Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,211

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Oh, mercy – please: You should have been warned better. What you just saw is a long, long, long observed custom. Those two men has just reached end of the Hårga life-cycle. It is a great joy for them, you must realize. And when I do so, it will be a great joy for me. We view life as a circle. Okay? A re-cycle. One thing falls and another rises. The first man who jumped: his name was Olof. Yes? That baby, who is not yet born, will inherit this name. He will be Olof. And if it is a girl, she will take the name of our last fallen lady, which was Dagmar. But instead of growing old and getting sick and dying in pain and shame and fear, we’ll give our life – as a gesture. Yes? A gift. And we will leave this chapter with dignity and gratitude. Before it can spoil. It does no good to die kicking and screaming and lashing back at the inevitable. It corrupts the soul.

Midsommar  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Well. We, um - have something regretful to announce. This morning, the nineteenth book of Rubi Radr was found missin', from the temple. We don't want to - point fingers, and yet we kindly ask that whoever took it return it, to its original place. You can leave it in the temple, which will be left unguarded, unwatched. Nobody need to know, it was you.

Midsommar  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[shouting in Swedish to Mark] You're pissing on my people! [to Pelle] Your little fucking American friend! He's pissed on the Rotvälta!

Midsommar  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Christian? [snaps fingers twice] Christian... Hi. Hello! There you are! Listen: You can't speak. You can't move. [smiles] All right? [smiles] Good.

Midsommar  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[in Swedish after being impregnated by Christian during the mating ritual] I feel it! I can feel the baby!

Midsommar  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Jake and Amara are locked up in a cell.]

Jake Pentecost:
Should've let me pilot.

Amara Namani:
Oh, like this is my fault? You compromised my command center.

Jake Pentecost:
Wow. Your command center?

Amara Namani:
Yes. My command center.

Jake Pentecost:
Wait, sorry, sorry, I didn't hear that. Your command center?

[Jake and Amara start talking over each other.]

Amara Namani:
Yes! And you had no place to come in, and try to tell me what to do.

Jake Pentecost:
I go wherever I want. I go wherever I want. It's a different world, right? Okay? It's a different world.

Amara Namani:
Oh, yeah, 'cause it really worked out well, right? Look where we're at, right?

Jake Pentecost:
You know what? Your top lip and your bottom lip, they need to meet and become friends.

Amara Namani:
Smart. That's a good one.

Jake Pentecost:
Need to close up, alright? Shut up. Shut up.

Amara Namani:
Yeah, I can.

Jake Pentecost:
Conversation done.

Amara Namani:

Jake Pentecost:
Junkyard baby.


Jake Pentecost:
Why did you build it?

Amara Namani:
What happened to the shutting up?

Jake Pentecost:
You said you wasn't gonna sell it, so what the hell was you gonna do? Rob a bank or something?

Amara Namani:
I built her because one day they're gonna come back. The Kaiju. And when they do, I'm not gonna be stuck waiting for someone else to come save my ass. Not like before.

[Two prison guards open the cell door.]

Prison guard:
[To Jake] You. Let's go.

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Jake is forced into an interrogation room. Mako appears via hologram.]

Mako Mori:
Hello, Jake. Here we are again.

Jake Pentecost:
It's just a stretch of bad luck. I'll figure it out.

Mako Mori:
Father used to say we make our own luck.

Jake Pentecost:
Yeah, well, Dad said a lot of things.

Mako Mori:
You were arrested in a rogue Jaeger.

Jake Pentecost:
Hold on a second. That wasn't my Jaeger. There's this little kid. She's about this tall–

Mako Mori:
You have priors. This is serious.

Jake Pentecost:
Okay. That's why I need my big sis to help me get the hell out of here. Just one last time.

Mako Mori:
They are not going to let you just walk, but there might be another way.

Jake Pentecost:
Okay. See, that's what I wanna hear. That's what I'm here to talk about, the other way. [Sits down on a chair] Lay it on me. What do I gotta do?

Mako Mori:
Re-enlist and finish what you started.

Jake Pentecost:
I'm not doing that. Look, I'm too old to be a cadet.

Mako Mori:
I don't want you to be a cadet. I want you to help train them.

