SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 8

SpongeBob SquarePants is a TV series that premiered in 1999 on Nickelodeon. It is one of the most popular Nickelodeon shows, it later spawned a movie, followed by several short films, and video games.

Here's your Krabby Patty! [puts his Krabby Patty on the table and holds up his tray] Shall I put it on your tab?

Oh, yeah. Keep it open. We might be here all night! Let me just say up front, I'm a fan! I'm excited to learn from a master. My career in self-worth are in your hands! Let us writing on this. Okay... advise!

[sighs and gets up] Why don't you just concentrate on your patty? [leaves]

[looks at his patty] Of course, it's so obvious now! How did I not see it earlier? Squidward's a genius! I know now what I must do! [reaches in his pocket for googly eyes and puts them on the patty, admiring his masterpiece.]

Frederick Nitpick:
[pops out of the ketchup bottle] Brilliant! [hands Patrick a bag full of money] I've never seen such an example of raw creativity! This will turn the art world on its head! I hereby declare this the next big thing! [echoes. The customers swarm the Krusty Krab and hold up their money]

You did it, Patrick! You found your inspiration!

[holds up his money bag] And I'm going to need some more of those patty thingies!

You got it, buddy! [jumps into the kitchen and flips some patties, which fly out to Patrick. Patrick decorates a patty and gives it to Tom, who gives him another money bag]

Mr. Krabs:
Huh? [hears cha-ching] Ooh, money! Money, money, money, money, money, money, money! [opens the cash register and notices it's empty, then gasps] What the? [gasps again and notices customers giving money to Patrick and SpongeBob giving him patties] SpongeBob! [grabs SpongeBob] Patrick! [grabs Patrick and pulls both of them into his office] What's the meaning of this?

It's my art. Uh, I buy Krabby Patties for $3 and I..I sell them for $50. [Mr. Krabs gets mad with a growling animal sound. SpongeBob and Patrick get worried and cry]

Ha and ha!

Why is he so mad, Squidward? I was just following your advice!

Mr. Krabs:
What?! [to Squidward, angrily] It was your idea, huh?!

[The scene cuts to SpongeBob bringing more patties out.]

Here's a whole new batch of Krabby Patty canvases.

Mr. Krabs:
Great, SpongeBob! [to Incidental 41] That'll be fifty bucks!

Incidental 41:
[hands Mr. Krabs money] It's so inexpensive!

Mr. Krabs:
And here's your patty! One more art patty, Mr. Star!

Incidental 41:
It's such an honor to meet you!

[takes the patty] I can only imagine! Apprentice! [turns to Squidward] Make another of my masterpieces, good man. [Squidward grabs the patty and squirts glue on the top bun] If you work real hard, you may be an artist too someday! [Squidward growls at Patrick. Patrick looks at the patty.] Mm, probably not. Needs more glitter. [Squidward breaks down bawling, ending the episode]

Mermaid Man:
[slaps forehead] The story. Yes. [a new flashback begins, very similar to the first one] I was a young, handsome muscular lad, soaking up the sun's rays on the beach, when suddenly I became drowsy. [Mermaid Man in the flashback falls asleep instantly] A wave came ashore and drew me back into the ocean!

Young Mermaid Man:
Help! [coughing]

Mermaid Man:
[narrating] Suddenly, I realized I was being sucked under by a violent whirlpool! I was running out of oxygen fast. [sinks to the bottom of the sea and gives up trying the struggle] But before I drowned, I was rescued by mermaids. [carried through the ocean by 2 mermaids] They took me to the ocean floor, where they gave me a magic sea star that allowed me to breathe underwater. [Mermaid Man in the past inhales and exhales deeply, then falls asleep, the present Mermaid Man falls asleep also]

Barnacle Boy:
Wake up, you old coot.

Mermaid Man:
[wakes up after being nudged by Barnacle Boy] Huh?

Barnacle Boy:
Finish the story.

