The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


[Officer Dawn stops the trade from being completed with her and Rick having both of their hands on their guns]

Officer Dawn Lerner:
[Dawn shouts out to Rick's back from down the hallway] Now I just need Noah. And then you can leave.

Rick Grimes:
That wasn't part of the deal.

Officer Dawn Lerner:
Noah was my ward. Beth took his place and I'm losing her so I need him back.

Officer Shepherd:
Ma'am, please, it's not...

Officer Dawn Lerner:
[Dawn quickly snaps back at her fellow officer] Shut up!

Officer Dawn Lerner:
My officers put their lives on the line for him. One of them died.

Daryl Dixon:
[Daryl walks over to Dawn] No, he ain't staying.

Officer Dawn Lerner:
He's one of mine. You have no claim on him.

Rick Grimes:
The boy wants to go home, so you have no claim on him.

Officer Dawn Lerner:
Well, then we don't have a deal.

Rick Grimes:
The deal is done.

It's okay.

Rick Grimes:
No, no.

[Noah begins to walk back to Dawn's group] I got to do it.

Beth Greene:
It's not okay.

Officer Dawn Lerner:
It's settled.

Beth Greene:
[Beth runs up to give Noah a hug] Wait!

[Noah gives Beth a shoulder hug back] It's okay.

Officer Dawn Lerner:
[Dawn looks over to Noah and whispers] I knew you'd be back.

Beth Greene:
[Beth looks over to Dawn and begins walking over to Dawn with tears in her eyes whispering back] I get it now.

[Beth stabs Dawn in the chest with a pair of scissors when Dawn almost immediately pulls the trigger to her gun at Beth's head]

[Dawn tries to shout that it was an accident when Rick shoots her in the head]

Rick Grimes:
[in the squad car over lunch] What's the difference between men and women?

Shane Walsh:
This a joke?

Rick Grimes:
No, serious.

Shane Walsh:
Never met a woman who knew how to turn off a light. They're born thinkin' the switch only goes one way: on. I mean, they're, they're struck blind the second they leave a room. I mean every woman, I ever let have a key, I swear to God. It's like, come home, house all lit up, and my job, you see, apparently, because, because my chromosomes happen to be different is that I gotta walk through that house and turn off every single light this chick left on.

Rick Grimes:
Is that right?

Shane Walsh:
Yeah, baby. Oh Reverend Shane is preachin' to ya now, boy. Then this same chick, mind ya, she'll b*tch about, uh, global warming. You see, this is, this is where Reverend Shane wants to quote from the Guy Gospel and say, "Um, darlin', maybe if you and every other pair of b*obs on this planet could just figure out that the light switch, see, goes both ways, maybe we wouldn't have so much global warming?"

Rick Grimes:
You say that?

Shane Walsh:
Well, the uh, polite version. Still, man, that-that earns me this look of loathing you would not believe and that's when the "Exorcist" voice pops out: [deeper voice] "You sound just like my damn father! Always, always yellin' about the power bill and tellin' me to turn off the damn lights!"

Rick Grimes:
And what do you say to that?

Shane Walsh:
I know what I want to say. I want to say "B*tch, you mean to tell me you've been hearing this your entire life and you are still too damn stupid to learn how to turn off a switch?" [laughs] You know, I don't actually say that, though.

Rick Grimes:
[laughing] That would be bad.

Shane Walsh:
Yeah, I go with the uh, go with the polite version there too, so...

Rick Grimes:
Very wise.

Shane Walsh:
Yes sir. So how's it with Lori, man?

Rick Grimes:
She's good. She's good at turning off lights. Really good. I'm the one who sometimes forgets.

Shane Walsh:
Not what I meant.

Rick Grimes:
[hesitantly] We didn't have a great night.

Shane Walsh:
Hey look, man, I may have, uh, failed to amuse with my sermon, but I did try. The least you could do is, is speak.

Rick Grimes:
That-that's what she always says: "Speak". "Speak". You'd think I was the most closed mouth son of a b*tch you'd ever hear her telling.

Shane Walsh:
Do you express your thoughts? Do you share your feelings and that kind of stuff?

Rick Grimes:
The thing is, lately, whenever I try, everything I say makes her impatient like she didn't want to hear it after all. It's like she's pissed at me all the time, and I don't know why.

Shane Walsh:
Look man, that's just sh*t couples go through. You know, it's, it's a phase.

Rick Grimes:
Last thing she said this morning? "Sometimes I wonder if you even care about us at all." She said that in front of our kid; imagine going to school with that in your head. Difference between men and women? I would never say something that cruel to her, and certainly not in front of Carl.

[in a flashback, Eugene meets Heath at the community's gate for the first time]

Hey, it's us. We're back. You gonna let us in or what?

Dr. Eugene Porter:
I'm technically not authorized, so I will not be doing so.

Who the hell are you?

Dr. Eugene Porter:
You first.

I'm Heath. I live here. My team's been on a run the last couple weeks.

Dr. Eugene Porter:
I'm Eugene. Aaron brought myself and my group here directly within that window, so we haven't had the chance to meet and I can't exactly confirm your residence.

Open the gate.

Dr. Eugene Porter:
If I do, how do I know you won't attempt to kill me?

