Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, Season 1

Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (originally known as Tangled: The Series in its first season) (2017-2020) is an American animated television series developed by Chris Sonnenburg and Shane Pigmore and produced by Disney Television Animation that premiered on Disney Channel as a Disney Channel Original Movie titled Tangled: Before Ever After on March 10, 2017, with regular episodes premiering on March 24, 2017. The series is based on the 2010 film Tangled and features the returning voices of Zachary Levi and Mandy Moore, alongside Eden Espinosa, Clancy Brown, and Julie Bowen.

Fitzherbert! (Rapunzel gasps)

(sighs) not again. (Pascal also had enough of Eugene and Cassandra's argument)

I don't know what you're so upset about! Oh, wait, know was the wrong choice of words. (Rapunzel sees her painting and holds it then tosses it on the other paintings and walks to the hall while being annoyed) I meant, I don't care what you're so upset about.

(sighs deeply) Hey, guys! Everything okay? I couldn't help but overhear a--

Not only did you take my halberd without asking, you got your disgusting hair all over it!

How dare you! First of all, I did not touch your halberd. Second of all, what is a halberd? (Cssandra shows it to him) Oh! Oh, a halberd. Okay, fine, you got me, but check out this shave. Smooth as a baby's bottom.

Try a monkey's.

Okay. Okay. (tells Cassandra and Eugene when walking between them) Everyone, let's take a deep, calming, cleansing breath. (inhales, exhales)

To be fair, I asked several times if I could use that thing.

And I said "no" every time.

Which shouldn't matter, because we both know I don't listen to you.

Guys, come on. This is ridiculous. (tells Cassandra and Eugene)

Eugene, a halberd should only be handled by a skilled warrior.

Hello! Skilled warrior! (referring to himself) (grabs Cassandra's halberd from her and show her that she is wrong about him being a pro) You forgot Flynn Rider has handled plenty of weapons. (King Frederic's favorite vase shatters) Oh. (sees that he shattered it)

Ha! Way to go, Eugene. (Rapunzel sees her dad's favorite vase is shattered on the floor)

That-- that's a faulty halberd right there. (points to it) (Rapunzel runs to her dad's favorite vase that is shattered by Eugene)

Let's not panic! I mean, it is-- was my dad's favorite, irreplaceable, one of a kind, most favorite vase, but--

Hey, I have an idea, Eugene. Why not just steal him another one? Oh! Oh, wait, wait. You can't! This is a one of a kind vase.

(chuckles) Of course you would pronounce it "vahz", Cassandra.

Yeah, yeah, "vayce," "vahz." Either way, it'll be the first the king sees when he sits down for dinner tonight, or doesn't see.

You just love making me look like an idiot in front of the king, don't ya?

Nope, you do a perfect job of that all on your own. (Rapunzel sighs and walks back to her bedroom)

Thank you. Wait a minute!

Okay, it's a grim place to offer an apology, but then again, this is Cassandra we're talking about. (turns around to see Cass inside a cell)

I'm sorry. (Eugene yelps) Did you just say I was going to offer you an apology? (holds her note while walking to him)

Yeah! You said in your note you wanted to say sorry.

I didn't write you a note. You wrote me a note. (shows the note) (door closes, locks) Huh? (Rapunzel is inside the dungeon twirling a key)

Hey! What are you doing? (asks Rapunzel)

Time for the game to begin. (tells Eugene and Cassandra)

Game? What are you talking about? (asks Rapunzel)

Don't you see? I wrote the letters. They were merely a ruse to lure you both down here.

What? You can't just lock us in here. (Pascal grumbles)

(chuckles) Oh, I can, and I have, and I'm afraid your only way to escape is to work together, to solve a puzzle of my own design.

What puzzle?

Within these walls, you will find a series of strategically placed, increasingly difficult clues, each one more unfathomably perplexing than the last. Put them together, and you're free to go. (Eugene and Cassandra are shocked) Fail? And this prison cell will become your new home. (leaves) (cackles evilly) (returns with treats) Oh, and I made you guys cookies. (gives the basket to Cassandra) (leaves again)

What are we, twelve? (takes a cookie from the basket and holds the treat then bites it) (cookie crumbs rustling to the floor and one of it rolls into the hole to the floor of Stabbingtons' cell)

Listen, this is all your fault.

Oh, please! (Sideburns picks up the cookie crumb from the floor) You know darn well that my only fault is that I have no faults!

Recognize that voice? (asks Patchy) Sounds like our old friend.

Aah! (drank the bottle of milk)

Unbelievable! (jumps off the bed and walks to Eugene then grabs the basket out of his hand) Did you eat all the cookies? (asks Eugene)

I'm not a pig, Cassandra. I ate all of your cookies. (tells her) I'm saving mine for later. (touches his satchel) (Cassandra is still mad at him and she shoves the basket at him) (basket thuds) (he holds the basket)

Huh! You are nothing but a self-serving, inconsiderate, arrogant freeloader.

Ah! (drops the basket) You know I could rattle off insulting adjectives describing your personality too, but to do so would imply that you actually have a personality, and I wouldn't feel right about doing that! (about to eat a cookie but Cassandra sees the coordinates)

Hey, hold on, wait, don't-- don't eat that! (slaps the cookie out of Eugene's hand and holds the treat)

Oh! Go ahead, but it's got my milk drool on it.

Quick! Let me see the others. (takes a cookie out of Eugene's satchel)

What are you doing?

X6? Y15? I think these are coordinates for a grid! Rapunzel must have hidden the key behind a loose brick in the wall, and these cookies tell us which one. (she holds the cookie and shows a coordinate to Eugene and she runs to the wall then he holds his satchel)

So, just for clarification, I can eat the cookies now or no? (Cassandra checks the coordinates on the cookie to find a brick and pulls it out and she sees a spring)


That's it? That's just a rusty spring!

And on your first guess too. Wait, there's more. (finds a paper) It's another clue. "This one is easy." "Just follow my lead." Follow her lead? How? (turns around and asks Eugene) She locked us in here this makes no sense.

That's because we're not supposed to follow her "leed." We're supposed to follow her "led". Hmm, different words, same spelling. Ah-ha! shows Cassandra and she jumps off the bed) (a pencil is shown and an arrow that Rapunzel drew on a wall pointing to the gear wedged between the wall and grabs it) Don't worry, kid. You're not the first person to match wits with this baby, and come off looking like a total chump. (points to his head)


In fact, you might say making people look like chumps is kind of my spécialité.

Look! There's another clue. (sees another one of Rapunzel's clue wedged between Eugene's comb)

I've been looking for this! (glad to have his comb back and he sees a mirror while Cassandra sits on a bed to read the clue)

This is your final clue, so pick up the pace. (Eugene walks to a mirror) "You'll find the last treasure in the same spot." "you find your face?" (turns and sees the mirror)

Hey there, looking good. (winks at his reflection but Cassandra turns the mirror around to see a cork) Hey! I was using that!

Ugh, another useless item. (referring to the cork and throws it to the floor)

Ho, ho, ho. Well done! (claps) (Cassandra is mad at him) You've discovered the castle's junk drawer.

Me? You were part of this too! (points to Eugene while he lays on the bed)

Oh, no! Don't stir me into your failure stew! I was fine to sit here eating X and Y cookies until Rapunzel gave up and let us out.

And that's just like you, isn't it? Sit back and let things fall right into your lap.

What's that supposed to mean? (asks Cassandra)

Oh, come on! You know exactly what it means!

Hey, Pretty Boy, Bowl Cut! Why don't you two scud buckets pipe down?

Why don't you mind your own business?

Ooh! "Mind my own business." Is that some comeback, Lady-Frowns-A-Lot?

(growls) (runs to the cell and tries to attack the person that insulted her)

Whoa, whoa, Cassandra. (holds her) Let me handle this. (tells her while she is mad)

Look at that! Fancy Boots has got something to say!

Name calling? Come on, we're better than that, aren't we? Sure, we can sit here and make fun of each other. Tease Cassandra for her chronic joylessness, or me for my uncommonly good looks, or you for your poor dental health and poor dental hygiene, tragic fashion sense, robust body odor, and what are clearly woefully misguided life-decision-making-skills, but do you really want to go down that road? (Cassandra smiles)

Mmm, I guess not. (Cassandra and Eugene smile at each other)

Some game, huh?


So, Cass, let me ask you something. What's your deal?

What do you mean?

I mean, you know, other than being a venomous cobra woman who has to follow my girlfriend everywhere, I don't know the first thing about you.


So, as I see it, you always make fun of my past, it's only fair I know something about yours. Plus we have nothing but time.

What do you wanna know?

I don't know, what are your hopes? Your dreams? Is there a venomous cobra man in your life?

(laughing) Cobra man, no. Besides, I-- I don't have time for dreams.

"Don't have time for dreams?" Honey, you are hanging out with the wrong princess.

My dad taught me at a young age to focus on the here and now.

Yeah, wow. Being raised by the Captain of the Guards musta been a real treat.

He's a good man, and he taught me a lot. He showed me how to defend myself, how to take on responsibility, how to earn my keep. Besides, I don't remember my real parents, so, I got nothing to compare him to, anyway.

Yeah, I don't remember mine either. I used to imagine they were swashbuckling explorers searching the world for treasure, and once they found it, they'd... come back and get me. It's dumb, I know. How about you? I mean, you ever imagine what your parents were like?

You know what? I don't really want to discuss this with you, Eugene. (goes to sleep)

Okay, fine. I'll just shut up then. You know, just when I think I start to see a glimmer of a speck of a pinprick of a soul, you flip your ice switch back on. (tells Cassandra)

Stop trying to pry into my life. (annoyed at Eugene)

I wasn't prying. Wait a minute, that's it, pry! (sits on the floor) We're supposed to build a jack with this stuff and pry the door open. (Cassandra sits on the floor and helps him) See, this piece faces upwards, and then you add this part to the top. Yes, brilliant!

Ah, Blondie. Finally-- oh! (he and Cassandra see Sideburns and Patchy entering the cell)

Hello, Rider.

That's unfortunate.

Friends of yours? (asks Eugene when referring to Sideburns and Patchy)

Sideburns! Long time, no sneer! You look good! The moisture in the dungeon has done wonders for your leathery skin. Did you lose weight? (Patchy gives the halberd to Sideburns) Prison food, am I right? (Sideburns growls when he threatens Eugene with the halberd) (Eugene is scared) No, no I guess not. (Sideburns growling) (whistle blowing) (Sideburns and Patchy turn around when they heard a guard)


The Stabbingtons' have escaped! (Sideburns and Patchy look at each other before abducting Eugene and Cassandra)

Guess we're gonna need a couple of human shields, if we wanna get outta here. (he and Patchy are walking towards Eugene and Cassandra)

Ahh, thank goodness. Wait a minute. (grunts) (Patchy puts a bag on Eugene's head)

(groans) (Sideburns puts a bag on Cassandra's head)

Let's rethink the sack thing, huh? (Sideburns and Patchy are running from the cell while carrying Eugene and Cassandra as hostages) It's wreaking havoc on my hair.

Nice, Eugene. (Sideburns and Patchy are running to the exit of the dungeon but they see the Captain of the Guards and the other guards)


Captain of the Guards:
Hold it right there! Don't move. (tells Sideburns and Patchy and they put Cassandra and Eugene down and take the bag off their heads) Cassandra! (sees his adopted daughter and Eugene being abducted by Sideburns and Patchy)

Dad. (sees her adopted father)

Hmm, Dad. I'd call your men off if you know what's good for your precious daughter... Captain. (tells Cassandra's adopted father)

I hear voices. (runs into the dungeon) Sounds like my plan worked! (sees that Sideburns and Patchy holding her friends captive) Cass! Eugene! How did this happen?