[excitedly] Yeah, Mermaid Man. What about Barnacle Boy?

Yeah, how'd you 2 meet?

Mermaid Man:
[slapping his temples] Oh. Sorry, boys. There I was in the ocean, the only human who could breathe underwater. [flashback resumes] Alas, such a life got lonely real fast, I had no other humans to talk to. What was a man to do? Then my question was answered. [the bottom of a boat is seen in the flashback, then the port side of the boat is shown, where a very young Barnacle Boy is scraping barnacles off the wood. The captain of the boat appears]

Hey, Barnacle Boy. Make sure you scrape the barnacles underneath, too.

Young Barnacle Boy:
Aye, aye. [takes a deep breath and lowers himself underwater to get the barnacles under the surface]

Young Mermaid Man:
A boy in trouble! I've got to act fast or he'll drown. [he swims to Barnacle Boy] Fear not, young man, I'll take care of this.

Mermaid Man:
[narrating once again] I used my new telekinetic powers to draw barnacles into Barnacle Boy's body, where they took the place of his lungs so he could breathe underwater, too. [Young Barnacle Boy inhales] It was at that moment when we decided to team up.

[the flashback has ended] Ohhh, so that's how you guys got together.

Barnacle Boy:
No, no, no. [shaking head and crossing arms] The reason I teamed up with this joker is because... I was stuck breathing underwater for the rest of my life.

Mermaid Man:
Oh... yeah.

Barnacle Boy:
[to SpongeBob and Patrick] Anyway, from that day forward, we became…

...Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, superhero crime fighters!

Young Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy:
[new flashback begins, an alarm is clanging while people are shouting] A crime in progress! [A bank robber laughs maniacally as he is stealing bags of cash from the First Nautical Bank]

Stop, thief!

Young Barnacle Boy:
See if you think this is funny, evildoer. [He rapidly spits barnacles at the robber, knocking him down] Who's laughing now, thieving scum?

[shaking Mermaid Man's hand] Thank you, sir and to whom do I owe this debt of gratitude?

Young Mermaid Man:
You can thank me, Mermaid Man. [Barnacle Boy's seen shaking in indignity in the background]

Man Ray:
[new flashback begins, Man Ray has the upper hand in a duel against Barnacle Boy. He laughs] You're mine!

Young Barnacle Boy:
[shoots web a web of cheese-like material that binds and gags Man Ray] How'd you like to taste my tentacle zapper, Man Ray?

Young Mermaid Man:
[dialing a pay phone] Hello? [indistinct response] So, what are you wearing? [indistinct response] Oh. In that case, can I get a large pepperoni pizza, extra cheese? Thanks. [Barnacle Boy slaps his head in disgust]

[The origin special plays.]

The story of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy all started here.

Tim (Barnacle Boy):
Come on, Ernie! The movie's about to start... Where's the popcorn?

Ernie (Mermaid Man):
It's in the microwave, Tim.

At that very moment in the apartment directly above, a rogue scientist doing tests on radioactive ants knocks over a jar of his infected specimens, 1 of which, without any hesitation, crawls down 1 floor and miraculously lands undetected. It viciously bites our soon-to-be superhero. He screams in pain...!

Ernie (Mermaid Man):

...Stumbling backwards!

Tim (Barnacle Boy):
What on earth?

In a split-second, both men find themselves in a freefall that sends them squarely through the roof of a vats of acid factory, and into a vat of acid that is tipped over by an errant alien spaceship, carrying the 2 blindly on a wave of acid during a solar eclipse on a leap year, precariously careening onto a bomb-testing site, where a cataclysmic explosion exposes our heroes in waiting to highly toxic radium gases; Then, as fate would have it, magical storm clouds move in, zapping both men with a neon-plaid lightning bolt and raining radioactive ooze, which, through centrifugal and electromagnetic turbulence, causes a powerful earthquake deep in the jungle 2,000 miles away, consequently unearthing a magical crystal with wings that flies to Ernie and Tim's exact location, and powered by super gamma energy currents, pilots them to open skies until, not paying attention, the crystal clips the top of a billboard, flinging the 2 back to their apartment miraculously unharmed, when...

