The Loud House, Season 7

The Loud House (2016–present) is an American animated television series created by Chris Savino for Nickelodeon. The series revolves around the chaotic everyday life of an accident-prone boy named Lincoln Loud, who survives as the middle child and only son in a large family of 11 children.

Today's been so fun!

Yeah, it was a cool idea to do a triple-date.

Especially at Dairyland.

Wait! Leni, you haven't posted a pic of your lunch yet.

Oh, I'm not doing that anymore. Some people think I don't live in the moment enough, even though those people should know, I already live in Royal Woods.

Wait, are you mad about what I said?

Why would I be mad? [offering Luna two breadsticks] Here, Luna, I saved you two breadsticks for your drum solo.

No thanks. Some people think it'd be better if I'd limited my musical solos to Moon Goat shows.

Wait, was that a dig at me?

No. A dig would be telling someone they say "literally" all the time. Some people have suggested as much to me.

Seriously, babe?

Oops, I'm sorry. Did I say the word again? I guess I'm literally out of control. Literally, literally, literally, literally…

[The three older Loud sisters start resuming their own annoying habits]

And post, and post, and post!

…literally, literally, literally, literally, literally…

How come it's okay for you guys to point out our annoying habits, but when we point out yours, you get mad?!

Because you only did it to get back at us!

No, we didn't.

We were really just trying to be helpful, like you were with us.

Lori, Luna, and Leni:
Yeah, right!

You know what? I don't think I wanna be on this date anymore.

Me neither.

I'm with you guys. Come on.

No, you guys. Wait. [their partners all smile hopefully] Because we are literally leaving, first! [she, Leni, and Luna all storm off, crossly]

[After a short pause, Bobby, Gavin, and Sam all walk away, grumpily, in the opposite direction]

Apologies, dear friends. I'm afraid my spell work has suffered since my exile aboard that cruise ship.

[lying on a grave; moaning] Sigh… Big sigh…

Worry not, Lucy. We shall get to the Underworld someday.

It's not that. Tomorrow is the anniversary of my tragic arrival on this Earth.

[confused] Huh?

My 9th birthday.

[Boris plays a sad tune, while the other Morticians approach her for comfort]

My condolences.

How dreadful.

Oh, why must normie society insist on celebrating life?

I'm afraid my birthdays are even worse than a typical normie celebration. Every year, my family subjects me to the same traditions. [Flashback to one of her birthdays; narrating] They start the day at a frightening pitch.

Flashback Louds:
[barge into her and Lynn's room with balloons, noisemakers, and confetti after she wakes up] Happy Birthday, Lucy!

[Cut to later of Rita putting the Loud birthday sash on her]

[narrating] Then they force me to wear the traditional Loud birthday sash. I suspect it's never been washed.

Flashback Lana:
Hey, it's my booger from my 3rd birthday! [eats it, making Lucy gag]

[Cut to the Louds bouncing inside a bouncy house, that's clearly been reused for countless birthdays]

[narrating] Then I'll be subjected to the dreaded bouncy castle, a family birthday staple ever since my dad got it on clearance.

Flashback Lynn Sr.:
See, Rita? I told you we'd get our money's worth.

[Cut to the Louds singing the birthday song for Lucy at Jean Juan's French Mex Buffet]

[narrating] Then there's the singing. Oh, the singing…

Flashback Louds:
[singing] ♪ Happy birthday to you! ♪

Flashback Lucy:
Sigh… finally, the torture ends.

Flashback Luna:
Now in French, le dudes! [starts singing the birthday song in French with the waiters] ♪ Bon anniversaire à toi, bon anniversaire à toi… ♪

Groan… [back to present; the Morticians gasps in horror] I wish my family would just forget about my birthday.

And that concludes our tour. I'm surprised. I expected you to be trouble, but you were all well-behaved. Eh, too bad for me. I didn't get to let the dog out. [snarls at the Louds again in bulldog mode] All right, please make your way to the White House exit. [leaves]

That is one strange little man.

Kids, I'm sorry you didn't get the tour you hoped for, but I'm proud of you for being so good. Now, who wants to hit the hotel pool?

