The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie is a 2014 movie based on Lego products.


Go ahead Em you got this.

Hello. I'm Emmet. Oh, and this is The Piece of Resistance.

[Everyone cheers]

Thank You. Well, uhh, I know I for one am very excited to work with you guys. To get into the Octan tower find the Kragle and put this thing on the thing. And I know it's going to be really hard but...

Really Hard? Wiping your bum with a hook is really hard. This be Impossible. The last time we tried to storm Lord Business's office, we used every plan we could conceive. The result was a massacre too terrible to speak of.

Who are you?

The name be Metalbeard and I'll tell you me tale of woe. I arrived at the foot of the tower with me hardy master builder crew. Only to find that the Kragle was on the infiniteith floor. Gaurded by a robot army and security measures of every kind imaginable. Lasers, sharks, laser sharks, overbearing assistants and strange dangerous relics that trap, snap and zap. And there be a mysterious room called "The Think Tank". I barely made it out of that room with me head. [boat buzzes off] And organs. [boat buzzes off] and I had to replace every part of my once strapping pirate body for this with this useless hunk of garbage you see before you. So if ye think it'd be a good idea to return to that forsaken place, what idea have ye that'd be better than the idea of 100 of our fallen master builder brothers?

Well, well technically I'm not a master builder yet.

[Everyone yells out in wonder]

Please everyone, everyone please.


Yes, it's true. I may not be a master builder. I may not have a lot of experience fighting or leading or coming up with plans. Or having ideas in general. In fact I'm not all that smart. And I'm not what you'd call the creative type. Plus, generally unskilled. Also scared and cowardly. I know what your thinking: He is the least qualified person in the world to lead us. And you are right.

Swamp Creature:
This is suppose to make us feel better?

There was about to be a but...

You're a butt!


You all be on your own. I believe in this lost cause.

Why are you leaving?

Abraham Lincoln:
A house divided against itself... Would be better than this.

Abraham Lincoln? You bring your space chair right back here. C'mon guys? We could still do this. Right?

Well, you're right about him being a ding dong.

[8 and a half years later; we hear an alarm clock beep. Emmet Brickowski wakes up in his apartment and turns off his alarm. Emmet laughs, he gets out bed, and stretches and walks through to his living room] [Yawns] Ahhhhhh...Good morning, apartment, good morning, doorway, good morning, wall, good morning, ceiling, good morning, floor, ready to start the day! [he grabs a book from a shelf] [Singing] Dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee... Oh, here it is. [reading from the manual] The instructions to fit in, have everybody like you, and always be happy! Step one; Breathe. [deep breathing, inhaling and exhaling deeply] Okay, got that one down. Step two; Greet today’s smile and say: [He window opens, we see all the Lego citizens opening their window] GOOD MORNING, CITY! [back to Emmet continuing with the instructions from the manual] Step three; Exercise. Jumping Jacks, him them! [he start jumping on the spot] 1, 2, 3. I am so pumped up! [looking at the manual again] Step four; Shower. [Emmet gets in the shower and starts washing himself] And always be sure to keep the soap out of y-[he screams 'AAAHHH!!!' as the soap gets into his eyes, next we see Emmet standing in front of the bathroom mirror shaving] Shave your face, brush your teeth, comb your hair! Hmmmm. [he laughs to himself as he brushes his hair] Aha! Wear clothes. [we see Emmet walking out of his apartment naked until he realizes] Oops, almost forgot that one! [he turns back into his apartment and we see him quickly trying on different outfits] No, no, uh-huh, no! Not that wrong! [he finally wears his construction uniform] And that’s it, check! Step nine; Eat a complete breakfast with all the special people in your life! [we see him sitting in his living room eating his breakfast alone, he turns to his plant] Hey, Plantie, what do you want to do this morning, watch TV? Me too! [he turns on the TV showing President Business giving a presentation]

Lord Business:
Hi, I’m President Business, president of the octan corporation and the world, let’s all take extra care to follow the instructions [Lord Business whispering into microphone] or you’ll be put to sleep, and don’t forget taco tuesday’s coming next week, that’s the day every rule following citizen gets a free taco and my love, have a great day, everybody!

You have a great day too, President Business. Man, he’s such a cool guy. I always wanna hear mor- Wait, did he say PUT TO SLEEP? [suddenly Emmet gets distracted by the TV showing a promo of a sitcom]

TV Presenter:
Tonight on, Where Are My Pants?

