeks.


Him. Rubby. He doesn't want you to know.


Yeah, you know, Rubby. [Jack imitates Peter's recurrent action of rubbing his temples to relieve his headaches]


The Darjeeling Limited  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

You don't love me!

Yes I do!

I love you too but I'm gonna mace you in the face!

The Darjeeling Limited  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

You wanna read a short story I wrote in France?

How long is it?


How long is it?

How long is it? Never mind, forget it.

The Darjeeling Limited  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

I'm gonna go pray at another thing.

The Darjeeling Limited  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Fuck the itinerary.

The Darjeeling Limited  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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