Ernie (Mermaid Man):
Hey, the popcorn's ready!

...They proceed with movie night, and eat slightly overcooked popcorn.

Tim (Barnacle Boy):
Mmmm... I think you overcooked this a little.

Suddenly, an amazing reaction to the overcooked popcorn hits them with a jolt of cosmic super energy, metamorphosing Ernie into an incredibly strong, seastar-wearing superhero and Tim into a slightly less strong, but also super sailor-looking guy.

Tim [Barnacle Boy]:
I have the sudden and incredibly urge to breathe water instead of air.

Ernie [Mermaid Man]:
As do I.

And that is how they became the superheroes we have come to know as... Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy - Defenders of the Deep!

[taking down notes] Normal. [he then goes in the robot warehouse. He is counting the robots] 2,692... [he is wearing a hat. He types the something down on a gadget. The gadget takes out some paper with the words on it] 2,693... [types something again and the gadget takes out more paper] 2,694... [types something again but he types to much causing the gadget to take out lots of paper. He starts laughing. Suddenly, the gadget goes on fire and so does the paper then it disintegrates. SpongeBob leaves. Scene cuts to him wearing a dress while dusting Sandy's artifacts] Sandy said this collection of rare fragile artifacts needs to be gently cleaned twice daily. There we go. Not a speck of dust anywhere. Wait a minute. [turns a skull head around and spots a dot on it] Aha! [takes a feather off the duster and dusts the dot off] There... we go. [scene cuts to SpongeBob checking the worm incubator] Worm incubator. Well, looks like everything's fine here. [there is a squishing sound] What the...? [a worm starts to hatch] Ohhh! Sandy said these wouldn't hatch for... [checks the list] ...weeks! What is going on?! [Patrick's head pops up] Oh! Patrick? [Patrick pops out of the hole wearing his helmet]

SpongeBob! There you are!

Oh, what a relief. I thought you were a horrible mutant worm who was about to soak me with digestive juices and slowly consume me over a period of weeks.

Nah, no thanks. I had a late breakfast.

Why are you wearing that funny thing on your head?

Well, because we can't breathe in Sandy's treedome, remember? It's filled with air.

Oh, yeah, thanks for reminding me. I almost for... [dries up and starts gasping for water] P-P-P-Patrick! Help me! I-I can't b-b-b-breathe! [Patrick puts a water helmet on SpongeBob's head]

There you go. [SpongeBob inhales and exhales]

Thanks, Patrick. You're a lifesaver. Now that I haven't suffocated, it's high time I got back to this list of house-sitting duties. So without further ado, Patrick, [opens the door] I'd like you to please immediately exit the treedome.

E-Exit the... Exit the treedome?!

That's right. Exit the tree...

Oh, SpongeBob, that's a great idea! Where should we go—Jellyfish Fields, Goo Lagoon, Barg'N-Mart, Lucky Larry's?

Well, Lucky Larry's sounds fun.

All right, let's go!

Hold it! I promised Sandy I'd take extra-special care of her treedome while she's at the Inventor's Convention today. And that is exactly what I intend to do. Patrick, this is a major responsibility.

Well, in that case, I'd better stay and help you.



Not gonna happen.

Pretty please?

No way.

Pretty please with a scoop of vanilla ice cream?

[scoffs] Yeah, right.

Pretty please with a scoop of strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate ice cream, smothered in gooberberry sauce and topped with half a can of whipped topping?

Patrick, what do you take me for?

And a scoop of nuts!


[jumps with joy] Hooray!

But you have to promise not to touch anything.

[raises his left hand] I, Patrick Star, hereby promise not to touch anything.