Jake Pentecost:
Train who? Train what? I'm not training no damn kids.

Mako Mori:
The transport is standing by to bring both of you to Moyulan.

Jake Pentecost:
Both of us?

Mako Mori:
You and your new recruit.

[The hologram turns off.]

Jake Pentecost:
[Stands up] Mako! [Waves at the sensors, then sits down] I can't believe she just hologrammed me.

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Jake and Amara arrive at the Shatterdome via airship. They exit the airship.]

Jake Pentecost:
Yeah, look. I didn't have a choice.

Amara Namani:
I know, I get it. But why me? Why do they want me for the program?

Jake Pentecost:
You built and piloted your own Jaeger. These people like that kind of stuff.

Amara Namani:
Okay, so then why am I just a cadet and you get to be a ranger?

[Jake and Amara see Valor Omega walk by.]

Amara Namani:
Valor Omega. Oh, my God. That– That is Valor Omega.

[Two airships airlifting Scrapper appear.]

Amara Namani:
[Sees Scrapper being airlifted] Scrapper!

[The airships release the cables, causing Scrapper to land on the ground. Scrapper tilts forward and falls to the ground face-first.]

Amara Namani:
[Annoyed] Hey!

Nate Lambert:
[Approaches Jake and Amara] You gotta be kidding me. I didn't believe it when they told me you were inbound.

Jake Pentecost:
How you doing, Nate?

Nate Lambert:
It's Ranger Lambert.

Jake Pentecost:
Are you having a laugh?

Nate Lambert:
Well, this is a military base. You remember how that works, Ranger Pentecost.

[Amara turns to look at Jake, realizing who he is.]

Nate Lambert:
[To Amara] You must be Amara Namani.

Amara Namani:
[Turns to Nate] Yes, sir. Ranger, sir.

Nate Lambert:
Well, let's get you squared away. [Walks away] Oh, and, uh, try not to steal anything while you're here.

[Jake and Amara follow Nate.]

Amara Namani:
Did that haircut just call you Pentecost? As in "Badass Stacker Pentecost"? Pilot of Coyote Tango, hero of basically the whole world?

Jake Pentecost:
It's just a name.

Amara Namani:
Yeah, a really cool name.

[Jake, Amara, and Nate head across the hangar.]

Nate Lambert:
SIM training starts at 0600. You're late, you missed the day. You fall behind, you'll be on the next transport back to wherever they found you.

Amara Namani:
[Sees Titan Redeemer] That's Titan Redeemer! [Sees Bracer Phoenix] And Bracer Phoenix! She's a three-man rig! [Sees Saber Athena] Saber Athena! I love Saber Athena! She's the fastest Jaeger in the fleet. Did you know that?

Woman on PA:
Warning. Stand clear of lift.

Amara Namani:
Okay, so which one's yours?

Nate Lambert:

[Jake and Amara turn to look at Gipsy Avenger.]

Amara Namani:
[To Nate] You pilot Gipsy Avenger?

Jules Reyes:
[Approaches Jake, Amara, and Nate] He used to, until his co-pilot got a better offer in the private sector. [Holds out her hand to Amara] Jules Reyes, J-Tech.

Amara Namani:
[Shakes Jules' hand] Amara, cadet.

[Jules turns to Jake and holds out her hand to him.]

Jake Pentecost:
[Shakes Jules' hand] Jake, ranger, apparently.

Jules Reyes:
Heard a lot about you, Pentecost.

Jake Pentecost:

Jules Reyes:
You know you still hold the record?

Amara Namani:
What record?

Jake Pentecost:
Shut up.

Jules Reyes:
So how'd they lure you back? I mean, it couldn't have been the pay, so–

Jake Pentecost:
Uh, yeah, it's a long story, but if you– if you want to talk about it, we can meet up–

Nate Lambert:
She's busy.

Jules Reyes:
[To Jake] Ranger. [Walks away]

Nate Lambert:
[To Jake] Eyes front, Pentecost.

[Jake, Amara, and Nate walk away.]

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[The cadet quarters:
Suresh and Renata are sparring.]

Suresh Khuran:
[Gets punched by Renata] Come on, Renata, not the face!

