SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 6

SpongeBob SquarePants is a TV series that premiered in 1999 on Nickelodeon. It is one of the most popular Nickelodeon shows, it later spawned a movie, followed by several short films, and video games.

[looking at his score with a triumphant but sleepless face] I did it. [kisses the score and laughs] Yes! [runs out of his house in an ecstatic delirium] I did it! I did it! I did it! And I did it! Ha ha ha ha!

[watching Squidward run out the door as SpongeBob sews his butt and laughs] Did what?

[Squidward runs over to the stadium]

Here you go, maestro, my masterpiece.

[looks at the score; in a German composer accent] Hmm, oh, very unusual. I think we have a winner, Mr. Tentacles! [Squidward smiles, cuts to later where Squidward is about to conduct his song]

Good evening, music lovers of Bikini Bottom. Tonight, is the premiere of a new symphony, written by one of our own, Squidward Tentacles.

[Squidward walks up on stage and starts conducting his composition, everything is fine until he hears Patrick using a tongue depressor on himself. Squidward looks at his music and, much to his shock and dismay, finds out that there are drawings of SpongeBob and Patrick on it.]

[gasps] Huh?!

[It turns out that Squidward inadvertently wrote down everything he heard from SpongeBob's doctoring. The music is then followed by Patrick hitting his own knee with a hammer and screaming while SpongeBob times his reflex]

I wrote down everything I heard?! [gulps and looks at the audience, SpongeBob drops a brick on Patrick's leg, then an anchor]

Oooo! That's gonna leave a mark! [Squidward sweats in embarrassment]

[SpongeBob puts on a rubber glove then squeaks a rubber duck near Patrick as he screams, then uses the x-ray, then the laugh machine, then reading magazines, then SpongeBob plays with his brain, then he's reading magazines again, then using the x-ray again, then the laugh machine, then the duck, then the magazine, then playing with the brain. This process repeats twice, second time shorter time. Throughout the performance, Squidward continued to conduct the orchestra while barely paying attention to his conducting, due to SpongeBob and Patrick distracting him with their odd procedures to each other. SpongeBob then uses the blood pressure pump to inflate Patrick, he loses control of the air in his body and starts flying around like a balloon, smacking into Squidward as the song ends]

That poor guy. [as Patrick sits up straight on Squidward after deflating, the song comes to an end]

Patrick, get off of me! [Patrick does so, Squidward growls at him, then looks at the audience, Squidward begins to sadly walk off the stage, but then everyone begins cheering]

Audience Member:
Oh, now that's what I call music!

That little yellow guy is awesome!

Let us not forget the tubby starfish!

Oh, yeah, but the real genius is the composer! [all chanting] Squidward! Squidward! Squidward!

Wow, Squidward, they really liked you! Just don't get a "swelled head." [Squidward's head begins to inflate, because Patrick is using the blood pressure pump, causing Squidward to look at him suspiciously and then we can hear an explosion as the screen cuts to black, ending the episode]

[SpongeBob runs out of the theater, he grabs an ax and looks for Boaty, he sees a bus coming toward him, SpongeBob strikes at it with his axe. The bus stops, and everyone in Bikini Bottom steps out]


Mr. Krabs:
Sheesh. Calm down, boy.

You're all still alive? Well, where did you go?

Mr. Krabs:
It was National No SpongeBob Day.

"National No SpongeBob Day"?

Mr. Krabs:
Yeah. A whole day dedicated to getting away from you.

A day? But you guys have been gone for weeks.

Mr. Krabs:
Uhh... heh heh, yeah well... we kinda milked it a little.

[Patrick comes out of the bus, he has balloons and a t-shirt with SpongeBob crossed out on it, SpongeBob sees this and gasps in shock]

You too, Patrick?

Yeah. Everyone needs at least one day away from... [laughs like SpongeBob imitating his face]

[sadly] I'm... glad you had fun. [sobs]

Mr. Krabs:
Aww, cheer up, boy. It's a whole day inspired by you.


