Dawson's Creek, Season 6

Dawson's Creek (1998-2003) was an American television series about four friends in a small coastal town that help each other cope with adolescence and beyond.

Oh, my god! You're still there, like a vegetable.

Writing a good e-mail is hard.

Yes, especially when it is a huge mistake.

Shut up.

Joey, I am serious. E-mail expression is the scourge of the modern age. The Internet has made it way too easy to express oneself. Ok, you have some fleeting thought. You send it. It lands with a thud in some unsuspecting person's mailbox. Said person then reads it, gets irked because you've recapped a conversation that you presumably already had. They fail to respond. You feel slighted. But if you must be one of these pathetic passive/aggressive e-mail types, far be it from me to stop you. What do you have so far?

Well... I had "Dear Dawson," and then I erased it.

Why? I think that's a nice start.

I seemed cold.

True. I mean, you did just nude-up with the guy. Oh, I'm sorry, or did you guys do it through a hole in a sheet because that's very Dawson and Joey to me.

Again, shut up.

Sorry. Ok, so what do you want to say?

I don't know. I mean, I don't like the way things ended, and I want him to know that I care, but I also want to hold on to my righteous indignation.

Obviously. Well, why don't you just pick up the phone and call him?

I'm afraid we'll just fall right back into our old patterns. Trust me. E-mail is a far safer alternative at the moment.

Ok, if you must do this, then I say that you go for it. You know, be gooey and be embarrassing, but most of all, just be real, Joey. Say all of the things that you can't say to his face, the whole nine.

You're right. I better get to work. But...thank you, Audrey.

No problem, sister Christian.

Ok, kiddies, knock back your Ritalin and settle down. You may recall, we were wrapping up a rather depraved discussion of Portnoy's Complaint last week. Sadly, we won't be dabbling in Roth's stream-of-consciousness sexual rivers much longer, but fate assigned us some additional reading last night via e-mail. I think you all got a copy, so why not? Let's discuss something you actually might've read. "Dear Dawson, I don't know where to begin."

Uh, professor Heston-

Nobody likes a show-off, Potter. You don't reach a point for several paragraphs, so I'll skip ahead. "In the moment when we touched, maybe we went somewhere else that rose above all this, but then we landed, and I think maybe we crashed." [Class laughs] Why, when broaching the topic of sex, do so many writers try to write themselves out of it? Sexuality and all its dysfunctions are intrinsic to the human experience, maybe the one thing we can all relate to at the end of the day-- well, neurosis and the god thing aside. And the reason that Roth seduced us and Miss Morning After here didn't is that while Roth isn't afraid to get his hands quite literally dirty with rapid-fire sensual description, our e-mail author here distances herself from the act with vague metaphors. Can't be stream of consciousness if you're observing from the shores... right?

You know, maybe-- and this is just a shot in the dark-- she didn't mean to send it to the gossips at large. Maybe she's just trying to get some private closure, never dreamed she'd be subjected to the Oprah psychobabble of her life-lacking peers. Now, do you guys want something to eat, or should I just bring over a nice tray of bon-bons so you guys can hunker down and watch your stories?

Audrey! Lay off.

What's your problem, princess? I was sticking up for Joe Dirt over there.

Oh, this isn't going to end well.

Would you shut up, Pacey?

You're out of line, Audrey.

Of course I am. Anyone messes with the one that got away and you get all up on your high horse, don't you?


Oh, excellent, another party heard from. What's your problem, Lindley?

I think you're the one with the problem.

Oh! How devilishly clever of you, Jen. [Pause] Oh, honey, are you still upset that I shagged your dream boy, because I am sorry about that.

What are you even doing here?

I missed my flight, bitch! Which is really, terribly unfortunate, because if you think that spending Christmas on Walton Mountain is my idea of a good time, than you all are about as high as I am right now.

Audrey? Why don't you go lie down?

Oh, you know, thanks for that Gail, really, but I think I'm kinda just getting started here. Do any of you have have any idea how hypocritical this whole little gathering is? I mean, I'd be flying high on a pleasingly potent cocktail of vodka and painkillers and thank you, by the way, Gail, for the painkillers. But I seem to be seeing things a little clearer than-than any of you. Dawson. Pacey. You guys hate each other, don't you? You're never going to-to be able to mend this little rift that exists between the two of you, so-so why do you even bother with the charade? And Dawson and Joey. [Laughs] Here you are, both of you, all grown-up and so very pleased with yourselves and each with your little significant other by your side respectively and while I will give you that it does make for a pretty picture, the truth of the matter is that you guys finally slept together and you've never really dealt with it. And neither of you are going to be able to have a relationship with anyone else till you finally just deal with your crap once and for all. And...as for you, Pacey, I'm really sorry that Audrey Hepburn next to you broke your heart all those years ago and has prevented you from ever fully committing to an adult relationship...but you know what? Just grow up.