[The siblings follow her, excitedly, except Lynn and the twins, who are feeling guilty for breaking the rules]

Wait! We can't leave. There's one little problem. [Flashback to her in the Presidential Bowling Room, she accidentally tosses a bowling ball so hard, it breaks the wooden floor of a bowling lane and gasps in horror]

Actually, two little problems. [Flashback to her in the sundae room, she accidentally breaks off the handle of the ice cream dispenser, causing the ice cream to overflow]

Make that three little problems? [chuckles sheepishly; Flashback to her in the First Ladies' Boutique, she struts all over the floor, then trips, accidentally ripping the dress's bottom half off and gasps in horror]

[shocked and cross] Seriously?! I can't believe the three of you!

Uh, make that four. [Flashback to her in the Presidential Music Room, she rocks out with a golden guitar and accidentally snaps off one of the strings]

Five. [Flashback to him in the President's office, he spins around in the president's swivel chair, accidentally spinning out of control and hits a bust of Abraham Lincoln, causing it to fall onto the ground and break into pieces, and gulps in horror]

Kids, how could you?! Your father and I are very disappointed, aren't we, honey?

Lynn Sr.:
Uh… [sheepishly chuckles] Well, um… [Flashback to him in the kitchen, humming a tune as he plays with a spatula, then accidentally flings it into the president's birthday cake, which collapses]

[sharped] Lynn!

Lynn Sr.:
You'll have plenty of time to yell at me later, Rita, when the Bulldog tracks us down and sends us to the dungeon forever!

He's not gonna do that because we are going to sneak back in and fix everything before he notices.

[Rosa and Carl pull up in front of the Loud House in their family mercado van and hop out with Sergio in his birdcage]

[squawks] This is embarrassing! I don't need a babysitter! I'm a big bird!

A big bird who gets into big trouble. I'm sorry, but we can't take you to Carlos' lecture today and have you behave like you did at the last one.

[Flashback to Carlos' previous lecture]

And now, a rare Mesoamerican bowl that dates back to 1519. It's the only one of its kind left in the world.

[The curtains pull back, revealing Sergio bathing in the bowl]

A little privacy, please?!

[gasps in shock] Sergio, what are you doing?! Shoo! [Sergio flies out of the auditorium, causing the bowl to wobble and splash water and soap into his face] AH! Soap in my eye! [accidentally knocks over the bowl and gasps]

[Back to present]

[laughing about the incident before Rosa glares at him as they walk up to the front door] What? It was funny when Dad started crying. [Rosa continues glaring at him] Uh, I mean, shame on you, Sergio!

Lynn Sr.:
[opens the door; happily] Rosa, Carl, Sergio! Please, come in!

Gracias, and thank you for watching Sergio tonight.

Oh, it's our pleasure.

[sees Lola sitting on the sofa] Lola! My favorite Loud. Is that a new crown? It really brings out…

[cutting him off] Cut to the chase, Casagrande.

[groans] My dad's lectures are dullsville, and I can't sit through another if Sergio isn't gonna be there to wreck it.

Hmm. Sounds like a you problem… [Carl offers her some cash] that, I might be able to help with.

[sternly] Okay, Sergio, you'd better be on your best behavior with the Louds. If you pull any of your usual stunts, I'm sending you to bird boot camp. [Sergio gulps and whimpers worriedly; later, back in the van, waves goodbye] Thanks again! We'll pick him up tomorrow morning. [drives off as Rita (holding Sergio in his cage) and Lynn Sr. wave farewell… only to come to a stop and come back, holding out Lola, disguised as Carl] Nice try, Lola. Carl would never call the van seats "tacky." He doesn't even know what that means.

Carl, it didn't work!

[comes out, disguised as Lola] Worth a shot. [as they walk up to each other, he demands her a refund]

Sorry. No refunds or exchanges.

[Carl grumbles annoyingly, takes off his Lola getup and gives it back to her as she heads back into the house]

Hey, Sergio. [lets him out of his cage] The other pets are waiting for you out by Charles' doghouse.

