Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,074

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Francis Freeman/Ajax:
You know the funniest part of all this? You still think we're making you a superhero. You, a dishonorable discharge, hip-deep in hookers? You're nothing. Little secret, Wade: this workshop doesn't make superheroes, we make super slaves. We're gonna fit you with a control collar and auction you off to the highest bidder. Who knows what they'll have you do? Terrorizing citizens, putting down freedom fighters... maybe just mow the occasional lawn.

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Francis Freeman/Ajax:
You don't wanna kill me. I'm the only one who can fix your ugly mug!

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Francis Freeman/Ajax:
Fucking Wade Wilson. Suppose I'd wear a mask, too, if I had a face like that. I only wish I'd heal the same.

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Oh, and that guy over there came in looking for you. Real "Grim Reaper" type. I dunno, might further the plot.

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Deadpool. That sounds like a fucking franchise.

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade, we have a fucking problem, and by "we", I mean "you".

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[To Blind Al, after Deadpool leaves, saying he hid a stash of cocaine] Wanna get fucked up?

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Weapon X recruiter ("Agent Smith"):
Mr. Wilson. Nothing warms my heart more than a change of someone else's. You finally hit "fuck it"!

Deadpool  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Nobody fucks with my car.

Death Race  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

This prison is the home to murderers, rapists, and violent offenders of every kind. The United States Penal System sends me the worst of the worst.

Death Race  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[The Heffley family in their cartoon drawings pull up in their car in the Rocket Rollers Roller Rink's parking lot]

[steps out, looks up at the sign] 7th grader. Sounds a lot better than 6th grader.

[steps out of the car and closes the door; sighs] This is a "Greg thing." I don't see why I had to come.

Because, Rodrick, this is a family event, and like it or not, you're part of the Heffley family.

Yeah. That and we already paid for your ticket.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Well, you brought this on yourselves. You can kiss Rockin' Rapids good-bye. You two will stay here together all weekend and work out your differences. And if you don't, I will... and trust me, you don't want any part of that. Do you understand?



All right, let's go.

And don't have anybody over this weekend. Got it?

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

OK. Everything's cool here, right, Greg?

Yeah, Mom, and I have your number if I need you.

[on the phone] OK, sweeties. We'll see you tomorrow. Good night.

[whispering angrily to the boys] Listen up. If you do anything that embarrasses me, ANYTHING at all, I will-

You will what?

Just, stay out of my way... nerds.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[to Greg and Rowley about to pick up the phone] REMINDER! You can't call if you're dead.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[on phone speaker] Hey, guys. Manny’s sick, and we’re on our way home. See you in an hour.

[Greg and Rodrick wake up, horrified]


Moly! [gets up from the sofa and he and brother look around the messy house; to Rodrick] You are in so much trouble.

[A cartoon drawing shows Frank and Susan standing in front of Rodrick’s grave]

Me? You lied to Mom just as much as I did, and you know how she feels about lying. She’s gonna kill both of us!

[Another drawing shows Greg’s grave lying next to Rodrick’s and a vulture lands on the headstone]

You do the living room, I’ll start the kitchen, go!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Greg, is there something you want to say to Rowley and his father?

[to Rowley and Mr Jefferson] I'm sorry for choosing an inappropriate movie for the sleepover. At least nobody got hurt this time.

[Cuts to a flashback of Greg and rowley's sleepover]

I'm a little birdy! I'm a little birdy! (falls of the bed and injures himself) My Kneebone!

[Cuts to the present, where Rowley and his father leave the Heffley house]


Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[sternly enters Greg’s room] Greg, two words. Bathroom. Door.

[Greg anxiously hesitates to reply; Susan gives him a "Well?" look on her face]

[bursting out] IT WAS RODRICK! HE MADE ME! IT WAS HIS IDEA! He had the party! Someone wrote on the door, so we had to change it!

I knew it. I knew it. [starts to leave the room]

[gets up from his desk and runs to the door and closes it] No, Mom, wait! I was exaggerating a little bit. It wasn’t a party. It was a band rehearsal for the talent show. That’s all it was.

We said nobody could come over. He knew the rules.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[to Greg] This "Mom Bucks" thing is a gold mine muchacho. Better not ruin it for me.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Oh, honey, hi! Remember when we were young like this? And we used to dance and go to parties and stuff like that?

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

What did I say about being civil to one another?! That's all I asked of you! [as time passes] Well, you have blown it big time! Never been more embarrassed. Everyone we know was there. [sobbing] I have no idea how I'm gonna write my column this week. I feel like a complete fraud!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Ace Speck:
Move it!

Dr King Schultz:
My good man, did you simply get carried away with your dramatic gesture, or are you pointing that weapon at me with lethal intention?

Ace Speck:
(cocks rifle) Last chance, fancy pants.

Dr Schultz:
Oh very well. (drops his latern and draws his revolver, shooting Ace and Dicky's horse in the head, the latter falling under the rider and crushing his leg)

Dr Schultz:
I'm sorry to put a bullet in your beast, but I didn't want you to do anything rash before you had a moment to come to your senses.

Dicky Speck:
You goddamn son of a bitch! You shot Rascal! And you killed Ace!

Dr Schultz:
I only shot your brother once he threatened to shoot me, and I believe I have (counts slaves) one, two, three, four, five, six, seven witness who can attest to that fact.

Dicky Speck:
My leg's busted!

Dr Schultz:
(drily) No doubt.

Django Unchained  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Django and Schultz walk into the saloon in Daughtrey]

Dr. King Schultz:
Good morning, innkeeper! Two beers for two weary travelers.

Saloon Keeper Pete:
It's still a bit early. We won't be open for another hour. By then, we'll be servin' breakfast. [sees Django] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What the hell do you think you're doing, boy?! Get that nigger out of here! [runs out of the saloon] Help! Help!

