Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,214

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Okay, Leonard. Time for Plan X.

Plan X? I thought you said spandex.

Silver, Red:

The Angry Birds Movie 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

News flash, bro. I am over you, I’m over this place, and I am ready to get that upgrade situation going for me and my daughter.


[Mighty Eagle and the rest of the group all gasp in shock]

Well, our daughter.

[Debbie gasps]

Mighty Eagle:
What? [everyone watching gasps]

Dios mio!


That’s my dad?

Mighty Eagle:
I have a daughter?

Yes, you do! And I raised her all by myself, in this icy wasteland. But now I’m going to be sipping piña coladas on those warm tropical islands like I deserve to!

The Angry Birds Movie 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Tej and Roman continue to bicker over courting Ramsey and Tej asks her to choose]

To be honest, I like both of you. [Tej and Roman grumble approval] But before we get into all of that, let me ask you just one question.

You can ask me anything.


What's my last name? [the guys are speechless] When you guys figure that out then, you can let me know. [leaves]

It's gonna be a Parker. That's all that really matters.

Jones, Miss Parker.

[smiles smugly] Hey, Miss Parker.

The Fate of the Furious  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Mr. Nobody talks to Hobbs about getting his job back]

Mr. Nobody:
Cipher's still on the loose. There's been some reports she's in Athens. But she won't be nuking any city anytime soon. Thanks to you guys. So, I got you a parting favor.

[Sam gives a gift to him] This can't be good.

Mr. Nobody:
Your record's been cleared. Full reinstatement. You got your job back.

Little Nobody:
That is, if you want it.

If I want? [chuckles; looks at his daughter] You know, after 16 years, I figured it's time for a little break.

Mr. Nobody:
[enthusiastic] Wow!

Daddy's staying home. [chuckles at Sam embraces her father and he kisses her, shakes to Mr. Nobody] Nobody.

Mr. Nobody:
[shakes to Luke] Keep in touch. [leave for Little Nobody] Ah, hang on a second. This could be interesting.

The Fate of the Furious  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dominic Toretto:
You've heard me say, that you never turn your back on family. And I wanna thank you all for never turning your back on me. You wanna meet them? All right. Everyone... Meet Brian.

The Fate of the Furious  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[awakens from his vision] Uh, Lucy? What?

Emmet, what have you done?

Wait. [jumps onto another platform] You guys don't think this is all my fault?

Sherry Scratchinpost:
Meh, maybe not entirely your fault.

Sheryl Swoopes:
It's totally your fault!

Gary Payton:
[throws down a spiked ball] You got that right, WNBA legend Sheryl Swoopes.

Listen, everyone, Lucy and the others were kidnapped in some sort of plan to start Armamageddon.

Armamageddon? Where we're banished for an eternity in the Bin of Storaj? That's just a legend.

No it's real and it's gonna happen to all of us unless we rescue them.

Velma Dinkley:
Jinkies! Who's gonna lead the mission?

You wouldn't even make it past the Stairgate, let alone survive the Systar System.

Harley Quinn:
That's a suicide mission!

Abraham Lincoln:
[hovers down in his rocket chair] Wyldstyle said you're not tough enough to do this. Ya haven't changed with the times. You're stuck in the past a quarter score ago.

Larry the Barista:
We've all grown up except for you.

Chainsaw Dave:
Yeah, dude, you're a total Hufflepuff.

[Emmet looks on dismayed]

That's right he is!

Abraham Lincoln:
Definitely not a good one.

But, I'm not...

You remembered what happened to the Justice League. Not with Batman gone and Marvel not returning our calls, there are no real heroes left. Only original Aquaman and unlicensed knock-off, Larry Poppins.

[scene cuts to lego original Aquaman and Larry Poppins a male version of Mary Poppins]

Larry Poppins:
Well, [pulls a plate of salt of his suitcase] I say a spoonful of salt helps the medicine go down. Anyone? No?

Oh, Larry.

[Emmet looks around at the booing Master Builders]

What he said is right!

Oh, come on, everyone! We've done this before! We all took on Lord Business and we've changed the world!! [Chainsaw Dave and the other Lego characters look at him, confused] We are all special now. There's nothing we can't do! [Sherry and her cats and the Sewer Babies listen to the speech] We need to go up to that Alien planet and show those aliens what we're made of! [opens the door, exits the fortress, and turns back to the Master Builders] Who's comin' with me?

[The Master Builders stare at him blankly and seconds later, the door slams shut, hinting they all refuse to help Emmet]

[sighs sadly]

The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[in the melting chamber in melting device] Uh, what's going on here? Uh-oh.

[a red beam of light is shoot at Batman back]

Ouch, ouch, ouch! Not that shut it down.

The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[first lines]

Admiral Collingwood!

Queen Victoria:
Well, Admiral?

Great news, Your Majesty! The French are defeated at last. Also the Russians, the Portuguese, the Chinese, and the Welsh.

Queen Victoria:
Then our navy rules the ocean?

[nervously] Almost entirely, your Majesty.

Queen Victoria:

[Admiral gestures weakly. British flags cover the globe, except in one tiny corner of the Caribbean.]

Unfortunately, just here we're still having a little trouble with [gulps] p- p-pirates.

[Victoria looks up Very scary]

Queen Victoria:
[contained fury] What does it say on my Royal Crest, Admiral?

[Admiral looks up sheepishly to the Royal Coat of Arms.]

"I hate pirates", ma'am.

Queen Victoria:
Exactly, hate them, with their idiotic shanties! And their ridiculous hats! And their endless blasted ROARING!!! I want them sunk, Admiral!! Scuppered, smashed, fed to the sharks!! Do you hear me?! I... HATE... PIRATES!!!