Captain of the Guards:
Stay back, Princess. (tells Rapunzel and tells his guards) Guards, lower your weapons. (Sideburns and Patchy are walking away with Cassandra and Eugene as their captives while Rapunzel, the Captain of the Guards, Pete, Stan and the other guards see this)

It's okay, Blondie, I'm working on a plan. (tells Rapunzel)

Okay, Eugene, let's hear it. (tells him)

Uh, I, I, I can't say it now, cause they can still hear us. (points to Patchy)

Captain, they're getting away. (tells him while he watches the Stabbingtons walking away with Cassandra and Eugene as captives and leave) (suspenseful music) (the Captain of the Guards is mad when he sees his adopted daughter is abducted by Sideburns and Patchy)

Captain of the Guards:
Come on! (he, Pete, Stan and the other guards chase after Sideburns and Patchy then Rapunzel goes to the same direction) (he and his guards see a tunnel that Sideburns and Patchy crawl into with their captives then the Captain of the Guards, Pete and the other guards follow them via the tunnel)

We'll never catch up to them. (stop running when she sees the tunnel ans sighs) Wait, but thanks to Cass, I know where the corridor empties. Come on, Pascal! (tells him) (goes to the other direction) (Sideburns and Patchy are being chased by the Captain of the Guards, Pete and the other guards)

Captain of the Guards:
Over here! They went this way. Hurry! (Sideburns runs ahead of Patchy but he stops when he hears the guards chasing him and Sideburns) (Patchy sees the side of the wall and puts his foot on it to make a barricade)

Ho, hey! Probably not the best idea. (tells Patchy) (ceiling rumbling) (the guards are prevented from following Sideburns and Patchy)

Time to get rid of the extra baggage. (tells Patchy then Eugene and Cassandra are grunting when Sideburns and Patchy put their captives down) Say "Sayanara." (tells Eugene and Cassandra then Sideburns give the halberd to murder their captives but Sideburns stops his brother) (Patchy grunts) Actually, I just got a much better idea. (grabs Eugene by the vest and Eugene yelps) Let's snuff out Rider but keep the Captain's daughter as a bargaining chip. You sit there like a good, little girl. (tells Cassandra) This will just take a second.

(yelps) (tries to run but Patchy prevents him from escaping)

Hey! Where do you think you're going? (Sideburns and Patchy grab Eugene then turns him around) (Sideburns and Patchy drop the halberd then Cassandra sees it on the floor then sees Sideburns and Patchy then the halberd again)


We've got a little score to settle. (Eugene looks at the ceiling and distracts Sideburns and Patchy by talking to them)

Guys, guys, hold on! You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Cassandra is useless. (muttering while backing away) Right there. I'm the princess' boyfriend. I come with a lot more leverage. (distracts Sideburns and Patchy)

It ain't about leverage with you, Rider. (Cassandra looks at the ceiling) It's about revenge. (Cassandra puts the halberd right under Sideburns and Patchy to knock them out) We've been waiting a long time for this. (Cassandra stands up) Say goodnight. (tells Eugene)

(clearing throat) (grunts) (kicks the halberd to make the ceiling drop onto Sideburns and Patchy) (ceiling rumbling under Sideburns and Patchy then they see it before it knocks them out)

Now that's how you use a halberd.

Yep, it's all about the leverage. (agrees with Eugene) (hears the ceiling rumbling) (gasps and runs) Eugene! Come on, let's get outta here. (tries to run away from the debris alongside Eugene but they are trapped) (Eugene grunts) (Eugene and Cassandra panting as they sit on the floor)

Challenge on the Brave? Looks like some kind of tournament.

(chuckles) Not just any tournament. I hear the fiercest fighters from all over are coming to compete! (Cassandra walks by and hears about the event from a man and a lady then a child bumps into Cassandra)

Whoa! Let me tell you, whoever walks away champ will have earned the respect of every warrior in the seven kingdoms. (thrilling music) (Cass walks to the posters and proud to see it then starts training for the event and doing chores)

Ugh! (sees the other three handmaiden giving her laundry to wash via washboard) (continues training) (sews a dress) (marching footsteps) (sighs) (continues more training) (Dwayne thwacks a purse from a lady)

Elderly lady:
Oh! Stop! Thief! (Cassandra walks by and turns around to hear a lady but Dwayne runs then Cassandra removes her headdress)

Stay back! We'll handle it. (tells Cassandra then he grabs Dwayne to prevent him from escaping) (Cassandra walks away to train more)

(rasps) Ha! (Owl hoots)

Whoa! It's Princess Rapunzel!

Huh? (Owl hoots) (she and her pet turns around and sees Rapunzel) (kids cheering and run to Rapunzel)

(grunts, laughs) (hugs the three children) (Owl hoots) Wow, Cass. What is all this?

Nothing. (chuckles) I'm warming up for the Challenge of the Brave this morning. It's just a competition to find the toughest warrior in all of Corona. No big deal.

Ooh! Sounds exciting. Where can I sign up?

Yeah, like I said, no big-- Oh, sorry, what?

I wanna sign up!

You mean compete?

Let's do it together!

Yeah, do it! That would be great! Do it! You could be princess, and the most "reveredest" warrior!

Aw. (chuckles)

That would be fun, but I'm not so sure that's the best idea.

I'm brave. And I'm always up for a challenge. (puts her hand on Cassandra's shoulder)

But the-- the thing is, the challenge is by invitation only, so you can't do it. Oh, man, ugh! Rules are rules. (Owl hoots)

Oh, okay. But you can always count on me to cheer you on.

Welcome to the Challenge of the Brave, where you will see skilled combatants from all the lands compete in a series of death-defying challenges that culminate in the main event! The ultimate melee! (crowd cheers) Only one will walk away with the respect of the seven kingdoms! Today's favorite is the world's most renowned warrior. Some say he's the meanest, most ruthless fighter the world has even seen! Wreck Marauder! (crowd cheering) (Hook Foot and the other competitors are scared and are also screaming when they hear the Wreck Marauder arriving at the event) (bees buzzing) (man screams, grunts and whimpers) (Wreck Marauder removes his mask)

Wreck Marauder:
Boo! (cackles) (man is scared and runs away screaming) (crowd gasps) Whose house is this? This is Wreck's house! (growls and toss the mask to the crowd and it lands on Shorty's face) (crowd gasps)

Yeah! That's my boy right there! (holds a foam finger) Wreck Marauder! (the crowd is mad at Eugene) I have seen that guy fight all over the world. He's undefeated! Challenge of the Brave (Pascal squeaking) Challenge of the Brave (Pascal chittering) Everybody, come on! (the crowd is still mad) (jumps off the bleachers) All right, the beard of the bees lady! (bee-bearded lady walks by) (bees buzzing) (Pascal takes one of the bees to eat but he gurgles, spits out the bee due to the stinger) Oh, yeah! How about these seats, huh? (asks a man) If I were any closer to the action, they'd be scraping my face off of Wreck Marauder's knuckles! (puts the man on the floor and puts the foam finger on a boy's face then pulls up a trumpet to blow but the crowd protecting their ears) (horn blaring) (Pascal is terrified)

Uh, sir? Some of the competitors are requesting we move you to a new seat. (tells Eugene)

Oh, you see that? Moving this super fan to the super fan section. (gives the trumpet to the man) Ha! I wish I could say this has been fun, but I respect you all too much to lie to your faces. (walks up the steps)

Male competitor:
She's just here, cause she's Rapunzel's lady in waitin'. (tells Hook Foot and the other competitors about Cassandra) (Hook Foot and other competitors laughing)

Hi! Hello! Good morning! How are you? (walks and greets the competitors) Ooh! Wow! Your teeth are so sharp! (sees the shuny teeth) (gasps) Hook Foot! (sees and runs to him) Why so mad? (asks him) Just do a dance, and give that smile a second chance. (tells him) (chuckles) (hugs him and he smiles)

Probably not the best place for hugs, Raps. (walks to her and tells her then drags her away from hugging Hook Foot) What are you doing down here? (asks her) This is for competitors only.

I came to wish you luck!

Thanks, but I don't need luck. I need to use this time to get inside of the competiton's head. You know, psyche'em out with some trash talk.

Trash talk? Like talk about garbage, literally? (doesn't get what Cassandra is saying)

What? No, that's not even close. (sighs) Watch this. (walks to a competitor that ate meat) Hey, you! You do realize when they put the call up for the strongest warriors, they weren't talking about breath. Right? (the competitor belches) (she gags)

Male competitor:
Why don't you go back to the castle, lady-in waiting? (walks away) (guffaws)

Well, that wasn't very nice, Cass.

Yeah. That's the point.

All right. I'll give it a shot. I guess. (pulls up both her sleeves up and storms angrily to a competitor that has tattoos) Excuse me, you? Yeah, you. Uh-huh. Prepare to be trash talked to. Look at you with those... decorative tattoos. Oh, wow. Sorry. I'm sorry, but those are amazing. And did you see the lettering on "Skull Kickr"? Wow. (admires the tattoos)

Skull Kickr:
What about it? (mad while his chest moves and asks Rapunzel)

Ah. It's lovely.

Skull Kickr:
Yeah, well, it-- it was my mother's name. (tells Rapunzel)

Your mom is really special to you, isn't she? (Skull Kickr nods and Cassandra facepalms) Well, I think she'd be really proud of the menacing goon you've become. (tells Skull Kickr)

Male competitor:
(whimpers) I'm gonna go see my mom! (Rapunzel and Skull Kickr see a competitor crying then leaves) (Cass is annoyed and Wreck Marauder growls when he walks by)

Whoa! Look at you! (sees Wreck Marauder) You're a big guy, aren't you? (Wreck Marauder growling)

Come on, Rapunzel. (walks to Wreck Marauder and Rapunzel then grabs Rapunzel's hand to drag her away from him)

Wreck Marauder:
What do we have here? No one told me they were letting table scrapes compete. (Cassandra is mad at him) (he laughs)

Ladies and gentlemen, take your seats! It's time to meet today's contestants! Give it up for Razorblade McDoom! (points to her)

Razorblade McDoom:
(growling) The Razor's gonna carve ya... like a turkey!

(holds the foam finger) (Rapunzel is walking the steps) Ha! McDoom! More like McDone For! (laughing) Am I right? (sits)

(panting) (sits next to Eugene)

Hey, Blondie, you got the deluxe seats, too, huh? You know, they put you up here so you can see all the action.

Really? It's kind of far.

Next up, the unstoppable Wreck Marauder!

Wreck Marauder:
(growling) (terrifying Razorblade McDoom and Skull Kickr) Wreck has three words for you! You're gonna get wrecked! (tells Cassandra)

Hey. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that guy down there looks just like... Casaandra?

That is Cassandra! (puts her hands on Eugene) Wow! I've never seen Cass so nervous. (Cassandra is cracking her neck)


I guess I can't blame her. I mean, she worked so hard to get invited to this competition.

Invited? No, you don't need an invitation to compete. You just have to be dumb enough to do it. Like Cassandra. Ha-ha! Wooo!

Anyone can compete? (gasps) (smiles) We can do this together! (kisses Eugene) Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! (leaves to enter the competition)

Oh, oh, uh, hey, uh, Blondie, if you're making a snack run, I'm all about the popcorn! (tells Rapunzel when she walks down the steps)

And finally, the Iron Handmaiden, Caaasan-- (a lady whispering and giving him the newest entry then exits) Wow. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a last-minute surprise entry! (crowd gasps) Please welcome the Fearsome Follicle, the Heir with the Hair! The Maid with the Braid, Rapunzel!

(runs and enters the arena) (crowd cheering) (Pascal and Eugene are shocked)

Yay, Rapunzel! (Cassandra is surprised that Rapunzel entered the event) Wow!

Cassandra! This is gonna be so much fun! (runs and hugs her)

Oh, blondie, what have you done? (he and Pascal are disappointed) (a man wearing a viking helmet sits next to him)

Did I not bring enough of the popcorn?

Good news, Cassandra. We can compete together! Isn't that great? Eeee!

That is so great!

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the first event! The Gauntlet! (crowd cheering) (Skull Kickr walks to the first event)

Skull Kickr:
(thuds) (screaming when launched into the sky while Rapunzel and Cassandra see him fly) (clattering) (audience cheering)

You're sure you wanna do this? (asks Rapunzel)

Sure do! (tells Cassandra)

Next up for The Gauntlet, Cassandra!

(panting) Excuse me. Comin' through. (tells the crowd) Emergency. Naive princess making life horrible decision. Pardon me. (walking down) (foreboding music) (Wreck Marauder blocks Cassandra from going to The Gauntlet then he twists a pipe into a knot and shows her)

What's that supposed to be? (asks Wreck Marauder)

Wreck Marauder:
It's a knot. As in you're knot going to win. (laughs) (Cassandra walks to the other side of him) It's a thinker. (Cassandra dodges the swinging hammers)

Woo! Go, Cass! (crowd cheering)

Way to go, Cassandra! Woo-hoo!

Next up, Princess Rapunzel! (Eugene sees that it is Rapunzel's turn to walk between the hammers but he puts his hands on his face) (crowd cheering)

Please don't get smashed. Please don't get smashed... (he and Pascal worried about Rapunzel)

(humming while dancing around the hammers) (crowd cheering) (Eugene stops putting his hands on his face)

Oh, yeah! (laughs) (Pascal squeaks) (Eugene puts his hand on the lady's shoulder and tells her) That's my girlfriend right there! (akes his hand of the lady) (crowrd cheering) What? I wasn't worried, she's got this. Whoo!