[Heath chuckles] Okay, look, I'm not gonna kill you. But the longer you make me wait the longer you motivate me to beat your ass, so...

[the gate unlocks] Thank you.

[Eugene waves in a vehicle with a few other community members inside]

So Deanna put you on gate duty?

Dr. Eugene Porter:
Oh, no, I'm not on proper duty. This is Holly's shift. I was just walking by. She asked if I could relieve her for a few ticks. I said, no, thank you, and she ignored me, which is what I should've done as it's been at least five ticks and still no Holly.

I'm Scott. This is Annie.

Hi. Good to meet you. How many of you are there?

Dr. Eugene Porter:
13. I mean, 12.

I'm sorry.

[Eugene nods his head] I'll close up. Anything big happen while we were gone?

Dr. Eugene Porter:
Well, we had a meeting last night.

Oh, yeah? About what?

Dr. Eugene Porter:
You might want to talk to Deanna. Get it from the horse. Her mouth. You know?


Dr. Eugene Porter:
Hey, it's good to see someone like me. I fully respect the hair game. [Heath nods and continues to walk on]

[Jessie talks to Rick about knowing what it feels like to lose something]

Jessie Anderson:
Having fun?

Rick Grimes:
Yes, I am.

Jessie Anderson:
That's kind of a stupid question, right?

Rick Grimes:

Jessie Anderson:
Still, this place has a pretty amazing view.

Rick Grimes:

Jessie Anderson:
Yeah, take a look.

Jessie Anderson:
[Rick looks around the room seeing his group mingling with the community] Ordinary life like before. Well, not like before.

Rick Grimes:

Jessie Anderson:
Yeah, no. I mean - I mean, it's better. Not out there, in here. You know, everone's been through it somehow. Everyone. And a lot of things disappeared. But a lot of bullshit went with it. They're all from totally different backgrounds, different places. They never would have even met. And now they're part of each other's lives. They are each other's lives. I'm just saying, we all lost things, but we got something back. It isn't enough, but it's something.

Rick Grimes:
[Rick see's Carl smiling with the other kids] Yeah, yeah, it's a pretty good view.

[Sam comes running up] Mom, there's no more cookies.

Jessie Anderson:

Rick Grimes:
Well, I happen to know the cookie maker. She's a good friend of mine. And I might be able to see about her making a whole batch just for you.

Mom, he doesn't have a stamp.

Jessie Anderson:

Do you want a stamp?

Rick Grimes:

Jessie Anderson:
[Sam gives Rick a stamp of a letter A on the top of his hand] See? Now you're officially one of us. [Rick and Jessie smile at each other]

[Jessie's son Sam catches Carol in the armory room]

[Sam catches Carol in the act of stuffing guns into a bag] What are you doing?

Carol Peletier:
Sam, what are you doing here?

I followed you. I was hoping you were going to make more cookies, but then you came here.

Carol Peletier:
Well, I could make more. I could make a whole batch just for you. Would you like that?

Yes. I mean, yes, please.

Carol Peletier:
Okay. But you've got to promise me you can keep it secret that I came here.

But I'd have to tell my mom. I mean, I tell my mom everything.

Carol Peletier:
[Carol lowers her voice stepping toward Sam] You can never tell anybody. Especially your mom. Because if you do... one morning you'll wake up... and you won't be in your bed.

Where will I be?

Carol Peletier:
[Carol quietly starts to whisper] You'll be outside the walls far, far away tied to a tree. And you'll scream and scream because you'll be so afraid. No one will come to help because no one will hear you. Well, something will hear you. The monsters will come. The ones out there. And you won't be able to run away when they come for you. And they will tear you apart and eat you up all while you're still alive. All while you can still feel it. And then afterwards, no one will ever know what happened to you. Or you can promise not to ever tell anyone what you saw here and then nothing will happen. And you will get cookies. Lots of cookies.

Carol Peletier:
[Carol whispers with a smile on her face] I know what I think you should do.

[Sam stays frozen with his eyes wide open]

[first lines]

[Out in the woods, Walkers claw and scratch on the walls and glass that surrounds Gareth's group, Gareth watches the Walkers pounding on the glass while laying his hand to it] It's probably pretty stupid to be here. Dangerous. I don't know, maybe not. You can see the threat. That's something. Looking at them makes me feel better about things. My mom used to say that every day above ground was a win. Doesn't really apply anymore but you can still get some perspective. The glass is gonna break, sooner or later. Nothing lasts too long anymore. You know, we marked our way here so we can find our way back after. So stupid, right? I mean... back to what.

[Gareth kneels down beside Bob on the ground with the fire going behind Bob] It wasn't just a trap, it was gonna be a choice. You join us or feed us. You know... bears, when they start to starve, they eat their young. If the bear dies the cub dies anyways, but if the bear lives, it can always have another cub. That was part of the pitch. You know, Greg and Mike came this close to nabbing that grey-haired queen b*tch who killed my Mom. She drove away with the Archer. Greg saw them pull away. Can't wait to try her. I like women better. Most of us do. My brother Alex has - also currently dead because of Rick - He had a theory that it's because of the extra layer of fat that women have, you know, for childbearing. Even the skinny girls have it. Like that pretty one - Sasha? I think pretty people taste better, too.

