Sonic Boom, Season 1

Sonic Boom is a children's TV series, produced by OuiDo! Productions and Sega of America, Inc. in collaboration with Lagardère Thématiques and Jeunesse TV, respectively for channels Canal J and Gulli. Based on the Sonic the Hedgehog video games franchise created by Sega, it is the 5th animated television series based on the franchise (plus the second one to be co-produced in France following Sonic Underground), and the first to be produced in animation and in high definition.

[chasing Eggman in the Eggmobile] You can't lose me, Egghead!

Doctor Eggman:
Eggman! You know my name is Dr. Eggman! You do that on purpose!

Do what, Egghead? [The chase continues, but Sonic is eventually forced to stop, teetering on the edge of a cliff.] Who-o-oa! [manages to get back to safety. The camera zooms out to reveal Eggman WAY up above]

Dr. Eggman:
It all ends here, old friend. Prepare to be destroyed by Burnbot! [the camera shifts to reveal Burnbot]

So what, he's gonna burn me with flamethrowers or something?

Dr. Eggman:
Flamethrower? Well, no…

Oh! Uh... acid, incendiary grenades!?

No no no, the li– Claws! He has claws, very painful claws! (Burnbot makes a pinching motion)

Well, then you should have called him "Clawbot" or "The Lacerator" or "Pinch-a-tron 9000", but "Burnbot"? I mean, that's just false advertising–

I name the robots, Sonic! [to Burnbot] Burnbot, ATTACK! [Burnbot jumps down and starts speeding toward Sonic. Sonic runs in the same direction, keeping directly across from Burnbot. Overhead, Tails flies by in his plane.]

Miles "Tails" Prower:
Blue Leader, this is Yellow Sky. I have eyes on Burnbot. He's on the move, over!

Thanks, Tails. Initiate "Speeding Swing Surprise". [Tails dives his plane into the canyon, sending Eggman into a spin. Tails activates his Enerbeam. Sonic and Burnbot leap at each other as the scene goes into slow motion. Tails flies by, throwing the beam to Sonic. Sonic catches the beam, swings around on it, and delivers a kick to Burnbot, launching him into the canyon wall. Sonic lands on the canyon floor across from Burnbot.]

[flies down to Burnbot] Get up, get up, get up! [Burnbot climbs to its feet, then notices Tails' plane flying overhead. It fires one of its claws at the plane, damaging the wing. The plane goes into a spin.]

Bail, Tails! Bail! [Tails pulls the eject lever, only for it to break off in his hand. Sonic prepares to rush to help, but is cut off by Burnbot. Sonic dodges one of Burnbot's claws, then sees a large rock poised over it. Sonic jumps over another of Burnbot's attacks, and spins into the rock, dropping it on Burnbot. Sonic leaps up to the top of the canyon.] Tails, no!

Dr. Eggman's evil fireman robot is running loose!

[seated on a nearby bench] Why does everyone assume every evil robot is mine?

[bounces off Fire Bot again] I dunno. Experience? [leaps up to avoid another burst of fire]

[Knuckles, armed with a large stick, and Amy, armed with her hammer, step up.]

You're "fired", pal. Ha ha ha! Get it? [A burst of flame turns his stick to ashes] Ah, I guess not.

Shouldn't firemen put out fires?

Ah, hello? That's the irony? It's the evil opposite of a fireman. [Sonic glares at him] Ah, uh... I assume...

Sonic, the evil anti-fire bot is putting a baby walrus into a burning house!

[Sonic races over and snatches the baby walrus away before Fire Bot can do so, returning him to his mother.]

Sonic, Evil anti-fire Bot is putting a kitten in a tree!

Go, evil fireman! [sees Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks looking at him] Okay, I admit it. It's mine. Evil robots are what I do. Why stop if you're good at it?

[Fire Bot is now shooting flames at some of the other citizens.]

This has gone on long enough. [races over, running circles around Fire Bot and wrapping it in its own "fire hose"]

[Fire Bot's flamethrower explodes, destroying it.]

I, um... left the oven on. [flees]

Heh. Looks like that robot is "fired"!

