[The bears arrive at the trailer]
You sure this is it, Pan Pan?
Yeah, I think so.
Hey, uh, Tabes? Are you in there? You ready for morning rounds?
[He knocks at the door]
Dana Tabes:
[singsong voice] ♪ Coming! ♪ [she wear arts and crafts clothes] Oh. Hey, there, bears! Good to see you!
[Kirk barks happily at them]
Uh, good to see you, too?
Dana Tabes:
[as she grabs Grizzly] Come on inside. Make yourselves at home.
So, uh, why aren't you dressed for work?
Dana Tabes:
I'm glad you asked, Stripes. 'Cause I quit!
Grizzly, Panda and Ice Bear:
Dana Tabes:
Oh, yeah. And it's been great. So much free time. I've been trying out all sorts of new things, like baking! [she holds a cookie tray with burned cookies] Cookie?
Uh, yeah.
Um, okay, sure.
Dana Tabes:
Good, right? I like to bake while making crafts for my Internet store.
Hey, that's that's great. But, um...
Dana Tabes:
Take a look. It's a pinecone bird. They're selling like hotcakes.
Um, happy to hear it, Ranger Tabes, But I...
Dana Tabes:
Oh, no, no, no. [Kirk coughs] Please, boys, call me Dana.
[whispering] Tabes isn't her first name?
Dana Tabes:
Darn glue not super enough.
Look, Tabes I mean Dana, look, it's nice catching up and all, but we just were wondering, why'd you quit being a ranger?
The forest needs you.
Dana Tabes:
[sighs] Guys, the forest is better off without me. First, I destroy that deer's chance at love. What's NEXT?! I accidentally knock some frogs into a wood chipper?! I broke my oath to protect the forest and everything in it. Besides, now I can spread joy through the Internet. [off-screen] See, a pinecone owl.
[off-screen] Dana...
Dana Tabes:
[off-screen] And a pinecone porcupine.
[off-screen] Dana...
Dana Tabes:
[off-screen] And how about a pinecone...
[as he holds a picture of young Tabes and her mother] Hey, Tabes, this isn't who you are! You are a ranger at heart.
Dana Tabes:
[as she grabs the picture] No. That's who I was. Now I'm just a normal person who can wear pajamas whenever. [The computer chimes] Oh, happy day, I've made a sale. "Your pinecone is forthcoming, friend."