Yay, Rapunzel! Whoo! (crowd cheering) (Cassandra is unnoticed again) (Skull Kickr writes Rapunzel's name on his arm) (Cass is mad and Rapunzel runs to her)

Cassandra, did you see that? I told you I could handle myself. (tells Cassandra)

Nice dance, Rapunzel. (tells Rapunzel)

Uh, thanks?

I'm not sure that routine will do much good against Wreck in the Dead Man's Circle.

Wreck Marauder:
(walks and made it to the second round) (hammers thudding)

But, hey, maybe you'll get lucky again. (Rapunzel sees and is terrified of Wreck Marauder then Cassandra walks away mad)

That wasn't luck. (walks to the starting line alongside Cassandra and the other competitors)

Challengers! Prepare for the next event!

(arrows thumping when she aimed them to the bull's eye due to her perfect skill and accuracy) Yes!

(doesn't know to aim an arrow to the bull's eye but she uses a guitar as a bow and made it to the third round) (crowd gasps)

Wreck Marauder:
(destroys the top of the bull's eye while Cassandra and Rapunzel see him) (the top of the bull's eye thudding) (crowd cheering)

(horn blaring) (a man and a lady protecting their ears) Yeah! (the same man that told him earlier to move to a new seat walks to him) (Eugene walks to another seat while carrying his horn)

Do you even know the rules? Aren't shoes required for the Log Roll? (asks the announcer if footwear is needed for an event and she takes the paper from him) Ugh, somebody check the Rulebook of the Brave! (the announcer walks to Cassandra and takes his paper from her then he walks away) (turns around and tells Hook Foot and the other competitors about Rapunzel) Guys! Am I the only one who has a problem with this? The Princess is making a mockery of this competition! (points to Rapunzel) (Rapunzel is stretching) (Hook Foot walks to her and he puts his hand on her while trying to comfort her)

Hook Foot:
Hey, it's okay, kid. When you're mad, do a dance! Give that smile a sec--. (tells Cassandra what Rapunzel told him earlier)

Oh, go eat a turkey leg, Hook! (annoyed and tells him to leave and eat meat) (Hook Foot takes his hand off her and leaves) (turns around and angrily walks to Rapunzel while she stretches) Okay, listen, Rapunzel, this has gone far enough. (Rapunzel turns around) Let's call it a day.

(chuckles) I will call it a day. The day I won the championship. Boom! Trash talk!

Let's see where you land after the Dead's Man Circle.

Yeah, okay, yeah. (she and Cassandra stare at each other) We'll totally see where we land after the Dead Man's Circle. And what is the Dead Man's Circle?

It's the final event. And believe me, your little dances won't save you this time.

Rapunzel and Cassandra:
Hmph! (Rapunzel and Cassandra walk away opposite directions)

Hook Foot:
This is awkward. (about Rapunzel and Cassandra's argument)

Time for the final event! The Dead Man's Circle! (an elderly man pushes the cart of weapons then Cass and the other competitors put their weapons into the cart) Each warrior will battle to the finish, using the weapon of their choice! (Rapunzel tries to find a weapon then she sees a frying pan and holds it) (Cassandra crack her knuckles) (Rapunzel puts her frying pan into a cart) (frying pan clanks) (Cassandra turns and sees Rapunzel)

Get your princess wigs right here! (drags a cart of Rapunzel wigs while Pascal is sitting on one) (Cass sits on a bench) (he stops pulling the cart) Wow, Rapunzel's really killin' in there, huh? I mean, these things are sellin' like hotcakes! (referring to Rapunzel wigs) (turns around and takes a wig from the cart) You know what? This one's on the house. (puts the wig on Cassandra) (leaves with the cart to sell more wigs) (Cassandra throws the wig away after Eugene leaves with the cart) (Shorty removes his Wreck Marauder mask and the Rapunzel wig lands on his hair) (the frying pan clanks when fell off the cart while an elderly man wheels the cart and walks away then Cassandra sees it on the grass)

Hey, you dropped the-- (tells the elderly man that wheels the cart but she puts it under the bench and walks to the final event)

One golden-haired wig for you! (puts the wig on the bee-beared lady) (Pascal climbs on Eugene) (her bees buzzing when she walks away) (bee-bearded lady's coins clinking when she gives Eugene her coins) (Eugene walks to the entrance again to purchase a ticket) Okay, one ticket, please. (coins clink) (the man points to the sign that says sold out) (Pascal chitters when he is holding a foam finger and a flag but dispose them when he is mad and Eugene is also dissapointed then Shorty walks by while holding a ticket)

I got one ticket. Anybody need a ticket? (Eugene turns around and tells him)

I need a ticket! (tells Shorty and gives him the coins)

Then let the bargaining begin. (Eugene and Pascal are worried about it)

Hey, I... I know today's been weird. I just-- I wanted to... I don't know, I guess... uh, I just wanted to say good luck. (about to hug her friend but stops) Right, right. Sorry, sorry, sorry. No hugging, gotta remember that.

Raps, I just wanna-- (she and Rapunzel hear the announcer)

It's now time for the no-holds-barred-elimination round! (crowd cheering) Remember folks, once someone steps outside the ring, they are out! The last one standing is our champion! (crowd cheering)

I just wanna say-- (Wreck Marauder steps between Rapunzel and Cassandra)

Wreck Marauder:
Are you ready for this? 'Cause it's gonna get ugly in here. (Cassandra is mad)

Ready! Set! Battle! (the competitors run and take their weapons) (foreboding music) (Rapunzel is searching for her weapon)

Oh, wait, wait, wait! Has anyone seen a frying pan? (sees the Wreck Marauder charging towards her) Whoa! (Cassandra and Skull Kickr are fighting) (Cassandra falls)

Skull Kickr:
Ha! (laughs) Looks like I got the drop on you! (thwacks) (Wreck Marauder eliminated Skull Kickr) (bell rings) (Wreck Marauder growls) (Rapunzel runs) (Cassandra fights Skull Ruffian)

Hyah! (flips Skull Ruffian and he lands outside the circle) (bell rings) (Hook Foot, Razorblade Mcdoom and the unnamed competitor try to attack Wreck Marauder)

Wreck Marauder:
Is that all you got? (throws Hook Foot, Razorblade Mcdoom and the unnamed competitor off) (grunting) (bell dinging) You fools can't take on Wreck! (Cassandra walks behind him)

(clears throat) (Wreck Marauder turns around to see her) (Wreck Marauder growling) (she and Wreck Marauder will fight and he grunts) (crowd gasps)

Wreck Marauder:
(grunts) Huh? (Rapunzel uses her dance techniques to avoid other competitors) (bell dings) (thuds)

Wow, what a poetic move by Rapunzel! (crowd cheering and clapping) (crowd chanting) Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Rapunzel! (Cassandra sees the crowd is cheering for Rapunzel and she is mad)

Wreck Marauder:
That chirpy little hairball is mine! (referring to Rapunzel)

Not if I get to her first! (about Rapunzel) (arrow pins Wreck Marauder to a post) (thumps) (crowd cheering) (Wreck Marauder grunting while trying to pull arrows out then she walks to him) Hey, Wreck! Stick around. (runs to fight Rapunzel) (Rapunzel turns around) (arrow thumps near Rapunzel)

Uh, that was close. (Cassandra drops her bow and picks up a staff to fight against Rapunzel)

Well, it looks like it's just you and me. (runs towards Rapunzel) (Cassandra grunting when she jumps to attack Rapunzel but the latter runs)

That all you got? (fights back with a staff) (Rapunzel grunting) (Cassandra grunting) (Rapunzel dodges) (Rapunzel and Cassandra continue to fight each other with staffs) Cass, what's gotten into you? (Wreck Marauder snickers when he is free from the post) (Cassandra grunting when she continues to fight Rapunzel) Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa! (Cassandra almost pushes Rapunzel out of the circle) Wait, stop! We're supposed to be friends! (tells Cassandra)

A friend wouldn't be so oblivious, Rapunzel. You have no idea what this contest means to me. I mean, you're a princess, you've got nothing to prove. To you, this was just a fun way to blow off a Saturday, but to me, it was to show everyone that I am more than just your lady-in-waiting.(sighs) And just when I thought I might I get even the slightest bit of respect... (sighs) Never mind.

Respect? Cassandra, I respect you more than you could possibly imagine. I mean, I, I look up to you. Why do you think I wanted to enter this thing in the first place? You are my friend, and... as your friend, oh... I should've realized how important this was to you. (looks at her staff) I'm so... so sorry. (apologizing to Cassandra then drops her branch to surrender) (crowd cheering) (Wreck Marauder growling while he runs to attack Rapunzel)

Look out! (protects Rapunzel) (Wreck Marauder's club thuds) (Marauder growling) (Cassandra slides under Wreck Marauder then she leaps up and goes behind him then he sees her from above and she knocks him out) (thuds) (Wreck Marauder groans) (she jumps off) (she trips Wreck Marauder) (he is shouting as he lifted into the air then he is thrown out of the circle) (Wreck Marauder thudding) (crowd gasps) (a butterfly lands on Wreck Marauder) (bell dings) (he thuds) (crowd cheering) Hey, Wreck! Looks like I'm not not going to win! (tells him) (chuckles) (winks and points to her head) It's a thinker. crowd cheering) (turns around) (bell dings) (Rapunzel sees Cassandra's foot is outside the circle) (crowd groaning) she also sees that her foot is outside the circle) (gloomy music) (Cassandra is disappointed that she wasn't the winner but she walks back inside the circle to congratulate Rapunzel as the winner by holding her hand up) (crowd cheering) Congratulations.

I didn't mean for this to happen, Cass. I just thought it would be fun to compete.

(sighs) Doesn't matter.

I should've realized how important this all was to you. (the announcer walks to Rapunzel and gives her the trophy) I don't think I'm the one who deserves this. (referring to the trophy and gives it to Cassandra) (crowd cheering) (Hook Foot and the competitors walk to Cassandra) (Skull Kickr tattooed Cassandra's name on him) (Skull Kickr smooches then he shows his tattoos of Rapunzel's name and Cassandra's name on his triceps)

Yay, Cassandra! Woo hoo! Ha-ha! Good job! (crowd cheering) (an unnamed competitor holds the trophy for Cassandra while Hook Foot lifts her up to carry her) (crowd cheering) (Hook Foot and the other competitors leave with Cassandra but she looks at Rapunzel then she jumps off)

What, no hug? (she and Rapunzel hug each other then they walk)

You know, blondie, you might wanna start coming up with lion designs for that archway. I think that idea got some real traction with your dad

I'm sure the king loved your idea. You do realize he was just being polite, and probably didn't wanna call you a nitwit to your face.

Cass! If my dad didn't like Eugene's ideas, I think he would just say so.

Yeah. And he's never been shy about calling me names to my face before. (Pascal groans)

Well, before you go and have your royal advisor nameplate made up, you should probably know that whatever the king wants to ignore an idea, he always says "I'll take it under advisement." (does air quotes)

Ha! Shows what you know! I clearly remember him saying "I'll... (remembers what Rapunzel's dad said to him earlier at the table)

Take those suggestions under advisement. (thunder cracking)

Oh, no! He does think I'm a nitwit!

And there it is!

This changes everything! I cannot have a father-in-law who doesn't take me seriously!

Why not? No one else takes you seriously. (Rapunzel walks to Eugene and fixes his collar then dusts his vest off)

That's not true, Eugene. My dad thinks very highly of you. (Cass shakes her head "no") Though, there are times you could be a bit more selective about the kinds of things you suggest to him. He is the King, after all. (Cass shakes her head "yes")

Et tu, blondie? (walks away from Rapunzel) Okay, you know what? It's fine. It's fine. I can fix this. Quick! Name things your dad likes, that I can pretend I also like to impress him! (bells sounding)

The emergency alarm! (she, Rapunzel and Eugene hear the siren)

All is clear. (Eugene also stops hiding from a fake bush) Just follow my lead. (tells Eugene) (hides inside the fake bush and walks to the tower) (two guards are walking by) (Eugene hides inside the fake bush and follows King Frederic but the former sees a door)

Your highness. (tells King Frederic and stops walking) (King Frederic walks by the door)

Ohh, whew. (opens the door and exits) Huh? Hmm. (sees a fake bush with King Frederic walking by and the guard follows and starts attacking King Frederic with the halberd) (Eugene walks behind the guard but grabs him from behind) Aah! (Eugene is thwacking the guard) (guard groans) (Eugene wears the guard's uniform and the cap then takes the halberd) (Eugene sees two guards then he runs to King Frederic)

Oh, no, no, no. Oh, boy. Huh! (drops the halberd and runs towards the horse) (King Frederic walks forward then backwards) (horse whinnying when he pulls the reins) Get over... (King Frederic is behind the horse) (Eugene is smiling while standing in front of a horse like a statue and gives it a carrot) (chuckles nervously) Fellow guards. (waves to the guards when they are walking by)

Yes! (stops hiding) There. See? Easy. (turns around and sees Eugene wearing a uniform) Eugene, I thought I said the guard uniforms were unnecessary. (jumps out and walks stealth mode) Come on! Mm-hm? (chuckles) (Eugene turns around)

Oh, yeah, no, don't mind me. (takes the cap off) I'm just gonna scream into this for a little bit. (muffled screaming) (puts the cap back on his head and walks to the northwest tower) (the horse is chewing on a carrot that Eugene gave to it)

All I'm saying is, if you bring a quiche to work, you should bring enough to share with your co-workers. That's-- Just--

Yeah, but, you don't even like quiche!