[Bob begins to cry silently] We're going to get all of them. But for starters, you'll do just fine. We did a good job on your leg. We've had practice. When we started, it was about making it slow.

[Bob begins to chuckle uncontrollably] I'm being a human being here. I'm talking to you. Perspective, Bob. You're above ground. At least you're better off than them.

[Bob begins to laugh hysterically] Well he lost it.

Lasted longer than I thought he would.

Bob Stookey:
[Bob starts shouting out to Gareth's group] You... you idiots.

Okay, keep it down.

I can shut him up.

Bob Stookey:
I've been bitten you stupid pricks. I'm tainted meat.

[Bob shows the large bite mark on his shoulder as he continues to laugh when he hears Gareth's group puking and coughing up the meat they've been eating]

Let's just kill him now.

No, no, we need him.

We might as well be eating one of them

What the hell's gonna happen? Are we gonna turn? Are we just gonna die?

Albert, calm the hell down. We cooked him. Everything is gonna be fine.

Why the hell didn't you check him first?

Because he was fine.

Bob Stookey:
[Bob screams to the group in laughter] Tainted meat!

Shut up!

Bob Stookey:
[Bob continues to scream out] You ate tainted meat! [when Gareth kicks Bob to the face]

[Eastman tells Morgan the story about Crighton Dallas Wilton]

Built this place with my wife a while before our daughter was born. It didn't have a cell back then. That was just the other side of the living room. In my job I interviewed over 800 men and 25 women convicted of awful things. Stuff from the darkest part of the human soul. I was evaluating a man by the name of Crighton Dallas Wilton. Name like that, sounded like he should own an oil company and wear a big hat - Crighton Dallas Wilton. Despite doing some truly unspeakable acts, he was up for parole. And he was one of the most damn likeable people I had ever met. He said all the right things, he went to therapy. He wrote letters to the prison board to start a program to grow flowers for the waiting rooms in state hospitals, rest rooms. And I saw right through him. Saw that he was a true psychopath, that he knew how to play people, exactly how to play people. I was interviewing him next to the cafeteria. The place smelled of industrial pizza. They were polishing the floor. I had to shout my questions half the time. And there was this moment. Uh. Can't even remember the exchange. But right then I knew that Crighton knew that I knew exactly what he was. Everything he had said, had done to hide away what he was from everyone, from himself, just slipped away, and... and that model prisoner of 10 years stood up, smiled, and just cracked me across the face. His fist felt like a rock. Then he was on top of me and the floor polisher next door was thudding out every sound. And I - And I saw his face, his - His eyes, his evil. Mask had slipped. And he was gonna kill me right then and there because he knew I would make sure he would never get out again.

[Eastman pulls out his lucky rabbit's foot] Arm bar counter for being choked from a pinned position. Aikido. I wasn't taking it for self-defense, but it saved my life. And I got to make sure he never got out again. Well, got to try. He got out. Talked to the right people who got him the right things and he broke out, but it wasn't to escape. Crighton Dallas Wilton went to my home and killed my wife, my daughter, and my son. He walked down the street to the police station around the corner covered in their blood. He surrendered. Said the only reason he broke out, was to destroy my life.

[after Daryl stops Merle from looting the people they just helped]

Merle Dixon:
The sh*t you doing, pointing that thing at me?

Daryl Dixon:
They were scared, man.

Merle Dixon:
They were rude is what they were. Rude and they owed us a token of gratitude.

Daryl Dixon:
They didn't owe us nothing.

Merle Dixon:
You helping people out of the goodness of your heart? Even though you might die doing it? Is that something your Sheriff Rick taught you?

Daryl Dixon:
There was a baby!

Merle Dixon:
Oh, otherwise you would have just left them to the biters, then?

Daryl Dixon:
Man, I went back for you. You weren't there. I didn't cut off your hand, neither. You did that. Way before they locked you up on that roof. You asked for it.

Merle Dixon:
You know what's funny to me? You and Sheriff Rick are like this now. Right? I bet you a penny and a fiddle of gold that you never told him that we were planning on robbing that camp blind.

Daryl Dixon:
It didn't happen!

Merle Dixon:
Yeah, it didn't. 'Cause I wasn't there to help you!

Daryl Dixon:
What, like when we were kids, huh? Who left who then?

Merle Dixon:
What? Huh? Is that why I lost my hand?

Daryl Dixon:
You lost your hand 'cause you're a simple-minded piece of sh*t.

[Merle grabs Daryl by the sh*t]

Merle Dixon:
Yeah? You don't know!

[Daryl's shirt rips open, Merle looks horrified, Daryl's back is covered with scars from years of childhood abuse]

Merle Dixon:
I... I didn't know he was...

Daryl Dixon:
Yeah, he did.

[Daryl tries to hastily cover up his back with the torn pieces of his shirt and his knapsack]

Daryl Dixon:
He did the same to you. That's why you left first.

[Deanna records Rick on camera as the two talk to each other for the first time]

Deanna Monroe:
How long have you been out there?

Rick Grimes:
Since the beginning.

Deanna Monroe:
How did you all find each other? Did you know each other before or - ?

Rick Grimes:
We didn't know each other before.

Deanna Monroe:
I was a congress person. Ohio, 15th district. You?

Rick Grimes:
I don't think it matters anymore.

Deanna Monroe:
Oh, I know it does.