[Tails, Sticks, and Amy laugh.]

Hey! No one laughed when I said it...

[The kitten, which is still in the tree, meows pitifully.]

Sticks, could you get that kitten out of the tree?

Sure thing, Sonic. [runs over and starts shaking the tree, terrifying the kitten]

Um, Sticks? Sticks? Sticks!

[The kitten falls out of the tree and bounces off Sonic's head. Sonic catches it.]


Imagine the look on Sonic's face when he sees I have Knuckles trapped. [hears the wall being barged open]

You don't have to imagine, Egghead. Cuz here I am!

That was a bit of a letdown. I was expecting a bigger reaction, maybe shocked, outraged, perhaps even a little ennui. Anywho, Motobugs, attack!

[A group of Motobugs charge at Team Sonic. Sonic spin attacks a Motobug. Mirror Knuckles watches the debris fly across the room and into the hole in the wall.]

Mirror Knuckles:
Look who broke down the wall. The non-aggressors.

[punches another Motobug] Dude, this is more of a rescue than an attack!

Mirror Knuckles:
Excuses are easy to manufacture, but hard to sell.

Why is Knuckles talking like a fortune cookie?

That's (because it's) not Knuckles, it's his double from another dimension.

Oh. That explains the hat, so you can tell them apart. Great idea.

Thank [hammers a Motobug] you.

Wait a minute. There are multiple Knuckles in this dimension? That could cause some kind of catastrophic anomaly. I do not want a dimensional explosion in my lab. I just had the floors waxed. [releases Mirror Knuckles from the trapping cage and Mirror Knuckles flickers] Well, what are you waiting for? Get him out of here! (And why is his counterpart here anyway?)

Well, actually, the reason Alternate Dimension Knuckles is here is because Alternate Dimension Eggman (which is your dimensional counterpart) shot him with lasers from Alternate Dimension Octopusbot.

That is so Alternate Dimension me!

Is there any chance we can borrow your laser to send this guy back where he came from and prevent the destruction of pretty much everything?

[chuckling] Sure! You should have just asked me in the first place! Oh, but I'll need it back by Thursday.

What happens on Thursday?

I'm gonna attack your– Uh, um, I'm having a party. [Sticks makes "I'm watching you" gesture at him]

[Sonic's flashback]

Everything okay, miss?

Are you...?

[responds] Yep, I'm Sonic the Hedgehog. Fastest hero in the World, purveyor of justice, righter of wrongs, eater of chili dogs.

[squeals, then turns around to talk to herself] Calm down, Perci. It's just all your dreams coming true. [turns back around to Team Sonic] I'm so sorry.

Don't worry, I'm used to it. Just breathe slowly and tell Uncle Sonic what happened.

Clearly, she fell off her bike and hurt her arm.

Oh, Amy. Don't be jealous because I'm paying attention to another. [Amy growls; to Perci] Don't mind her, she kinda has a thing for me.

Who wouldn't?

Exactly, now let's see what we can do about that bicycle. [walks over to Knuckles] Knuckles, bring it over here. [Knuckles walks off and comes back with a boulder] That's a boulder. I said bicycle, but I'm not angry because I know that you're a simpleton.

Thank you, Mr. Sonic. [throws the boulder away and walks off]

Oh my, Perci. You've been injured. I know what to do about that. Lecture you on bicycle safety. First, never ride a bi–

[cutting Amy off] Amy, what Perci really needs is a splint for her arm.

Wow. You sure know how to take charge of every situation. [Sonic winks.]

...And voila! [Sonic notices Perci's arm is in a mechanical sling and nods in disapproval as Knuckles walks up to Sonic.]

I couldn't find a bicycle, but maybe one of us could ride this to get one. [holds up Perci's bicycle and throws it in the mud, splashing Amy and Perci] Sorry about your scarf. I should've known I'd mess it up. I always do when I'm not under Sonic's direct supervision.

[walks over to Perci's bicycle] Huh. As a man, I could fix this with my bare hands. However, it would be quicker with the proper tools. To Tails' workshop! [The 4 head over to Tails' workshop just before Sticks pops up.]