Yeah, but that's-- First of all, don't tell me what I don't like. (puts his hand on his nose and walks away while being mad at Stan)

No, I know you don't like quiche.

Okay, because I, like a lotta things, but you never point that out.

(sighs) Uh-huh.

You just tell me all the stuff I don't like.


Anyway, let's just this one done. (stops holding his halberd and walks to the other weapons then tells Stan) Okay, you start cleaning the spears, I'll work on the swords. (Stan stops holding his halberd) (cabinet doors rattling) (Pete and Stan turn around and they hear a noise) (rattling continues) (Pete and Stan are walking towards the noise while holding their halberds)

Ha! Gotcha! (stops hiding inside the cabinet while holding a rag and a sword)

(screams) (the weapons inside the cabinet have been shined by Rapunzel)

Ha! I just polished all of these weapons before you could! You should see the look on your face! (tells Pete and Stan) (Stan is terrified while his halberd is clanking) (Pete is shocked) You've just been pranked! Or as it's soon to be called, Rapunzelled. (Stan falls backwards then Rapunzel and Pete see Stan on the floor) (Cassandra opens the door to the weapons room to see how Rapunzel's prank turned out)

That was clever. But not funny. (closes the door and leaves)

Ah. The royal seal room. (he and Eugene walk to the entrance of the room) (will open the door) How do you like that, Eugene? (asks him) Told ya!

Ooh! (Frederic slaps him on the back then the cap fell off) (his hair has a leaf and a twig)

Flawless plan. (Eugene removes the twig from his hair and uses it to open the door) (Eugene pushes the door open then he and King Frederic enter the room) Ahh. Behind that curtain lies the Royal Seal of Equis. (pulls the curtain) Oh-ho-ho, sweet revenge! (he and Eugene sees Trevor Jr.) (Trevor Jr. barking)

It's a seal. (shocked that isn't an official seal)

Indeed. The Royal Seal... of Equis! (Trevor Jr. barks)

It's a seal seal! Not a royal seal!

It is a seal seal owned by a king. Thus, a royal seal. (tells Eugene) (walks to Trevor Jr.) (Trevor Jr. barks) Hmm?

You have got to be kid-- (annoyed at King Frederic) You... You know what? You know what? At this point, never mind! (walks to Trevor Jr.) Just grab your and let's get outta here. (Trevor Jr. barks) (grunting while trying to push Trevor Jr.) (groans) (King Frederic grunts) (gasps) (King Frederic chuckling) Wha...What? What? What are you doing? (asks King Frederic)

Leaving a calling card, so Trevor knows it was I who did this. (holds a paintbrush while at King Trevor's portrait and turns around) What should I paint, hm? Eye patch? Stink lines? Perhaps a tear, representing his imminent humiliation at being bested by me.

No! None of those things should you paint! (grunts) Gah! Let us go now! (tells King Frederic) (Trevor Jr. barking sadly) (barking in distance) (two of King Trevor's guards hear Trevor Jr. and they run to the royal seal room) (seal barking) (Eugene and King Frederic are going to be caught by King Trevor's guards) (Eugene sees the ceiling) Oh, I'm gonna need your grappling hook. (guards open the doors but they see no one is inside the room then they walk inside) (foreboding music) (Eugene, King Frederic and Trevor Jr. are on the chandelier)

You're the expert. (tells Eugene) What are we going to do now?

Oh, oh, so when you say "we," do you still mean the royal "we," which is actually you telling me how to fix this?

Well, no. I'm saying "we" as in us. (a screw is dropping to floor) (the guards are still searching the room and they are looking up)

Is that the royal us, because it still sounds like it's just me.

I asked you to come so that "we" could get the seal.

Okay, okay, so now I'm confused. You said "I" and "we" in the same sentence, which I'm finding means the same thing. Not to mention the fact that I couldn't get the proper definition of seal from you! (the chandelier falls) (he and King Frederic yelling) (chandelier crashing to the floor) Huh?

Uh-oh. (he and Eugene are surrounded by five guards)

(laughs) Uh, hey, guys. Hey, you guys. Would you believe that we're the chandelier repairmen? (laughs) Repairing it in the middle of the night? 'Cause this thing is broken. (Trevor Jr. barking)


King Frederic:
Well... (sighs) this prank has gone horribly awry.

Listen, I'm sorry I lost my cool. It's just, this whole prank was my big chance for you to get you to take me seriously. (sits on the floor)

King Frederic:
Take you seriously?

Yes. And I was getting frustrated when I wasn't able to do that. I know. It was dumb. (King Frederic walks to Eugene then he puts his hand his shoulder) (King Frederic sits next to him)

King Frederic:
You know, there are many things I fail to take seriously. Eugene, son... you brought my daughter home to me after 18 long years. If there's one man in the whole world that I take very seriously... it's you.

(touched) Wow. Thanks, Your Majesty. Can I ask then, why-- why didn't you listen to my ideas?

King Frederic:
You know, I suppose sometimes I let good ones slip through the cracks. I should've given your plan more consideration.

King Trevor:
What you should have done was stayed in your own kingdom, Fredric! (walks to the cell alongside his pet)

King Frederic:

King Trevor:
Your efforts to abscond with my sweet Trevor Jr. were comical at best.

Oh. Yeah? I don't think your seal's too happy there. (tells King Trevor) (Trevor Jr. whimpering)

King Trevor:
Of course he's not! (hugs Trevor Jr.) The poor little darling is traumatized by what you did to him!

King Frederic:
All right, Trevor. You've had your laughs. Now, release us.

King Trevor:
Oh, I'll let you go, but not I parade you through town in nothing but a jester's hat, proving once again that Equis is superior to Corona! For now, I leave you here to wallow in the stench of your own defeat. (chuckles) (walks away alongside Trevor Jr. and closes the door)

King Frederic:
(sighs) Trevor's right.

Oh, come on, you don't smell that bad. (gives King Frederic a friendly punch) Plus, it's mostly seal.

King Frederic:
I meant, I deserve to wear nothing but a jester's hat. (sits while feeling down)

Uh, Your Majesty? What the heck does King Trevor know, anyway?

King Frederic:
Once again, he showed himself to be the accomplished prankster. (Eugene walks to him and picks him up)

Accomplished? His prank wasn't even funny! I mean, I laughed, a little. But still, all around, not that funny.

King Frederic:
Yes, that's true. His pranks are always more grating than they humorous.

Totally grating. Hey. Hey. That's it! (has an idea and walks to the drain)

King Frederic:
What's it? What are you doing? (asks Eugene)

I'm gettin' us outta here. (holds the drain and removes it) (drain clanks) The question is, are you willing to try it my way? (turns around while holding the entrance to the drain and asks King Frederic)

King Frederic:
Quickly, if we go back the way we came, he might not see us. (tells Eugene)

Wait. (removes the cap and sees the library) (takes a halberd from King Frederic and walks to the library) Follow my lead. (tells King Frederic) (King Frederic sighs deeply and walks after Eugene) (Eugene and King Frederic are spotted by King Trevor)

King Trevor:
Well, well. (King Frederic turns around) It appears someone hasn't learned their lesson yet.

Okay, okay, look, you got us. This one is completely our fault. (elbows King Frederic)

King Frederic:
Ooh! Yes! Uh, we wanted to pull some sort of prank, so that all this wouldn't be in... vain.

King Trevor:
Uh, really? And, and what were you gonna do in there, pray tell? (points to the door behind Eugene and King Frederic)

Well I thought it'd be funny to slip into the library and rearrange the periodicals. Historians hate that.

King Trevor:
That is the worst idea for a prank I have ever heard! And in true Coronan fashion, you would've failed! Again! (points the other door) That's the real door to the library!

Uh, no, nope. No, it's not. (checks his map) I'm pretty sure this is the library. (points to the door behind him) (King Trevor facepalms)

King Trevor:
You imbecile! This is my castle! I know where my library is! (Eugene turns around)

Meh! Agree to disagree. (King Trevor puts his hand on Eugene)

King Trevor:
I'll prove it. (walks between Eugene and King Frederic to open the door) (Eugene and King Frederic turn around) You see-- (trap door opens and he falls into it) (he screams and thuds) (Eugene sees the trap door after King Trevor fell into)

(laughs) Forgot about your own top-notch security for a second, didn't ya? (tells King Trevor after he fell into the trap door)

King Frederic:
Well played, Eugene! Very well played! Up high. (chuckles) (gives Eugene a high five)

(gasps) (gives King Frederic a high five) Yeah!

King Trevor:
Let me up, Frederic! There's spiders down here! Spiders! Ah! One just touched me! (Trevor Jr. barks) Trevor Jr., are you clapping? (Eugene puts his map away) Those had better be claps of sorrow!

King Frederic:
Would you look at that. (Trevor Jr. claps) I've finally humiliated Trevor!

Oh, Your Majesty! We have not yet begun to humiliate that guy. (referring to King Trevor)

(groans) (he and King Frederic smile at each other) Ahh.

King Frederic and Eugene:
Huh? (they see the archway has been painted by Rapunzel)

Oh, my. (Rapunzel appears)

Gotcha, Dad! (laughs) Oh, man, you should see the look on your face right now.

King Frederic:
Well, I suppose it's fine. As long you girls repaint the archway. By nightfall. (tells Rapunzel and Cassandra)

(laughs) Obviously, Dad.

Of course, Your Majesty. (King Frederic walks away) Well, Raps, you finally figured out this whole prank thing. (tells Rapunzel)


It was unexpected, clever, funny, and mischievous, but you overlooked one thing of the most important parts of any good prank. (points the archway) (tells Rapunzel) You didn't think it through. (tosses a paintbrush to Rapunzel) We both still have to repaint the archway by nightfall, remember? (Rapunzel gives her the paintbrush)

Sorry, but I've got princess duties to attend to. Looks like you're gonna have to do all by yourself. Still believe I didn't think it through? (starts to walk away after telling Cassandra) (Cassandra pulls both of her sleeves up and puts the paintbrush inside the paint) (starts repainting the archway) Kidding! (returns to the archway after pranking Cassandra) (Cassandra drops the paintbrush after she is terrified then she picks it up) You just got pranked! (points to Cassandra) Ha-ha! I totally got you! You should've seen the look on your face! (puts her hand out)

I just got Rapunzelled. (gives Rapunzel the paintbrush to start repaint the archway) Well played, Raps. Very well played. (Eugene walks to the archway holding a paintbrush and a bucket of paint to help Cassandra and Rapunzel) (Cassandra holds her paint bucket while Eugene puts his paint bucket on the floor then he holds the paint bucket for Rapunzel)

Captain of the Guards:
Well, Your Majesty, did you do it? Did you get the seal? (asks King Frederic)

King Frederic:
Unfortunately, no, Captain. However, Eugene came up with something far better. (tells the Captain of the Guards while walking away)

Hey Cassie! Hey, you wanna see my new invention? (asks her) Rumor has it, it is a shoo-in for the first prize in the contest. (whispers) I started the rumor. (tells her)

Oh. Hey, Varian. First off it's Cass not Cassie. Secondly, I'm slammed so--

Oh, yeah, I-- I hear ya. Hey, did I tell you that my invention can create an entirely new element? I call it-- (Stan appears)

Cassandra!, I thought you should know, the Captain is short on guards for the expo. This could be your big chance! (tells Cassandra) (she smiles while sliding down the ladder)

Come on, let's go! (leaves with Stan while Varian sees them running to the castle) (Owl hooting when he holds the rope after it unties) (Varian hears Owl trying to hold the rope and he runs to the ladder and climbs it to help Cassandra's pet then he takes the rope from Cassandra's pet and ties to the pole)

Cassandra! Lookin' good! (Varian hears Rapunzel then he sees her and Eugene) You should see some of the inventions on display. Look at these crazy goggles. (turns the lens on) Oh. Hi, Varian! (removes the goggles from her head and sees him then he smiles) (Varian climbs off the ladder and jumps to the ground and turns around) I haven't seen you since we...

Since your last invention almost killed us. (completes Rapunzel's sentence) So glad you're here. With looks like another invention.