Renata Gutierrez:
Sorry, man. [Slaps Suresh]

[As Suresh and Renata spar, Tahima and Ilya are playing a card game. Jinhai is doing sit ups on the edge of the bed, while Ryoichi, who is kneeling on Jinhai's legs on the top bunk, is reading a comic book.]

Tahima Shaheen:
I raise you, two shower chits.

Ou-Yang Jinhai:
[To Ilya] Fold, Ilya. You need all the showers you can get, man.

Ilya Zaslavsky:
[Turns to Jinhai, annoyed] I have a musk! [Turns back to Tahima] What you smell is musk.

Ryoichi Hatayama:
[Turns to see Jake, Amara, and Nate entering, to the cadets] Ranger on deck!

[The cadets get into formation.]

Nate Lambert:
Cadets– [Gestures to Amara] –this is Amara Namani. She'll be joining you in SIM training bright and early.

[Viktoriya glares at Amara.]

Nate Lambert:
[Gestures to Jake] This is Ranger Pentecost. He'll be helping me instruct you until I can find a new co-pilot to replace Ranger Burke. Anything you'd like to add?


Jake Pentecost:
Nothing you wanna hear.

Nate Lambert:
[To Viktoriya] Malikova– [Gestures to Amara] –get Namani squared away and prepped for training.

Viktoriya Malikova:
Yes, sir!

Nate Lambert:
As you were.

[Jake and Nate leave. The cadets disperse.]

Ryoichi Hatayama:
[Excited] Pentecost. We're gonna be trained by a Pentecost!

Viktoriya Malikova:
So? Not like he was the one who died helping close the breach. [Goes to the Jaeger simulator] He's never even been in combat.

Amara Namani:
[Approaches Viktoriya] Uh, hey. So, where should I–?

Viktoriya Malikova:
Heard you built your own little Jaeger.

Amara Namani:
Yeah. Actually, Scrapper. I operated her, too, with this solo unit–

Viktoriya Malikova:
You want to put junk together, be a mechanic. Moyulan is for pilots. [Sits down]

Ou-Yang Jinhai:
[Approaches Amara] Hey, come on. I got you.

Amara Namani:
[Takes off her backpack and gives it to Jinhai. Jinhai takes it] Thanks. Um–

Ou-Yang Jinhai:
[Hangs Amara's backpack on his right shoulder] Jinhai. Ou-Yang Jinhai. So, you and Vik, already buddies, huh?

Amara Namani:
[Surprised] Vik?

Suresh Khuran:
It's short for Viktoriya, but you don't wanna call her that.

Amara Namani:
Yo, what's her problem?

Renata Gutierrez:
Took her three shots to pass the entrance test.

Ou-Yang Jinhai:
Yeah. Don't think she likes how you landed here.

Amara Namani:
Well, it's not my fault. Recruiters never come around back home.

Ou-Yang Jinhai:
Hey, know any Russian?

Amara Namani:

Ou-Yang Jinhai:
I'll teach you some. Calms her down. Come on, let's get you squared away.

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Shao is giving a meeting about her Drone Jaegers.]

Liwen Shao:
My drones are the next step in Jaeger Evolution. The system I designed process in command through a quantum data core. This means that a single pilot can operate the drone remotely– from anywhere in the world. As soon as the council approves deployment, based on Secretary-General Mori's final report, the days of struggling to find and train drift compatible pilots will be a thing in the past.

Nate Lambert:
And you think a bunch of desk jockeys are better than us?

Liwen Shao:
We are not here to shut you down. Cooperation between our programs has never been more vital. If there are any questions.

[Everyone's voices overlap as they start talking.]

PPDC Ranger:
We are pilots, not a bunch of office workers!

Newton Geiszler:
And now we're shouting. There's no need to shout.

[Jake leaves, with Mako following behind.]

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Jake and Mako make their way down to the hangar.]

Jake Pentecost:
Well, that was slick. So how long until all this is shut down so I can go home?

Mako Mori:
I don't trust the tech. Not yet at least.

Jake Pentecost:
Well, it looks pretty good to me.

Mako Mori:
Remote systems can be hacked or compromised.