[calling on loudspeaker] Krabby Patties, brand new Krabby Patty recipe, all new, all different, all delicious, try them for free!

You can't be serious.

[sighs] I'm so hungry, I don't care, I gotta eat something.

No! Wait!

[touches her shoulder] Let him go, it's too late.

All new free Krabby Patties!

Hey, buddy, I'll try one. What have I got to lose? [everyone gasps as Frank eats half of the Krabby Patty] Dear Neptune Gill Sacks, this is the best thing I every put in my mouth! Yay! [Frank's shirt turns pink, then goes back to normal]

Did he just say it was good?

[finishes the other half of the Krabby Patty] Woohoo! [Frank dances]

Wow, Frank never dances, it must be good!

[everyone eats the Krabby Patties, Henry-Bart's eyes turn into a thumbs up, money comes out of his skin]

I'm getting something this amazing for free! How much will this buy? [Henry-Bart throws money on SpongeBob]

Yum yum! Yum yum yum yum! Yum yuuuum! [goes like a rocket; to SpongeBob] Hey you, patty boy, take my wallet, I gotta have more! [Frank goes in the stand and takes two Krabby Patties]

Nat and Nazz:
[their heads turn into arms and give a high-five] Now that's what I'm talking about! [their heads turn back to normal, they get a briefcase from their pockets]

Here's our life savings! Just give us more Krabby Patties! [Nat and Nazz dump the money on SpongeBob]

[cut to Plankton talking on a cellphone]

Don't worry, Karen, I'll be home before lunch time. My mission here is accomplished. [laughs, and then a dollar bill lands on Plankton] Ooh. What the... huh?! [gasps]

It's working!

[to the customers] No, wait! What's going on? You hate Krabby Patties, remember?

Dump truck driver:
Wowee, this thing is right tasty.

[a dump truck prepares to dump money] Uh-oh. [the money lands on Plankton]

[a helicopter dumps a bag full of money on SpongeBob. Mr. Krabs is just walking and then a dollar lands on his nose. His eyes pop out and he screams so loudly, Plankton comes out of the money]

Mr. Krabs:
[while running towards the mountain of money] Money, money, money, money, money, money! [Mr. Krabs jumps on the money and laughs]

We did it, Mr. Krabs! We saved the Krusty Krab! All I did was sell the same old Krabby Patties, and call them new!

Mr. Krabs:
Do you mind? I'm trying to make a money angel here.

Ooh, money angels! Can I make one?

Mr. Krabs:
Sure thing, SpongeBob. Hop in!

[Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob laugh as they make money angels; they hear a high-pitched shrill coming from Plankton screaming because Mr. Krabs is sitting on him, and stop]

Mr. Krabs:
Did you hear that?

Hear what?

Mr. Krabs:
Hm. Good point. [Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob continue laughing as the episode ends]

[Mr. Krabs turns on Karen's monitor. Then Karen's screen shows Loading]

Mr. Krabs:
She's loading up. Now let's see how this dial up thingy works. [places the telephone receiver on top of Karen and her screen shows an hourglass turning.] This thing does text mails right?

Yeah, I think so.

[Karen's screen shows the words Karen Classic with her picture on it]

Mr. Krabs:
Oh, that sounds promising.

[Karen starts crying on her screen and scaring Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob]

Mr. Krabs:
Are computers supposed to emote!? No need to cry, little lady.

Don't tell me not to cry! [continues crying and scaring Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob again.]

Mr. Krabs:
She's malfunctioning!

Must be the dial-up thingy!

Mr. Krabs:
You're right, must be interfering with her circuitry! [grabs the telephone and throws it against the wall destroying it in the process]

Oh, it's not the dial-up thingy. It's Plankton, he dumped me for a newer piece of hardware. [continues crying]

Mr. Krabs:
Help me out here, buddy. [pushes SpongeBob next to Karen]

Hey, there. Dry those computer tears. I'm sure you two will get back together. Plankton just need some time to realize how much he needs you. I mean, you guys were made for each other. Well, you were made more for him and more specifically by him, and now, he's built someone with more modern features who's better in every way. There's no- what was my point again?