[In a fury she snatches up a lethal carving knife and smashes it into the table, which then transitions to the pirate who likes sunsets and kittens slamming a dagger on the table in the ship.]

The Pirate Who Likes Sunsets & Kittens:
It's the looting.

The Pirate With Gout:
It's the cutlasses.

The Pirate Who Likes Sunsets & Kittens:
It's... the LOOTING!

The Pirate With Gout:
It's the cutlasses!

[cut to the exterior of the ship]

The Pirate Who Likes Sunsets & Kittens:

The Pirate With Gout:

The Pirate Who Likes Sunsets & Kittens:

[A huge brawl in the ship starts. After a few seconds, the Pirate Captain kicks the door open and the fight stops.]

The Pirate Who Likes Sunsets & Kittens:
Sorry, captain.

The Pirate With Gout:
We were just discussing, "What's the best bit about being a pirate?"

Pirate Captain:
Oh, you were, were you?

The Pirate Who Likes Sunsets & Kittens:
I've suggested it might be the looting.

The Pirate With Gout:
Whereas I content, it's the shiny cutlasses.

Albino Pirate:
And I thought it was a chance to catch exotic diseases.

Pirate Captain:
Hmm. Well, you're all of you wrong. The best bit about being pirate isn't the looting or the cutlasses. It's not the grog, or the scurvy, or the scantily clad mermaids. The best bit about being a pirate... iiiiiissssssssss HAM NITE!!! [cuts a rope revealing a banner saying "HAM NITE"]

[the pirates all cheer as they set a table and take a seat]


[the Pirate Captain reveals a large glazed ham and winks; the Pirate Who Likes Sunsets & Kittens bangs the table, sending the ham in the air; the Pirate with the Scarf hands the Captain his cutlass, which uses to cut the ham into slices that land in each crew member's plate; the Captain's slice lands on his cutlasses as he dances and the crew watches from under the table]

The Pirate Who Likes Sunsets & Kittens:
Go, Captain! Go, Captain! Go, Captain!

[the Pirate Captain ends his dance with a split and his crew members cheer]

Albino Pirate:
It's like a meat ballet!

The Pirate With Gout:
To Ham Nite! And to the Pirate Captain!

Albino Pirate:
Pirate Captain!

[the crew cheers]

Pirate Captain:
[chuckles] How was that, Number Two?

The Pirate With The Scarf:
You still got it, Captain.

The Surprisingly Curvaceous Pirate:
[dreamily] I'd take a jellyfish to the face for that man.

Pirate Captain:
Now, now, shush, shush, shush. Settle down. Shush. It's not all about me.

The Pirate With Gout:
Don't be modest.

Pirate Captain:
No, no, no, behind every captain with glittering eyes and luxuriant beard, the crew of briny rogues!

Briny rogues!

Pirate Captain:
Ah, sure, some of you are as ugly as a sea cucumber!

The Pirate With Gout:
[chuckles] Get away with ya!

Pirate Captain:
Some of you are closer to being a chair or coat rack than a pirate! [gestures to a pirate with a peg leg, eyepatch, mechanical arm, and a cork nose] And some of you are just fish I've just dressed up in a hat. [gestures to a fish dressed as a pirate] But you're still the best crew a captain could wish for!

[the pirates cheer again]

The Pirate Who Likes Sunsets & Kittens:
Oh, oh! Don't forget Polly!

Pirate Captain:
Ah, ah, ah! And not forgetting... never forgetting... [The Pirate Who Likes Sunsets & Kittens pulls out Polly and puts her on the table] Polly! The finest parrot to sail the Seven Seas!

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Pirate Captain:
Behind every captain, there's a crew. Sure, some of you are as ugly as a sea cucumber, some of you are closer to being a chair or coat rack than a pirate, and some of you are fish I've just dressed up in a hat...

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Pirate Captain:
Fire those long things that go bang!

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Pirate Captain:
You're the best crew a captain could wish for!

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Pirate Captain:
And that's why, in a straight fight, a shark would probably beat Dracula.

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Charles Darwin:
(writing in his journal) Journal of Charles Darwin. Day 93 aboard the Beagle. I have today discovered a new kind of barnacle, which I have categorized as in the order of Pygophora. I'll never get a girlfriend. I am so unhappy. [a few cannonballs whiz through his office; continues writing in his journal] And now I'm being attacked by pirates.

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Cutlass Liz:
(from trailer) That trophy’s got my name on it.

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Cutlass Liz:
Hello, Boys. You're probably all wondering, If I'm still as deadly as I am beautiful. Well, I am.

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Cutlass Liz:
Peg-Leg, You pile of squid bait, Check it out, lubbers, The world's biggest diamond, That's baby's got my name on it.

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Cutlass Liz:
Really?, If you've got so much booty, Then how come you're still sailing that old wreck?

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Cutlass Liz:
Congratulations, Pirate Captain, Nobody deserves this more than you.

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Cutlass Liz:
And that beard of yours, it drives me, crazy.

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

The Surprisingly Curvaceous Pirate:
I'd take a jellyfish in the face of that man.

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

The Surprisingly Curvaceous Pirate:
Are you going to... Are you going to enter again?

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

The Surprisingly Curvaceous Pirate:
Sorry, It's just, That's my favourite bit.

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Queen Victoria:

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Queen Victoria:
One doesn't why. Perhaps its his luxuriant beard, or his gleaming teeth, or the way he smells faintly of coconuts, but we have taken a shine to this pirate.

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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A The Wizard of Oz
B The Princess Bride
C Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
D It's a Wonderful Life