Please, I wouldn't miss a chance to promote the merits of alchemy. And wait until you see my invention. I think, uh, everyone at the expo will be impressed. (tells Rapunzel and Eugene) (chuckles) Cassandra's gonna be here, right? Not that I'm doing this for Cassandra! (Varian reveals his crush on Cassandra to Rapunzel and Eugene when Varian blushes) (chuckles) But, yes, she's gonna be there, right? (asks Rapunzel and Eugene)

There you are, Cass-not-Cassie. We, uh, we didn't finish our conversation from earlier. (tells Cassandra)

I did.

(chuckles) Oh, you! Seriously, I'm getting ready for the expo, and I think you'll be pretty impressed with my invention, yeah. The only thing is, when I present it to Master Dr. St. Croix, it's gonna take two people to operate it. Hey! Wanna be the assistant for my demonstration? (asks her)

Assistant? What? Assis-- No. Look. (accidentally spills grape juice on the tablecloth and gasps) No! I can't catch a break today. (leaves with the cup of grape juice and the pitcher) (Varian pours salt and drops of water from the flowers' stems over the stain, making it disappear then he puts the flowers back into the vase and he puts the glass tube of salt then Cassandra brings a rag to wipe the table cloth). Varian, thanks for stopping by, but I, wha--? Huh? The stain. It's gone! But how? (asks)

Oh, simple. Grapes are acidic, by combining the alkalinity from the flowers' barley grass with rock salt, I was able to stop the stain's adhesion. Alchemy! (tells Cassandra)

So, you've got a knack for this kind of thing. Any chance you'd want to...

Help you? Yes! I, I mean, I'd-- I'd love to. Hey! If, If I help you, you can help me and be my assistant! It'll only take a minute! (tells Cassandra)

Um... deal. (agrees)

Great! We-- We can be, uh, co-ladies-in-waiting. A-ha! (Cassandra gives him a pile of laundry)

Let's not put a label on it. (tells Varian while she dusts her hands off then walks away) (a rag falls on the ground)

Huh, look at that. (Varian sees her) You make a pretty good co-lady-in-waiting after all. (tells Varian)

Oh, really? You sure you wanna put a label on it? (asks Cassandra) (he remembers what she said to him at the courtyard)

Okay, so I could've been a little nicer earlier. It's just, today's kind of a big deal for me. (tells Varian while she climbs the ladder to put the bucket on the ladder)

Oh, you're talking about getting that guard assignment from your dad. Aren't you? (asks Cassandra)

No matter how much I want it or how hard I work, his standards for me are higher than they are for anyone else.

Yeah. My dad's kind of hard to impress too. Dads. Am I right? Huh? (tells Cass and relates to her then she smiles at him) (bell chimes)

(growls) Who am I kidding? (walks away from Varian) None of it matters anyway. It's already noon and I still have to make up all the guest rooms. (two guards walk by) (Varian walks to her)

Hey! I-- I have an idea. I'll finish your chores for you, so then you can do your guard duty, and then maybe you can take a few minutes to be my assistant? (tells Cassandra)

You sure you can get all this done? (asks Varian)

Yeah. No problem. It's the kind of thing friends do, right? (tells Cassandra)

Right! Friends. (agrees with Varian)

Carrots, celery, cucumbers. What do these have in common?

Uh, I don't eat them. No, wait. Don't tell me.

We chop them! But knives can be really dangerous! That's why I invented the Safety Slicer! Just load it up, and Slice! Voila!

Ooh! That seems a little extreme, right? I mean, for produce? Besides, I think they have something like that already.

Really? This too? Oh! How am I supposed to know everything that's ever been invented?

I don't know, maybe something a little more practical?

Practical. Okay. Sure. Automatic laundry cart?

Now that I have not seen. (shrieks)

Uh, Varian? What are you doing? (asks him)

(grunting) Ugh! Hey, Princess. I'm helping Cass with her work so she can pull guard duty. (tells Rapunzel)

But shouldn't you be setting up your exhibit? (asks Varian)

Oh, theoretically, but I am presenting second to last, so I figure that'll give me a few extra minutes to get ready. (chuckles) Plus, I just have that one room left right there. Oh, and that room. Oh, that-- that one, too. Also-- Also that one.

Look, Varian, I know you really like Cass, but I think--

Don't worry. Cass agreed to be my assistant during my presentation, so, ya know, I got everything under control. On to the next room!

Oh, Varian, that is not a room, that's a...

Oh, that's a-- (yelling) (thudding)


Captain of the Guards:
Master Dr. St. Croix, welcome! It is a pleasure to have you with us!

Master. Dr. St. Croix:
I imagine it would be. I assume you are to be my personal security detail.

Captain of the Guards:
Um, unfortunately, no, but I have chosen my very best man for the job.

Master. Dr. St. Croix:

(grunts, sighs) (puts the laundry inside the chute)

Wiped out? (asks Varian)

Who? Me? No. Just fainted. Uh, I mean, fin-- I finished.

Finished? Wow. Varian, I'm impressed.

Oh, it was no big deal. Now, um, if you'll excuse me, I have a contest to win. Assistant?

Remember, you said it would only take a minute, I'm on duty.

(shattering) Ow! My back! I went to get Master St. Croix a drink and slipped on the floor! What kind of monster would leave a wet floor where people could slip on it?

Captain of the Guards:
Uh, Stan, what happened?

(bones crack) Oh! My back!

Captain of the Guards:
We need someone to replace him as Master St. Croix's detail. Pete! On the double!

On my way! Whoa! (thuds) Ow! My back! Why is the floor so slippery?

Hey, Pete, are you okay Whoa!

Captain of the Guards:
(sighs) Cassandra, are you up for this?

Uh, Cassandra, don't you have somewhere to be during the judging?

I'll do it.

Master. Dr. St. Croix:
One of you will walk away with the greatest prize in all of sciences: my approval. As for the rest of you, may the universe show mercy (crowd gasps) on your wretched souls. Good luck. (crowd murmuring) (scattered applause)

You ready? Because a certain alchemist could use his assistant.

Listen, Varian, I'm really sorry, but things have changed. I can't help you anymore. I'm St. Croix's personal

Master. Dr. St. Croix:
Hello? Security detail? I have moved my person in this direction.(grunts)

A personal security detail. Must be a big deal. Don't worry about me. I am sure I can find another assistant in the next five minutes.


Master. Dr. St. Croix:
Let the judgment begin! (cheers, applause) (goat bleats) Can it milk a cow? - No, sir! - Next! (goat bleats)

Okay, Pascal, we've had some missteps, sure, but I think this one is the winner.

You've got it in the bag, Blondie.


Master. Dr. St. Croix:

(cheers and applause)

Dangerously wet hallways. Cold, wet clothes. Wet hair that takes forever, and I mean, forever, to dry. All of those things are yesterday's problems. Say hello to the Mega Dry! Assistant?

I'm all about the wet look.

The Mega Dry uses cutting-edge equine technology to release a powerful, focused stream of air. The result? What used to take hours to dry, now takes seconds.

(audience exclaims)

Well, hello. Aah! - (stammers)

I think I still had it calibrated for my hair.

(laughing) (clears throat)

Master. Dr. St. Croix:

(sighs) Behold! The power of alchemy! (audience laughs)

Where's the opening? Aha! Oh-ho! The power of ag, uh of, uh, that guy! (quietly) Go. Do the thing. (tells Varian)

(clears throat)

Oh, yeah!

I give you, the Elemental Remogrifier! (gasping) (cheers and applause) Assistant? (Shorty pours the sand inside of Varian's invention) Here we go. The rotation causes friction, which heats the sand, while the counter-centrifigual force promotes particle compression. The end result? Fifty pounds of sand turns into this. I call this new element Cassandrium. (Cassandra gasps when Varian named an element after her)

Master. Dr. St. Croix:
However, considering your assistant nearly lanced my nasal cavity, I've no choice but to disqualify you. Next! (crowd groans)

Flair? What does that have to do with

Sir, with all due respect, you can't disqualify him because of his assistant.

Master. Dr. St. Croix:
You stick to guarding, I will stick to sciencing. Got it? Hmm?

Fernanda Pizazzo:
Everybody at this expo make some noise! This is the momensational moment you've all been waiting for. But first! (booming) I give you chocolate! - (crowd cheering)

Master. Dr. St. Croix:
Now this is science!

Fernanda Pizazzo:
Jaws, prepare to drop. Larynxes, get ready to scream, and eyeballs, how about you take a good look around, because once I unveil my marveltacular creation, the world will never look the same! I give you the Fantasphere! (crowd gasps) (gasps) How'd she do it? Oh my gosh! It's awesome! (gasping) (cheers, applause)

But what does it do?

Fernanda Pizazzo:
Uh The real question, kid, is, what doesn't it do? Now, here, have some chocolate and shut up.

Master. Dr. St. Croix:
It's luster is glorious! (gasps) I see no need to continue this contest! (gasps) (cheers) (cheers applause)

You should've won.

It doesn't matter. The truth is, all I really wanted to do was impress you. I thought if I showed you what I was capable of, you might see something in me. Something special. I was just being dumb.

But you did impress me. Varian, you're a great kid. You're smart. You're compassionate. You're unique.

Thanks, for saying that.

Oh, it looks like St. Croix liked your invention after all.

Master St. Croix! No! No! Don't! You're You're building too much pressure!

Master. Dr. St. Croix:
Back off, boy! I'm a scientist.


Master. Dr. St. Croix:
(grunts) Somebody do something! Double disqualified!

You chose me!

Don't flatter yourself, kid. Now come on, we've got a job to do!

Oh, this is bad.

How bad?

Introducing counter-centrifugation to the magnetism could result in well, that! Its angular momentum is rapidly approaching critical velocity. Once that happens, it'll suck up everything in sight. Us! The castle! Everything!

You're welcome.

Okay, so, very bad. How do we stop it?

There's only one way to stop it. I gotta get close enough to pull the hand brake!

Where do you think you're going? You're gonna need an assistant!

(chuckles) Whoa! Cassandra! Help! (grunting) (zapping) (grunting) I can't get close enough! The vortex has gotten too strong. We need an equally powerful wind source to counteract it!

The Mega Dry! The Mega Dry can generate that kind of wind speed and blow against the vortex!


He needs to create a counter-pole to the vortex's critical velocity!

Max, he means you have to run backwards! (grunts) It's working!

Hold on, Cass! (grunts)


Big Nose:

We did it!

Blondie, hands down, your best invention yet! (kisses)

Shorty (muffled):
Pardon me, I believe I've been folded in half.

Master. Dr. St. Croix:
(St. Croix groans) You! (whimpers) Neck hurts.

Fernanda Pizazzo:
Ooh! Master St. Croix, this still counts as a win, right? No take backsides?

So, I guess it's a pretty safe bet that Corona won't be hosting a daddy-daughter dance anytime soon? (laughs) (Rapunzel and Pascal stop pacing and looks at him angrily) (Pascal squeaks) Yeah, sorry, not the time for jokes. (Rapunzel sits next to him)

Princess Rapunzel:
(sighs) I'm not sure what's going on, but I know Corona's in some kind of danger. And I feel like I'm the only one who wants to do anything about it.

No, no you're not. Listen. Blondie, no matter what we're up against, I'm with you all the way.

Princess Rapunzel:
I know, thank you, I just... (sighs) I think I need some time alone.

Understood. (about to leave) You know... Things do seem pretty dark right now, but if anyone can find a light, it's you. (Rapunzel smiles) I've got a feeling everything's gonna be okay. (hears Stan) (opens the door)

Quit being so mean, Pete!

Wait! All I said was your breath smells like tree-rot, you are a sub-standard croquet player, and previous instances where I asserted you had a lovely singing voice were patently false. (gasps) (Stan gasps and turns around)

You've always loved my voice! (Rapunzel runs to Pete and Stan)

Princess Rapunzel:
Pete! What are you doing? Stan's your best friend!

I know, I can't help it! It's like... I have to say whatever's on my mind!

Oh, yeah? Well, you have cookie crumbs on your cheek. (points to Pete's cheek) (runs) (Stan sobbing)

Stan, wait! I'm sorry! (runs after Stan to apologize) (Eugene walks to Rapunzel)

You've got enough on your plate, Blondie. Go get some rest. I'll handle this. (walks to the same direction as Pete and Stan)

Princess Rapunzel:
(sighs) (goes back to her room to sleep on her bed) (having a dream) (waltz music playing) (opens the door and walks into the throne room)

King Frederic:
Rapunzel, there you are!

Princess Rapunzel:
Dad, what it all this? (dancing with her dad)

King Frederic:
Look, darling, I feel horrible about the way we left things, and, well, I'm hoping to make it up to you.