Jake Pentecost:
No, you've got the key vote, right? So there you go, it's your decision. [Goes to the handrails]

Mako Mori:
[Follows her brother to the handrails] I wish I could just go ahead and approve them. Nearly half the counsel is backing Liwen. They aren't going to like my decision.

Jake Pentecost:
Who cares what they like, and what they don't like? I tell you what? I'm gonna go with you. For moral support. Plus I wanna get out of this place.

Mako Mori:
I'm glad you offered, because I already requested Gipsy Avenger as honor guard at the Council Summit.

Jake Pentecost:
You know Gipsy's Nate's ride.

Mako Mori:
His co-pilot works for Liwen now. He needs a new one.

Jake Pentecost:
One that you already know is drift compatible. Alright. I'll do it. I got your back. But I wanna be there when you tell Nate, cause I just want to see his face. He's gonna be so pissed. He's just gonna stand there like– [Imitating Nate] "Yeah, I don't think you belong in a Jaeger, Jake. Get out of my Jaeger. I'm handsome and sexy." [Normal voice] He is handsome. He is sexy.

Mako Mori:
Thank you, Jake. [Puts her hand on Jake's back and pats it]

[Jake looks at his sister and smiles. They turn to stare at Gipsy Avenger.]

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Jake enters a room where Amara is trying and failing to drift with Sarah, a brain in a container.]

Amara Namani:
[Groans angrily] Come on, Sarah! Do something! You stupid brain thing! [Sees Jake] Hey.

Jake Pentecost:

Amara Namani:
[Takes off her helmet] So, I'm not really good at– emotional stuff, but– I really am sorry about your sister. [Jake nods] Half-sister?

Jake Pentecost:
Yeah, her family died during the Onibaba attack. My dad took her in. She was my sister. My family.

Amara Namani:
Why are you out of your uniform?

Jake Pentecost:
Just had a lot in my mind after Sydney. Guess I just wanted to be comfortable.

Amara Namani:
Well, don't let Ranger Lambert see you in that. He might take the stick out of his butt and beat you with it.

Jake Pentecost:
I think I'm safe. It's wedged in there pretty tight.

[Amara chuckles.]

Jake Pentecost:
[Looks at Sarah in the container] So they're still using Sarah. [Taps the container]

Amara Namani:
Yeah. And I can't drift with her for some reason. All the other cadets have been training for years, and I just– hate feeling like the slow kid.

Jake Pentecost:
You gotta relax. Or you're just grinding gears. I'll help you out. [Activates the simulator]

Amara Namani:
Got it, coach.

Jake Pentecost:
Don't call me coach.

Amara Namani:
Alright, sensei.

Jake Pentecost:
Concentrate. [Flicks Amara's ear, then readies his helmet] You have to make a good connection. You can't do that if you're yappin' your gums.

[Jake and Amara put on their helmets.]

Jake Pentecost:
You ready?

Amara Namani:

Jake Pentecost:
Alright. [Pushes a few buttons on the screen] Let's see if we're drift compatible.

[As Jake and Amara drift, memories from their past flash by.]

Jake Pentecost:
Stay focused, Amara. Remember, the stronger your connection, the better you fight. [Amara relaxes] That's it.

[Amara suddenly gets caught in a memory of her past.]

Jake Pentecost:
Amara! Don't hang on to the memory. Just let it flow right through you. Amara!

[The memory shows Amara, as a little girl, with her parents and brother at the Santa Monica Pier. Young Amara and her mother and brother gather for a family photo.]

Amara's father:
Amara, jump in there. Yeah, come on. Get together. Ready? One, two, cheese. [Clicks the camera, then takes out the photo from the camera] Got it. Wanna see? [Gives Young Amara the photo. Young Amara takes it] Wait a sec.

[Young Amara runs past Jake on her way to the edge of the pier to look at the photo.]

Jake Pentecost:
Amara. Amara, you have to let it go. Amara! Look, just listen to my voice! Amara!

[Young Amara looks at the photo when water droplets started coming down. She looks up to see Insurrector emerging from the water. Everyone at the pier runs for their lives as the Kaiju roars. Young Amara tries to run to her parents and brother, but Insurrector's breaks a gap of the pier as it walks, separating Young Amara from her parents and brother.]