Honey, where are my paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaants? [he steps out showing that he’s not wearing any pants and we hear canned laughter]

[Emmet laughs 'TIAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA!!!' hard at this and falls of the couch] What was I just thinking? I don’t care.

Radio DJ:
[he turns on the radio] Top of the charts again, it's everything is awesome.

Oh, my gosh! I love this Song! [Everything Is Awesome turns on, the music starts playing] Always use the turn signal, park between the lines. [Emmet and everyone else parks in exactly the same way] YES! Drop off dry cleaning before noon, read the headlines, don't forget to smile. [we waves and smiles to everyone as he walks down the street] Always root for the local sports team. [Emmet and the Lego citizens]

LEGO® Citizens:
Gooooooooo, SPORTS TEAM!!

Always return a compliment. [to the male Lego citizen stepping out of the coffee shop] Hey, you look nice! [everyone turns to Emmet]

LEGO® Citizens:
So, do you?

Drink Overpriced Coffee! [inside the coffee shop he buys a coffee]

Larry The Barrista:
Here you go, that's $37. [Emmet looks at him for a moment before replying with excitement]

[Laughing] Awesome! [Emmet walks to work with his overpriced coffee following the line of all the other construction workers doing exactly the same]

Construction Worker:
Did you see where are my pants last night? [the everyone laughing replies at the same time]

[chuckles] Classic Episode!

[the Everything is Awesome" music continues to play in the background as the Lego construction workers get into position] Instructions coming in from central. Okay, it says here that anything that's weird then blow it up! [the workers start blowing up the buildings] [BOOM!!!!] All right, Cylinder-Heads, let's make it look exactly like it does in the Instructions!

Construction Worker #1:
Hey, buddy! I need 1x2 keyhole!

No problem, Michael.

Construction Worker #2:
2x2 macaroni over here.

2x2 macaroni flying in! Here's 1, Mel.

Construction Worker #3:
Guys, got a 1x1 with an indented stud on 1 side!

Cheese, look, cheese slopes, come on, everybody!

Roger that, Roger.

Construction Worker #4:
Look alive, coming at you.

Construction Worker #5:
Can I get a couple LURPs over here?

Thanks, Gail.

Construction Worker #6:
Guys, watch me drill this down.

[everyone cheers and Emmet]

Construction Workers:
[they all start singing along to "Everything is Awesome"]

Man, I feel so good right now! I CAN SING THIS SONG FOR HOURS! [5 Hours Later] [everyone at the construction site is still singing "Everything is Awesome" and it's finally coming to the end of the day]

Construction Worker #1:
When you're part of a TEAM! [BOOM! everyone cheering] Yeah, I'm gonna the sports bar after work tonight, who wants to eat some delicious chicken wings and get [Gail laughs] CRRRRRRRRRAAAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZYYYYY?! [as the other constructions workers start leave together, Emmet is left behind and tries to get their attention]

Chicken wings? I lo...!

Construction Worker #2:
Yeah, who wants to share a croissant with this guy?

Croissant? I love croissant!

Construction Worker #3:
Oh, yeah! I sure do love giant sausages!

Giant sausages, no way. [nobody pays Emmet any attention as he tries to join them] Do you know what I love to do? This is share a meal with the special people in my life, Fred, Barry, Gail, me and y...?

[suddenly Emmet's into a construction post:
WHACK!, Emmet grunts as he falls and finally lands onto the ground, and a gust of wind blow his instruction manual out of his hand]

[shrieks and Wyldstyle] NO, WAIT! GUYS, WAIT UP! Okay, I'll meet you there! [Emmet chases after his instruction manual as the wind continues to carry it off] [Whispering] Oh, where did it go? [he finds the manual lying on some Lego rubble] Oh, there you are. [Emmet laughs as he retrieves the manual and turns to leave he hears something and stops, Wyldstyle's and debris clanking] I think I heard a whoosh.

I feel like maybe I should touch that.