Ok, let's...just... take a little time out, because you and I... we're not actually having this conversation.

Oh, why? 'Cause you don't want to talk about sex with me?

Ha! Do you want to talk about sex with me?

Well, no, but... I usually don't want to talk about sex with anybody.

Thank you for proving my point. Now, if we could move on, I think our night will be much, much more pleasant.

After you tell me why you don't want to talk about sex with me.

All right, one would think this would be obvious, but fine. Perhaps it has something to do with how calm and cool and non-judgmental you are about the whole thing.

Oh, you know what? I don't approve. Ok? There. I said it. And I refuse to sit here and pretend like this is all just fine, 'cause it's ridiculous.

Do you hear yourself? You can't help it! This is why we don't talk about sex. It's actually the secret to our entire friendship.

You've lost me in your sea of pronouns.

Well, ok. We are friends. Right?


So what is the secret to our long-lasting and angst-free friendship? What is the one thing that keeps it going year after year after year after year?

We suck at meeting new people.

Wrong. We do not, under any circumstance, talk about sex. I may be having it, you may be thinking about having it, but we don't discuss it. That way we avoid the awkwardness, and in avoiding the awkwardness, we are able to maintain our friendship. You see, it's a preventative measure. I solved the problem before it even starts.

But, Pacey...if we're such good friends, why is there any awkwardness in the first place?

Because not too long ago, we were more than just good friends, now, weren't we?

Yeah, but we're not anymore.

But that doesn't matter. The damage is already done.

What, so as far as you're concerned, I slept with you, and then I took myself in and got revirginized?

In my mind? Yes.


Ok, so basically what you're saying is that the only way you and I can continue being friends is if we lie to each other about our sex lives... if we take that whole giant aspect of our lives and just... pretend like it doesn't exist?

Worked for you and Dawson.

Hey. Ooh.

Yeah, I know. Kids today, huh?

That damn rap music.

And those baggy pants. Even with the damage to my unsuspecting eardrum, I did think that tonight was quite nice. Quite nice.

Yes. Quite. Perfect. It was... it's been a perfect night....Pace? I can't do this.

You can't do what?

Even when everything is perfect, being with you doesn't feel right, and I'm sorry. Look, everything tonight-- I mean, tonight was lovely and fun and... you've become this... I mean, this amazing man, but it doesn't... I'm sorry. I don't... I don't feel it. And I can't do this with you.

Ok, Joey, just slow down for a second.

No, Pace, it's... it's true and... I'm sorry.

So what, you're scared. Right? You're scared. And so am I, believe me. And I'm scared because I don't know where this thing is going, Jo. As in, I think it could go anywhere. This could be it.

It won't be.

How could you possibly know that? I mean, really. Last week, you're onboard, and now you're just psychically telling me that this could never be something great. You can't possibly know that, because we don't know that, Joey.

And I'm sorry. I know that this is such a horrible thing to say.

But how? How could you know? And when did you make this decision, tonight? I mean, I thought tonight was going great.

It was. It was great.

So then when? And don't tell me that you're not scared, because I know that you are. I mean, I've known you too long and seen you push away too many good things to let you push me away right now. My whole life, Joey, my whole life you have been the most beautiful thing in my orbit. And my feelings for you were what proved to me that I could be great. And those feelings were stronger and were wiser and more persistent and more resilient than anything else about me.

Pacey, stop.



When I was afraid of everything, I was never afraid to love you and I could love you again. I could. I'm telling you, this could...

Pacey, no. Pacey, stop! Eddie came back. I'm sorry. He came back last night. He came to the bar-

Oh. Okay.

Look, I'm sorry- [Pacey walks away]

So what you're saying is that you want to do everything.

Yes! Yes. Well, everything within reason.

Within reason?

Well, yeah, I mean, we should be somewhat practical about this.

You want to be practical about running away together?

Well, Eddie, I mean, running away together isn't as easy as it looks on TV. I mean, believe me. I've done it before. And we're gonna get back in the fall. We're gonna be starting school. We're gonna be completely broke.