Mr. Krabs:
Of course. [cut to a scene of everyone in Bikini Bottom except SpongeBob around a SpongeBob made of wood] First, we build a giant wooden effigy of you, then we burn it to the ground. [the citizens burn it] Whoo-hoo! Burn, baby! [cut to everyone dancing on the ashes of the effigy] And dance on the ashes like there was no tomorrow. [cut back to the present time]

Wow. A whole day dedicated to me. [blushes]

Big deal. Wait 'til you see "No Patrick Day." Come on, everyone. Let's go! [everyone gets on the bus. SpongeBob knocks Patrick off when he tries to get on. Patrick immediately forgets what happened and what he said] Where'd everybody go? Hello? Hello [looks around and the episode ends as a heartbeat is faintly heard]

Ah. [Mr. Krabs and Squidward are there. He gasps]

Mr. Krabs:
What's that?

What's what?

Mr. Krabs:
Behind your back?

You mean this? [pulls his splinter out from behind his back, but it is covered by his hat]

Mr. Krabs:
Put your hat on, boy! Show some company pride!

[puts his hat on] Heh, company pride, of course.

Mr. Krabs:
Uh, SpongeBob?


Mr. Krabs:
Have you always had three legs?

[has a sock and shoe covering his splintered thumb] Yes.

Mr. Krabs:
[believing him] Interesting... Well, what's this about a splinter that Squidward's been telling me all about? [SpongeBob screams] All right, boy, let's see it. [SpongeBob whimpers] Come on, SpongeBob, it's just a little splinter. I mean, how bad could it...? [SpongeBob reveals his massive, swollen thumb which has a slight area of pale green fizz around the impaled center. His thumb is now red. Mr. Krabs gags] Oh, merciful Neptune! [Squidward moans and faints] Okay, no problem. No problem. [easily picks out the splinter. There is a brief pause and the tip of SpongeBob's thumb pops and shoots out confetti] Problem sol... [green pus shoots out of SpongeBob's thumb onto Mr. Krabs' face. He takes out an umbrella as it dies down. There is a close-up of SpongeBob's free hand, bending his splinter-free thumb] Whew. For a second there, I thought I was gonna have to pay you workman's "compersation."

What's worker's compensation?

Mr. Krabs:
You know, when you get paid for sitting at home.

[his eyes shoot open. He gets up] You mean I can get paid while I'm at home?

Mr. Krabs:
Yeah, what do ya' think "compersation" stands for?

[gets the cash register out of the boat counter and slowly smashes it onto his head two times] Ow!

Mr. Krabs:
Uh, Squidward?

[smashes the cash register on his head another two times then throws the cash register up into the air and gets crushed by it] Can I get my "compersation" now?

Mr. Krabs:
No. Sorry, Squidward, your shift ended over two minutes ago.

Mr. Krabs, I can't write these stories anymore.

Mr. Krabs:
Come on, that's a bunch of hooey!

I've seen people's lives ruined...with my own eyes!

Mr. Krabs:
People want wild juicy stories! That's what sells! Now I want your little yellow noggin, to come up with the wildest story ever! One that'll top all the others!

Gee, Mr. Krabs, I've written about everybody in town. Any ideas, sir?

Mr. Krabs:
Surprise me! Give me a shocker! [throws him in his chair] Good night, boy. I'll check on you tomorrow morning, and remember, the wildest story ever! [leaves]

Oh, "the wildest story ever", huh? [starts writing/typing]

[Then cuts to the next day where the paper's are being printed, and Mr. Krabs runs in]

Mr. Krabs:
How's it going, lad?

[turns around, and he is very tired] Ahh-ahh, it's a surprise.

Mr. Krabs:
Excellent! We're gonna sell out in no time! We'll have to do another printing. [runs outside, and there is an angry mob] Huh?


Mr. Krabs:
What's going on?

You should know! [shows him the newspaper]

Mr. Krabs:
[reading] "Krabs overworks employees, reaps reward"?! "Krabby Kronicle mastermind behind bogus stories pays his tired, under-age reporter pennies while he rakes in the dough"?!

How could you do that to such an innocent child?! This is sick and inhumane!

Not to mention the fact that he's written lies about us!

I lost my restaurant because of you! And I thought I was evil.

All the kids in town wanna beat me up for lunch money! [cries]

Mrs. Puff:
And I've had to go back to watching... [starts to cry] ...Daytime television!

Oh, that's it! We're taking our money back!