It's so interesting... Touch the Piece... Touch the Piece... It's so interesting... Touch the Piece... [Emmet gets up and starts walking over to the giant block]

Uh... [he becomes completely transfixed and steps over his instruction manual]

Touch the--

[he slowly extends his hand and touches the block and infinite gets a vision]

[record scratches, which includes Vitruvius reciting the Piece of Resistance prophecy]

A Special one with face of yellow... [Emmet's as he falls. Screaming 'WHOOOOOOAH!'] ...will make the Piece of Resistance found from its hiding refuge underground... [Emmet's as he falls. Screaming 'AAGGGGGGGGGGH!'] ...this Master Builder... [Girl Screaming] ...will thwart the Kragle and save the realm...

Come on, Emmet, protect the Special!

[Emmet then passes out] ...the Special has arisen.

It's your turn to be the hero.

Bad Cop:
[as Emmet slowly wakes he hears someone's voice interrogating him] [Bad Cop echoes in distorted voice] Wake up.

[Emmet's falls asleep] [echoes in distorted voice] Ugh.

Bad Cop:
Come on, wake up! Where is the Master Builder, how did you find the Piece of Resistance? Hey, where are the others hiding?

[Emmet's wake up out voice interrogating hears as starts to open his eyes] [in normal voice] Good morning, apartment...?

Bad Cop:
[in normal voice] WAKE UP! [Emmet screams suddenly an angry looking cop shines a light onto Emmet making him immediately awake] How did you find the Piece of Resistance?

The Piece of what?

Bad Cop:
The Piece of Resistance. [Bad Cop grunts, and screams as he falls and finally lands onto the ground, suddenly he knocks a chair aside in anger scaring Emmet, we see Emmet is being held in an interrogation room with his hands shackled to chair]

I don't, where am I, what's happening?

Bad Cop:
What's happening? [we see Bad Cop's being held in an interrogation room with his hands shackled to chair, hears as starts to light looking suddenly scaring knocks aside] Playing dumb, master builder?

No, I... master builder?

Bad Cop:
Oh, so you've never heard of the prophecy?

No, I...

Bad Cop:
Or the Special?

No! No, I...

Bad Cop:
You're a liar! [Bad Cop grunting and screams, starts to kick and wrestle a chair]

Look, um... [Bad Cop chuckles] I watch a lot of cop shows on TV... [Emmet gasps] Isn't there supposed to also be a-? Isn't there supposed to be a Good Cop?! [Emmet grunts as he falls and finally lands onto the ground]

Bad Cop:
Oh yes. But we're not done yet. [switches head]

Good Cop:
Hi, buddy! I'm your friendly neighborhood police officer! Would you like a glass of water?

Yeah, actually that sounds-

Bad Cop:
We'll TOO BAAAD!! [whap!] Security cameras picked up this! [grunts] You were found at the construction site convulsing with a strange piece!

That's disgusting!

Bad Cop:
Then why is it permanently stuck to your back?

[peers back, sees that The Piece of Resistance is glued onto his back, and screams in alarm, but has a panic attack, and tries to get it off] Oh no! Aaaah! Ah! Ah! Get off me!! It won't come off, it's chasin' me! Look, it's not my fault! I have no idea how this thing got on my back! [Bad Cop changes his face to Good Cop]

Good Cop:
Of course, buddy. I believe you!

Great! [suddenly Bad Cop appears beside Emmet] [Screams] Aaaahh!

Bad Cop:
I believe you, too! You see the quotations I'm making with my claw hands? It means I don't believe you! Why else would you show up with that thing on your back just three days before President Business is going to use the Kragle to end the world?

President Business is gonna end the world? But he's such a good guy. And Octan, they make good stuff: [flashback books] Music, dairy products, coffee, TV shows, surveillance systems, all history books, voting machines... [flashback ends] ...Wait a minute. [THUD!!]

Bad Cop:
Come on, you can't be this stupid!

Look, this is a misunderstanding, I'm just a regular, normal, ordinary guy, and I'm late to meet my best friends in the whole world, and they're probably missing me right now, they're probably out looking around! Hey, where's Emmet? Hey, where's my best friend Emmet? And you know what. Ask all my friends! THEY'LL TELL YOU!

[Emmet looks devastated; to Bad Cop] There you go, I told you I was a nobody.

Bad Cop:
[Sighing] Oh. It's The Perfect Cover.

Cover? Cover for what?!

Bad Cop:
I can't break him, Take Him To The Melting Chamber.

What?! [in the melting chamber Emmet has been strapped to the melting device, Emmet screams] Noooooooo, nooooooooo, noooooooo! You're going to melt me?! AM I GONNA DIE?!