Rick Grimes:
What is this place?

Deanna Monroe:
This is the start of sustainability. That's what the brochures we found say. This was a planned community. With it's own solar grid, cisterns, eco-based sewage filtration. Starting at the low 800,000s...

Deanna Monroe:
[Deanna chuckles] If there is such a thing. And they sold them all.

Rick Grimes:
How did you end up here?

Deanna Monroe:
Well, my family and I were trying to get back to Ohio so I could help my district manage the crisis. And... the army stopped us on a back road and directed us here. They were supposed to come later. They didn't. But there were supplies here and we made the best of it.

Rick Grimes:
You put up the wall?

Deanna Monroe:
Well, there was this huge shopping mall being built nearby. And my husband Reg is a professor of architecture. And who he was mattered quite a bit. He got the first plates up with our sons. And after a few weeks, more people arrived and we had help. We had a community.

Rick Grimes:
You've been behind these walls this entire time?

Deanna Monroe:
We need people who have lived out there. Your group is the first we've even considered taking in for a long time.

Rick Grimes:
You should keep your gates closed.

Deanna Monroe:

Rick Grimes:
Because it's all about survival now. At any cost. People out there are always looking for an angle. Looking to play on your weakness. They measure you by what they can take from you. By how they can use you to live. So bringing people into a place like this now...

Deanna Monroe:
Are you telling me not to bring your people in? Are you already looking after this place? Aaron says I can trust you.

Rick Grimes:
Aaron doesn't know me. I've killed people. I don't even know how many by now. But I know why they're all dead. They're dead so my family, all those people out there, can be alive. So I could be alive for them.

Deanna Monroe:
Sounds like I'd want to be part of your family.

[Sgt. Abraham begins to lose his patience when Glenn and the group help calm him down]

Dr. Eugene Porter:
Is that your blood?

Sgt. Abraham Ford:
Yeah. Damn thing opened again. I swear, the cut's are finer than frog's hair. They're just big bleeders.

Maggie Greene:
First aid kit's in the bus, I'll see what we have.

[the mini-bus suddenly goes up in flames]

Sgt. Abraham Ford:
We're not stopping. We're rolling on. We'll find another vehicle down the road. The mission hasn't changed.

Dr. Eugene Porter:
Devil's advocate, nothing more - We smashed to a stop hard. We spent a lot of time rolling things out of the road. The church is just 15 miles back that way...

Sgt. Abraham Ford:
[Sgt. Abraham begins shouting at Eugene] No. We don't stop. We don't go back. We're at war and retreat means we lose. The road fights back, the plan gets jacked. You all know that. Now, we will get through this because we have to. Every direction is a question. We don't go back!

Glenn Rhee:
[Glenn pauses Abraham] Hey, hey, hey. You okay?

Sgt. Abraham Ford:
I am fit as a damn fiddle.

Glenn Rhee:
We are going with you. You are calling this thing. I just need to know you're good.

Sgt. Abraham Ford:
This is how things stop. I can't afford that right now. The world can't afford it. Listen, I took a pretty hard shot to the sack with that crash. I am stressed and depressed to see that ride die, but if you say we're rolling on? I'm good.

Glenn Rhee:
We're rolling on.

Sgt. Abraham Ford:
I'm gonna rub some dirt on it and walk it off.

Glenn Rhee:

Rosita Espinosa:
Find what we need like we always have - On the way.

Maggie Greene:
[Maggie smiles to see the argue has come to a close] Okay. I'm not rubbing dirt on anything.

[Dr. Edwards talks to Beth on the roof of the hospital as the two look out at the bombed city buildings]

Dr. Steven Edwards:
When everything started, Dawn reported to a guy named Hanson. They had orders to clear the hospital and move everyone to Butler Park. It was close to midnight when we heard the jets, the bombs. The screams. I was on the third floor. Dawn and Hanson's teams were doing a final sweep. And we knew it was bad, just didn't know how bad until we came up here. The city had fallen. And everyone we evacuated... they were just gone. We kept mostly to ourselves at first, 'til the food ran out. We started going out on runs, a few of us at a time. We'd see people who needed help. Barely holding on. But we were barely holding on ourselves. Came a time where I couldn't look away anymore. I found this kid. Naplam burns on his clothes, his skin. Dawn said we couldn't spare the resources. So we struck a deal. I'd use what I could to heal him and he'd compensate us for those resources through service. Now...

Beth Greene:
You're not the problem.

Dr. Steven Edwards:
We lost people. That was the problem. Hansen cracked. Made some calls got people killed. Dawn took care of things. She took care of him. She saw us passed it. Kept us together. Kept us alive.

Beth Greene:
You call this living?

Dr. Steven Edwards:
We're still breathing. Patients we brought here, they're still breathing. Outside these walls, alone, unprotected, they'd be dead. We'd be dead. We're not the ones who make it. As bad as it gets, it's still better than down there.

[last lines]

Deanna Monroe:
Gabriel, what is it?

Father Gabriel Stokes:
I need to speak with you.

Deanna Monroe:
Come - Come in.

Father Gabriel Stokes:

Deanna Monroe:
All, right.

Father Gabriel Stokes:
Satan... he disguises himself as the angel of light. I'm afraid that false light is here, inside these walls. This community, you say it's not a paradise, but it is. I'm grateful to be here. I am. But you made a mistake letting in the others.