[sobs] You men are all alike! [hops off Mr. Krabs' desk and onto her mobile body. She hops out of the box and then rolls out of the office.]

Mr. Krabs:
Wait! Where ya goin’? Smooth, SpongeBob, real smooth.

Sheldon J. Plankton:
♪Oh, Santa, Santa, Santa has his eye on me. He's seen everything I've done. Every plot, plan, and scheme. It's just a bit of fun. Santa has his eye on me. Every naughty deed is written in his scroll. So every Christmas morning, I get a stocking full of coal!♪ [Dumps out coal from his stocking]

Karen Plankton:
Maybe you'd get a real present from Santa if you weren't the biggest jerk in Bikini Bottom.

I'm way ahead of you, Karen! [Periodic Table lowers from ceiling. Plankton walks over to it and sticks a piece of notepad paper on it. The paper says Jt for Jerktonium] There is one element in the known universe that can turn even the nicest sap into the biggest jerk they can be! And I, Plankton have discovered it. Behold! [Plankton pulls a lever] Jerktonium! [A piece of Jerktonium contained in a glass capsule lowers from the ceiling] I'll give everyone in Bikini Bottom a present of the most innocent of all holiday goodies. The fruitcake! [picture of a fruitcake appears on screen while he says the fruitcake] And each and every slice will be laced with Jerktonium! Once ingested, no one can help becoming the biggest, creepiest, meanest jerk ever! Then Santa will realize that Sheldon J. Plankton isn't so bad after all! And then I'll finally get what I really want for Christmas, the Krabby Patty secret formula! [Plankton jumps on an oven and holds the fruitcake] And now for the main ingredient, Jerktonium! Okay, Jerktonium, do your stuff! It's complete! [Laughs] Ha ha! The Jerkmaker 9000 will make doling out tainted fruitcake a breeze! Now, who's gonna be my first victim?

Hey, Plankton! What've you got there? [Gasps] Hey! Is that a fruitcake dispenser? You don't suppose I could have a piece, do ya?

SpongeBob: Ahoy, everybody! [clicks his fingers and mistletoe appears over the heads of the two fish he fed Plankton's fruitcake to, curing them of jerktonium poisoning. He clicks again and a pile of presents appears, curing two other fish. A little boy begins to play Christmas baubles like bells] [singing] Bring joy to the world, it's the thing to do, but the world does not revolve around you. Don't be a jerk. It's Christmas! [Throws a snowball at Mr Krabs and cures him] Be nice to babies and animals. Old folks, too. 'Cause that's how you'd like them to treat you! Use turn signals. Don't screen my calls. Don't you wreck the house when you deck the halls. Spit your gum where it won't wind up on my shoe. Squeeze toothpaste from the bottom of the tube. Don't be a jerk. It's Christmas! It's Christmas! [hands a gift to Pearl, who continues to pass it down a line, curing people as they receive it, except for Squidward, who is unaffected] When others are talking, never interrupt. Don't put people down or leave the toilet seat up. 'Tis the season to be jolly, not jerky!

SpongeBob's Friends and Co.:
[in background chorus' voices] Jolly, not jerky!

SpongeBob: Santa brought nearly every gift on your list. Why whine about the 1 that he missed? Don't be a jerk!

SpongeBob's Friends and Co.:
[in background chorus' voices] Don't be a jerk.

SpongeBob: It's Christmas! It's Christmas! Don't be a jerk.

SpongeBob's Friends and Co.:
[in background chorus' voices] Don't be a jerk.

It's Christmas! It's Christmas!

[It was night time at Le Chm Bucket with a huge line. Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob enters the restaurant disguised as rich noblemen in tuxedos]

Mr. Krabs:
Oohh! Just act like another fancy customer.