Jake Pentecost:

Young Amara Namani:
Daddy! Daddy!

Amara's father:
Amara! Come on, jump!

Jake Pentecost:
Amara! We need to break the drift!

Amara's father:
[Holds out his hand] Jump to me. Come on!

Young Amara Namani:
I'm scared!

Amara's father:
Baby. I will catch you! I promise. Come on!

Jake Pentecost:

Amara's mother:
Amara, come on!

Amara's father:

[Young Amara runs towards her parents and brother, but before she can jump to them, Insurrector's foot stomps right where Young Amara's parents and brother were standing, killing them all, as Young Amara looks on in sadness. The memory finally ends, returning Jake and Amara to the present day.]

Jake Pentecost:
[Takes off his helmet] Amara! Take it off! [Takes off Amara's helmet, then holds her head as she starts crying] Are you okay?

[Amara looks around and realizes that she is back in the present day.]

Amara Namani:
I was there. I felt it.

Jake Pentecost:
Yeah. I felt it too.

Nate Lambert:
[Over Jake's walkie-talkie] Jake, it's me. You there?

Jake Pentecost:
[Takes out his walkie-talkie and speaks into it] Yeah, I'm here.

Nate Lambert:
[Over Jake's walkie-talkie] Meet me in the lab right away. Marshal wants to see us.

Jake Pentecost:
[On his walkie-talkie] Alright. On my way. [Puts his hand on Amara's shoulder] You okay? [Amara nods]

[Making sure that Amara is okay, Jake heads out.]

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[The cadet quarters:
Amara is watching footage of the fight in Sydney on a data pad.]

Amara Namani:
They're calling it Obsidian Fury. There's never been a rogue like this.

Meilin Gao:
News feeds said they are posting a dozen Jaegers at the memorial.

Suresh Khuran:
When I die, I want that many to send me off.

Renata Gutierrez:
Your pops gonna make you work with boobs when you wash out.

Ilya Zaslavsky:
Jaegers do not show up when the boob guy does.

Amara Namani:
Wait, you dad works with boobs?

Suresh Khuran:
[Sitting next to a chest that is open] He's a plastic surgeon. He doesn't just work with– [Closes the chest] I'm not gonna wash out. I'm gonna be a pilot.

Ou-Yang Jinhai:
Still, you die, man, they post one Jaeger at your funeral.

[Renata laughs.]

Ou-Yang Jinhai:
Maybe half a Jaeger.

[The cadets laugh.]

Viktoriya Malikova:
I heard that's where they found Amara, in half a Jaeger.

Amara Namani:
It was a whole Jaeger. [Puts down the data pad and stands up] It just wasn't very big– Viktoriya.

[Viktoriya gets down from her bunk and gets in Amara's face.]

Viktoriya Malikova:
Bigger is better.

Amara Namani:
[In Russian] Kiss my ass.

Viktoriya Malikova:
What did you say?

Amara Namani:
[In Russian] Kiss my ass. [In English, to Jinhai] Am I saying that right?

Ou-Yang Jinhai:

[Viktoriya pulls Amara into a chokehold, causing the other cadets to try and stop them.]

Viktoriya Malikova:
I worked every day of my life to be here! You didn't do anything! You were just picked up off the street like garage!

[Amara elbows Viktoriya in the stomach. She quickly flips her over her shoulder onto the ground and locks her head between her legs.]

Amara Namani:
You know where I learned that? On the streets, you big dumb–

Ryoichi Hatayama:
Ranger on deck!

[The cadets get into formation. As Nate enters, Amara and Viktoriya scramble to their feet.]

Amara Namani:
She jumped me!

Viktoriya Malikova:
She doesn't belong here!

Nate Lambert:
I DON'T CARE! You know, when I first joined the Corp, I was just like you. Worse, I was nobody.

[Jake appears behind Nate.]

Nate Lambert:
But that woman we laid to rest today, Mako Mori. She said: Whoever you are, the minute you enter this program, you join a family. And no matter what they do– [Glances at Jake] –no matter how stupid they may act sometimes, you forgive them– [Turns to the cadets] –and you move on. So you start believing that, in here. And you'll start believing in a Jaeger.