Hey! Watch out for that robot! I'll bet she's a spy! Broadcasting our secrets to her mechanical overlords! You know, the ones that make the microwaves blink 12:00! Even though you just did it yesterday! [runs off screaming]

[to Perci] Don't pay attention to her. She's actually very nice.

[Scene Change:
Tails' Workshop, flashback.]

Sonic [opens the door] Tails? I guess he isn't here. No matter. I'll heroically repair this bike with only my bare hands! [picks up Tails' welding laser] And a welding laser. Amy, you tend to poor Perci's injury.


Knuckles, you clean the scarf that you so carelessly ruined. [puts the bike on the table and starts to fix it. Amy puts a heating pad on Perci's arm]

[looks for a place to dry the scarf such as a drying rack, blow dryer, drying machine, and a lab kiln] Tails' industrial strength lab kiln seems like a perfect place to dry a really delicate scarf. [puts it in the lab kiln, closes the door, and turns it on]

This heating pad isn't enough. [to Knuckles] Knuckles, get Perci a pillow.

You're not the boss of me, Sonic is! (No, wait…)

But I'm bossy and overbearing and I need everyone to do as I say to compensate for my own insecurity! [Knuckles angrily throws the pillow at her.] Don't throw it at me, hand it to me nicely! [throws the pillow back at Knuckles which exchanges in a pillow fight with the pillow ending up in Perci's face]

Kids, behave yourselves! This is why we can't have nice things! [smells smoke and a fire starts as Amy and Knuckles do a tug of war for the pillow.

[Sonic puts out the fire using buckets of water.]

[Knuckles' flashback]

Hi. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog.

Never heard of you. [notices Knuckles walking up to them still in his blue naval cap. The wind blows through his dreadlocks] ...But who's your friend? [walks over to Knuckles pushing Sonic aside]

I'm just a humble echidna… which is why I won't brag about my boyish charm, unimaginable strength, and ability to think real good. You know, smartnesswise.

[struggles to pick up Perci's broken bicycle, just before Knuckles picks it up over his head using only one arm] Wha...?!

Wow. Muscles and brain smartness.

I know. [Sonic falls] Medic! Splint up this pretty lady's arm!

I hope I can live up to your expectations, Captain Knuckles. [puts the splint on her leg instead of her arm]

Oh ho, Amy. You forgotten what an arm is. This is an arm. [flexes his left arm]

Wow. You are the whole package.

And here's the gift-wrapping. [starts flexing his arms. Amy sighs dreamily]

[Sonic flexes his arms too and ends up leaning on Perci's broken bicycle, causing it to fall in the mud, splashing Amy and Perci. Sonic gasps.]

Sonic, You clumsy oaf! Perpetual second banana! Look what you've done! [to Perci] Come, my lady! We must go to Casa Del Tails to repair your bicicleta before Sonic does any further damage. [takes Perci's arm leaving Amy angry and the 4 head over to Tails' workshop with Sonic behind them]

[whiny voice] Come on, guys! Wait for meeeeeee!

[The keep walking just before Sticks pops up.]

Hey, be careful of that alien! She'll abduct our livestock, phone home from our houses, and turn us all into pie people! She's... a goodful! A goodful! [runs off screaming]

[to Perci] Don't pay attention to her. She's actually very nice. [Sonic fixes the bike with a wielding laser and suddenly burns his finger at Tails' Workshop (flashback). He screams in pain and starts blowing on it.] Sonic, can't you do anything right? [to Perci] Your scarf will look brand new, but it'll never look as lovely as its owner.

[Perci blushes. Knuckles puts the scarf in the kiln. Meanwhile, Amy struggles with a heating pad.]

How does this heating pad work? Mmm. [throws the heating pad on a pile of newspapers]

A pillow for my maiden fan?

Hey, I'm the medic! I'll give her the pillow!