Good Cop:
You'll live! You'll be fine! [Bad Cop/Good Cop's phone rings and Bad Cop answers it]

Bad Cop:
President Business, I have him right here, sir, yes, we've told him he'll live so he doesn't try to escape, but we're lying to him. [Bad Cop presses the button to activate the melting device and leaves]

Wait! What did he just say?!

Hold still!

Wait, there is obviously been a mix-up here! You have got the wrong--

[a red beam of light is shoot at Emmet's back to remove the Piece of Resistance]

[screams] OOOOOW!! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ah-ah-ah-eh-ow! That is gonna start hurting pretty soon!

[as the Robot starts to increase the heat suddenly the hooded woman, Wyldstyle grumbles. Wyldstyle's that Emmet had noticed in the construction site earlier attacks the robots, robots groan stakes them all down and goes to Free Emmet. Wyldstyle grumbles, Emmet gasps]


[Emmet grunts and falls she frees him from his iron shackles, Wyldstyle grumbles stops. Emmet gasps]

WHOA! Who are you?! [Wyldstyle sighs and hair face, she takes off her hood to reveal her face and Emmet is transfixed again] It's you...?

Come with me, if you, wanna not die. [just as Emmet goes to grab her hand, Emmet and Wyldstyle gasp, Good Cop enters the chamber]

Good Cop:
Hi, everybody! How's the Melting goi--? [as he notices Emmet escaping with Wyldstyle Bad Cop appears]

Bad Cop:
Hey, hey, hey, heeeeeey! [he starts shooting at Emmet and Wyldstyle] Red Alert, Red Alert! I need everyone, repeat, everyone, to go after the special!

Hey, um...

Hang on, sir! [As they pull away, Bad Cop turns to go after them]

Bad Cop:
All units, cut them off on Elm, now! [suddenly his face changes to Good Cop]

Good Cop:
[Good Cop spins in] [gasping and chuckling] Or, whenever you can?

Ten-Four, Bad Cop.

[Many squad cars block the road, as they are being chased and sh*t at] Watch out!

Hold on! [she jumps the bike bunny hopping over one squad car and going up onto the monorail platform and onto the track, and screaming. Wyldstyle manages to avoid hitting the police cars in front of them] We need to meet up with Vitruvius and tell him the Piece has been found.


Bad Cop:
They're up on the monorail. Release the Copper Choppers. [the helicopter above them drops down a motorcycle with two cops in it, a police helicopter flies in dropping a robot on a motorcycle, both Emmet and Wyldstyle gasp, which begins to drive towards Emmet and the girl, firing a laser as he goes, Emmet shields himself from the fire but the girl, pulls out a multi barrelled laser and returns fire, just as they were about to crash, the figure veers off leaving the robots to crash head-on with a train]

Oh, no! [causing a massive explodes, and screaming. He they start shooting at Wyldstyle and Emmet but Wyldstyle shoots back and manages to get their motorcycle onto the street below, they land safely] Will you please tell me what's happening?

I'm rescueing you, sir. You're the one that the prophecy spoke of. You're the Special.

[Whispers] Me?

Let's head to the Secret Tunnel! [as they get close to the city walls]

Ughhh! These are the City Limits!

Let's just head for the Tunnel! [as they get nearer to the wall it suddenly opens up to reveal a secret tunnel]

Are you, want me to drive into that, weird swirly hole, what are you, insane?!


I can't do this! [suddenly Emmet goes to jump out but Wyldstyle grabs him and pulls him back] That's against THE INSTRUCTIONS!

Wait! What's Your Favorite Restaurant?

Any Chain Restaurant!

Favorite TV Show?

[TV show] Where Are My Pants?

Favorite Song?!

[Singing] Everything Is Awesome

Oh, no!

[Emmet and Wyldstyle scream, at that moment they enter the secret tunnel in the wall and it, the secret tunnel stops whirring, the falls and crashing, immediately closes up after them making the police cars crashing and wailing, and finally lands onto the ground into a new enter, them and the helicopter crash into it, fire crackling, the Bad Cop tires screeches and grunts]

Bad Cop:

[The robot screams, Bad Cop grunts, he starts kicking a metal object in anger, one of the cops behind him starts running off, Bad Cop kicks the metal object and it lands on top of the cop that was running off, chair shatters. Bad Cop grumbles 'Grrrrrgggg!']