So that thought doesn't terrify you?

No, not more than the thought of not spending the summer with you. Or not seeing your face the first time you see the Eiffel tower, or the London bridge, or the plaza San Marco in Venice. You know, it's not like either of us have any money now. I mean, we're broke. So what? We start over. Rebuild things from scratch.

With you in California and me here?

And a whole lifetime's worth of memories. Things that'll never leave us no matter how broke we get.

Eddie... all I'm saying is that... running away together, no matter how romantic and magical it all seems at the time, it doesn't solve anything, ok? So whatever it is that you're running away from, whether it be circumstances or geography, you know, fate, another person, it's always gonna be there when you get back.

Ok, so what would you suggest to solve these problems, Joey? I mean, what do you want to do? Just ignore the opportunities that come our way?

No! I'm just--I'm trying to be practical.

Which means what, exactly?

Maybe we should just wait. You know, scale back a little.

Scale back?

Yeah. Maybe work for a month or two and then go.

Joey, we're gonna spend the rest of our lives working.

Yeah, and we have the entire summer to take this trip. Nobody said we have to go tomorrow.

I do.


You don't-- you don't even really want to do this, do you?

Of course I want to do this.

Yeah, but only on your terms.

Well, whose terms am I supposed to be doing this on, Eddie? I mean, if I'm gonna throw my life entirely off course for the chance-

Oh, my god. What are you talking about? Throwing it off course? I'm not asking you to throw your life off course, Joey. I'm talking about a summer here. All I'm asking is that you take a leap. Come away with me.

Oh, like Saul Bellow or on the road? Eddie, those are just stories--poems. Little pieces of unreality that we're not meant to base our lives on. Eventually we always have to come back and deal with the real world.

So what? What are you gonna do? You just wanna sit here for your entire life waiting and hoping for the world to come to you? Because the point of those stories, Joey, is that people's lives-- their real lives-- only begin when they step out into the world. And when you do that, when you meet it head on, maybe you change the world, maybe you don't, but the point is, is that it changes you. And that is what people mean when they talk about growing up.

So what? If I want to be with you, I'm supposed to just throw all of my previous life experience out the window? I'm supposed to just stop being who I am?

Who you are, Joey, is not some scared little girl who's afraid to take a chances on anything, who's afraid to really love someone because of the risk or the pain. That does not define you as a person. Or maybe it does, you know? Maybe--maybe I'm crazy. Maybe you've just blinded me.

Are you done? You should probably find somewhere else to sleep tonight.

I just-- I want to ask you one thing before you go.

As long as it doesn't involve me holding you while you cry.

I promise.

What is it, kid?

Well, I was just wondering if maybe you could cover me? Loan me a little money?

You're kidding, right?

No. I wish I was, but... you have no idea how hard it is for me to ask you for this, Rich, but a friend of mine a couple of weeks ago, he came to me and he wanted to double his money really fast. So I just put it all into Stepatech.

That was a stupid move, Pacey.

But he wanted to pull out, and I told him not to, I told him to just trust me and ride the thing out, and this guy is my oldest and closest childhood friend. I cannot screw him like this, Rich.

It's already done, Pacey.

No, I'm serious. All I want to do is give him back his initial investment. And then I'll pay you back with whatever interest you want.

What about you? What happened to your disposable income?

I got nothing left. Everything I had was in Stepatech. I'm worth like, I don't know, 300 bucks right now.

You know, it's funny. You're so good at your job, you're so confident, I sometimes forget how young and stupid you are.

Please, Rich, I need your help, not the speech right now, ok?

Oh, I think you do, actually. And I'm gonna say to you what you should have told your little friend in the first place. No.

That's it? That's all you have to say to me? I come to you, embarrass myself, and you're just gonna say no?

Pretty much, yeah.

You know, Rich, sometimes you're so good at your job I forget what an unfeeling prick you are.

You work for me. I'm your boss. You watch your tone.

Ok, Rich, I'm just asking you for this one favor! Just one time!

I...don't...do... favors, Witter.

Why not? 'Cause god forbid you have to drop the Gordon Gecko routine for a second? I mean, this would be so easy for you, man. Just help me out here!

Help you out?! I gave you a job, Witter! I gave you a chance to escape some bottom feeder existence, and every step of the way, you have been a holier-than-thou pain in the ass. So you tell me, why should I help you out? Take this pen. Take this pen, Witter, and write down today's date. Because from this day forward, you're going to amount to nothing. You are a failure and a loser, and you deserve everything that can-- uhh!