Deanna Monroe:
How so?

Father Gabriel Stokes:
[Maggie listens from around the corner hallway to Gabriel talk about Rick and her group] Rick... his group... they're not good people. They've done things. They've done unspeakable things.

Carol Peletier:
[the scene cuts to Carol talking to Rick] Pete's hitting Jessie. Maybe Sam, too.

Deanna Monroe:
[the scene cuts back to Deanna and Gabriel] To make it out there as long as he did. They must've done things, Rick said as much. They survived. That's what makes them assets.

Father Gabriel Stokes:
You're wrong. They can't be trusted. They're dangerous. You may believe that they did, what they had to do, that they were afraid and so they - The day will come... when they'll put their own lives before yours and everyone else's and they will destroy everything you have here. Everything you're working so hard to build.

Rick Grimes:
You know this how? Sam tell you?

Carol Peletier:
He didn't have to.

Father Gabriel Stokes:
Why are you just now coming to me with this?

Father Gabriel Stokes:
He disguises himself as an angel of light. His servants are the false apostles of righteousness. They don't deserve this. They don't deserve paradise.

Deanna Monroe:
Thank you, Gabriel. I have a lot to think about.

Father Gabriel Stokes:
I - I only wish I'd come to you sooner. That I just - I hope it isn't too late.

Carol Peletier:
Rick. I know how this is gonna go with Pete. There's only one way it can go. You're gonna have to kill him.

[first lines]

Merle Dixon:
[delirious from exposure] Merle: That's right. You heard me, b*tch. You got a problem? Bring it on if you're man enough, Or take it up the chain if you're a p*ssy. You heard me, you p*ssy-ass noncom b*tch. You ain't deaf. Take it up the damn chain of command or you can kiss my lily-white ass. [wheezy laughter] That's right. That's what I said. You heard me. And then this idiot, he takes a swing, You know, and well... [laughs wheezily] Oh, you should've seen the look on his face when I punched out his front teeth. Yeah, five of 'em. Pow! Pow! Just like that. Huh. Oh my God. 16 months in the stockade... Oh, that's what them teeth cost me. Ah, that was... that was hard time, but by God, it was worth every minute of it. Just to see that prick spit his teeth out on the ground. [chuckles] Yes sir, worth every minute. [suddenly realises he is cuffed to a pipe on the roof] Oh no. No no! No no! No no! God! God! No no! God! Jesus! No no, merciful Christ! No no. No no. God, help me! God! God! Jesus, please! Jesus, please. Help me! Come on now! Help me... [sees Walkers trying to get through the door, unable to break it because of the chain] Ohh, Jesus, Jesus, help. [starts sobbing] No, Jesus. Jesus. No no no no no no. Please. I didn't behave, I know. I know I'm being punished. I know. I... Oh, I deserve it. I deserve it. I've been bad. Help me now. Show me the way. Go on, tell me what to do. Tell me. Tell me. God! [rolls under the pipe to reach a nearby handsaw] That's okay. Never you mind, silly Christ boy. I ain't begged you before. I ain't gonna start begging now. I ain't gonna beg you now! Don't you worry about me begging you ever! I'll never beg you! I ain't gonna beg you! I never begged you before. Oh sh*t. No!

[Glenn comes up with a plan to try and re-direct the herd away from Alexandria]

Glenn Rhee:
Hey, I was thinking, if we can find a way to distract the herd coming in, then they won't make it back to the community.


Glenn Rhee:
Burn one of the buildings. Hopefully more. They'll get drawn to it and stop here.

It's gonna take some time.

I'll do it. You stay with them.

Glenn Rhee:
It's my plan. It's on me.

You have a wife, Glenn.

Glenn Rhee:
That's why I'm doing this. You've got to get everybody back. You're the one who can. If I take too long, you just go.

I'm not leaving without you. This is not the way this works.

Glenn Rhee:
I will meet you there. If I get stuck out here, I'll find some way to show you guys I'm okay. We all have a job to do.

There's a feed store. It's old. A lot of dry stuff inside. It should go up easy. I'll go with you.

[Glenn puts his head down] I can - I can draw you a map

Glenn Rhee:
No. You lead the way. Just gotta do one thing first.

[Glenn takes a minute to call Rick on the walkie-talkie, seeing his pocket watch]

Glenn Rhee:
[Glenn calls Rick on the walkie-talkie as Rick continues to run for the RV, killing a small group of walkers] Rick, it's Glenn. We're in a town five degrees east of the green marker. If you get around on Redding in the next 20 minutes, you should be good. I think that's how far we're ahead of the herd. I'm gonna try to set a fire and distract them. If you don't see smoke, they're still coming your way. I got to go. Good luck, dumbass.

[first lines]

Maggie Greene:
Hey. Everyone, this is Aaron. We met him outside. He's by himself. We took his weapon and we took his gear.

[Aaron attempts to shake Rick's hand] Hi. It's nice to meet you.

Rick Grimes:
You said he had a weapon?

Rick Grimes:
[Maggie hands Rick Aaron's pistol] There something you need?

Sasha Williams:
He has a camp nearby. He wants us to audition for membership.