[Emmet screams] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! [he and Wyldstyle enter into a new Lego world] [Emmet screams] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

[Emmet screams 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!' as he falls and finally lands onto the ground]

[Emmet grunts 'UAAAAH! AAAAH! OOOH! OH! AAAAAH!' as he falls and fianlly lands onto the ground]


[Wyldstyle scoffs and walks up]

[Stops screaming] Wait. Where are we?

[a sign comes up to announced this new Lego world as "The Old West"]

This is so weir...

[suddenly Wyldstyle walks over to him and hits him with a giant cactus]



Well, I mean it depends, it really depends on--

You're not even a master builder, are you?!

[Wyldstyle turns and starts walking off and Emmet follows her] Eeeeeehhh. I mean I know what a master builder is, why don't you tell me what it is? That way I could see if you're right.

You ruined The Prophecy!

I'm sorry, okay? You just... you just made being Special sound so good.

To think I was going to follow you to the end of the universe!

You were? We'll here's the thing. How do we know for sure... That I'm not the Special? We just don't know it yet.

[just then Wyldstyle pulls Emmet behind a gravestone as she hears people in the distance] QUIET!!

The Kragle, I know that? I mean, that cop, well he said something about the Kragle, President Business was gonna use the Kragle to end the world in 3-Days. Yes, I can't make any sense of it. [suddenly Wyldstyle realizes something]

[Gasps] Taco Tuesday? I knew that was suspicious, there's no time to lose, we must find vitruvius and get to the office tower before it's too late! [she starts rushing off]

Okay. [Chuckles] How scary can someone's office be?

Robot #1:
[The thunder crashes, and wolf howls, at President Business' Office which is located at the very top of Octan office tower, Emmet's face is plastered on all the monitors as the robots try to find him] President Business, we're trying to locate the fugitive, but his face is so generic it matches every other face in our database!

Lord Business:
Diabolical, okay, have Bad Cop meet me in my office in... 23-Seconds.

Robot #1:
Will do, sir!

Lord Business:

Robot #2:
Coffee sales are through the roof, sir.

Lord Business:
Glad to hear it, let's rebuild that roof to be even higher.

Robot #3:
Roof building, we're on it!

Robot #4:
Sir, can you approve this poster for Taco Tuesday?

Lord Business:
Perfect. WHOO, I love everyone on this room!

We love you, sir! [going through to the radio station where the song "Everything is Awesome" is being played]

Music on Radio:
[Singing] Everything is awesome

Lord Business:
Hey, guys, great job, on the Radio-Station!

Music on Radio:
[Singing] Everything is cool when you're part of a team

Robot DJ's:
Thank you, sir!

Music on Radio:
[Singing] Everything is awesome when you're living our dream!

Robot DJ's:
We love listening to this song over and over again!

Lord Business:
Keep it up, guys!

Music on Radio:
[Singing ends, in the TV station we see the actors for the show "Where Are My Pants?"]

Honey, where are my paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaants? [the audience laughs as try their fuse and room]

Lord Business:
And CUT! [Lord Business laughs and going over to the actors] Hilarious, that never gets old.

Well, it does not.

Lord Business:
Although, you did let the Piece of Resistance go. The one thing that can ruin my plans, the one thing that I asked you to take care of! [Lord Business chuckles and he comes over to Bad Cop and puts one arm around his shoulder] That's super frustrating, it makes me just wanna pick up whoever's standing closest to me and just: THROW THEM THROUGH THIS WINDOW, AND OUT INTO THE INFINITE ABYSS OF NOTHINGNESS!!!!!! [he picks up Bad Cop takes him to the large glass window and bangs his head against it] I wanna do it so bad! [chuckles and Bad Cop]

Bad Cop:
[chuckles] I know you do, sir! But, please! Please, don't! [he throws Bad Cop aside]

Lord Business:
And it's not just you, Bad Cop, that keeps messing up my plans. People everywhere are always messing with my stuff. But I have a way to fix that. A way to keep things exactly the way they are supposed to be permanently. [he turns on his TV monitor which shows his robots carrying the box containing the Kragle] Behold the most powerful weapon of all the relics: [his robots open the box containing the Kragle and take it out] THE KRAGLE!!! [we see the Kragle is in fact an old tube of Krazy Glue, Bad Cop gasping and Lord Business] Well, as you can see they're loading the Kragle into a big machine upstairs. I call it: The "Tentacle Arm Kragle Outside Sprayer", or TAKOS! The "S" is silent. So on Taco Tuesday it's going to spray the Kragle over everyone and everything with a bunch of super scary nozzles, like this one. [the tentacle reaches out and comes over to Bad Cop] I'll show you how it works.