I want to give her the pillow, so I could be more like my hero - Knuckles. [he and Amy fight over the pillow when suddenly a fire starts]

[Sonic jumps in Amy's arms scared. Knuckes uses his ice breath to put the fire out. Perci leans against his arm,]

[Amy's flashback]

[Southern Belle accent] I've seem to have fallen from my bicycle and injured my little old arm. If only there was some heroic gentleman who would rescue poor little me.

[he and Knuckles stare at Perci all lovey-dovey and chuckling] You're pretty.

[Southern accent] Would one of you handsome young men kindly retrieve my bicycle?

[Sonic and Knuckles giddily run over to do so. Amy crosses her arms, unimpressed. Sonic and Knuckles are fighting over the pieces of the bicycle, when they suddenly fall over. The pieces of the bicycle fall into the mud, splashing it over Perci's scarf.]

[voiceover] Even with my friends under the spell of a wicked siren, I selflessly administered medical care to the foul temptress. [to Perci] Oh, you poor sweet thing! Allow me to tend to your wounds. [binds Perci's arm in a sling, which sparkles] Now, let's see to your bicycle. I know where to get it fixed!

[The four of them walk towards Tails' workshop, with Knuckles carrying the bicycle pieces. Sticks suddenly runs up]

Watch out for that government agent! It starts with jury duty, and zoning ordinances, and before you know it, boom! Our tax dollars are benefiting others, and not us!

Don't pay attention to her. She's actually very nice. [Sticks runs away screaming]

[at Tails' Workshop (flashback)]

[holding Perci's scarf] Sweetie, you rest here. I'll get a heating pad to make you more comfortable. Knuckles, will you please clean this scarf? [Knuckles reaches in and grabs the scarf] And Sonic… [Sonic stands to attention] …maybe it'd be best to just wait for Tails.

No way! I can totally fix this! [darts over to Perci] Watch this, babe. [runs back over to the bike, and picks up a welding mask and laser. He puts on the mask, but drops the laser] Ahh...

[Southern accent] My poor little arm is achin' so. If only I had a cushion on which to rest it.

[Knuckles, who is washing Perci's scarf in the background, runs to get a pillow. Sonic looks up from his welding, seeing this, and drops the still-active laser and runs over and fights with Knuckles over the pillow.]

Let me give it to her!

She wants me to give it to her!

[Smoke rises, followed by flames. Sonic and Knuckles see this, drop the pillow, and panic. Amy grabs a fire extinguisher and puts out the fire.]

[Perci's flashback]

[voiceover] I had a minor accident with my bicycle, when… [Sonic sees Perci and runs over]

Hi, I'm Sonic the Hedgehog. Hero extraordinaire.

You don't happen to have a wrench or some tools I can use to fix my bike?

No, but maybe I can interest you in some "gift-wrapping"?

That's okay.

Don't worry. I can fix your bike. [runs to it]

No, I will! [follows]

You're just loving this, aren't you? Having men fight over you? A modern woman can take care of herself.

I can take care of myself, but like I said, "I don't have any tools" and I hurt my arm.

I suppose you need me to bandage that up for you.

Nah, just a bruise. [Amy growls, but wraps Perci's arm in a sling. Sonic and Knuckles are fighting over the pieces of the bike, when they suddenly fall. The bike pieces drop into the mud, splashing it over Perci.] Look, I need to get moving. Do you know where I can find some tools? [As the group walks towards Tails' Workshop, Sticks runs up with a yell.] Nice to meet you. [Sticks runs away screaming. Sonic, Knuckles and Amy hold each other in the background, shaking.] She seems nice.

[At Tails Workshop (flashback), Perci is about to use the welding laser to fix her bike, but Sonic cuts in.]

Allow me. You just sit back and relax, while Sonic saves the day.

Okay, I'll just wash my scarf.

[grabs Perci's scarf] Please, the honor is all mine. [starts washing it]

Well then, I'll just rest my arm.

All right, all right. I'll get you a heating pad. Talk about a drama queen.

[puts Perci's scarf in the kiln] Would you like a pillow?

