[Wanda is saying goodbye to Hex Vision]
Wanda, I know we can't stay like this. But before I go, I feel I must know: What am I?
Wanda Maximoff:
You, Vision, are the piece of the Mind Stone that lives in me. You are a body of wires and blood and bone that I created. You are my sadness and my hope. And mostly you're my love.
I have been a voice with no body, a body but not human, and now a memory made real. Who knows what I might be next?
[They look out the window to see the collapsing Hex wall approaching.]
We have said goodbye to each other before, so it stands to reason--
Wanda Maximoff:
We'll say hello again.
[Vision and the house slowly start to dissolve and dismantle]
So long, darling. [dissolves completely]