I wish there was another word. Audition makes it sound like we're some kind of dance troupe. That's only on Friday nights.

[nobody from Rick's group laughs at Aaron's joke] Um, and it's not a camp. It's a community. I think you all would make valuable additions. But it's not my call. My job is to convince you all to follow me back home. I know. If I were you, I wouldn't go either. Not until I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. Sasha, can you hand Rick my bag?

[Sasha hands Aaron's bag over to Rick] Front pocket, there's an envelope. There's no way I can convince you to come with me just by talking about our community. That's why I brought those. I apologize in advance for the picture quality. We just found an old camera.

Daryl Dixon:
No one gives a sh*t.

You're absolutely 100% right.

[Rick begins looking through the photos] That's the first picture I wanted to show you because nothing I say about our community will matter unless you know you'll be safe. If you join us, you will be. Each panel in that wall is a 15-foot-high, 12-foot-wide slab of solid steel framed by cold-rolled steel beams with square tubing. Nothing alive or dead gets through that wall without our say-so. Like I said, security is obviously important. In fact, there's only one resource more critical to our community's survival. The people.

[Michonne gives Rick a look]

Together, we're strong. You can make us even stronger. The next picture, you'll see inside the gates. Our community was first constru...

[Rick suddenly punches Aaron, knocking him out]

[the camera cuts and returns with Michonne telling Rick] So we're clear, that look was not a - Let's attack that man look. It was a - He seems like an okay guy to me look.

[Aaron tries to convince Rick and the group of his good intentions when Rick questions Aaron on how many people are out there in the woods]

Rick Grimes:
How many of you are out there?

Does it matter?

Rick Grimes:
Yes. Yes, it does.

I mean, of course, it matters how many people are actually out there, but does it matter how many people I tell you are out there? Because I'm pretty sure no matter what number I say - 8, 32, 444, 0... no matter what I say, you're not going to trust me.

Rick Grimes:
Well, it's hard to trust anyone who smiles after being punched in the face.

How about a guy who leaves bottles of water for you in the road?

Daryl Dixon:
[Daryl looks at the bottles of water and then looks back to Aaron] How long you people been following us?

Long enough to see that you practically ignore a pack of roamers on your trail. Long enough to see that in despite a lack of food and water you never turned on each other. You're survivors and you're people. Like I said, and I hope you won't punch me for saying it again, that is the most important resource in the world.

Rick Grimes:
How many others are out there?

One. I knew you wouldn't believe me. If it's not words, if it's not pictures, what would it take to convince you that this is for real? What if I drove you to the commmunity? All of you? We leave now, we'll get there by lunch.

Rick Grimes:
I'm not sure how the 15 of us are going to fit in the car you and your one friend drove down here in.

We drove separately. If we found a group, we wanted to be able to bring them all home. There's enough room for all of us.

Rick Grimes:
And you're parked just a couple miles away, right?

East on Ridge Road, just after you hit Route 16. We wanted to get them closer, but then the storm came, blocked the road. We could't clear it.

Rick Grimes:
Yeah, you've really thought this through.

Rick, if I wanted to ambush you, I'd do it here. You know, light the barn on fire while you slept, pick you off as you ran out the only exit. You can trust me.

I'll check the cars out.

Rick Grimes:
There aren't any cars.

There's only one way to find out.

Rick Grimes:
You don't need to find out.

We do. You know what you know and you're sure of it. I'm not.

Hershel Greene:
Just tell us what this is. Please.

The Governor:
It isn't personal.

Hershel Greene:
Than what is it?

The Governor:
Michonne, I want you to know... Penny, my daughter, she was dead. I know that know. Now, I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt anyone. I need the prison, that's it. There are people I need to keep alive. You two are gonna help me take it. No one needs to die.

I'm gonna kill you.

The Governor:
No, you won't.

I'm gonna take my...

Hershel Greene:
Stop it. You want the prison?

The Governor:
Yeah. And I will take it as peacefully as I can.

Hershel Greene:

The Governor:
Don't call me that.

Hershel Greene:
Your people, our people, we can find away to live together. These people you need to keep alive, do you love them?

The Governor:
You're a good man, Hershel. A better man than Rick.

Hershel Greene:
Everything you said, the way you've said it, you've changed. So has Rick.

The Governor:
The two of us will never be able to live together. Michonne and I, we'll never be able to live together.

Hershel Greene:
We'll find a way.

The Governor:
I found a way! I'm trying hard. There's all kinds of ways I could do this. This way, you get to live and I get to be...

Hershel Greene:
You say you want to take this prison as peacefully as possible. That means you'd be willing to hurt people to get it. My daughters would be there. That's who you'd be hurting. If you understand what it's like to have a daughter, then how could you threaten to kill someone else's?

The Governor:
Because they aren't mine.

[last lines]

Rick Grimes:
[Rick holds Pete on the street pavement in front of the community members as Deanna comes running up] Stop it! Stop it right now.

Rick Grimes:
[Rick continues to hold Pete in a choke hold] You touch them again and I'll kill you.

Deanna Monroe:
Damn it, Rick! I said stop.

Rick Grimes:
[Rick pulls out his revolver and aims it into the crowd of community members] Or what? You gonna kick me out?

Deanna Monroe:
Put that gun down, Rick.