[Pacey hits him and they begin figting]

It's all over, Pace. Don't worry... you're fired. That's what you wanted all along, anyway. Loser.

So they told me you went away for a while.

Let's not be awkward exes, Pacey. I was drying out in Malibu.

Ok. Well, you look great, anyhow.

Clean living, my friend. So, what happened to your job? I know you're not just taking a long lunch break. You're a little too hard-core for that.

Well, I've been reassessing how I allocate my time.

So you're drinking?

I'm thinking about it.

You're thinking about taking a tasty downward spiral? Oh, you'd better quit while you're ahead. You're not cut out for this.

What are you talking about? I could spiral with the best of them. Speaking of... shouldn't you really avoid places like this?

I, um, can't hide from my problems forever. It's kind of how I ended up in rehab in the first place, right?

Well, that's brave of you. But you were always good like that.

Yeah, well, I'll be your personal superhero, ok?


Unless of course you want to spend the rest of your days hiding out in dives like this. What are you hiding from, Pacey?

I'm hiding from the suit, because it's evil. Bad things happen when it's on. I allowed people to believe in me for a second, which was foolish, and now it's really coming back to bite them in the ass.

You know what? This isn't you talking. This is your former self rearing its ugly head. Come on, Pacey. I know moments like these. One path is the harsh reality, and one path is the comfortably numb. But guess what? In the morning, when you're all sobered up, the problem's still gonna be there. Only, now it'll be like a big festering wound, and you'll just be the jerk who sat back and let it get worse.

Well, thanks for not walking on eggshells around me.

It's weird, huh? This room used to be the official meeting place where we'd discuss what happened that day. And now it's just a film set, and I don't even know what happened this year.

Yeah. I was kind of hoping I could just climb up the ladder and... magically fill in all the lost time.

How's that working for you?

Not so easy.


Maybe I was gone for too long.

Well, we'll piece it together between the two of us then, right? The lost year of Dawson and Joey.

It wasn't easy.

What wasn't?

Not talking to you. Maybe it seemed like it was. And I guess it just... became routine, just another thing that I didn't do. Well, like shooting heroin or driving drunk.

Wow, I'm up there with the dangerous activities.

Or casual sex. Dawson, for so long, you were the only person in the whole world I wanted to be with. Then somehow you became my only one-night stand.

I never meant for it to be like that.

I know. I know. Maybe being in this room makes it easier. Having it set up this way, you know, I'm so familiar, and... seems insane not to talk. And sometimes the hardest things to say are the things that... really matter.

Hmm. Why do you think I've spent years trying to write an entire screenplay about you?

I read it in one sitting.

Ok. I hope you don't think that I gave it to you so that you could just say all the obligatory nice things.

And why would I feel obligated?

Exactly, because if I can't get an honest opinion from the girl who loathes me more than anyone else in the world, who can I trust, right?

You've always been this devilishly clever.

Well... yeah. But... uh, I got--I got-- I wanted you to read it because... well, you're really the only person in the world who can tell me if I got it right this time.

You grew up, Dawson. You grew up. I always wanted to think that you were this hopeless dreamer and I was the adult that escaped. But I didn't escape anything, not really.

Sure you did. You got out of Capeside. Wasn't that the original plan?

Couldn't escape myself, could I? You were right. So much of what I was fighting was growing up. And I figured out this past year that it's hard for me... to talk about sex, to talk about... getting close with someone. And maybe... I'm not supposed to lose myself. Now it's not part of the plan. But then again, I never thought that losing you was part of the plan, either.

I think sometimes... you have to lose somebody completely before you can figure out what they really mean to you. I missed you, Jo.

You got it right this time, Dawson. I missed us.

Man, and we were just gettin' back to be friends, too. It's such a shame to ruin that.

What are you talking about? What would ruin it?

Money. Money would ruin it.

W-what happened?

It's gone. Your money's gone, my money's gone, some guy on Long Island's money is gone-

What--what do you mean gone? That was all the money that I had.

I know it was, Dawson, and I honestly thought Stepatech was gonna take off, I swear to you.

Right. Yeah, o-of course. Otherwise why would you blatantly ignore my request to sell the stock?

Man, I was just tryin' to do the right thing.

Ah, damn it, Pacey, this- You're always tryin' to do the right thing. You're always so eager to be the hero, you never quite see all the pieces of the puzzle.