[Everyone runs in, and takes bags of money while leaving a trail of destruction]

Mr. Krabs:
No! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! [starts to cry]

Mr. Krabs, are you okay?

Mr. Krabs:
How can I be okay when me money's gone?! All gone! [cries then sighs] It just goes to show, trying to make an easy buck doesn't pay. [notices the printing press] Or does it? [puts a dollar in the printing press, and turns it on, which makes sheets of paper with just pictures of money] Get me some scissors, boy-o! It's time to use my imagination!

[while wearing wedding groom clothes] Hey, guys. Could you fix me and the wife up a couple of Krabby Patties?

[His "wife" is the pole as described in the newspaper earlier]

[looks at his watch] Oh! I'm almost late for Choir Practice! Better not run into SpongeBob again or I'm doomed! [takes a turn next to a large field of grass, then starts pedaling into it. He gets out and laughs] Figaro! Figaro-Figaro-Figa-roooo!

[steps out of the grasses in a policeman's hat and mustache] Stop! Stop Stop! [Squidward notices him, screams then comes to a screeching halt] I here by issue you with this ticket, for reckless frowning, and failing to listen to my song!

Your song? What are you, some kind of...

That's right! I'm a singing traffic cop!

A singing traffic...

♪O Sole Lo Mio...♪

[rips off SpongeBob's fake mustache] SpongeBob, I will be late to practice with all of your tomfoolery slowing me down! [grabs the ticket and rips it up] It is a high honor to be chosen for the Bikini Bottom Men's Chorus, and you are not going to keep me from performing my Grand Solo! [ties SpongeBob to some coral, using kelp, then rides away] ♪Figaro! Figaro, Figaro, Fi-ga-ro!♪

[After a really long beat...]

♪Fii-gaa-roo♪ [Everything around starts shaking, the ground rumbles. Kelp breaks off SpongeBob as he stops singing, but an echo is heard. Cut to Jellyfish Fields, and the camera pans to a couple of jellyfish. They hear his singing and follow the source. SpongeBob falls to the ground, and the jellyfish come while buzzing excitedly and pick him up to the choir.; SpongeBob is holding note while being travelled down the road by jellyfish, in a beam of sunlight]

[Gary's food bowl lands on Squidward, who is on the couch, which is tipped over. Squidward sits up to realize he has the vacuum stuck inside of him] SpongeBob! [he loses balance out of the room, and falls down the stairs. He stops on one stair for the vacuum whirring, and his next step makes him fall off the final stairs before choking out the vacuum] Is it really you? [switches the vacuum to on, allowing it to whir. He picks it up] It is you! [kisses it] Come on, baby. You and I will walk out of this horror show the way we walked into it: with dignity and aplomb. [he walks out of SpongeBob's house to hear a siren, and sees firemen hosing his burnt house, while SpongeBob and Patrick are there] My house...

You just missed the fire. [Squidward walks to the firemen]

What happened to my house? [fireman holds up a burnt casserole]

Oh, some knucklehead left a casserole in the oven.


Aw, don't worry, Squidward. You're more than welcome to stay at my house until you get your house fixed.

[Squidward becomes shocked with ominous music playing, he suddenly imagines himself at a table with his vacuum cleaner at the seat across from him.]

Why, yes, I'd love another spot of tea, Mr. Vacuum Cleaner. [holds up the burnt casserole] Care for some casserole? [crazed laughter. Camera zooms in on his pupil, and the scene cuts back to real life]

Squidward? You okay? Squidward? [Squidward faints; yelling] SQUIIIIIIIIIIDWAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRD!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the slop you ordered. [tosses tray of food down on customer's table] Enjoy. If you can choke it down. [laughs]

[writes] Be rude to customers and insult food. Nasally laugh.

[Bubble transition to Squidward throwing a bag of trash at the dumpster out back. He breaks the bag open. SpongeBob does the same. Squidward pats SpongeBob on the head. Bubble transition.]

Can I get a Krabby Patty Combo?


How about a Double Krabby?


Can I get a Triple Patty with cheese?