Rick Grimes:
You still don't get it. None of you do!

Rick Grimes:
[Sasha snipes walkers out from the tower as Rick's group and the community members watch Rick] We know what needs to be done and we do it. We're the ones who live. You, you just sit and plan and hesitate. You pretend like you know when you don't. You wish things weren't what they are. Well, you want to live? You want this place to stay standing? Your way of doing things is done. Things don't get better because you - You want them to. Starting right now, we have to live in the real world. We have to control who lives here.

Deanna Monroe:
[Deanna responds to Rick looking down at him on his knees covered in blood] That's never been more clear to me than it is right now.

Rick Grimes:
Me? Me? You...

Rick Grimes:
[Rick laughs holding his hands up to himself] You mean - You mean me? Your way is gonna destroy this place. It's gonna get people killed. It's already gotten people killed. I'm not gonna stand by and just let it happen. If you don't fight, you die. I'm not gonna stand by and...

[Michonne knocks Rick unconscious by hitting him over the head]

[the camera cuts back and forth to Nicholas and Glenn telling their different stories of what happened with the loss of Aiden and Noah out on the run]

[Nicholas talks into Deanna's video recorder] Aiden was trying to save us from a roamer, shooting at it. Then Glenn distracted him.

Glenn Rhee:
[Glenn talks to Rick out on Rick's porch] I saw the grenades. I tried to stop him.

They just wanted to go, I didn't.

Glenn Rhee:
He was gonna run.

I wasn't gonna leave.

Deanna Monroe:
What about Tara?

I wasn't gonna leave her.

Glenn Rhee:
But we made him stay. Couldn't get Aiden out of there without help.

Then when we got into the lobby...

Glenn Rhee:
All he had to do was hold the door.

...He was hitting on the glass, pushing my door open. They were gonna kill me.

Glenn Rhee:
But he panicked.

Or they were trying to. Or they just didn't care.

Glenn Rhee:
Noah, I had him. I had his hand.

And if I didn't push back, I'd be dead, too.

Glenn Rhee:
I tried. I watched him die.

They did this. It was them.

Deanna Monroe:
But you all came back together. How did that happen?

Spencer Monroe:
Mom, what are you doing?

Deanna Monroe:
I need it for later. We have to do this now. No guns. No going outside the walls. The same goes for Glenn until I finish looking into this.

What do you need to look into? I'm telling you how it went down. These people have to go. They are not like us. I know you see it, too.

Deanna Monroe:
You don't know what I see, Nicholas. And I see a great deal.

[Deanna stops watching the video recording of Nicholas as Glenn stops telling his story to Rick]

[Rick tells Jessie that Pete needs to be stopped]

Rick Grimes:
He's hitting you. He's hurting you. It has to stop.

Jessie Anderson:
[Jessie pauses to see that Rick knows] It will.

Rick Grimes:

Jessie Anderson:
There are things in his life that happened.

Rick Grimes:
I don't care.

Jessie Anderson:
Look, it was like this before and he got help. I helped him and things were good. I can fix it.

Rick Grimes:
No, you can't. But I can.

Jessie Anderson:
No, what - What can you do? What are you gonna do? You gonna put him in jail? You're only gonna make things worse.

Rick Grimes:
If it's gotten worse, it means he's killed you. That's what's next. And I'm not gonna let that happen.

Jessie Anderson:
[Jessie pauses before asking Rick questions] Why do you care? Why is this so important to you? Now? You've made it. You have a home for your kids. Rick, what are you doing?

Rick Grimes:
I'm trying to help.

Jessie Anderson:
I don't know that. I'm married. Okay? I can take care of myself. We have to take care of ourselves.

[Jessie goes back into her house as Rick walks out in the street, seeing the happy people talk, walk their dog, reading a book, and then Sam with a red balloon]

Jessie Anderson:
[Rick enters into Jessie's home where she's crying to herself] What are you doing?

Rick Grimes:
[Rick's voice shakes] You know Sam asked for a gun? To protect you.

Jessie Anderson:
[Jessie cries and asks for Rick to leave] You shouldn't be here.

Rick Grimes:
Jessie, in here, you can't see it, but it's the same. It's the same as out there. We have food and roofs over our heads, but you don't get to just live. You don't get to put it off or wish it away, Jessie. If you don't fight, you die. And... and I don't want you to die.

Rick Grimes:
[Jessie raises her eyes with tears in them and looks close at Rick] I can - I can help you. I can keep you and your boys safe. I can. All you have to do is say yes.

Jessie Anderson:
[Jessie whispers to Rick] Would you do this for someone else? Would you do this for anyone?

Rick Grimes:
[Rick looks down before whispering back] No. No.

Jessie Anderson:
[Jessie whispers low] Yes.

Pete Anderson:
[Rick and Jessie silently stare into each other's eyes when Pete walks into the room] Rick.

[after Tyreese is bit, he begins to hallucinate from the floor and see's people he came in contact with from the past]

[Tyreese imagine a dead-looking Martin talking to him from the floor] I tried to tell you. I tried to tell you, man. It was gonna be you. You're the kind of guy who saves babies. You think Gareth would have been able to follow you guys if you would've just put a bullet in my brain? Cut me up like your sister did?