[looks up from his welding] No, I'll give Perci a pillow! [runs over, dropping the welding laser, which ignites]

Oh, now the princess wants a pillow. [tosses the heating pad onto a pile of newspapers]

Uh! There's got to be something fun to do around here. [opens a drawer and discovers a hand bound manuscript] Huh? [picks up the manuscript from the drawer] Well, well, well. "A Rose without Thorns" a play in 3 acts, and guess who wrote it...


No, not you. Amy.


[coughs] "An empty stool sits under a spot light as the lovely, charismatic and super popular, Annie Rose appears from the curtain and pours herself a glass of lemonade."

[snatches the manuscript from Sonic] "'Twas years since I first met the mysterious stranger, the one with the fur, the colour of the ocean." Who do we know with ocean coloured fur? [ Coughing ]


Well, it can't be me though I am mysterious, I'm more of a royal blue. [takes the script from Sticks and reads from it] "Sonar enters, pitter pattering across the stage in his scarlet loafers." Sonar. [coughs; as "Sonar"] "Hey, Annie! I'm gonna play volley ball. I only play against myself because nobody else can keep up." See? He doesn't sound anything like me! He's an egomaniac without the incredible awesomeness to back it up.

[takes the script] "Thump, thump, thump, a knock at the door like the sound of some one big and strong, but unable to figure out a simple doorknob. Annie Rose sautés to the door and answers revealing Shoulders, the hulking dullard of a farm hand."


"Shoulders strides towards Annie, but is distracted by a shiny object."

It doesn't say that! [snatches the script from Sticks] Give it here! [distracted by the "shiny" metal bands held by the manuscript] Wait, what was I about to do?

[takes the script from Knuckles] "But before Annie can reply, a naïve young fox named Taylor enters, cowering beneath the legs of Sonar." Hey! I don't cower! [cowers the lightning and hides beneath Sonic's legs] Curse you, irony!

[takes the script from Tails] "Just when all hope is lost, enter Twigs the crazy eyed feral badger." [as Twigs] "Miss Annie, the robot apocalypse is nigh! I intercepted a transmission from my toaster!" This is just ridiculous! Everyone knows when the roboapocalypse arrives, it's the can openers that would transmit signals! Toaster. [Amy stares nearby and dropped the tray of pop opers.]

[furiously] What... are... you... DOING?! You're reading my play!? That's an invasion of my privacy! [Sticks gives the script back to Sonic]

We have a right to read it since we happen to be all the characters!

It's not based on you guys!

Oh, no…? [holds up a shiny object in front of Knuckles]

Ooh, gimme, gimme, gimme! [comes running after the shiny object and takes it from Sticks] Oh, like Twigs isn't exactly like you!

She'd be wiped out by the roboapocalypse in 2 seconds, taking advice from toasters! Can you believe these people?

Guys, stop fighting! Right, Sonic?

Was that you talking, "Taylor"? I couldn’t see you in Sonic's shadow!

Good one, Knux!

At least I'm not an egomaniac, "Sonar"!

That character wasn't like me at all! He wasn't nearly as awesome as I am!

You know what's not awesome? Rummaging through my drawers and reading my personal manuscript!

When this storm blows over, maybe we should all go our separate ways!

Why wait? I'm going to the kitchen, where I will make and consume all the dainty hors d'oeuvres I want... without ketchup! [snatches the script from Sonic and walks off]

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Sticks:

[Sticks, Knuckles, Tails and Amy sitting whilst Sonic is running around a table.]

We're approaching hour 23 of Sonic and Knuckles' stay awake challenge and it's still anybody's game. Sticks, what do you make of their strategy so far?

It appears Sonic is jogging in circles to stay awake while Knuckles keeps his focus by watching late night TV. Both strong approaches, but personally, I find the grim knowledge that our freedom is slowly eroding enough to keep me awake at night.

Give it up, Knuckles. I can keep moving all night. The second you find something boring on TV, you're going to be out like a light.

Don't be silly, Sonic, TV is never boring. [changes channels]

Comedy Chimp:
So, Soar. Tell us more about your dried, dense and complicated new book about introspection and selfbetterment.


My new book, counter productive, is about fixing your old mistakes, times when you made a mess of things. [Knuckles watches him interested] When you were a bad apple, active like a basket case.