Dawson... you came to me with your dream because you thought I could help make something of it, and somehow this comes back yet again to the fact that I screwed you over?

Ok, you know what, you two? Let's just stick to the topic at hand. Ok, so we can just solve this problem by going inside and trying to get calm... and we'll talk about it.

Joey, talking about this is not gonna solve anything.

What are you talking about?

He means it's not about money. So fine then, let's just talk about what's really goin' on here.

You know what? I see no reason to drudge up baggage from the past just to fill in the moment, Pacey. I mean, let's remember something. This exchange between you and Dawson is purely a business exchange, and I think we need to remember to keep it at that.

She's right. It is business between us, 'cause god knows we haven't been best friends in a long time, have we?

No, we certainly have not.

You wanna know why we're not friends, Pace? It's not because of what happened with Joey, even though that turned my world upside down. It's because from that day forward, I realized that you hadn't been my friend for... maybe quite some time, 'cause the second you made us competitors-

That I made us competitors? No. No. Now--now you're rewriting history, Dawson.

I remember when my best friend had a choice and chose to turn his back on me. If you'd ever stopped settin' us up against each other, you woulda realized that you and I are not that far apart.

Ah, spare me the speech. You are not gonna convince me that our world's... are anything alike. You're just upset because I broke outta mine.

Broke out of yours? How? By putting on a suit and slavin' away at something that doesn't even interest you? You made money. Congratulations. You impressed us all.

How dare you. You know nothing about me, man. I was good at my job.

Then why am I broke?

Because that's life! I didn't make that choice! I have lost, literally, everything! What do you want from me, man? Does this make you happy, that you're back on top now? I mean, you always liked it better when you were in charge, so is this what you wanted? Does this make it all right?

You don't wanna know me, Pace. You wrote me off a long time ago.

Really? Really? Back when we were the best of friends? When we were brothers? Was I just outta the house every time you tried to call me over the last 3 years?

Ok, can you guys just stop it? I can't stand here and listen to you guys do this anymore.

I didn't mean to lose your money. I didn't know that that would happen. I'm sorry.

Yeah, so am I. This-- this was just a big mistake from the beginning, I guess.

You ok, Pace?

You don't have to do this.

Do what?

Sit out here with me. I know you'd rather be in the house with Dawson, so why don't you just go and help him lick his wounds?

Things never change here, do they?

No... because these are the roles we were destined to play.

No, Pace, these are the roles we chose to play. I mean, look at us, sitting out here on this dock in front of the same house we've been haunting for years. We're practically ghosts of our former selves, and honestly, I don't think anyone really remembers what they're mad about anymore.

Mm, I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Pacey, if I wanted to go back into that house, I would've gone a long time ago. Don't you know me at all by now?

Well, I don't want you sitting here feeling sorry for me.

I don't feel sorry for you. I feel for you, Pacey. God, can't you ever tell the difference?

I don't know. [Sighs] I don't know, because you and I have had a very confusing run of things. Especially lately.

Ok. You know, and no matter how much I love you or how long I stay with you, you're only gonna remember the moments when I leave.

Well, you gotta give me that much, because those are pretty much the most painful moments in my life.

That's because you ask for them, Pacey. I'm sorry. You do. Your whole life, you spend so much time expecting the worst that you don't even notice the moments when people are loving you, and, Pacey, people spend a lot of time loving you.

Well... with all due respect, Jo, my best friend just walked away from me, but that's not even the worst of it. The worst thing is he hasn't even really known me for the last 3 years, so please, clarify that for me. How does that qualify me as a man with a support network?

Well, you have a person sitting right here, don't you? But of course, that's not enough. Not until you let it.

In what world do I have you?

Look, just because I don't fit into that... place you want me to doesn't mean there's not a place for me, Pacey. Does it?

Joey, this isn't your fight, anyway.

You're right. You're right. It's not my fight because it's been over for a really long time, Pacey. And it is up to you to make it right.

I don't know how to make it right.

Well, you're gonna have to figure it out. You know, that's the thing about ghosts. They say that... they don't leave until they're at peace with what they left undone.