[nudging Squidward] Oh I think you've had way too many of those. [both laugh like Squidward as the customer walks off angry. Cut to another trash bag broken being thrown at the dumpster. SpongeBob tosses a tray on a customers table, spilling the drinks on the floor]

Taught him everything he knows. [more bags of trash being broken and customers getting burnt food or food thrown at them. SpongeBob and Squidward are snoring the bathroom while customers are waiting to use the stalls. Customers are clamoring in line while SpongeBob and Squidward are snoring at the cash register as Mr. Krabs enters]

Mr. Krabs:
[angry] What are you two doing?! Get to work! I'm used to Squidward sleeping on the job, but I expect more from you, Mr. SquarePants.

I am not SpongeBob SquarePants, Mr. Krabs.

Mr. Krabs:
What in the name of Davy Jones are you talking about?

I mean, do these pants look square to you? They're round.

Mr. Krabs:
Yeah, so?

I can't be SpongeBob SquarePants with round pants.

Mr. Krabs:
Who told you that?

Patrick. [cuts to Patrick about to eat but puts his Krabby Patty down as he realizes his error.]

Mr. Krabs:
Well, why don't you just take them off?

[Bubble transition to SpongeBob bringing out a Krabby Patty in his underwear.]

Order up, Squidward!

Well well, if it isn't SpongeBob UnderPants! [chuckles. SpongeBob notices he's in his underwear and screams as the episode ends]

You once again managed to single-handedly annihilate what might be the one and only chance I may ever get to sew just one tiny seed of creative hope into the culturally barren wasteland that each and every one of us is forced to call home!

Actually, I've been commuting from upstate.

Now, I don't suppose you two have anything to say for yourselves?

Well, I guess if I was to say one thing, it would have to be: We're sorry, Squidward. [Squidward looks horrified as SpongeBob revealed Squidward's name]

Yeah, we're sorry, Squidward.

[frantic] No, no, no, no, no! Shh shh shh...

Hey, did those guys just call you Squidward?

[frantic] No, no, no, no, no! They said "Squilliam"!

Oh! I knew this guy was phony from minute one! I'm gettin' outta here.

Yeah, me, too! I'm gonna get my tuition back!

No! Wait! [everyone walks to the door and Squidward blocks it] NO! You're not going anywhere!

[The door is smashed open and several police fish run in. Squidward, who was flattened against the wall by the door, is grabbed by them]

Wha-What's going on here?

Sorry, Professor, your little symphony is over.

Music School Headmistress:
[she and the real Squilliam Fancyson are there] It's true, we're onto your little ruse! [the reporter and cameraman are there too]

Bikini Bottom News Reporter:
What a hot scoop!

Music School Headmistress:
The real Squiliam as we all know has a large bushy unibrow just at the base of his forehead.

But... [a police officer rips off Squidward's Wig]

Green Police Fish:
No unibrow. Squidward Q. Tentacles, i'm placing you under arrest for impersonating a genius.

[Squidward is handcuffed and taken away by the police. SpongeBob takes out the metronome, starts it, and he and Patrick start swaying to the rhythm again]

SpongeBob and Patrick:
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick...

Mr. Krabs:
Okay, boy, get out there. [throws SpongeBob outside towards Plankton's robot and SpongeBob gets grabbed by the robot]

Um... hello... what do you want robot thing, sir? [Plankton walks out on a boardwalk] Oh, hey Plankton! What are you doing here?

I'm here for the secret formula you twit! Now I want you to go in there and tell Krabs that if he doesn't turn over the formula to me, that he'll be subjected to utter annihilation at my... Are you getting this? [SpongeBob inhales and shakes his head; Plankton face palms and groans] Moron! Okay, I'll make it simple: Krabs give me secret formula or I bring big boom-boom to Krusty Krab. Got it?

[writing on clipboard] Krabs give me secret formula or... uhhh... what was that other thing?

[groans frustratedly] Forget it! [marches back into his command module, drops SpongeBob] Bring on the Boom-Boom! [laughs]

[Plankton's robot starts marching toward the Krusty Krab]

Mr. Krabs:
Battle stations, men! Here he comes!

We're all doomed, we're all doomed, we're all doomed, we're all doomed, doomed, doomed, doomed, doomed, doomed, we're all doomed, we're all doomed, we're all doomed, we're all doomed!

[walking out of the Krusty Krab] Later.

[The robot continues to march again with Plankton. But then, you notice that the extension cord that is powering the robot is about to be unplugged. The robot stops only foot away from the Krusty Krab]

Hey, what gives?

[SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs emerge from the Krusty Krab. Mr. Krabs laughed at Plankton's failed attempt and the two walked away.]

Oh, my Karen. Oh, my Karen.'

Oh, my computer wife, Karen.

I was blinded, yes, I was blinded,

I was blinded by the light of your cathode ray.

Oh, I built you, yes, I built you,

I built you in the - ehhh... erm...

In the shape of a cube!

Oh, my Karen. Oh, my Karen.

You'll never know how much I love your vacuum tubes!

[Plankton hugs one of Karen's lightbulbs. Karen smiles, Plankton, SpongeBob, and Patrick bow, and the song ends]

[sniffles] That was so beautiful.

You really liked it?

I loved it! But not as much as I love you, Plankton.

I l... l... love you, too! [Bikini Bottom citizens, including SpongeBob, rush in and say "Aw."] So, can I have my present now?

Of course, my little overlord. Now loading the Krabby Patty Formula...

They're such a lovely couple. [sniffs before he suddenly gasps] The Krabby Patty Formula?!

Yes! You porous kitchen utensil! By helping me woo my computer wife, you've just doomed the Krusty Krab! [laughs evilly]

Oh no! I've got to stop it before it's too late.

45% Loaded.

[presses several buttons on a computer keyboard] Control, Alt, Delete.

55% Loaded.

[smashes against the computer keyboard] How do you turn this thing off?!

Get your hands off my wife!

65% Loaded.

[gasps] The plug. [Plankton gasps] Ha! You lose, Plankton.

[sarcastically] Oh no. You unplugged the coffee maker, SpongeBob.

[gulps] I am so fired.

Loading Krabby Patty Formula...

Here it comes!

Oh, Plankton, you've made me so happy.

That's fantastic. Where's that formula?

[cries happily with tears of joy] I'm crying. What's going on? [starts to spark electric sparks]

Karen, what's wrong? Have you sprung a leak?

No. I'm just so happy! I'm crying with tears of joy!

But you're shorting out!

I'm just--. The Krabby... Patty... Formula... loading... completed.


NO! [the text on the screen blurs and the word "ERROR" appears on the screen]


Yes! I'm saved! Your wife exploded! [puts up his arms with victory; Plankton makes a serious face] Um... happy anniversary, you guys. [scratches his head, shrugs, and leaves]

Rebooting... Loading E.M.I.L.P...

E.M.I.L.P.? What's E.M.I.L.P.?!

Emergency Mother In-Law Program.

Oh, no.

Plankton, what have you done to my daughter?! You made her cry! [Plankton groans] You know, she could have been with an ATM! Someone with money! But she chose you! I don't know why!

Ricky Gervais:
[voiceover] 10 years ago, an unknown [The clip is replaced by a clip of Patchy laughing in Party Pooper Pants."] pirate from Encino began a [The clip is replaced with a clip of Patchy removing the SpongeBob items off his bed from "The Sponge Who Could Fly."] decade-long obsession [The clip is replaced with a clip of Patchy in his one man band from "Party Pooper Pants."] with TV's most beloved [The clip is replaced by a clip of Patchy putting the SpongeBob cookie ornament on his Christmas tree from "Christmas Who?"] and absorbent sponge. And today, [The clip is replaced by a clip of Patchy being spun on the playground roundabout from "The Sponge Who Could Fly."] a mere 10 years later, obviously, [The clip is replaced by a clip of Patchy in a barrel and female parrots trying to kiss him from "Party Pooper Pants."] 10 years ago, I said that, [The clip is replaced by a clip of Patchy in a cannon and then being shot out of it from "Shanghaied."] he has traveled all the way to a far off land known as "Burbank" [The clip is replaced by a clip of Patchy going down a slide from "The Sponge Who Could Fly."] to find Nicktoons Animation Studio [The clip is replaced with a clip of Patchy ripping his underwear off from "The Sponge Who Could Fly."] and meet his idol [The clip is replaced with a clip of Patchy being chewed on by a T-Rex from "Ugh."] face to face for the first time [The clip is replaced with a clip of Patchy getting angry in "The Sponge Who Could Fly."] in [The clip is replaced with a clip of Patchy rolling around in the lost episode's film strip from "The Sponge Who Could Fly."] 10 years... it's 10 years ago. [The clip is replaced with a clip of Patchy holding up a SpongeBob cookie when he was talking about if Squidward was right about Christmas in "Christmas Who?"] It's 10 years ago. [The clip is replaced with a clip of Patchy seeing the stick of dynamite and it going off from "Party Pooper Pants."] Let's see what happens, yeah. [The clip shows Patchy burned after the explosion in "Shanghaied", and the screen cuts to black.]