Princess Rapunzel:
Oh, Dad, I'm so relieved to hear that-- (crackling) Ah! (people screaming) Oh! (crackling and rumbling) (panting) (groans)

Princess Rapunzel:
(sighs) I don't know, Pascal, I don't even know what to do anymore. (Pascal squeaks) Yeah, I know. There's always a way. I just have to find it. (ominous music) (distant thud) Did you hear something? Ahh! (Ruddiger chittering) Oh! Ruddiger! (glad to see Varian's pet) Where did you come from? (Varian thuds when he jumps on the boat) (Pascal squeaking)

Shh. (sees if anyone followed him to the dock)

Princess Rapunzel:
Oh, Varian! Where have you been? (hugs him) I, I've been so worried about you.

Yeah, uh, I had to lie low. (Ruddiger jumps to Varian's hands) A funny thing. The people of Corona aren't too keen on guys who attack their princess. (chuckles)

Princess Rapunzel:
Attack me? You, you mean during the storm? You came for help.

And you got to see why I needed your help. (tense music)

Princess Rapunzel:
(gasps) Varian, I am so sorry. I had no id--

You had to save the kingdom, you did what you had to, but you can help me now, Rapunzel. Do you have the scroll?

Princess Rapunzel:
The scroll! I, I got it, like you asked. I have no idea, what it is, but my dad was desperate to keep it from me. (Varian sighs)

Now, it took me a while to translate this old language, but from what I can tell, those black rocks are actually some kind of-- of ancient darkness. Its destructive power can only be stopped by its counterpart... the sun-drop. Rapunzel! The... the flower!

Princess Rapunzel:
You mean the flower? The one that healed my mom, and gave me my hair? But... my dad said it was long gone.

Hmm. Would you say your dad has been a really reliable source of information?

Princess Rapunzel:
Well, um...

No, Rapunzel! No, it's still here. I'm sure of it. Your dad wouldn't throw something away that could wield that kind of power. A single petal from that could solve all our problems. That's all we need!

Princess Rapunzel:
Yeah, but even if the flower is here, I don't think we can just ask my dad to hand it over.

Oh, I know we can't, which is why we have to steal it. (tense music)

(grunts) Princess, what are we doing here? The flower would most likely be in the royal vault, and that is on the other side--

Other side of the castle, I know. But if we want to get past the vault security, our best bet is to use the underground tunnels, and Herz Der Soone's journal has a complete map of them. (opens the door and enters the Journal Room) (suspenseful music) (sighs) (regretting about taking the journal from the room) (closes the journal and carries it) (Pascal squeaks) (Rapunzel stops to see a portrait of her dad) (sighs) What am I doing? (Varian enters the room)

You got what we came for. Come on, let's go!

Taking the journal, stealing the flower... Varian, these are all acts of treason.

This may be my dad's only hope. This... may be Corona's only hope. Rapunzel, Corona needs our help.

(sighs) (Pascal squeaks) For Corona. Come on. (about to leave the Journal with Varian and Pascal) (Rapunzel and Varian run from the room to the hall but they stop running when Rapunzel sees Eugene walking by)

Blondie, what you doing? (asks Rapunzel while she hides the Journal) (Varian thumps as he tries to move forward but he bumps into Rapunzel)

Doing? Uh, I wasn't doing anything? (Pascal squeaks)

What do you got there? (tries to see what is behind Rapuzel's back)

What? (Varian thumps and grunts when Rapunzel gives him the Journal from behind) (nervous chuckle) Nothing! (Pascal squeaks)

Right... Okay. I know you want to be alone, but Cass and I, we-- (Pascal squeaks) (Rapunzel nervous chuckle) You okay?



(sighs) Eugene, how far would you go to find the truth? (asks Eugene)

Personally... not very far. Frankly, the truth's not all it's cracked up to be. Blondie, you sure you're all right?

Yeah, sorry. (sighs) I just, I've had a lot to process lately. I promise I'll talk when I'm ready, okay?

Okay. (puts his hand on Rapunzel's face) Just let me know if you need anything.(walks away) (Rapunzel gives Varian the signal to run) Uh, Blondie? (turns around to see if Rapunzel is still there but notices that she left with Varian) Hmm...

I found the entrance! Down here! (removes the lid) (jumps down and put his hands up to catch Rapunzel) (Varian and Rapunzel grunting) (Rapunzel opens the Journal) (Ruddiger chittering then thuds)

We have to go this way. (Ruddiger chittering) (Rapunzel, Varian and Ruddiger walk to a wrong path then they walk to another wrong path) Um... that way? (points another path then she, Varian and Ruddiger go to the correct path)

Wow... Oh, oh! These tunnels despict an ancient technology of pre-Corona-era-- (screams) (Pascal whimpering) Uh... yeah, this way. (walks to the left direction)

We've gotta be careful. Herz Der Sonne's tunnels may have been long forgotten, but that doesn't mean they're not dangerous. They are lined with deadly booby traps.

(scoffs) As you can recall, I know a thing a two about booby traps. (walks to the booby trap then steps on it)

Varian, watch out!

Huh? (twangs) Oh! Whoa! Well, that's one down. (Pascal grumbles) (walks to another tunnel with Rapunzel that has booby traps) (thudding)

Uh-oh! (Pascal squeaks) (Rapunzel is trapped inside the tunnel with Varian, Ruddiger and Pascal then the walls move towards them) Huh... (rumbling) (Rapunzel screams while she tries to stop one wall from moving towards her, Varian, Ruddiger and Pascal) (Varian drops his alchemy to the ground and he goes to the wall to try to stop the other wall from moving) (Varian and Rapunzel grunting while they try to stop the walls from moving towards them)

We're gonna get squished! (Ruddiger chitters and helps Varian to try to stop the wall from moving) (Pascal squeaks) (Rapunzel gasping) (cranking) (Rapunzel screams) (Pascal shrieks) (the walls are continuing to move toward each other) (Rapunzel picks up a bone that is near her feet) (tense music) (Rapunzel runs to the axle after she takes Varian's alchemy off the ground)

Pascal, wedge this into the axle to stop it from turning. Hurry! (Pascal throws the bone into the gears) (metal creaking) (Varian and Rapunzel stop pushing the walls) (Pascal squeaks when he notices the axle stopped moving he gives a thumbs up) Oh! Good. Now, go behind the wall to find some sort of release mechanism. (metal creaking) (Pascal is going to the wall) (Pascal notices the bone is crackling and he shrieks) (shatters) (the axle starts moving again then Pascal goes behind the wall) Pascal! (worried about her pet) Aah! (the walls are moving again then Varian, Ruddiger and Rapunzel try to stop the walls from squishing them)

(grunting) Whoa!

Pascal, do something! (Ruddiger chittering) Hurry!

Aah! Whoa! Whoa! (tries to stop the other wall from moving with his foot) (grunts) (the walls moving towards Varian, Ruddiger and Rapunzel)(Rapunzel squeals) (metal creaking) (the walls stopped moving then squishes Varian and Rapunzel)

(Pascal squeaks when he returns to his owner) Pascal, you did it!

I think I'm gonna be sick.

I got into work, I high-fived Stan, and I noticed his hand was sweaty,(Cassandra growls and grabs Pete) (Pete gasps) Oh, boy! You are scary.

Listen. We've been here for 30 minutes, and all you've been doing is boring us with useless information!

Useless! I gave you my recipe for strawberry scones!

That was the most useless part!

Okay, okay, okay. Let's try this. Can you recall anything out of the ordinary? Maybe something not soul-crushingly boring?

Well, I did find the man in the bush who gave me purple cookies a bit peculiar.

(scoffs) You think you might led with that? (Pete picks up a purple cookie that Varian gave him and everyone else at the castle)

Everybody's been eating these things! (about to eat the cookie but Cassandra slaps it out of his hand)

(slaps) Don't1 Someone may have laced them with some kind of truth serum.

Listen, Pete. What else can you tell us about the man in the bush?

Well, let's see, his voice was kind of... squeaky? Oh, and... he was asking about the sun-drop flower, which the king has been secretly hiding in the vault ever since he used it on the queen.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! W-w-wait! The sun-drop flower!

So... someone with a squeaky voice trying to keep a low profile used a potion to get information about a magical flower. Sound like anyone we know? (asks Eugene)

Varian. So, that's why Rapunzel was acting so peculiar. Come on, she might be in trouble! (he and Cassandra are going to the vault to stop Varian)

Oh, it's a dead-end.

No. This is it. We are right under the vault. (tells Varian that the vault is above and points to it) Do you see that trap-door? (asks Varian)

Yeah, how do we get it open? (asks Rapunzel)

Hmm... (sees the pillars and counts them) One, two, three, four... five, six, seven... Seven pillars. (figured out how to open the trap-door) Huh. (mechanical whirring) (air hissing) (an automaton is awaken when it comes out of the wall to attack) (Varian and Rapunzel are happy to see that the trap-door is opened then they hear the automaton thumping behind them but they turn around and see it) (the automaton starts to walk towards Varian and Rapunzel) Uh, Varian? (backs away from the automaton while Varian is amazed at the automaton)

Fascinating! I believe this is an automaton. (turns around and tells Rapunzel) A marvel of ancient technology, really. But to see one-- in person (an automaton starts to attack him)

Varian! Look out! (warns and takes him out of the way) (automaton thuds) (Rapunzel and Varian are hiding at the pillars from the automaton then Varian protects Rapunzel by attacking it with his alchemy)

Don't worry, princess, I've got this. (protects Rapunzel by attacking the automaton with his alchemy when he runs towards it) (grunts) (his alchemy explodes) (grunts) (throws two more of his alchemies at the automaton then it slams into the pillar then it is rumbling and Rapunzel notices it) See? I told ya! I got this...

Uh, Varian? (notices that the automaton isn't defeated then Varian sees it before it knocks him to a pillar)

(screams) (thuds) (falls on the ground and Rapunzel runs to him) (groans) Despite the excruciating pain and the fact I am about to pass out, the science at work here is spellbinding! (amazed of the automaton while Rapunzel helps him up) (automaton thumping when it continues to attack)

We're gonna need some kind of a plan if we're gonna defeat that thing. (runs to another pillar) Uh... hey, you! Um, metal-head!

Automaton! (corrects Rapunzel)

Come and get it! (automaton attacks Rapunzel but she dodges) Distract him and draw him towards you! (tells Varian) (Rapunzel unties her hair whiile Varian throws his alchemy at the automaton) (the alchemy explodes) (tense music) (Varian runs away from the automaton then Rapunzel ties her hair to a pillar while holding her hair to trip the automaton) (pillar crackling) (two pillars rumbles on the automaton and it is defeated) (automaton is powering down) (Rapunzel and Varian are climbing on the pillars)

Come on, let's go! (her hair whooshes when it cranks to pull the ladder down and Rapunzel climbs up to the royal vault followed by Varian)

Hmm... (sees the timing cylinder on the back of the automaton before climbing the ladder)

There it is! (walking to the sun-drop to see it) The flower! (tense music) (Varian walks up to steal the flower) (Rapunzel notices that Varian grabs the flower and puts it inside his satchel then starts to walk away) Varian! Wait, wait, wait! You said... (Rapunzel grabs Varian's bag to prevent him from leaving) you were just gonna take one petal. (Varian turns around)

But what if one petal's not enough to harvest what I need?


What difference does it make? It's just sitting here, rotting anyway! (grabs his bag pulls it away from Rapunzel then she sees the flackon that contained Xavier's mood potion) (flackon clatters to the ground and Rapunzel picks it up)

(gasps) That flackon... (holds the flackon but Varian grabs it from her puts it back inside his bag) That had Xavier's mood potion in it. Varian, that potion is dangerous, You shouldn't be fooling with it!

There was just one drop left, but it was enough for me to replicate and modify. I had to be sure the flower was here. (reveals his true agenda and tells Rapunzel)

So, you made a truth serum and gave it to everyone? (asks Varian)

(laughs) You'd surprised what people will tell you for a cookie.

(gasps) Pete? Stan? How could you?

Oh, do you honestly expect me to be concerned about the welfare of Corona?

But you said you--

Rapunzel... I used you! I begged you and this kingdom for help! Everyone turned their back on me! It has to be this way!

