No! You will not enter my castle and ruin my home!
Elyon, no! These are the good guys! Listen to me, you're incredible danger! Phobos is gonna plan to...
I though I told you to stay away from me! [attacks Cornelia with a powerful wave of pure light]
Elyon! [She crashes into a wall]
[She flies over to rebels at the foot of the castle]
You will stop this Now!
[She summons an orb of yellow light, which covers her in a light shield and she unleashes it into the sky, which shoots up and connects with the swirling purple vortex in the sky, above the castle, lightning from the vortex hits the light shield/stream, which unleashes a vast bubble of light energy, covering the rebels and carries on traveling further. It causes enormous vines to appear from the round at traps the rebels]
Caleb, she'll take everyone down if we don't retreat!
He's right.
Give the order.