[Tyreese tries to get up from the floor unable to] Oh, whoa, whoa, don't get up. If I hadn't told them that you were there, maybe Gareth wouldn't have gone after you. Maybe they wouldn't be dead. And Bob wouldn't be dead. Maybe him being alive, maybe something about that would've changed things with Beth. Domino sh*t.

[Martin chuckles] Maybe not. Maybe you wouldn't be bit right now.

Bob Stookey:
[Tyreese imagines Bob talking to him from the bed] Man, that's bullshit. I got bit at the food bank. It went the way it had to, the way it was always going to. Just like this.

[Tyreese starts to imagine the radio in the bedroom playing]

Voice on the Radio:
[Tyreese listens to a voice on the radio speak in a British accent]... Then terrorizing the village by night, carrying out revenge attacks involving hacking innocents with machetes and, in some cases, setting them on fire.

If you just did it, if you didn't lie like a b*tch. It might've changed things. Maybe the bill would have been paid.

The Governor:
[Tyreese starts hallucinating that the Governor is standing over him] The bill has to be paid. You have to earn your keep. You told me you'd do what ever you had to do to earn your keep. That's what you said. Hm? Remember that.

Lizzie Samuels:
[Tyreese hallucinates Lizzie & Mika sitting on the floor beside him smiling] It's better now, Tyreese.

Mika Samuels:
It is. It's better now.

The Governor:
It's not better now. You damn well know what...

[Tyreese see's the Governor step toward him as the Governor's body switches into a walker falling on top of him]

[Tyreese begins to hallucinate again when he see's Beth playing the guitar]

Beth Greene:
[Beth sings to Tyreese] Every man has a right to live / Love is all we have to give / Together we struggle... by our will to survive / And together we fight just to stay alive / Struggling man has got to move / Struggling man no time to lose / I'm a struggling man / And I've got to move on

Beth Greene:
[Beth talks to Tyreese] It's okay, Tyreese. You got to know that now.

Bob Stookey:
It's okay that you didn't want to be a part of it anymore Ty.

Beth Greene:
You don't have to be a part of it.

See, that's your problem right there.

Tyreese Williams:
What's my problem?

You don't want to be part of it, but part of it is being now. That's what it is. Open your eyes.

Beth Greene:
You don't have to. Not if you don't want to.

Mika Samuels:
You don't. It's better now.

The Governor:
You told me you'd earn your keep. You had no idea what you were talking about, did you? Did you? Your eyes were open, but you didn't want to see. Even though I made you see it. I showed you. Did you adapt? Did you change? No. That you would sit there in front of a woman who killed someone you loved... and you would forgive her.

Bob Stookey:
That's all there is.

The Governor:
This is all there is. This is it.

Tyreese Williams:
I didn't know who I was talking to. I said I would do what I had to, to earn my keep. But I didn't know you. But I know - I know who I am. I know what happened and what's going on. I know. You didn't show me sh*t. You, you're dead. Everything that you were is dead. And it's - It's not over. I forgave her because... it's not over.

Tyreese Williams:
[Tyreese begins crying] It's not over. It's not - It's not over. I didn't turn away. I kept listening to the news so I could do what I could to help. I'm not giving up. You hear? I'm not giving up! People like me - People like me, they can live. Ain't nobody got to die today.

The Governor:
You have to pay the bill.

[the Governor pushes Tyreese back to the ground, as Lizzie quietly moves up next to Tyreese with a smile, holding up Tyreese's arm]

[when Tyreese suddenly wakes up out of a hallucination, seeing Rick holding up his arm]

Rick Grimes:
You hold him!

Glenn Rhee:
I got it! Go!

Rick Grimes:
One hit! Clean! Go! [Michonne takes a swing with her samurai sword to Tyreese's arm]

Dale Horvath:
Andrea, I'm begging you. Don't put me in this position.

I'm not going out there without my gun. I'll even say please.

Dale Horvath:
I'm doing this for you.

No, Dale, you're doing it for you. You need to stop. What do you think's gonna happen? I'm gonna stick it in my mouth and pull the trigger the moment you hand it to me?

Dale Horvath:
I know you're angry at me. That much is clear. But if I hadn't done what I did, you'd be dead now.

Jenner gave us an option. I chose to stay.

Dale Horvath:
You chose suicide.

So, what's that to you? You barely know me.

Dale Horvath:
I know Amy's death devastated you.

Keep her out of this. This is not about Amy. This is about us. And if I decided I had nothing left to live for, who the hell are you to tell me otherwise? To force my hand like that?"

Dale Horvath:
I saved your life.

No, Dale. I saved yours. You forced that on me. I didn't want your blood on my hands and that is the only reason I left that building. What did you expect? What, I'd have some kind of epiphany? Some life-affirming catharsis?

Dale Horvath:
Maybe just a little gratitude.

Gratitude? I wanted to die my way, not torn apart by drooling freaks. That was my choice. You took that away from me, Dale.

Dale Horvath:

But you know better? All I wanted after my sister died was to get out of this endless horrific nightmare we live every day. I wasn't hurting anyone else. You took my choice away, Dale. And you expect gratitude?

Dale Horvath:
I don't know what to say.

I'm not your little girl. I'm not your wife. And I am sure as hell not your problem. That's all there is to say.

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    C Jimmy Carter
    D John F. Kennedy