[flies over to the backyard, finding the Loud pets hanging out just by Charles' doghouse; squawks] Sergio has arrived! So, what's the plan? What are we doing for fun today? [the Loud pets take out some cards and play a game of Old Maid] Ugh, Old Maid? [squawks] You call that fun? Ugh, no thank you.

[spots the Loud pets sleeping in the sofa through the living room window after failing to open it; knocks to get their attention] Psst! Open up and let me in! [smiles while giving them a thumbs-up; the pets wake up, see him, and yawn before Walt turns off the lights and go back to sleep; gasps] Is this about the party not being at the big fountain downtown? It was a joke! Can't you take a joke? [the pets blow raspberries at him in jealousy and resume sleeping; annoyed] Fine. Don't need you guys anyway. I'll find my own way in. You'll see! Sergio is unstoppable! [goes to the backyard and tries to ram his way through the doggy door, but it turns out to be sealed on the other side with wooden planks] I'm gonna have to use my brain and not my brawn. [flies up to the window of Lori and Leni's bedroom and knocks to get Leni's attention] Leni, you're dreaming. I'm Dream Sergio. Open the window. [Leni shrugs, gets out of bed, but walks to the closet instead and opens it, and collapses on the floor resuming to sleep; gets an idea and goes on top of the roof] Down the chimney like old St. Nick. [dives into the chimney and struggles to squeeze his body in, then crashes from the fireplace and into the living room, covered in soot; to the Loud pets as they glare jealously at him] Ah! Told you I was unstoppable! [spins to get the soot off him and coughs; the Loud pets storm off into the kitchen, all fed up with him; groans] I get it. You're still mad about the party. [follows them into the kitchen as Cliff removes the planks from the blocked doggy door] Let's talk about it like grown animals. [the pets exit through the doggy door, still ignoring him; groans grumpily] Real mature, guys!

Officer Shirley:
[picks up the phone as it rings while having her cup of coffee] Officer Shirley, what is your emergency?

[frantically] I just saw a toddler--okay, no, wait, my toddler and I just saw a burglar running out of Jean Juan's. [while Officer Shirley starts writing notes] He was a small man or a medium-sized teen. We couldn't see the face. It's dark out, and I'm tired, so my vision is a little blurry.

Officer Shirley:
Ma'am, could you slow down?

But he was definitely stealing food, the fromage con queso, or maybe the churro baguettes. Oh. Oh, that sounds so good right now. [dozes off, but her head hits the steering wheel and accidentally honks it, snapping her awake] Ah! [accidentally drops her phone] Oh, hang on. I dropped my phone. Oh, here it is! Are you still there?

Officer Shirley:
What are you and your kid doing out at 4:00 AM?

Okay, well, my husband gave her an espresso bean, and now she's wide awake. [to Lily as she tries to break free of the seat belt while gnawing on it at the moment] Sweetie, do you have to pee?

[Lily shakes her head no]

Officer Shirley:
[thinking that Rita means her] No, I just went. Listen, hon, you're not the first tired mom to call in a little confused. Last night, we had a lady mistaking a possum for a werewolf. [chuckles] Why don't you go home and get some rest? [hangs up]

Ugh! Can you believe her? [tired] I am not just some tired... confused mom...


You know what, Lily? I say we do some investigating of our own. We track down the thief, we get some evidence, and then we call that officer back and say, "Who's confused now?"

Yeah, yeah! This is exciting! We show her!

[Royal Woods Mall; Fiona and Miguel are preparing unmotivated for the morning run at Reininger's when Leni enters]

[cheerfully holding a pink box; off-screen] Morning, fam!

[over intercom] Attention, everyone! It's manager extraordinaire and fashion icon, Leni Loud! She dazzles in a chique-!

[cutting him off] Like I said yesterday, it's too early for this, Miguel.

Look what I brought! [opens the box, revealing four decorated muffins] Ta-da!

Fiona & Miguel:

They're Fuffins. [Fiona and Miguel both react confusingly] Like, muffins, but fun.

