Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,073

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Ian Curtis:
It says here... usually prescribed for schizophrenia. Side effects include drowsiness, apathy, agitation, and blurred vision :(pause)... I'm taking two.

Control  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dj Rob Gretton:
I already manage a couple of bands, but between you and me, they couldn't sniff the sweat around your bollocks. You lot are something else. I hold my hands up! I am a believer in Joy Division! Fucking hallelujah!

Control  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

41 confirmed kills; now it's 89, about to be 90.

Weapon X recruiter:
Wade Wilson?


Weapon X recruiter:
You look...very much alive.

Hah! Only on the outside.

Weapon X recruiter:
This is not going to end well for me, is it?

This is not going to end well for you, no. Tell me where your boss is.

Weapon X recruiter:
I can tell you exactly--

[Puts his finger on the recruiter's mouth] Ah, deh-deh-deh-deh-deh-deh-deh-deh-deh-deh. Oh, you'll tell me. But first... [To the camera, putting his hand on it and pushing it to the left, to where some civilian bystanders are watching] might want to look away for this. Now, this little piggy went to--

[A loud cracking sound is heard, Weapon X recruiter screams in pain, and the civilian bystanders give looks of horror at what they see.]

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
[to Vanessa, who is grabbing the testicles of a man who made a pass at her] Hey, hey! Hakuna his tatas.

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
[losing bullets] 10! Shit! 9! Fuck! 8! Shit-fuck!

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
You're clowning... you're not clowning? I sense clowns.

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
And please don't make the super suit green. Or animated!

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
[to Vanessa] Listen, we both know that cancer is a shitshow. Like a "Yakov Smirnoff opening for the Spin Doctors at the Iowa State Fair" shitshow. And under no circumstances will I take you to that show. I want you to remember me, not the Ghost of Christmas Me.

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
[before a montage where he asks Ajax's henchpeople where he is, and kills them when they don't answer] This shit's gonna have nuts in it!

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
You're about to be killed... by a Zamboni!

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
[when entering a taxi cab] And we all know how this turned out. [scene fast-forwards VHS-like past the fighting scene, up to Wade Wilson on a bed, masturbating with a toy unicorn in his free hand] Whoops! Heh, you weren't meant to see that! [scene fast-forwards all the way to where the actual movie left off with Deadpool lying in a pile of garbage in a truck] There. All caught up.

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
[to a henchwoman] This is confusing! Is it sexist to hit you? Is it more sexist to not hit you? I mean, the line gets real [cocks his pistol] blurry!

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
TELL ME WHERE YOUR FUCKING BOSS IS, OR YOU'RE GONNA DIE! [we see how slowly the Zamboni is moving; he's actually about half the rink away from his victim] IN FIVE MINUTES!

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
[after skewering and lifting a henchman with his katanas] You're probably thinking, "My boyfriend said this was a superhero movie, but that guy in the red suit just turned that other guy into a fucking kebab!" Well, I may be super, but I'm no hero. And yeah, technically this is a murder. But some of the best love stories start with a murder. And that's exactly what this is: a love story. And to tell it right, I gotta take you back to long before I squeezed this ass into red spandex…

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
[after successfully killing a henchman and puts his katanas away] Now, if I were a 200 pound sack of assholes named Francis, where would I hide?

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
You ever see 127 Hours? Spoiler alert. [Saws his hand off to escape from being handcuffed to Colossus] [Negasonic Teenage Warhead: [notices Wade cutting his arm off; disgusted] Oh, my God. Nasty.] [blood splats on Colossus' face] Oh, there's the money shot, baby. [Colossus gags in disgust] [looks at camera] "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret". [He finally finishes cutting off his hand, and jumps off into an oncoming dump truck below, leaving his severed hand on the handcuff, giving the middle finger to Colossus.]

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
Not often a dude ruins your face, skull-stomps your sanity, grabs your future baby mama, and personally sees to four of your five shittiest moments. Let's just say… it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
[after realizing he forgot his guns; he tries calling the cab driver, but gets his voicemail instead] [angrily] Goddammit! [calmly] Looks like I'm gonna do this the old-fashioned way: with two swords, [cricks neck] and maximum effort. Cue the music.

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
[Sees Angel Dust preparing to jump down] Superhero landing! She's gonna do a superhero landing, wait for it! [Angel Dust jumps down and lands in a crouch on one knee with a fist on the ground, Iron Man-style] [Claps] Wooo! Superhero landing! You know, that's really hard on your knees. Totally impractical, they all do it.

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade W. Wilson / Deadpool:
[voiceover; while he and Vanessa kiss passionately] See? You don't need to be a superhero to get the girl. The right girl will bring out the hero in you. Now, let's finish this epic wide shot. Pull out. There we go, that looks nice. It's gonna be about the only thing that's pullin' out tonight. Who doesn't love a happy ending, huh? Until next time, this is your friendly neighborhood Pool guy singin', ? I'm never gonna dance again, the way I danced with you. Oh-oh-oh. ?

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[after Wade's diagnosis] I just realized something: You win. Your life is officially way more fucked up than mine.

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[seeing Deadpool's scarred face for the first time] After a brief adjustment period and a bunch of drinks, it's a face…I'd be happy to sit on.

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Francis Freeman/Ajax:
I was a patient here once myself, you know. The treatment affects everyone differently. It made Angel inhumanly strong. In my case, it enhanced my reflexes. Also scorched my nerve endings, so I no longer feel pain. In fact, I no longer feel anything.

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Francis Freeman/Ajax:
This is how it's going to work. Adrenaline acts as a catalyst for the serum, so we're going to have to make you suffer. If you're lucky, your mutant genes will activate and manifest in spectacular fashion. If not, well, we'll have to keep hurting you. In new and different ways, each more painful than the last. Until you finally mutate. Or die.

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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A James Cameron
B Mark Zuckerberg
C Steve Jobs
D Nelson Mandela