Jules Reyes:
[Enters] Hey. Marshal's looking for you guys. Says Gottlieb found something.

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[The cadet quarters:
Two officers are packing Amara's stuff.]

Suresh Khuran:
This isn't fair.

[Jinhai, with a bandage on his arm, steps up to Amara.]

Ou-Yang Jinhai:
[Puts his hand on Amara's sholder] I'm sorry. You don't deserve this.

[Amara turns to Jinhai. Viktoriya feels uneasy over Amara leaving.]

Amara Namani:
It was my fault. This is on me.

[An officer hands Amara her bag. Amara takes it. She and the two officers head out, with the other cadets sadly looking on.]

Viktoriya Malikova:
[Calls out to Amara] Amara. [Amara turns to her] The next Jaeger you build– make it a big one.

[Amara looks at Viktoriya before heading out with the two officers. The other cadets look on.]

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Amara is running when she runs into the other cadets.]

Ou-Yang Jinhai:
What's happening?!

Ryoichi Hatayama:
Amara, are those Jaegers?

Amara Namani:
No, they're drones from Shao Industries.

Tahima Shaheen:
What are they doing?

Amara Namani:
I don't know. They just went crazy.

Nate Lambert:
[Calls out to Amara and the other cadets] Hey!

[Amara and the cadets turn to see Jake and Nate running past them.]

Nate Lambert:
Clear the deck now!

Jake Pentecost:
Get back to your quarters right now!

[As Titan Redeemer battles the drones, Amara and the other cadets make a run for it.]

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Newt sees on his tablet that the Mega-Kaiju has been killed by Gipsy Avenger.]

Newton Geiszler:
[Angrily] No! NO! [Grunts angrily] Okay, you know what? Plan B. Always a Plan B.

[Newt turns around to see Nate behind him. Nate punches Newt in the face, knocking him unconscious.]

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Jake Pentecost:
[Narrating] My generation, we were born into war. Giant monsters attacked our world. We called them, "Kaiju". They came from the Breach, a gateway to another dimension, at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. They were sent by an alien race on the other side, the Precursors. We fought back, building our own monsters– "Jaegers". Giant robots, so big they needed two pilots to run 'em. My father was one of them. He sacrificed himself to help save the world. I– am not my father. It's been 10 years since we won the war, and closed the Breach. Most of the world's recovered. But a few coastal cities never did. And the world is still picking up the pieces. But some of us live better in a broken world. And squatting in half a mansion is better than paying for some crappy apartment. Now, in the relief zones, you have to get creative. You have to hustle, or somebody else might eat your breakfast. And your cookies. And you damn hot sauce. You know, out here, we place a different value on things. The Pan Pacific Defense Corps usually looks the other way, as long as you don't go poking around where you don't belong. Say, like a decommissioned Jaeger Scrapyard. Big risks means big reward. And nothing pays more than stolen Jaeger tech. Plenty of nutcases out here trying to slap together their own Jaegers. But they need the parts to do it. So if you can steal what no one else can steal– you can live like a king.

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Jake Pentecost:
Join the Jaeger Uprising.

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Jake Pentecost:
He said a lot of things. I'm not a hero like he was.

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Jake Pentecost:
Pilots of Obsidian Fury, get the hell out of your Conn-Pod! [Opens Obsidian Fury's faceplate; to Nate] What the hell is that?! [Revealing a secondary Kaiju Brain inside Obsidian Fury's Conn-Pod]

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Jake Pentecost:
How'd they get into our world?

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Jake Pentecost:
[After Jules saves Nate from the collapsing Titan Redeemer] Really? Now?!

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Jake Pentecost:
All Jaegers, advance and fire everything you've got! On my command! [All Jaegers lock and loaded to attack the Mega-Kaiju] GO!

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Jake Pentecost:
[To an imprisoned Newt] Nah. The things in your head? Precursors? Tell 'em we're not afraid. Tell 'em next time, they won't need to worry about coming for us. 'Cause we're gonna come for them.

Pacific Rim Uprising  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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