I defied a direct order from my father, the king, because I trusted you. We both broke the law. (Rapunzel sighs) Give me the flower, Varian. We can find a way to fix all of this- the rocks, your dad, everything. I promise you. I promise. (Varian starts to regret his actions and begins to trust her) Just... this is not the way. Please. (doors rattling) (Varian hears the doors are going to open but he changed his mind about trusting Rapunzel)

Varian (cold and sarcastic) Sorry, Princess, but I know firsthand how well you keep promises. (turns around) (doors rattling) (Eugene, Cassandra and the guards are at the vault) (Eugene points to Varian)

There he is! Get him! (Rapunzel and Pascal are sad of Varian's betrayal) (Varian takes his alchemy from his bag and he throws his alchemy to the ground then he escapes) (explodes) (smoke hisses) (tense music) (Rapunzel coughing) Rapunzel, are you okay? (he runs to her)

I'm fine. Varian! (she noticed that Varian escaped the castle to avoid being captured by the guards)

Princess Rapunzel:
My dad has gone too far. (angry) You shouldn't be punished for something I-- (crashing) (Rapunzel yelps)

Friend of yours? (asks Rapunzel)

Princess Rapunzel:
An automaton? Varian and I fought one like-- Varian.

How did it get past the guards?

That's a good question, but I'm guessing it's not here for the party. (shouts)

Princes Rapunzel:
Eugene, wait, wait, wait! He's incredibly-- (Eugene thuds) (Eugene groans) Strong.

Nope, got it. No need to finish that thought. (thuds) (Eugene grunts) (Cassandra runs towards the automaton to fight it) (sword clanging) (cranking)

Princess Rapunzel:
Cass! (Cassandra runs from the automaton) (thuds) (crackling) (Eugene grunts) Pascal, the banner. (Pascal squeaks then climbs up and tosses the banner to Rapunzel) Hey, Tick-Tock! Over here! (automaton thudding) (panting when she runs between the legs of the automaton to tie it a couple times)

No, no! This way! Come get it!

Princess Rapunzel:
Cass! (throws the banner to Cassandra) (Cassandra begins to tie the banner to the automaton)

Wait, wait, wait! (runs to the automaton) No, step this way! (the automaton rips the banner) (Cassandra gasps when she sees the timing cylinder) (Rapunzel gasps when the automaton is going towards her to attack) (Cassandra stops the timing cylinder with her sword) (metal grinding) (Rapunzel sees that the automaton stopped attacking her then it is powering down and shuddering and it shuts off) (music timing cylinder grinding) (Cassandra sighs) (Cassandra runs to the front of the automaton to help Rapunzel and Eugene push it out of the castle)

Princess Rapunzel:
And push. (she, Eugene and Cassandra straining when they are pushing the automaton outside)

Heads up. (warns the people) (the automaton is falling from the tower to the ground) (whistling) (crashing) (bell ringing)

Congratulations. You win a magical fish. (belches) Oh, that's right. I forgot I ate the magical fish. (Rapunzel, Eugene and Cassandra see the automaton at the bottom) (Pascal squeaking) (Rapunzel grunts)

Oh, okay. Whoa. (Lance grunting) (Pete takes one of the presents from Lance)

Present delivery for the princess! (telling Pete and Stan)

Sorry. No one goes in or out. (tells Lance)

Lance, I know what you're trying to do. Frankly, I don't blame you. We don't wanna see the princess locked up either.

(gasps) Wait! Are you insinuating that I am trying to break the princess out? Well! I'm just embarrassed for both of you.

Well, Stan said it, so...

I assure you, there's nothing but gifts in these packages. (putting the presents on the ground then tells Pete and Stan) Have a look. (Pete is shaking the present that he is holding to find out what is inside it) (upbeat music) (Pete and Stan are opening the presents) (Rapunzel opens the door to see if Lance has Pete and Stan distracted with presents then Lance winks at Rapunzel then she closes the door) (Stan holds a nightgown and Pete holds a music instrument)

(gasps) An accordion? I have always wanted to play one of these.

Well, what's stopping ya? (asks Pete)

Stan, wasn't I just saying-- (starts playing the accordion)

He was just saying that.

I was just saying-- We wanna start a band called "The En Gardes". You know? Do you get that? (asks Lance) (Rapunzel sees that Pete and Stan are distracted then gives Pascal a thumbs up) (Pascal squeaking when he goes outside to give a signal to Cassandra)

That's our signal. (sees Pascal with a telescope then jumps off) (Eugene checks the note and sees that he doesn't have to be launched)

Ha! I knew it! There's nothing here that says "I have to--"

Oop! My mistake! (about to launch Eugene and Hook Foot)

Wait! No! (turns around and sees Cassandra slicing of the rope with her halberd) (rope snaps) (catapult cranks) (Eugene screaming)

Man, that felt good. (Eugene and Hoot Foot screaming)(Eugene and Hoot Foot thud on a dome then Eugene points the bow to the top of the dome while Hook Foot holds the rope that is attached to the bow then Eugene aims an arrow) Are you ready? (asks Hook Foot)

Hook Foot:
Nope. Not in any way. (tells Eugene)

I'll take that as a yes. (tells Hook Foot then Eugene puts the grappling hook and picks up the rope and runs with Hook Foot) (tense music) (Eugene and Hook Foot swing as they tie the rope around and around the tallest tower while holding onto the rope) I am not loving this plan! (thuds) (groans) (Eugene and Hook Foot slammed to the side of the wall)

(discordant music playing)

(coughing) You sure you haven't accordion-ed before? (asks Pete while he continues to play the accordion)

(laughs) Right? It's just coming out of me! (tells Lance)

Sounds great, Pete! (tells him)

(straining) That was a lot more painful than I expected. (he and Hook Foot are groaning when they fell on the ground) Hook? (asks Hook Foot)

Hook Foot:
Hook. (hands his hook to Eugene and he hangs it on the bars) (gives Eugene rope then he walks to the edge and throws the rope to Big Nose, Ulf, Vladmir and Maximus then they grab the rope) (Maximus chuffs) (has rope tied around his waist) (Maximus, Vladmir and Big Nose are pulling the rope while Ulf is miming it) (all grunting) (Maximus neighs) (Eugene and Hook Foot are watching the window cracking) Seriously? (asks Eugene) This is the whole reason you needed me? Couldn't you have just used a regular hook? (annoyed at Eugene) (wall crackling)

Um... possibly, but probably best not to overthink it. (tells Hook Foot) (bars clank open) (Hook Foot is mad at Eugene)

Hook Foot:
(screams) (falls off from the tower)

Wait, did you hear something? (asks Lance)

Only musical genius! (laughing) (referring to Pete)

I got him, I got him. (Maximus pulls the cart with teddy bears while Vladimir pushes it to catch Hook Foot) (Hook Foot thuds) (toys squeaking) (holds a teddy bear) I got him. I'm the winner! (Maximus whinnies) (Hook Foot wakes up and sits) (bars thudding then it fell over Shorty)

Hey, Blondie. (greets Rapunzel before he entered her room with Pascal on his shoulder)

(gasps) Eugene! (glad to see him and she runs to him)

I've come to rescue you from a tower... again. (tells Rapunzel then they hug and they hold hands) (Pascal squeaking) (Rapunzel grabs Eugene's hand then they go outside) (Rapunzel uses her hair as a lasso then she holds her hair while she and Eugene are on the balcony)

Ready? (asks Eugene) (Pascal squeaks) (jumps alongside Eugene then he holds her when they are walking off the tower sideways to the ground) (her hair rustles) Thanks, guys! (telling everyone)

Well, listening to Pete play for that long wasn't easy, (making his ears aren't full of ear wax) but, uh, ha! I took one for the team.

Hook Foot:
Oh, man. That sounds really rough. (tells Lance after walking to him) I feel sorry for you. By the way... (shouting) I fell out of a tower!

Okay, everyone, I'm not sure what Varian is planning, but we really have to-- (Pascal squeaks) (tense music) (whooshing) (wind howling) (Pascal squeaks) (Eugene, Rapunzel and Pascal coughing)

What is this?

I do beg your pardon. I must be magical-fish intolerant.

Hello, Corona.

It's Varian.

Where is his voice coming from?

Something dark is coming for you. Our king has refused to acknowledge it. (Pascal squeaks) In the hopes of keeping his secret, he has lied to you and vilified me. (Captain of the Guard, King Frederic and two guards run to the location of Varian's voice)

Captain! Get more men!

On it, sir. Three details from the West Hall are on their way.

In a matter of days, Corona, this island, and the castle itself, will be overcome by this growth. It has already taken over the outskirts of the kingdom. The key to stopping this destruction is Princess Rapunzel herself. (Eugene looks at Rapunzel and he walks to her then he holds her and she looks at him sadly while being protected by him) (Pascal squeaks) I have asked for help and have been ignored. I will not be ignored any longer. And to make sure I have your attention, I've developed a new serum, and created something special for you all. (Ruddiger low growling)

Uh, guys? There's... something in the fog. (Ruddiger low growling) (Ruddiger screeches) (Ruddiger snarls) (Maximus whinnies) (Ruddiger growling) (Varian revealed that he turned Ruddiger into a larger version of himself when he poured his new serum on his pet to be a distraction while Varian easily infiltrates the castle to abduct Queen Arianna)

(thuds) Whoa!

Hook Foot:
(stuttering) What is that? (Ruddiger snarling) (guard 1 yells) (Eugene sees Ruddiger inside the fog then Eugene turns around)

Well, whatever it is, it's fast. (Ruddiger appears behind him)

Watch out! (warns Eugene)

What? Rapunzel? (worried about his daughter) (Rapunzel uses her hair as a lasso to tie around Eugene's hand to pull him away from Ruddiger) (beast snarling when it tries to hurt Eugene)

Whoa! (Rapuzel puts him on the ground next to her)

Find the princess! Get her to safety! (tells the guards behind him)

Captain of the Guard:
You heard him, men! Get the-- (turns around and tells his guards) (Ruddiger growls when he grabbed the Captain of the Guard) (beast roaring) (Cassandra, Eugene, Rapunmzel, Pascal and Lance see that the Captain of the Guard is thrown to the ground) (thuds) (clangs)

Dad! (worried about him) (Ruddiger growls) (Rapunzel and Eugene see Ruddiger) (Ruddiger roars then runs away from Rapunzel and Eugene)

Oh, I liked it so much better when it was invisible! (talking about Ruddiger) (Cassandra checks her dad after he was hurt by Ruddiger then she lifts her dad up) (somber music)

Captain of the Guard:
Cassandra, listen. (groans) About earlier, I--

Dad, I want you to know that I've never been disappointed in you.(hugs him while apologizing) I'm sorry. (tells her dad to rest) Sit tight, soldier. I got this. (picks up a halberd) (turns around to tell the other guards) Give me four men covering the south gate. (points to a direction) Four at the north. Nothing in, nothing out. (her dad sees his adopted daughter giving orders to the guards then he smiles) Containment, people. (runs with the guards)

It's like he's playing hide-and-seek. (Rapunzel sees that Ruddiger is unable to be found)

Then, he just picked the wrong game. I think I've got an idea. Max? (Maximus whinnies when he pops up from behind Ulf and Hook Foot) You're on. (tells Maximus then he pushes Ulf to the left and pushes Hook Foot to the right) (Maximus snorts)

Captain! Get more men! (Queen Arianna sees everyone from the window) (Varian is wearing his gray bauta and his black and gray coat when he appears behind Queen Arianna)

Hello, Your Majesty. (Queen Arianna gasps while he greets her then she turns around and he releases a potion before he abducted her) Sleep. (smoke hisses) (tense music) (Maximus runs and Ruddiger appears to chase him) (rumbling) (Ruddiger growls when he catches up to Maximus) (Ruddiger roars while trying to catch Maximus but Ruddiger falls then Maximus runs back)

Pete, Stan, drive him to the right. (Pete and Stan are running while they are carrying torches)

Your right or my-- (confused)

This way Pete. (tells him) (he and Pete are running towards Ruddiger) (Ruddiger is running while Pete and Stan are driving him to the right)

Hook Foot, Lance, now! (she jumps over the barrel then runs) (Ruddiger snarls) (Hook Foot and Lance are driving Ruddiger to the left) (crackling) (Ruddiger runs away from Lance and Hoot while chasing him when they are carrying torches) (Ruddiger growls while he runs but Rapunzel catches up to him) Trampoline! (Attila, Ulf and two guards are holding the trampoline then Ruddiger yelps he is thrown back and he crashes to a ball pit)

What is-- (walks up to Ruddiger) (Ruddiger roars) (Lance yelps and runs to Cassandra, Pete and Stan) (Cassandra is mock growling Ruddiger then Lance is whimpering and runs away from her)

Why would Varian do something like this? (walks to the trapped Ruddiger) What's happening? (she and Eugene see that Ruddiger is about to transform back to his true form after being trapped) (Varian's new serum is crackling then Ruddiger is back to normal while Rapunzel and her friends see Varian's pet) (Ruddiger chitters) That's Ruddiger!