Miguel & Fiona:

[hands each of her friends a muffin; walks over to Tanya with a happy gasp] Hi, Tanya! [hands her a muffin] I can't wait to hear about your date with Bradley from the sports department. [cut to Bradley, another mannequin dressed in tennis gear; gasps] Ooooh! It was a tennis date? LOVE that for you!

[eating her muffin; delighted] Leni, you are the best!

Ms. Carmichael:
[walks in] Couldn't have said it better myself, Fiona! [takes Miguel's muffin and takes a bite] I just love my Reninger's family. [chuckles, then more serious] Sometimes more than my own. [eats the rest of Miguel's muffin after a pause] Alright, team! Time for pre-opening announcements. First things first, I want to freshen up the store, so, get ready for some big changes around here.

[gasps] Are we finally addressing the employee breakroom smell? I have some theories. [takes out his notepad and flicks through]

Ms. Carmichael:
[bluntly] No.

[closes his notepad and takes out a recorder; suspicious] Suspect #2 suspiciously changes the subject. Will monitor.

Ms. Carmichael:
I want to start with the mannequins. The store's current stock are… [takes hold of a nearby mannequin's arm, which breaks off, its head immediately falls to the ground, as a swarm of spiders scuttle out; the rest of the mannequin collapses] Well, that just about says it all. I think it's time we retire them.

[Miguel and Fiona gasp and groan in apprehension; then cut to Leni, who doesn't understand]

[squeals in delight; excitedly] Tanya is going to LOVE retirement! [hugs Tanya] She TOTES deserves it! Oh I hope she goes to Florida! I can visit her on my spring break!

Leni, I think Ms. Carmichael meant that she is getting rid of the old mannequins, including Tanya.

[gasps in horror and clutches her mannequin friend] You can't just get rid of her! Sure, she's a little quiet and sometimes her limbs fall off. [Tanya's head dislodges, readjusts it] But she's my friend!

Ms. Carmichael:
Sorry, Leni. I know you've formed an attachment, but it's just a mannequin.

[The Morticians are all helping Hank with his groundskeeping duties at the cemetery]

[trimming a grim reaper-shaped hedge] Thanks for your help with all my groundskeeping duties, kids! Now, don't forget, make sure each and every resident gets some TLC.

[cleaning a gravestone as Haiku sets down a pair of orange chrysanthemums in front of one] Haiku, Caroline doesn't like mums. She's a lilac girl.

Thank you, Lucy. [switches the orange mums for lilac flowers] I almost made a grave mistake. [she and Lucy both laugh monotonously]

[driving around on a tractor mower] Hang on, Virgil! I'm gonna pop the wheelie! [speed pasts Morpheus]

[annoyed] Stop hogging the mower, Dante! Gah, worst sharer ever! [groans after Dante drives past him again, blowing grass blades at him]

[playing his keyboard] Boris is jamming on the keys. Any requests from the dead? [suddenly trips on a headstone and ends up getting four keys in his mouth like teeth]

Are you okay, Boris?

[gets up on his feet and spits out the keys] Boris will live, sadly. [glances down at the mysterious "unknown" headstone] Oh, I've never noticed that headstone before.

Hmm, neither have I. Hank, who's "Unknown"?

You got me. I know every inch of this graveyard and I don't remember that grave being here.

[gulps nervously, knowing that he was the one who placed it there before] Well, people do kick the bucket all the time, so...

How tragic that someone would pass and remain nameless for eternity.

As the Morticians Club, it's our duty to right such ghastly wrongs. I say we hold a séance to find out who rests here, then replace this headstone with one with their name.

[nervously rushes in front of the headstone] No! I don't think we should disturb their eternal slumber. You know how hard it is to go back to sleep when somebody wakes you up.

A valid point, Dante.

[Dante smiles and sighs in relief]

Boris can play him some nice, soothing bedtime music. [plays a daunting tune on his keyboard, making Dante facepalm and groan in despair]

Great idea, Boris. All those in favor? [the other members, except Dante, raise their hands and agree] Let the record show that the motion passes with much enthusiasm.