[back in Vitruvius's room] These mechanical birds will get our message out, they will go to an internet cafe and email the remaining Master Builders who will meet us in the secret realm of Cloud Cuckoo Land. [he throws the birds out of the window]

Cuckoo Land? Wait, what happened to that whole training part?

Don't worry, Emmet. You're training begins now. [suddenly they hear a knock on the door]


Your training begins later! [as Vitruvius, Emmet and Wyldstyle try to make their escape the Sheriff's men throw a dynamite at the door]

On 3, 1...! [KA-BOOM!!!] [the deputy presses the fuse and the door blows open, they enter the room and we see Vitruvius, Emmet and Wyldstyle have escaped up through a hatch on the roof, as they escape through the roof hatch]

[exhales deeply] Phwoo, I think we're in the clear.

Bad Cop:
[honk] Freeze, turkeys! [Emmet laughs, and he both start gasp]

[they look down to see Bad Cop and his army of robots all assembled outside the saloon]

Bad Cop:
All I want is the Piece of Resistance!


I would not rather he died!

Bad Cop:
Look, everybody, we can do this the easy way or we can d-


Bad Cop:
They took the hard way! Fire, fire!

[his army of robots start firing at the trio as they continue to run and jump off the roof tops] Vitruvius, which way to Cloud Cuckoo Land?!

Head for the big bright thing in the sky!

Do you mean The Sun?!

Yeah, yeah, that's it!

Let's get outta here! Here, use this!

[Wyldstyle quickly builds a vehicle] WHAT?... No, wait! Hey, what are you doing?...


[Screams] Aaah!!

[they fly off on Wyldstyle's vehicle as the robots continue to shoot at them]

I don't know what I'm doing. [Screams] Aaaaah!

Bad Cop:
[Bad Cop aims and shoots his gun] Goodbye, BOOM!

[the trio's vehicle explodes into pieces and the trio land in a water tank, the everyone screams. Wyldstyle screams as the trio fall to the ground, Cowboy Pig Farmer gasps, Emmet and Vitruvius end up in a pig pen. Emmet screams continue]


Guys, quite playing around in the mud! I could use your help!

[Emmet and Vitruvius follow Wyldstyle with the pigs chasing after them] WYLDSTYLE, WE COULD REALLY USE YOUR HELP!

[The falls his pulls behind a in the she hears, Emmet screams in slow motion, as they nearly run into a robot Wyldstyle manages to build another vehicle which uses the pigs to get them away in time. The pigs grunt. 'Wyldstyle:


Let Emmet try!

No, let's not let Emmet try! I haven't had any training!

That's okay, we'll start with how to become a Master Builder. Step 1; trust your instincts. [Emmet picks up a Lego piece not sure what to do]

Okay, okay. Eeeeehhh.


[chuckles] Take that! [he throws the Lego piece at the robots which is immediately run over by the army of robots chasing after them]

Unless your instincts are terrible.

[just then the sheriff starts shooting at them and suddenly a wheel comes off their vehicle as they're heading towards the edge of a cliff]

No, the wheel!

[their vehicle goes out of control as they head towards the edge of a cliff]


[He and stops Emmet screams] Emmet, we need to attach the wheel to something that spins around. We need to attach the wheel to something that spins around. [Emmet head starts spinning as Vitruvius's voice keeps echoing in his head] We need to attach the wheel to something that spins around. We need to attach the wheel to something that spins around, something that spins around, spins around, spins around [Vitruvius echoing and suddenly Emmet gets an idea, he pops off his hair and attaches the wheel to the top of his head and makes his way down the side of the vehicle]

Emmet, where are you going?! [Emmet positions where the wheel would go which should help Wyldstyle steer the vehicle] Oh, this better work! Hang tight!

DAGNABIT! [horses scream echoing and just as they reach the edge of the cliff Wyldstyle manages to turn and avoid going down, but the robots go over the edge and explode as they hit the ground]

Well, done, Emmet!

Hey, I did it!