Innkeeper! Remember, get the Sheriff, not the Marshal!

Sheriff! Sheriff!

Alas. Now we must act as our own bartender. Sit down, my boy. [drafts two beer mugs]

What kinda dentist are you?

[laughs] Despite that cart I haven't practiced dentistry in five years. But these days I practice a new profession: bounty hunter. Do you know what a bounty hunter is?


Well, the way the slave trade deals in human lives for cash, a bounty hunter deals in corpses. [clicks his tongue] Hat. [Django moves his hat aside; Schultz set the two beers on the table] Prost? The state places a bounty on a man's head. I track that man, I find that man, I kill that man. After I've killed him, I transport that man's corpse back to the authorities - sometimes that's easier said than done. I show that corpse to the authorities - proving yes indeed I truly have killed him, at which point the authorities pay me the bounty. So, like slavery, it's a flesh for cash business.

What's a bounty?

It's like a reward.

You kill people? And they give you a reward?

Certain people, yeah.

Bad people?

Ah, badder they are, bigger the reward. Which brings me to you, and I must admit I'm at a bit of a quandary when it comes to you. On one hand I despise slavery, on the other hand I need your help. If you're not in a position to refuse, all the better. So for the time being I'm gonna make this slavery malarkey work to my benefit. Still, having said that, I feel guilty. So, I would like the two of us to enter into an agreement. I'm looking for the Brittle brothers. However in this endeavor I'm at a slight disadvantage in so far as I have no idea what they look like. But you do...don'tcha?

I know what they look like all right.

Good. So, here's my agreement. You travel with me until we find them.

Where we goin'?

I hear at least two of them are overseeing up in Gatlinburg, but I don't know where. That means we visit every plantation in Gatlinburg till we find them. And when we find them, you point them out, and I kill them. You do that, I agree to give you your freedom, twenty-five dollars per Brittle Brother, that's seventy-five dollars — and, as if on cue, here comes the Sheriff.

Sheriff Bill Sharp:
Okay, boys! Fun's over. Come on out. [Schultz and Django step outside] Alright, folks, calm down! Go about your business. These jokers will be gone soon. Now, why y'all wanna come into my town and start trouble, and scare all these nice people? You ain't got nothin' better to do than to come into Bill Sharp's town and show your ass? [Schultz advances on the sheriff and shoots him with a concealed derringer.]

What did you just do to our Sheriff? [Schultz walks around the wounded sheriff and shoots him again in the head]

[to the bartender] Now you can get the marshal.

Marshal! Marshal!

Django Unchained  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Django Freeman:
How you know Brunhilde's first master's was German?

Dr. King Schultz:
Brunhilde is a German name. If they named her it stands to reason they'd be German.

Lots of gals where you from named Brunhilde?

Brunhilde is the name of a character in the most popular of all the German legends.

There's a story 'bout Brunhilde?

Yes there is.

Do you know it?

Oh every German knows that story. Would you like me to tell you? [Django nods] Well, Brunhilde was a princess. She was the daughter of Wotan, god of all gods. Anyway her father is really mad at her.

What'd she do?

I can't exactly remember. She disobeys him in some way. So he puts her on top of a mountain.

Brunhilde's on a mountain?

It's a German legend, there's always going to be a mountain in there somewhere. And he puts a fire-breathing dragon there to guard the mountain, and he surrounds her in a circle of hellfire. And there Brunhilde shall remain unless a hero arises brave enough to save her.

Does a fella arise?

Yes Django, as a matter of fact he does. A fella named Sigfried.

Does Sigfried save her?

[nods] Quite spectacularly so. He scales the mountain because he's not afraid of it. He slays the dragon because he's not afraid of him. And he walks through hellfire because Brunhilde's worth it.

I know how he feels.

I think I'm just starting to realize that. Look Django, I don't doubt that one day you'll save your lady love, but I can't let you go into Greenville in a good conscience. A slave auction town in Mississippi isn't the place for you to visit, free or not it's just too dangerous. But let me ask you a question: how do you like the bounty hunting business?

Kill white folks and they pay you for it? What's not to like?

I have to admit we make a good team.

I thought you was mad at me for killin' Big John and Little Raj.

Yeah, on that occasion you were a tad overzealous, but normally that's a good thing. How'd you like to partner up for the winter?

Whatcha mean partner up?

You work with me through the winter till the snow melts. I give you a third of my bounties so we make some money this winter and when the snow melts I'll take you to Greenville myself and we'll find where they sent your wife.

Why you care what happens to me? Why you care if I find my wife?

Frankly, I've never given anybody their freedom before, and now that I have I feel vaguely responsible for you. Plus when a German meets a real-life Sigfried that's kind of a big deal. As a German I'm obliged to help you on your quest to rescue your beloved Brunhilde.

Django Unchained  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Billy Crash:
[To Django] So y'all bounty hunters, huh? I knew there was somethin' fishy 'bout y'all. We found your wanted posters and book of figures in your saddle bags. I gotta say, I ain't never hearda no black bounty hunter before. Black boy paid to kill white men, how'd ya like that kinda work? Probably pretty good while it lasted, huh? [holding a knife to Django's groin] Time to say goodbye to them nuts, blackie. On three. One. [Django screams in pain] I gotcha. Two. [Django yells a muffled "please!"] Calm down now, here it comes.

Captain? Miss Lara wanna see you. Somethin' to do with the old man's funeral. Oh, and she changed her mind 'bout snippin' Django. She gonna give 'em to the LeQuint Dickey people.

Billy Crash:
[annoyed] Well she didn't waste a minute tellin' me. How disappointing.

Django Unchained  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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