[to the viewers] That's right. Ronnie Anne is about to get her pranking PHD, which is cool, but I'm just excited my buddy's in town, and we get to hang out. Plus, Dad made the appetizers, like mac 'n' cheese bites. [brings in a cart of appetizers and eats a mac 'n' cheese bite, then ends up spitting it out] Which of course, Luan filled with octopus ink. Real nice.

Benny, you may be stalled at level one whoopee cushion, but someday, if you work hard, you'll graduate too.

Aw, thanks, Luan. Until then, I'll just keep pouring my savings into this class.

Ronnie Anne, please accept this diploma.

[Mr. Coconuts gives Ronnie Anne her diploma as Benny applauds while shedding tears]

Woo-hoo! Yeah, Ronnie Anne!

Ronnie Anne:
[throwing her graduation cap in the air] I'd like to thank my brother, Bobby, for being the main target of my homework assignment. [suddenly notices that the printing on her diploma is starting to fade] Uh, what's happening?!

Ha, ha! Disappearing ink! You haven't graduated yet. There is a final test you must complete, and this test is the hardest. [laughs sinisterly]

I did not see this coming! [eats a piece of chocolate cake, which then burns him as he screams] AH! Or that ghost pepper! Classic Luan.

Ronnie Anne, you must prank the master: me. And it must be done before sundown, so tick-tock. Remember your mantra: Work with what you've got. [throws a fart bomb and disappears as Ronnie Anne coughs]

Ronnie Anne:
Fart cloud!

[Winter season in Royal Woods; At the Loud House, the sisters are playing a Christmas bingo game based on what Lynn Sr. says while faking a back injury]

[eating a bucket of popcorn] What'd I miss?

Three wails, two moans, and 14 "Ding-dang darn it!"s. I just need Dad to say the word "Sciatica" and I'll win this year's bingo game.

[to the viewers] You probably think my sisters are being a little harsh, but let me assure you, my dad's totally fine. Every year, he fakes the same back injury to get out of seeing his brother, our Uncle Lance, which stinks, because that means we can't spend the holidays with our Aunt Sharon or our cousins. [takes out his phone, showing a photo of his Uncle Lance, his wife, Sharon, and their kids: Shane, Shelby, and Shiloh] The trouble started five years ago. [scrapes some frosting off the gingerbread Loud House roof and sprinkles it on some snowmen] Uncle Lance and his family drove all the way from Petoskey Falls to spend the holidays with us. [Flashback to Christmas Eve night, five years ago, the young-aged Loud kids are all asleep upstairs; in rhyming narration] 'Twas the night before Christmas when all through the Loud House, not a child was stirring, to the relief of Mr. Grouse. [Lynn Sr., Leonard, and Sharon had just finished eating dessert at the dining table while Lance is doing sit-ups on his exercise ball] The adults finished dessert, figgy pudding so decadent, when Mom stood out to call…

[calling out] It's time to play White Elephant!

[Lynn Sr., Leonard, Lance, and Sharon all enter the living room to pick numbers from a bowl Rita is holding]

Lynn Sr.:
I'm up first!

[narrating] …Dad said as he reached in the pile, and pulled out a present that gave him a smile.

Lynn Sr.:
[grabs a present and unwraps it, revealing a new spatula; gasps] It's a spatula!

[narrating] …he shouted, and the new model, too. [Lance sees his paper and grins maliciously] Then Uncle Lance eyed his paper as a giddy grin grew.

Oh, I'm up next in this game, and I think I'll take that. [swipes his brother's new spatula]

[narrating] …which made Dad jump to his feet in two seconds flat.

Lynn Sr.:
[gets up, completely incensed] But I wanted that, Lance!

[narrating] …my dad did burst.

Tough toenails, it's mine now. You'll have to catch me first.

Lynn Sr.:
[chasing his brother all around the room to get the spatula back; grunting] Give it!

[narrating] Acting like children, the men gave chase over sofas, side tables, and the crackling fireplace.

[blows a raspberry and obtains the high ground by standing on his exercise ball] I can do this all night, champ. You should give up and stop.