[Wyldstyle laughing] Wow, you actually did it. [chuckles, suddenly they hear they a train coming as an engine blows its whistle, hauling its coal tender, and lots of heavy freight cars] Train! [their vehicle crashes into the train cars]

[making the trio jump up into the air]

Emmet, Wyldstyle and Vitruvius:

[which makes Emmet get his hair attached back and then they all land on top of the freight cars of the train]

[Gasps] Oh, no!

Bad Cop:
Get off my TRAIN!

RUN! [Emmet screams and the trio start running across the train toward the engine as Bad Cop chases after them, as Bad Cop aims to shoot at them Emmet jumps in front of Wyldstyle to save her]

Wyldstyle! [Bad Cop whining as he falls and finally lands onto the ground, Emmet gets hit and starts to cry] Owie!

He's gonna ram us! [Emmet's gets starts to gasping] Quick, quick, quick! That piece, give me that piece!

Bad Cop:

Build a ramp!

[Wyldstyle gasps as Bad Cop heads toward them with his car he crashes into the ramp and falls off the train but manages to avoid crashing to the ground as his vehicle transforms into a flying vehicle and he heads back up]


Bad Cop:
Rest in pieces!

[Bad Cop shoots at the bridge making it explode]


Oh, no!

Oh, no, wait, wait, wait, nononononononono...

[the train derails and starts falling down as the engine. The at all scream, it's coal tender, and several freight cars plummet into the river, changes into a hold hands Emmet and Wyldstyle, as they plummet toward a chase with crocodiles below everything becomes slow motion and Wyldstyle looks at Emmet]

Hey, thanks for saving my life back there. Even if, you know, eventually it turned out to be pointless... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Well, for what it's worth, this has been about the greatest 15 minutes of my life... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... [Wyldstyle chuckles, as they go to hold hands they are suddenly saved by a superhero flying in with his aircraft]

Bad Cop:
What the...?

[after Batman flies in and saves them]

Relax, everybody, I'm here.


[to Wyldstyle] What's up, babe?



Oh, sorry. Batman, this is Emmet. Emmet, this is my boyfriend. Batman.

I'm batman.

That's your boyfriend? [Emmet screams 'AAAAHHHH!!!' Batman swerves his aircraft to avoid getting hit by Bad Cop as he chases after them] Batman, huh? Where did you guys meet?

It's actually a funny story. [she turns to see Batman has disappeared]

Bad Cop:
There he is!

"Police" to meet you, Bad Cop. [Bad Cop sees Batman has landed on his vehicle]

Bad Cop:
Batman, the pleasure is all "spine"! [Bad Cop punches Batman, then they start fighting on top of Bad Cop's vehicle]

Guess what, you big hunk of junk? Your Car Is A Heap of Scrap Metal! [Batman transforms Bad Cop's vehicle into a heap of scrap metal and it start plummeting to the ground]

Bad Cop:
[Screams] AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! [as they watch Batman plummet with Bad Cop on his vehicle]

Oh, no! Your Boyfriend's Gone!

Hey, Babe. [they turn to see Batman sat back in the drivers seat]


[to Wyldstyle] Let's hold hands! [Batman and Wyldstyle hold hands, Emmet watches them hold onto each other, Wyldstyle inhales]

So Eeehhh. Hey-Guys? I think we're about to crash into the sun.

Yeah, but it's gonna look really cool. [as they shatters through the sun, Batman's vehicle leaves it's batman mark in the middle of the sun]

A wondrous land full of knights, castles, muttons, torture weapons, poverty, leaches, illiteracy, and um...

[Out of the sun flying straight towards them is a...] DRAGON!!! [Emmet screams as the dragon swoops the Batwing as the Batwing dives down to avoid it]

Yeah, that too. [Batman quickly turns the Batwing back into the Batmobile and lands the car into a forest area, it speeds along the track, Batman makes his aircraft transform into a car and lands on the ground and drives through the woods] Once we arrive in Cloud Cuckoo Land, we'll raise an army of Master Builders...

Yeah, yeah, anyway. You guys gotta check out these new subwoofers I installed in the back, I call them The Dogs. Listen to them bark! [Batman turns on some music, sending heavy metal blasting through Emmet and Vitruvius, bouncing them and the roof of the Batmobile up and down, Emmet screams he turns on his stereo making Emmet and Vitruvius jump in the back]

Can you turn that down a little bit?!