[as it is still panning in] It's a conspiracy, I tell you! A thousand and three times I've almost had that recipe, and a thousand and three times I've been launched by that Krabs! He celebrates eleventy-seven years of success, I'm left with four score and forty fortnights of failure! I give up, Karen. Krabs has won!

Well, you'll never get the formula with that attitude. Maybe a thousand and four will be your lucky number.

Oh, yeah? You try getting launched.

Oh, right, the launchings. [her face is replaced by a loading bar and the word "accessing" above it] I've got them all on my hard drive.

[The scene shows, on Karen's monitor, Mr. Krabs in a baseball uniform, exiting the Krusty Krab. The scene shifts to show just the scene. Mr. Krabs pushes Plankton into the air. Mr. Krabs does this with a glove that he is wearing. Mr. Krabs spits and then throws Plankton. Plankton hits the Chum Bucket. The scene changes to show Mr. Krabs' claw putting down a golf tee. He puts Plankton on the tee. He is then shown in a golf outfit, holding a golf club. He then prepares to hit Plankton]

Flashback Mr. Krabs:
Fore! [hits Plankton, who hits the Chum Bucket]

Flashback Plankton:

[The scene changes to show Mr. Krabs riding on a seahorse, wearing a polo uniform, and holding a polo stick. Plankton is shown running. away from the polo stick. Mr. Krabs hits Plankton. Plankton screams and hits the Chum Bucket. The scene changes to show Mr. Krabs holding a slingshot with Plankton on it. Mr. Krabs is holding the slingshot back. Mr. Krabs releases the slingshot. Plankton screams and hits the Chum Bucket. The scene changes to show Mr. Krabs in a hockey uniform holding a hockey stick. He is pushing Plankton on some ice that is outside of the Krusty Krab. Mr. Krabs hits Plankton. Plankton screams and hits the Chum Bucket. The scene changes to show Mr. Krabs with a curling stone that has Plankton on it. Mr. Krabs pushes the curling stone on the ice. SpongeBob takes a broom and sweeps and walks backwards until he reaches the Chum Bucket. Plankton screams until he hits the Chum Bucket doors. The scene changes to show Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob in football uniforms. SpongeBob is holding Plankton horizontally in front of Mr. Krabs. Mr. Krabs runs up and kicks Plankton. Plankton screams and hits the Chum Bucket. There is a goal post painted on the Chum Bucket. SpongeBob pops and puts both his arms horizontally in the air, signally that Mr. Krabs got the point. The scene changes to show Mr. Krabs holding Plankton, walking outside the Krusty Krab]

Flashback Mr. Krabs:
I'm tired today, Plankton. [drops Plankton] You're just gonna have to launch yourself. [walks back inside]

Flaskback Plankton:
[tears up. He walks to the Chum Bucket and hits his head on the door] Splat. [begins to cry]

[Karen's laughing is heard. The scene pans out to show the scene on Karen's monitor. The scene shifts to not-recording Plankton]


[The footage is removed and replaced with Karen]

I'm sorry. That last part always makes me laugh.

[jumps off his desk] It's just no use!

Today's the perfect day to steal the recipe. Krabs will be completely distracted by all the festivities. You can do this.

You really think so?

Of course, I do. Now who's my big man?

Oh, Karen.

Come on. Come on. Who's my big strong man?

I am.

That's right. Now get out there and steal that recipe.

[saluting Karen] Yes, Ma'am!

Why must you always ruin my plans?!

Plankton, you're trying to steal the Krabby Patty recipe again.

Uh, I didn't, uh...Okay fine. You caught me. You happy now?

You know, this reminds me of the time Mr. Krabs confided in me the Krabby Patty recipe. Oh, I don't want to bore you with my silly old stories.

Oh, you couldn't possibly bore me.

