Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,076

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Perhaps I can turn this to my advantage. Otwa, my son, go and bring the sub-humans, Nekron's dogs. Tell them we have the girl that he wants. Tell them he can have her...for a price.

Fire and Ice  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Catherine Holt:
Caleb, what's happened to you?

Caleb Holt:
Dad asked me if there was anything in me that wanted to save our marriage. And then he gave me something. I could let you read it...

[Catherine pulls out the Love Dare journal]

Catherine Holt:
Was it this?

Caleb Holt:
How long have you known?

Catherine Holt:
I found it yesterday. So what day are you on?

Caleb Holt:

Catherine Holt:
There's only 40.

Caleb Holt:
Well, who says I have to stop?

Catherine Holt:
Caleb, I don't know how to process this. This is not normal for you.

Caleb Holt:
Welcome to the new normal.

Catherine Holt:
You didn't want to do this at first, did you?

Caleb Holt:
No. But halfway through, I realized that I did not understand what love was. And once I understood that, I wanted to do it.

Catherine Holt:
Caleb, I want to believe that this is real. But I am not ready to say that I trust you again.

Caleb Holt:
I understand that. But whether you ever reach that point or not, I need you to understand something. I am sorry. I have been so selfish. For the past seven years, I have trampled on you with my words and with my actions. I have loved other things when I should have loved you. And the last few weeks, God has given me a love for you that I have never had before. And I've asked Him to forgive me. And I'm hoping, and I'm praying, that somehow you would be able to forgive me too. Catherine, I do not want to live the rest of my life without you.

Catherine Holt:
Caleb, I'm supposed to give those divorce papers to my lawyer next week. I just, um...I just need some time to think.

Caleb Holt:
You can have all the time you need.

Fireproof  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Michael Simmons:
Don't just follow your heart, because your heart can be deceived. But you gotta lead your heart.

Fireproof  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

John Holt:
Son, saving someone from a fire doesn't make you right with God. You've broken His commandments, and one day, you'll answer to Him for that.

Fireproof  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

John Holt:
Have you loved God, the One who gave you life? His standards are so high, He considers hatred to be murder, and lust to be adultery.

Fireproof  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

John Holt:
Son, you just asked me how can someone show love over and over again when they're constantly rejected. The answer is, you can't love her because you can't give her what you don't have.

Fireproof  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Police officer:
This is the LAPD. You are trespassing. Get down from the sign.

We gotta jump.

[Jamie jumps down from the sign]

Dylan, jump!

I'm f-frozen!

Police officer:
Come on, get down! Sir, this is your last warning.

Use the ladder!

I have a fear of heights! Also, he-he-helicopters! They don't make sense to me!

What do you mean you have a fear of heights? Why would you come up here?

You called me a pu-pussy!

Friends with Benefits  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

I'm emotionally unavailable.

Friends with Benefits  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Are you trying to dig your way to China?

Friends with Benefits  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

A work ethic. I love it! That is why this country is still number one. Well, behind Germany and France and Belgium and Japan and China. Thank God for Bangladesh!

Friends with Benefits  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[During the Jerry Bruckheimer Films logo, Hurley, a guinea pig, runs on the road]

[panting] Hey! Slow down! Whoa-ah!

[Hurley falls off the road in the logo as lightning strikes a leafless tree, frightening him]

Whoa! That is not cool!

[Hurley runs away]

G-Force  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

We've got a worm to decipher.

G-Force  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Mrs. Goodman:
[voiceover] Connor! Take out the trash.

OK. [gets up]

Mrs. Goodman:

I'm coming!

G-Force  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[As the robot lifts the truck up, Darwin looks at Speckles]

Speckles, if you keep doing this, then you're no better than the humans who destroyed your home and your family.

Well, that's kinda the point here. I lost my family.

No, you're wrong. We are your family. Me, Blaster, Juarez, Ben & Marcie.

G-Force  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[After destroying the robot]

Darwin, over here!

Hang on! [pulling the motionless Hurley out of the wreckage] I got him. I got him.

I can't hold it much longer. Ow!

No, Hurley. No, not you, Hurley.

Look, he landed next to his cake.

[Hurley drops his piece of cake]


Oh, man, Hurley.


Oh, no.

No, no. This is all my fault.

[tearfully] He was my man.

Hurley, wake up, pal. Listen, I just… I just wanted you to know you were as good as anyone out there today. I don't know what they call it back at the pet shop, but out here, we… Well, we call it being a hero. All you ever wanted was a family. I've never gotta tell you this, but… I'd be proud… [fights back tears] …proud to call you my brother. (Goodbye.)


[voice breaking] Hurley.

[Hurley's nose twitches]

(Huh?) Hey, I think I saw his nose twitch.

[Darwin holds the piece of cake over Hurley's nose, causing it to twitch again]




Did you mean it when you called me "brother"?

Not exactly. (Well,) I was just… That was like a figurative… [sighs] You bet I did.

Brother. I have a brother! This is great!

G-Force  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Oh, dear. Why is it the weird ones always go for the cat and not the dog?

Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Odie, no! Don't do the ugly-American thing!

Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

But Liz is a girl

Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Oh, dear heaven. Why is it the weird ones always go for the cat and not the dog?

Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Garfield? What the devil is a Garfield?

Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

What ho!?

Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[After Juliet returns to the Red Garden after meeting Gnomeo]

What happened to that very important, life changing orchid?

[Walking away] Um. Uh. Wha-What orchid? What?

Hmm. Shut up. You met a boy!

What? No. Well, maybe of sort of... Yes. Yes, I did.

I need details! And go slowly!

Is he totally gorgeous?

Totally. Does he have a nice rotund belly?

Gnomeo & Juliet  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Practicing flirting with Juliet] Nice name. It really goes with your...eyes.

Gnomeo & Juliet  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Well, I grabbed it first, but if you want it, come get it.

Gnomeo & Juliet  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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Who said "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."?
A Kurt Vonnegut
B Poul Anderson
C Isaac Asimov
D Robert A. Heinlein