Varian's raccoon. (walks to Ruddiger then she bends down and puts her hand out then he runs toward the gate but he runs to the left to take an apple from the bucket before running back to Old Corona) (Maximus sees Ruddiger is taking an apple and he neighs angrily then Lance puts his arm around Maximus)

Rapunzel! You did it! (all cheering) (Cassandra and Eugene are proud of Rapuzel) (King Frederic is proud of his daughter) (a guard runs outside of the balcony to tell Rapunzel and King Frederic that Queen Arianna is abducted)

Guard 1:
Princess Rapunzel, King Frederic! (tells everyone) It's the queen. She's gone. (tense music)

Varian. (angry at him for abducting her mom)

Dad (sees that he is hurt while two guards are carrying him to go inside)

Varian must be hiding in Old Corona. I shall launch a full-scale attack.

Sir, we got hit pretty hard. Everyone's gonna be okay, but we won't be launching a full-scale anything for some time. (tells King Frederic)

(shouting) Then we'll hit him with whatever we have! (angry at Varian)

Dad! You can't beat Varian with swords and fists. So far, we've played right into his hands. You know he never meant to capture me! He, he sent that automaton to make you think that was his plan. And then he used his... monster to pull security away from his real target. Mom. (her dad calm down) So, (sighs) whatever you think you're gonna throw at him, he'll be waiting. (tells her dad) (tense music)

We attack Old Corona within the hour. (tells everyone before he leaves) (Eugene walks to Rapunzel to comfort her)

And now, I have failed you too, Arianna. (upset) (Rapunzel enters her mom and dad's bedroom)


(sniffles) Rapunzel. I thought I made it clear-- (Rapunzel sighs and hugs her dad then he hugs her back) (whispers) Thank you.

She's gonna be okay, Dad. We'll get her back.

This... this is all my fault. (blames himself)

Dad, no. No, it's Varian and those rocks, and--

No. No, Rapunzel. You were right. (sees the picture again) I have been keeping something from you. As you know, the night you were born, your mother fell deathly ill. I was desperate to do anything to save her, and you. So, I sought the miracle of Sun Drop Flower. But what I've never told anyone was that there was more to the story. You see, earlier that night, I was warned. Warned that taking the Sun Drop Flower would reap unimaginable consequences. That by removing the light... I'd be awakening a darkness. But, I had no choice. I've known about these black rocks all along. At first, I didn't wanna believe that they were the results of my actions. And when that became impossible, I chose to ignore them. And I expected everyone else to do the same.

Including me.

Yes, yes. Especially you. But the truth is, the rocks are destroying Corona. And you... You are connected to them somehow, I am responsible. No king... would ever put the welfare of his family before that of his country. (Rapunzel holds her dad's hand)

But a father would. (Rapunzel's dad smiles at her then they hug before letting go) Now... let's find a way to save our kingdom. (tense music)

Don't let up! (grunting) (tells everyone) (Maximus whinnies) (Eugene grunts) (Eugene jumps off Maximus and tries to destroy an automaton)

(grunts) They've shielded their timing cylinder. (he realized that Varian protected the automaton's timing cylinder from attacks then Maximus comes to help when automaton attacks) Max, split up! (he and Maximus go separate ways) (an automaton rumbling when it runs after Eugene but he jumps over the black rocks while automaton is rumbling when it runs towards him) Man, these things are almost as tough as-- (Eugene has an idea when he sees his reflection via the black rocks) Ah-ha! (runs back to tell everyone to skewer the automatons on the black rocks) Guys! The rocks! Use the rocks! (Vladimir yelling when he charges past Pete and Stan while Vladimir is carrying Attila on his back and he is growling then throws Attila towards the three automatons) (three automatons clanking when they are skewered to the black rocks and they explode) (Feldspar throws a shoe at the automaton and it thumps then it turns around to see him) (the automaton starts to attack Feldspar but Maximus saves him from being attacked by kicking it to a pile of black rocks) (automaton thuds and explodes)

Good thinking. (tells Eugene)

Well, I'm a problem solver. It's what I do. (music tinkling) (mechanical clanking) (more automatons appear)

Cassandra and Eugene:
Oh, come on!

What are you going to do, Varian? (asks Varian while he wheels his drill)

Yeah, I'll... I'll spare the you the details about the Sun Drop and darkness, blah, blah, blah, and get to the good stuff. (pulls the sheet off his drill then walks to the black rocks and taps it) Unbreakable. (clanking) (walks behind Rapunzel and holds her hair) Unbreakable. (walks away from holding Rapunzel's hair) To put it plainly, with assistance from my drill, Rapunzel's hair should be able to shatter the amber and free my father. (walks away from Rapunzel and her dad)

What do you mean "should"? (puts his arm out to protect Rapunzel while asking Varian)

Oh, I suppose it's just as likely the amber shatters Rapunzel. (walks to the amber that encased his dad) I mean, the properties--

Absolutely not. (takes his sword out)

It's not your choice, Dad. (tells her dad)

She's right, Dad. (walks to King Frederic and tells him that Rapunzel is correct then King Frederic is mad at him) Oh! And I almost forgot, we're, uh, kinda on a time crunch here, so, I'm gonna need to speed things along. (walks backwards to take the cork off his amber solution and pours it on a black rock next to Queen Arianna to encase her inside the amber) (the amber solution is crackling on a black rock and turning it into amber while Rapunzel and her dad watch as the amber is reaching Queen Arianna) (Queen Arianna gasps)

Varian, stop! (doesn't want him to encase her mom inside the amber then she complies)

Well... (walks to Rapunzel and frees her from the goop while bending on one knee) (chemical ball fizzling) Shall we get started? (asks her)

Varian, if this doesn't work, and something happens to me, please... please let my mom go. (begs him to release her mom)

I can't make any promises, Princess. (tells Rapunzel when he puts his goggles on his eyes) (cranking) (drill whirs)

(gasps, screams and holds her hair) (Rapunzel groaning) (her dad is worried about her) (Varian is trying to cut the amber with Rapunzel's hair and his drill) (Rapunzel sees her hair glows when it reacts to the amber) (whooshing) (Varian tries two more times to cut the amber with his drill and Rapunzel's hair but it failed four times)

(screams) What? (takes his goggles off his eyes) Why? (drill whirs) (tries to cut the amber again) (Rapunzel groaning and falls while Varian tries again for three more times) (Pascal squeaking while trying to leave the cage but Ruddiger appears)

Stop it! She can't take anymore! (tells Varian) (Rapunzel groaning and faints on the floor)

Rapunzel! (worried about her) (Varian tries to cut the amber two more times until the drill powers down) (drill stops)

I just... I, I don't understand! (starting to have a breakdown to failure) Why won't it... (runs to the amber) Her hair! It... it should've cut through it! Why didn't it work? (continues to have a breakdown of his failure) (Ruddiger chitters when he frees the caged Pascal) (Ruddiger tosses a chemical to Pascal's mouth and he runs to Rapunzel's dad to free him from the goop then it is fizzling away while Pascal runs to Rapunzel to check on her)

Arianna! (tosses his sword to his wife the she shatters the chains before the amber is encasing her) (Rapunzel's parents run to her) Rapunzel.

Rapunzel! (Rapunzel hugs her parents)

(lamenting his failure while crying) No! No! I wasn't wrong! It's not my fault! (turns around to see Rapunzel and her parents hugging each other) None of it is! (glares angrily at Rapunzel while blaming her when his sanity is now pushed over the limit) It's her fault. (still bent on having revenge on Rapunzel)

Rapunzel, are you okay? (asks his daughter)

(sighs) Yes, I will be. (tells her dad) Varian. (sees that Varian is gone) Oh, where did he go? (her parents turn around to see he is gone) (rumbling) (Pascal squeaks, screams while he notices the ground shaking) (Pascal squeaks) Whoa! (rumbling) (she, her parents and Pascal see Varian again)

(bursts out from the ground while inside a giant automaton) Sorry, Princess. We were in this together, but if I can't have a happy ending, then neither can you! (angrily tells Rapunzel) (Varian shouts when he attacks Rapunzel and her parents but they run away from him) (rumbling)

All right! Who's next? (he sees Rapunzel and her parents walk outside of Varian's home) (sword clangs) Rapunzel! (worries about her) (clanking) (rumbling) (Varian walks outside of his home) (Rapunzel screams when she and her dad run away while her mom runs the other way) Sorry, buddy, but there's a line. (tells Varian when he sees Varian inside his giant automaton) (Eugene points to the automatons behind him) (Cassandra screaming when jumps to attack Varian with her sword but he grabbed her with one of his robot hands) (Cassandra's sword falls to the ground when Varian grabbed her) (Varian's giant automaton thuds while Cassandra is mad at him) (Cassandra groans) (Varian lifts his giant automaton's hand to greet Cassandra spitefully)

Hello Cassandra, I always knew I can sweep you off your feet.

Let her go, Varian! (tells him but he grabs her)

Arianna! (worries about her after Varian grabbed her)

Mom! (also worries about her after Varian grabbed her) (tries to attack him with her frying pan and he notices it coming at him but it clangs to the ground) (tense music) That's enough, Varian. (tells him while she bites her lip while walking down the stairs)

It's not enough until you endure the same amount of pain and agony I have! (walks to Rapunzel) (tells her to feel the same suffering as him)(bites his lips when controlling his giant robot to crush Cassandra and Queen Arianna while holding them as hostages) (Varian's giant automaton cranks) (Queen Arianna groans)

Arianna. (worries about her) (he, Eugene, Lance and Rapunzel see Varian is crushing Queen Arianna with his giant automaton and Cassandra groaning when Varian is also crushing her with his giant automaton to make Rapunzel suffer) (Rapunzel is horrified) (Cassandra and Queen Arianna are groaning when they are still being crushed by Varian) (black rocks rumbling and crackling when they appear from the ground)

What's happening? (he, King Frederic, Cassandra, Varian and Queen Arianna see that the black rocks are going towards Rapunzel) (more black rocks rumbling and crackling appear from the ground to surround Rapunzel while Eugene and King Frederic see this)

Rapunzel! (worried about her when she is surrounded by the black rocks) (Rapunzel opens her eyes after she is surrounded by black rocks the she sees her hair is going to touch the tip of the rocks) (wind whistling) (whirring, chimes) (black rocks warbling when they sprout away to skewer some automatons) (black rocks rumbling) (automatons cranking) (Rapunzel has a flashback of what her dad and Varian said to her)

Rapunzel, you are connected to them somehow.

Stop running, Rapunzel. Face your destiny. (heroic music) (Varian walks to Rapunzel while still holding Cassandra and Queen Arianna as hostages) (Rapunzel walks to summon the black rocks and controls them) (heroic music continues) (Eugene and King Frederic are watching) (Varian is shocked when he sees Rapunzel controlling the black rocks while he is inside his giant automaton) (Rapunzel breathes deeply while holding the black rocks then she screams and her hair is glowing) (zapping) (Eugene, King Frederic, Maximus, Vladimir and Attila close their eyes due to the bright light) (black rocks destroyed the remaining automatons while Varian's giant automaton is pushed back then falls to release Cassandra and Queen Arianna) (robot powers down)

I will make you proud of me, Dad... (Ruddiger tries to cheer Varian up) (ominous music) (Stan closes the wagon) ...if it's the last thing I ever do. (still vows to make Quirin proud) (the wagon is pulling Ruddiger and the arrested Varian to the dungeon)

Don't be too hard on him, Dad. (about Varian after he is arrested)

I'll be sure to do everything I can to get him help. (about the arrested Varian) As for Quirin, I'll not give until I find a way to free him. (tells his daughter) (Rapunzel turns to look at the opening the black rocks have made in the brick wall) (Pascal squeaks)

It's like the rocks want us to... follow them. (noticed that the blacks have made a path for her and Pascal)

I think you're right. At first, I believed the rocks' purpose was to destroy Corona. I was wrong. I can see now that they're pointing in a direction. Pointing you in a direction. I only regret that it has taken all this to convince me that I should be doing the same. Rapunzel, when you were returned to us, I swore I would never let anything ever happen to you again.

But, Dad, we talked about this. I don't-

I know, I know. You're right. This past year, you've showed me that there is so much more in you than could have ever imagined. I've just been too afraid to let you go. But this path is yours to follow. (points to the black rocks) And if you ever lose your way... (lanterns appears while they float in the sky) (smiles at his daughter) (uplifting music) (Rapunzel, Pascal, Eugene, Cassandra, Lance, King Frederic, Queen Arianna, Old Lady Crowley, Monty and Maximus see the lanterns) (uplifting music continues)

Thank you, Dad. (hugs him) I love you so much.

And I love you, too sweetheart. (her mom hugs her too)

Find your destiny, Rapunzel.

I'll take care of her, Your Majesty. (tells King Frederic)

King Frederic:
Eugene, you should know by now, Rapunzel doesn't need anyone to take care of her.

(chuckles) Touché.

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