Nate Lambert: [Upon seeing Jake for the first time] You gotta be kidding me.
– Pacific Rim Uprising Movie Quote
Nate Lambert: Gipsy to Command, you reading this?
Nate Lambert: We're going to need more pilots. [Jake Pentecost: We have them.]
Nate Lambert: [After Newt merges Raijin, Shrikethorn, and Hakuja into a Mega-Kaiju] Well, he's pretty big.
Nate Lambert: [After knocking out Newt] Anyone who's listening, this is Ranger Lambert. Be advised, we just got ourselves a Newt.
Liwen Shao: [To Newt] I said, don't make me question your loyalty. Understand?
Amara Namani: Told you she's not a "Toy"!
Amara Namani: I built her because one day they're gonna come back. The Kaiju. And when they do, I'm not gonna be stuck waiting for someone else to come save my ass. Not like before.
Amara Namani: Scrapper!
Amara Namani: You pilot Gipsy Avenger?
Amara Namani: [In Russian] "Kiss my ass."
Amara Namani: You know where I learned that? On the streets, you big dumb–
Mako Mori: Father used to say we make our own luck.
Hermann Gottlieb: Everyone else seemed to be a little preoccupied with the killer drones your boss just set up!
Hermann Gottlieb: You– [Realizing the first drift of Newt with the Precursors] –Precursors.
Hermann Gottlieb: It means– "yes"!
Jules Reyes: Don't get yourself killed. [Kisses Nate on the cheek] You either. [Kisses Jake on the cheek and leaves]
Marshal Quan: Precursors didn't do this. [Pause] Humans did.
Marshal Quan: [To Jake and Nate] Get to Gipsy, go! All pilots, man your Jaegers and engage hostiles!
Newton "Newt" Geiszler: [Trying to speak Chinese language] Goddammit! Why can't I get this language?
Newton "Newt" Geiszler: [When revealing to Hermann that he has been infected by the Precursors] Why would I do this? Well– I guess I wouldn't. Not normally, not really my style. Yeah, no, I don't know. Maybe I hate you all for treating me like an insignificant, little joke of a man. Maybe that's why he did it, Hermann. I did it. Well, let's see– There you go. There's the problem. I'm just not feeling totally myself these days.
Newton "Newt" Geiszler: [As he grabbed Hermann by the throat when his friend tries to help him go back to his senses] HE IS NOT STRONG ENOUGH! NONE OF YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH!!!
Newton "Newt" Geiszler: [During a Jaeger and Kaiju fight in Tokyo] Okay, going with giant robots again? REAL original, guys. I am not impressed. I am not impressed.
Newton "Newt" Geiszler: [After Gipsy Avenger kills the Mega-Kaiju] NO! NO! [Grunts angrily] Okay, you know what? Plan B. Always a plan B. [Gets punched unconscious by Nate]