Aye, aye, Mr. Krabs! [Mr. Krabs covers SpongeBob mouth]

Mr. Krabs:
Shh! [stammering] What's gotten into you? Highfalutin customers don't bark at the top of their lungs like a seadog.

Oops, uh... I mean, I fancy a bit of the old chum. Indeed I do, Squire.

Mr. Krabs:
Good evening, Madam. Table for two, please?

Your name?

Mr. Krabs:
I be Eugene....er.... I mean, uh, [looks at the used ketchup wrapper on the floor] Sir Krumple O'Wrapper. Uh, that's me name. Don't wear it out.

Alright, let's pull up your reservation. [looks through the reservation sheet] Oh, I'm so sorry, sir. I'm not showing any "O'Wrapper."

Mr. Krabs:
Reservation? In this sinkhole?!

There's a two-year wait for a table.

[walks over to Karen; annoyed] What's seems to be the problem? [much to his surprise, he notices Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob on their mustache disguises and doesn't buy it] Well, well, well, [blows Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob's disguises off their faces with a fan] if it isn't Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob. Now just follow me. I believe I have a table reserved just for you. [the 'table' that Squidward 'reserved' for Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob turns out to be a toilet. It turns out that Squidward just wanted to get his revenge on Mr. Krabs for not valuing him and SpongeBob for all those times he annoyed him. Squidward puts a tablecloth on the toilet] Bon Appetit, Suckers! [laughs at them as he walks away. Soon, everyone joins in the humiliation by laughing at Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob as they leave the restaurant in sadness and humiliation] See you in two years! [laughs and scoffs at them]

Yeah, see how you like it, Krabs! [laughs along with Squidward as Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob leave]

[Meanwhile, the line keeps getting longer and longer and Squidward continues to serve his Chum Fricassee to his customers and fans]

Here you go, folks. Enjoy my world famous Fricassee. [All of a sudden, someone bursts through the front door which turns out to be Squidward's grandmother and she's not very happy] Grandma!?

Grandma Tentacles:
[enters the restaurant and corners her grandson by the kitchen doors] Someone's been cooking my recipe, [sniffs] and they're doing it wrong!

What are you doing here?

Grandma Tentacles:
Saving my recipe from my bumbling grandson. [crushes Squidward's foot with her walker]

Ow! I didn't do it! Uh, uh, it was him! [points to Plankton]

[Plankton is seen exiting the kitchen with the plate of chum and hears what Squidward said about him, becomes furious. He throws the plate of chums in rage and pins the blame back on Squidward.]

What?! Oh, you're not pinning this on me! You said you didn't care if it was ready or not!

[fearfully] Ok, I admit it! I admit it! But—but—but what's the big deal? [Grandma Tentacles crushes his foot with her walker for second time] Ow!

Grandma Tentacles:
The big deal is when the chum is not cooked for exactly 24 hours, it causes severe tummy trouble.

[Listening to Grandma Tentacles, customers form a mob. The customers are enraged by what they're hearing to Grandma Tentacles.]

Male Fish:
You fed us undercooked chum?!

Grandma Tentacles:
Tear him apart, people! [The fancy customers form a mob and start to attack Squidward and Plankton. They do an uproar, following what his grandmother says.]

I've had it, and I'm not gonna take it anymore! [Fred picks up a trash can, then throws it on a table. Other customers throw their chum meals on the ground and on the wall of the Chum Bucket. Another customer rips apart of an awning. Frank grabs a napkin holder, throwing napkins on the floor. Plankton pops up near the napkins.]

Not the napkins! [Frank doesn't listen to Plankton.]