Well, okay. Mr. Krabs called me into his office.

[A flashback begins. Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob are shown in Mr. Krabs' office]

Flashback Mr. Krabs:
SpongeBob, you've been working here for a while now, so I think I can trust you. It's time I told you.

Flashback SpongeBob:
[screams and gasps] You mean?

Flashback Mr. Krabs:
Yes. The Krabby Patty formular. Follow me, son. [puts his arm around SpongeBob and they start walking] We need to go where no one will ever hear us. [they walk out of the Krusty Krab, leaving Bikini Bottom, going through a jungle while wearing safari explorer clothing, through the desert while wearing desert clothing, on the seas in a storm while wearing rain coats and hats, crossing a bridge in the mountains, climbing up the mountain while wearing winter clothing, and walking up to flat land. They are tired and dirty] Ugh. We finally made it. [pushes SpongeBob ahead quickly until they reach the back of the Krusty Krab; opens the door] Quick, into me office before anyone sees us. [closes the door]

[The flashback ends]

What?! You went in a circle! Why didn't you just stay in the Krusty Krab?!

We wanted to make sure we weren't followed. Then, Mr. Krabs leaned close and whispered the recipe.

Yes? Go on.

[The flashback resumes. Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob are shown in the Krusty Krab. They are cleaned up.]

Flashback Mr. Krabs:
Now, remember, you can never tell another living soul.

Wait! [trying to write it down] Wait! Hold on!

Flashback Mr. Krabs:
[holding on to the edge of the bubble] What's that?

My pen is out of ink! [tries to get the pen to work. Eventually, it works] Okay, okay, go ahead.

Flashback Mr. Krabs:
Plankton. [grabs Plankton] You'll never have get me formula. [squishes Plankton up like a ball] Not even in a flashback. [laughs and throws Plankton through another grate]

For instance, did you know that SpongeBob was not the first choice to star in the show? [gasps] Hard to believe, I know. Watch these opening themes, and you'll see why he was eventually picked.

[The classic film countdown happens. Painty is shown.]

Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain.

I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Oh... [Bikini Atoll is shown. The bubble transition goes until it shows Squidward's house] ♪Who lives in a monument under the sea?♪

[The door opens and Squidward is shown with pants. He looks down in shock. Hans takes the pants off and Squidward smiles.]

♪Squidward Tentacles!♪ [Squidward falls into a bathtub and his head expands]

♪Obnoxious, abrasive, conceded is he!♪ [water comes out of Squidward's mouth and it covers the screen. One it clears, his name is shown in bubbles]

♪Squidward Tentacles!♪ [the name bubbles pop]

[as Squidward is shown four times riding his recumbent bicycle with part of his name behind each of the bikes] ♪If practical common sense be something you wish...♪

♪Squidward Tentacles!♪

[off-screen] Neeext!

[The classic film countdown happens again. Painty is shown but with a different mouth.]

Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain.

I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Oh... [Bikini Atoll is shown. The bubble transition goes until it shows Patrick's house] ♪Who lives like a barnacle under the sea?♪

♪Patrick Sea Star!♪ [the rock opens and Patrick is shown in his underwear. Hans puts his pants on]

[laughs] Whoa! [falls and starts guffawing]

[off-screen] Nope!

[The classic film countdown happens again and Painty is shown for the third time, but with another different mouth.]

Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain.

I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Oh... [Bikini Atoll is shown. The bubble transition goes until it shows Mr. Krabs' house] ♪Who lives in an anchor under the sea?♪

[the door opens to show Mr. Krabs kissing a bag of money. Hans appears and pulls it away] ♪Eugene Krabs does!♪

Mr. Krabs:

♪Crusty and red and greedy is he.♪ [the scene shows Hans taking the bag away. Mr. Krabs is following him]

Mr. Krabs:
Come back with me money! [money starts to fall out and Mr. Krabs grabs it]

♪Eugene Krabs does!♪ [Mr. Krabs passes some money and goes back to it and picks it up]

♪If stingy and greedy is something you wish...♪

♪Eugene Krabs does!♪

Mr. Krabs:
Money, money, money, money, money, money.

[the scene returns to him] Ugh. Pretty cruddy, huh, kids?