[narrating] But Dad leapt for the spatula, making Lance's new ball pop.

[Lynn Sr. leaps on top of the ball and continues to struggle for the spatula, thus, breaking the ball]

My Ab Blaster 3000! Lynnie, look what you did!

Lynn Sr.:
It's your fault! You've been messing with me since we were kids!

Your fault times a thousand!

Lynn Sr.:
Nuh-uh, it's your fault times infinity!

[narrating] The brothers continued their bickering symphony.

Lynn Sr. & Lance:
Well, we agree on one thing.

[narrating] …barked these two angry men.

Lynn Sr. & Lance:
[turning away from each other] Let's never speak to each other! Never, ever again!

[7-year-old Lincoln watches everything from upstairs, looking worried; Back to the present]

But this year's going to be different, I promise you that. For the first time in years, Gramps is finally back. [realizes] Ugh. Sorry, still in rhyme mode. [to his sisters] Guys, put away your bingo cards. I've got a little plan to bring Dad and Uncle Lance back together.

[gasps] Lincoln has a plan. That's my last space! [whooping and hollering in victory] BINGO! WOOHOO! [picks up her brother] WOO! WOOHOO!

[Meanwhile… at another Loud House in Petoskey Falls; Lance and Sharon are doing a yoga session in the living room while Lance fakes a foot injury]

And you say all of this pain is that started suddenly last night out of nowhere is from athlete's foot?

It's what happens to athletes, Shar-Shar. Sometimes I just wish I wasn't so physically gifted. [collapses right in front of Shelby]

It's okay, Dad. Sweater Santa will get you a new foot. [moves the mouth of her sweater while speaking Mr. Coconuts-style]

Sweater Santa:
Ho-ho-ho! I've got one lying around the North Pole. Don't ask.

[swinging on top of the tree and flings himself] Christmas Tree cannonball!

[catches him] Shiloh, no cannonballs in the house. But it was a perfect 10, baby.

[Both sides of the Loud family arrive at Camp Mastodon to have Christmas with Grandpa Leonard]

Lynn Sr. & Lance:
[walking up to each other's faces, not thrilled to see each other] What are you doing here?! I asked you first! DAD!

[Leonard chuckles nervously]

Don't be mad at Gramps. This was our idea. We knew you'd only come if you thought your brother wasn't.

It's time you two bury the spatula once and for all. What do you say?

Lynn Sr.:
Okay. Everyone in the van!

Yeah! We're going back home too!

Wait. You two have to stay. Consider it an early Christmas present to us.

Um, that will not be one of mine. [looks at her twin]

Honey, it's Christmas Eve. Remember our mantra.

I am strong here. [point to Lance's bicep] I am strong here. [point to their heads] And I'm strong here. [point to his heart]

[inhaling calmly] Fine, but I'm not happy about it.

Lynn Sr.:
Oh, yeah? Well, I'm even less happy about it.

[fed up] Great. You're both unhappy. At least you have that in common.

[The two grown Loud brothers turn away from each other and leave]

[also fed up as Rita walks up to her] Oh, well.

So they haven't changed, but it's so good to see you! [she and Sharon hug]

You too!

[The Loud cousins are all excited to see each other and hug]

Okay, it's going about as well as I expected. Now for Phase Two: Family Christmas Activities. Once our dads get in the holiday spirit, they'll totally forget about their fight.

Sweater Santa:
Never underestimate the power of Christmas.

Guys, this is the most perfect Christmas ever.

[suddenly notices a spider on the fireplace while putting up the garland] AH! SPIDER! [grabs his brother's spatula out of the fruitcake and smashes it against the mantle, trying to kill the spider, thus bending it]

Lynn Sr.:
[freaks out when he saw that his brother accidentally damaged his spatula as he returns from the kitchen] Ah! My new spatula! [suddenly remembers what they were fighting about]

[Leonard and the kids all cringe]

[to the viewers] Um, maybe I spoke too soon.

[End of Act 1; Beginning Act 2]

Lynn Sr.:
[swipes back his spatula; furiously to his brother] You did that on purpose!