[starts to have a flashback at a market where Charlie works] Hey, Charlie. Can I borrow your basket? It's really important! [grabs and puts the baskets on his feet] Haha, neat! I'm all tall and stuff!

[Back at Tails' House]

[waving her hand in front of Knuckles] His eyes are open, but his brain is definitly asleep. Sonic wins!

[wakes up] Gah! Am I... counter productive?

Nope, just someone who can't stay awake for 23-hour straight.


If you don't go back to the people you've wronged and make up for your misdeeds, then you're basically a monster and that's science.

[ Screaming ] Don't look at me! I'm a monster, a monster!

[sighs] Hope this turns out better than when he thought he was a ballerina.

[Flashback at Sonic's Shack]

Don't look at me! I'm a ballerina, a ballerina! [Starts dancing]

Careful... careful

[runs to and startles Charlie] Charlie! [Charlie almost drops the artifact] (Sorry.) Remember me? The guy that turned those apple baskets into stilts at your old job? Man, that was fun, but it turns out it wasn't fun! It was counter productive. So I'm here to make it up to you.

Oh. Wow. I totally forgot about that. Don't worry about it, my life is great now. I've got a wife, a nice house, this wonderful job, (and) digging up ancient artifacts.

Doesn't matter, I gotta make this right.

Honestly, you really don't have to.

Can it! I'm trying to be nice to you. We'll start with your lunch order.

[gets a sandwich out of his pocket] But I brought my lunch.

[grabs the sandwich] Not good enough. [throws it into a nearby lake] I'm gonna get you something special! [runs off, one of the baskets falls off and hits Charlie on the head who let go of the artifact which breaks]

[arrives as Charlie tries to fix the artifact] Soups on! [grabs everything on the table and throws it off, the artifact breaks again] I got braised short-rib on focaccia toast with a dollop of garlic chaiaboly and just a hint of lime.

Actually, that sounds pretty good.

I thought so too. That's why I ate it on the way here, but don't worry. Look what I found. [holds up Charlie's wet sandwich] Can you believe some dope just tossed this in the lake?

(Um... Thanks? Anyways...) I really should get back to work. [turns around and starts collecting the things from the floor]

Oh, let me get those for you, because I'm helpful and not counter productive.

No, really. It's o– (Wait… W-what, "counter productive"?)

Charlie, come on! It's me! [throws the sandwich away, takes a pickax and a shovel falls on Charlie's foot]

Ah, ouch! [jumps around and steps on the sandwich which makes him fall down] (I'm alright, I'm okay.)

The working conditions here are dangerous! I'm gonna go talk to your union rep.

Let’s see that lunch money.

Charlie, as things aren’t going well between you and I, I have decided to enlist the help of a local police officer to act as a go-between. I think his experience in dealing with tense situations will proof valuable to both of us. [Charlie reaches out his hand, the frightened the Beaver Policeman drops his money in it and leaves. Charlie reaches out once more and Knuckles drops his money too. Charlie is sitting in his armor, Knuckles sneaks up to him] Charlie is not letting up, but I can’t go back to being counter productive, so I’ll take the high road and stay out of his way until he cools off. [Charlie notices him, takes a huge ice cream and smashes it onto Knuckles] I figured it out! All Charlie really wants is a friend. Yeah, he is practically crying out to me for help! [reaches to Charlie] Hello, pal! I baked you this pie! Perhaps we can see a movie together and/or enjoy a frosted beverage.

[grabs the pie and smashed it into Knuckles’ face, then grabs him and throws him into a dustbin] See the wrath of my super villain powers! [Knuckles falls screaming and stops in front of Sonic, Tails and Amy]

Great news, Knuckles! I think Charlie just let you off the hook.

Really? Because from my perspective, it didn’t go so well.

No, what Tails means is that Charlie just called himself a super villain.

[looks into Counter Productive] Page 235 of Counter Productive - "If the person you’re trying to make up to turns into a super villain, you can forget all that stuff I said about fixing your past mistakes. In that case, knock yourself out."

I know what I have to do now!

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