[on videotape] Hi, Amy, it's mom. Well, by the time you see this, I won't be here anymore, and I know how much that sucks, for both of us. So seeing as how I won't be around to thoroughly annoy you, I thought I would give you a little list of the things that I wish for you. Well, there's the obvious. An education. Family. Friends. And a life that is full of the unexpected. Be sure to make mistakes. Make a lot of them, because there's no better way to learn and to grow, all right? And, um, I want you to spend a lot of time at the ocean, because the ocean forces you to dream, and I insist that you, my girl, be a dreamer. God. I've never really believed in god. In fact, I've spent a lot of time and energy trying to disprove that god exists. But I hope that you are able to believe in god, because the thing that I've come to realize, sweetheart... is that it just doesn't matter if god exists or not. The important thing is for you to believe in something, because I promise you that that belief will keep you warm at night, and I want you to feel safe always. And then there's love. I want you to love to the tips of your fingers, and when you find that love, wherever you find it, whoever you choose, don't run away from it. But you don't have to chase after it either. You just be patient, and it'll come to you, I promise, and when you least expect it, like you, like spending the best year of my life with the sweetest and the smartest and the most beautiful baby girl in the world. You don't be afraid, sweetheart. And remember, to love means to live.

Well, you know that list of hardest things to live through? You just got bumped again. Ah. I'm so out of touch, Jo. I've... I've wasted so much time living in my little Hollywood bubble even now, my mind's on my work. I hate to admit that. Show's calling every 5 seconds. The network wants a script, which I haven't finished yet, because I don't know how. I don't have an ending. I can't even think straight enough to write one.

Dawson, this is a time of extreme stress.

It's not just that. When I saw Jen for the first time the other with Amy my first thought was, when did Jen have a baby? I forgot Jen had a baby. I forgot I knew that. What-- what's wrong with me?

You cannot feel guilty about that, Dawson. My office is calling every 5 seconds. It's--it's called life, and we just have to deal. Deal with-

With what, though? It's not Shakespeare. I'm not writing Schindler's List. I don't even know why I care so much. I'm no Spielberg. The guy won't even take a meeting with me. Would he?

Stop it.

She's dying. Jo, she's gonna die, and all I can think about is some frickin' ending to some stupid TV show. I keep thinking there's gonna be time for the rest of it, but it--it--it runs out.

Yes, it does.

Nothing in my life feels real anymore. I've lost touch with my family, my friends, you... and you and me together is the only thing that ever made sense to me, and I forgot that... until I saw you, and then it came back, what we were, and we're not even together.

Do you not watch The Creek? We're together every Wednesday at 8:00. Dawson, you wrote a show about us.

And that's the problem. I've turned my entire life into fiction. It's not even real life that I'm living anymore.

It is real, in the best way possible. Dawson, do you know how lucky you are? You're a writer. You get to live life twice. Who else can do that?

You're off the hook. I never really put much faith in all that "if you love someone set them free" crap, as evidenced by everything I've done in my life up to this very moment... but I am determined to be happy, Joey. Happy in this life... And I love you, I mean, I always, I have always, always loved you. But our timing has just never been right... and the way I figure it, time is no man's friend. So I have to get right with that and be happy, now. Because this is it, I mean, this is all that we get. If there is one thing I've learned from losing Jen, that's what I've learned.

Pacey, I-

Actually, um, hold on. I'm not done yet. Because I also want for you to be happy. It's really important for me that you be happy. So I want you to be with someone, whether it be Dawson or New York guy or some man that you haven't even met yet. But I want you to be with someone who can be a part of the life that you want for yourself. I want you to be with someone who makes you feel like I feel when I'm with you. So, I guess the point to this long run-on sentence that's been the last 10 years of our lives... is just that the simple act of being in love with you is enough for me. So you're off the hook.

You know, for the record I, I don't wanna be let off the hook. Cause everything in my life that I've done has led me here, right now. And the last thing I want, need or deserve is to be let off somebody's hook.

Please don't miss my point here...

And don't miss mine. Pacey, I love you, you know that. And it's very real. It's so real that it's kept me moving, mostly running from it, never ready for it… and I love Dawson, he's my soul mate. He's tied to my childhood... and it's a love that is pure and eternally innocent. I can't be let off the hook because I just might get the notion that it's ok to keep running.

So then what exactly are you saying here?

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    "Dawson's Creek, Season 6 Quotes." Quotes.net. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 9 Mar. 2025. <https://www.quotes.net/show/dawson's_creek,_season_6_quotes_463>.

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    Barbra Streisand's first line in her first movie was...?
    A "Hi, I am here!"
    B "Hello, Dolly!"
    C "Hello gorgeous!"
    D "Papa, can you hear me?"