Did not!

Lynn Sr.:
Did too!

Quit being such a weenie! It's just a dumb kitchen utensil.

Lynn Sr.:
[standing next to the exercise ball] Oh, yeah?! Well I guess this is just a dumb rubber ball, huh?

[gasps] You wouldn't harm the the Ab Blaster, this one's the 5000!

Lynn Sr.:
Well, what can I say? We "weenies" are unpredictable. [tries to pop it with the spatula only for it to bounce off and hit him in the face, then rips it with his teeth instead]

[Lance reacts in shock and remembers what their fight was about]

[covering Lily's eyes; angrily shocked] Lynn!

[grabs a cookie off the tray] Say goodbye to gingerbread you! [bites the head off of the cookie, making Lynn Sr. grab his own throat in horror]

[covering Shiloh's eyes; also angrily shocked] Lance!

Lynn Sr.:
Say goodbye to… [tries to pick up Lance's kettlebell, but it's too heavy] Okay, not that. Ah-ha! [grabs the "ENDURE-LANCE" ornament from the tree, throws it on the ground, and stomps on it]

[sees a present; reads label] "For Lynn." Ha! Not today, Santa! [soccer-kicks the present right out the open window, sending it miles into the forest] Goal!

Actually, that was for Lynn Jr.

[blasting an air horn, stopping his boys' fighting; irritated] For the love of Neptune, enough! Can't we just have a nice, quiet Loud Christmas?

Lynn Sr.:
I am not having Christmas with him.

I'm not having Christmas with him.

Well, we're all here for the night, so how are we going to make this work?

[Later, the two adult brothers have divided the mess hall in half for their families to have Christmas dinner on both sides]

Lynn Sr.:
[slicing a ham for his family on one side] Well, this works for me.

[slicing tofu for his family on the opposite] Works for me, more.

[sitting in the middle with a big orange stripe painted right down his middle] Yeah, not so much for me.

Lynn Sr.:
Sorry, Dad, but it's the only way to make sure you don't take sides.

[walks back to Morpheus and slaps him in the back, to his annoyance] Dude, major props! You know, you're alright. We should hang.

Why would we do that?

[hesitating] Uh, 'cause, y'know, we have a lot in common, like, we're both...dudes. [relents as Morpheus reacts unconvincingly] Okay, fine. I'm into the spells! Maybe we can help each other out? You scratch my back, I scratch yours?

[literally taking it] Ugh, I loathe being touched by human hands. But perhaps, there's another way you can repay me: I'll grant you one day of spells if at nightfall, you grant me one favor.

Rustman's always down to do a bro a solid.

Very well. [takes a contract out of his cape] Sign here in blood. [flash of lightning cracks and Rusty shrieks; takes out a pen] Or red pen. Your call.

[Rusty eagerly takes the pen and signs the contract, accepting the deal; Later at the Spokes house…]

Oh, this gonna be so sweet! I've always wanted a cool stache. Now, remember, thick and bushy.

[takes out his spell book and chants a spell] "Scales of newt, mane of a bull. Let the lip grow nice and full!"

[The green spell wisp accidentally makes Rusty's lips oversized]

[in a lisp] How's it wook? Does it wook gweat? [realizes] Wait, something feels weiwd. [looks into the bathroom mirror and screams in horrified shock] What did wou do?!

[looks in his spell book, realizing the problem] Oh, sorry, my bad, missed a word. I should have said, "lip hair." Let's try that again.

[Later at Duds for Dudes; Rusty looks into the mirror with his new mustache]

Looking good, son.

I know.

Thanks for lending a hand at the summer sale, you two. We've got to sell every single piece of last season's inventory. So turn on that old Spokes charm! I'll man the cash register. Good luck, boys.

Okay, Morphy.


[clears throat] Morpheus. I'm gonna need one of your spells to sell all this old merch. Otherwise, I'm gonna be here all day.

[going through his spell book] Let's see. Ah, here it is, denim desire. "This should work. Spirits of persuasion, hear my spell, spell, spell. Make these wretched garments sell, sell, sell!"

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