This is a song I wrote for Wyldstyle! [Wyldstyle smiles at Batman before singing with the song, we hear Batman's voice as he sings to the heavy metal music] Darkness! [to Emmet and Vitruvius] It's about how I'm an orphan! [the song continues] No parents!

[Wyldstyle turns to Emmet] This is real music, Emmet. Batman's a true artist. Dark, brooding.

Well, I'm dark and brooding too! [Emmet gasps, suddenly he notices something ahead] Look, a rainbow! [as they reach the rainbow]

So, you're gonna drive up the curved part, [Batman: Super rich!] take it all the way to the top [Batman: Kinda makes it better!] and park the car. [the Batmoblie stops, Batman drives up the rainbow and stops the car at the very top] Friends, welcome to Cloud Cuckoo Land. [an angelic chord plays as the camera pans down to the group standing in front of a rather large cloud, the rainbow disappears and they are surrounded by clouds] Now, I just need to give the secret knock.

[Emmet walks up to the platform and waves to everyone, Emmet clears throat, referring to the block stuck to his back]

Hello, I'm Emmet. [referring to the block stuck to his back] Oh, and this is the Piece of Resistance.

[the Master Builders cheer express their excitement. Unikitty giggles, Wyldstyle gasps]

Thank you. Well, eeeeehhhh. I know that I for one am very excited to work with you guys, to get into the Octan Tower, find the Kragle and put this thing on the thing, and I know it's going to be really hard, but... [suddenly he's interrupted by a large Master Builder known as Metalbeard crashes]

REALLY HARD?! [the audience gasps] Wiping your bum with a hook for a hand is really hard, this be impossible, the last time we tried to storm Lord Business's office we used every plan we could conceive, the result was a massacre too terrible to speak of!

Who are you?

The name be Metal Beard, and I'll tell you me tale of woe!

Oh, great. Here we go again. [Metal Beard recounts his failed attempt in trying to infiltrate Lord Business's office]

I arrived at the foot of the tower with me hearty Master Builder crew, only to find the Kragle was all the way up on the infinitieth floor guarded by a robot army. And security measures of every kind imaginable, lasers, sharks, laser sharks, overbearing assistants, and strange dangerous relics that entrap, snap and zap. And there be a mysterious room called "The Think Tank." I barely made it out of that room with just me head... [Metalbeard purrs as he falls and finally lands onto the ground] ...and organs! [Metalbeard purrs as he falls and finally lands onto the ground]


I had to replace every part of my once strapping virile pirate body with this useless hunk of garbage ye see before ye.

[to Emmet] So if ye think it'd be a good idea to return to that foresaken place, Special, what idea have ye that be better than the ideas of-100-of our fallen Master Builder brothers?

Well, technically I'm not exactly a Master Builder y-

WHAT?! [the other Master Builders shout in outrage]

Please, everyone, everyone! please.

William Shakespeare:
[throws a pizza] Rubbish!

[addressing the Master Builders] Yes, it's true, I may not be a Master Builder, I may not have a lot of experience fighting or leading or coming up with plans, or having ideas in general, in fact, I'm not all that smart, and I'm not what you'd call a creative type, plus, generally unskilled, also, scared and cowardly, I know what, you're thinking? "He is the least qualified person in the world to lead us!" And, you are right!

Swamp Creature:
This is supposed to make us feel better?

What th-? No, there was about to be a but...

You're a butt!


[Outside Cloud Cuckoo Land, Metalbeard and a few knights and cowboys are leaving]

You all be on your own! I be leaving this lost cause! [Metalbeard jumps onto his ship and sails off Cuckoo Land, as it purrs]

Why are you leaving?!

Abraham Lincoln:
A house divided against itself would be better than this. [Lincoln jumps into his seat and it suddenly takes off like spaceship]

Abraham Lincoln, you bring your space chair right back here! Come on, guys! [nearly gets hit by an object] We can still do this! [another Master Builder throws a blue disc at him] Oh! Right?

Master Builder 1:
You're not even a bit special.

[Wyldstyle, Batman and Unikitty witness everything]

[Batman whispering to Wyldstyle as they watch Emmet] Well, you were right about him being a ding-dong. [the Master Builders continue to throw things at Emmet]

Master Builder 2:
You're a huge disappointment!

[Emmet, sad and disappointed, turns and starts walking off]

Master Builder 3:
Get him out of here, I don't wanna look at him!

Well, at least it can't get any worse.

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