Angry Mob:
[An axe chops Squidward's picture in half.] He got what he deserves, that's what I say! [Else where in the exterior of Le Chum Bucket, it bursts into flames caused by the mob. As the restaurant is on fire, the customers run out of the bucket building.] It's on fire! It's all burning! Run! [the fire incinerates the restaurant, leaving only Plankton and Squidward standing with charred faces]

My restaurant! [begins crying]

My fan base! [Squidward also starts sobbing]

Grandma Tentacles:
I hope you learned your lesson, genius. [crushes Squidward's foot with her walker for third time as a punishment for his selfishness and wrongful acts]

Ow! [cries along with Plankton in despair]

[cuts to the Krusty Krab] Gee, Mr. Krabs. It sure was nice of you to hire Squidward back. Especially since he tried to destroy your business and all.

Mr. Krabs:
I figure it's the least I can do for him. After causing all that mayhem over at the Chum Bucket, in fact, I promoted him. He's our new doormat!

No! [laying on the floor like a doormat as punishment for their humiliation] Living the dream! [Moaning and groaning, some customers who destroyed the Chum Bucket wipe their feet on Squidward and the episode ends.]

[Meanwhile, cut to SpongeBob putting mayonnaise in a box, then taping it up, then cut to Mr. Krabs putting down a clock as a bulldozer arrives.]

Mr. Krabs:
[sad] It's time. [goes outside on the street and waits for the truck to stop in front of him]

State officer:
[puts one of the bulldozer's windows down] So, who's getting bulldozed today?

[with the clipboard] Oh, not me, your bureaucraticness. I completed my petition. [Mr. Krabs is worried]

State officer:
The people have spoken. Step aside, Mr. Krabs. [Part of the bulldozer smokes fire out.]

Mr. Krabs:
But... but... [as he backs up, the bulldozer follows him, towards the Krusty Krab.; angry] No! I'm not going anywhere!

State officer:
Please comply, Mr. Krabs. It'll be quick and painless.

Mr. Krabs:
If you wanna bulldoze me restaurant, [locks himself up] it's gonna be long and painful!

[is seen at the top of the restaurant, also locked up; angry] Stand your ground, Mr. Krabs! We are right behind you, right, Squidward? [the lock is empty] Squidward?

[Squidward is outside his home, with an umbrella on top of him, sitting on a chair, and drinking a cup of tea, happily.]

State officer:
[moves his bulldozer closer to the restaurant] Okay, now this is really your last chance.

Mr. Krabs:
[still angry] I'm never leaving the Krusty Krab!

State officer:
Fine. Have it your way. [pushes a lever]

[chuckles evilly, while setting up himself a movie theater seat, then sits on it] Bring it on! Bring the destruction! [munches on popcorn]

Mr. Krabs:
[part of the bulldozer smokes more fire out, and the bulldozer starts to move even closer to the restaurant.; sad] Goodbye, Krusty Krab! [As he closes his eyes, the bulldozer begins to move the restaurant, but only moves 1 foot.; confused] Eh?

State officer:
Thank you for your cooperation.

[spits the popcorn out, angry] What?! Excuse me, sir, but, uh... [stands on the seat] you forgot to level the place!

Mr. Krabs:
[confused] Uhh... yeah.

State officer:
Demolition is outside of my purview. I simply ensure that restaurants comply with the 100 foot ordinance. [measures the distance with a tape measure and says the 1 foot on it] That's 1 more foot. Perfect! [walks away from the restaurant]

[jumping on the seat, still angry] But that's not fair! [slips inside and the seat closes on him]

So you're not gonna destroy the Krusty Krab?

State officer:
No, I--

[jumps inside the bulldozer, hugging the state officer] Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! [as the state officer accidentally pulls the lever, the truck goes backwards. He and SpongeBob look out the window and are in shock as they are heading towards the Chum Bucket] Oh, dear. [the bulldozer crashes through the Chum Bucket, destroying it]

[Meanwhile, he's free from the seat after struggling to.; still angry] Come on! Let's do this! I wanna see some destruction! [as he gasps, he finally sees the destroyed Chum Bucket] I think I've seen enough. [goes back inside the seat as the episode ends]

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