There's no one here. The Krusty Krab is empty. I've won! The Krabby formula is mine. [runs with it] It took eleventy-seven years, but I got it! [stops] Oh no. [SpongeBob, followed by the customers, runs in] No! [he is kicked, causing him to fly away. He screams. He hits a table then the wall, then the cash register boat, then one of the pillars, he roles until Dale kicks him, causing him to fly up and hit a pillar. Another customer kicks him into the pillar. Nancy kicks him into the pillar. Another customer kicks him into the pillar. He starts rolling] Oh, nuts.

[while walking with a plate of Krabby Patties] Did somebody order a Krabby...? [starts slipping on the bottle] Whoa! [screams; tries to keep his balance he rolls off frame and all around the Krusty Krab until he reaches the table again] Look out. Oh. Oh, coming through. Whoa. Ooh. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. [regains his balance, the bottle goes rolling, and the plate lands on the table with the patties in tact]

Martha, Frankie Billy, and Bill:

Mr. Krabs:
Ah, 'tis a beautiful sight. It warms me heart. [the bottle rolls into the scene, he gasps] Me Krabby Patty recipe! What's it doin' out here? [picks it up] Whoa-ho! Shoulda known! Plankton.

Hey Krabs. uh, happy eleventy-seventh?

Mr. Krabs:
[peels Plankton off the bottle] It's launchin' time. [take Plankton outside]

Please, Krabs, no! I can't take it anymore! No more launching, please?!

Mr. Krabs:
Oh, all right. Since I'm such in a good mood, I'll go easy on you this time. [stretches Plankton, who screams; blows Plankton up like a balloon. He then ties a string on him] There. [lets go of Plankton, who floats] Happy landings, Plankton!

You know, this isn't so bad. Everyone looks like little ants from up here! [starts laughing evilly three times] Wait. Help!

[The scene returns to Mr. Krabs]

Mr. Krabs:
Stay away from the high-tension wires! [Dave walks by] Allow me to open the door for a valued customer.

Gee, thanks, mister. Today must be my lucky day. I found a wallet with 50 bucks in it.

Mr. Krabs:
Wow, that's some coincidence 'cause I just lost one earlier today with 50 bu- [realizes] Hey! Wait a minute! Come back with me wallet, ya thieving bilge rat!

[flipping patties] Happy anniversary, Krusty Krab. [continues to work and laughs as more cars drive up to the Krusty Krab. The scene changes to show the scene where Patchy is shot out of the whale is shown with the border from the beginning of the episode, but the scene where Patchy is flying in the air is slowed down]

Ricky Gervais:
[voiceover] Wow, Patchy sure made a mess of things, didn't he? He's not much of a pirate either, really, come to think of it. [A canon shot is shown.] That's the problem. [A drawing of Blackbeard is shown.] Not like Blackbeard. Whoa, now there was a pirate. [Footage of a Jolly Roger is shown.] Now, Blackbeard [Footage of a ship shooting another ship is shown.] would have been able to get the real A-listers [Footage of pirates fighting is shown] on his TV special. [A different piece of footage of pirates fighting is shown.] Yeah, your Bruce Willises and your Gwyneth Paltrows [Footage of a sailor that looks like Popeye is shown.] and your Ricky Gervaises. [Footage of a monkey dressed like a sailor with giant shoes holding on to a tilted boat is shown] Let's not forget him. He's...brilliant. [A painting of a shanghaiing is shown.] He wouldn't even have to shanghai them. [Footage of a man on a rope is shown] They would have [An image of a pirate and Footage of a Jolly Roger flag is shown] shown up on set...out of respect [An image of a pirate captain about to hit another pirate with a bucket is shown.] and fear. [Footage of a ship shooting is shown] Back then, pirates were serious business. [Footage of a pirate balloon in a parade is shown.] Patchy's kinda [Footage of a sailor dancing around is shown] giving pirates a bad name, really, [Footage of a kid dressed like a pirate is shown.] if I'm being brutally honest. [Footage of a kid picking up gummy bears and putting them in his shirt pocket is shown.] Oh well, thanks for watching, kiddies. And we'll see you at the 20th anniversary. [Footage of a person flipping over an hourglass is shown.] It...that's 10 years from now. Starting now. [The footage fades to black, along with the whole screen, ending the episode.]

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