Wikidude's Quotes Page #259

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[arriving at a car wash] This spot taken?

Woah! Dad! Nice ride!

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Hay Lin:
See? This doesn't look so bad...

EEWWW! Yes it does! [Points her finger to their right] Coach O'Neal in cut-off! [Will's hair stands, eyes widen, Cornelia shuts her eyes, Hay Lin looks away, all three gasp in disgust] I'm, like, blind!

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I cannot believe you signed us up for the car wash! Without even asking!

Come on, it's for a good cause - Me.

Wow! Narcissist much?

Yeah, my mom has signed me up, too. But it would tank less if you guys came.

Hay Lin:
We can have a water fight!

[sarcastically] Oh, yeah! There's something I never do!

[She summons water and shoots it at the screen, which transitions to the next scene]

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The Oracle:
I suspect Nerissa has tampered with my powers as a Seer. Deep meditation will reveal the truth.

Take your time. We'll totally wait.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Nerissa has teletransported herself and Cassidy to outside a house, where a woman is tending to her garden]

Come on Rissy, give it up! We've toured Heatherfield up, down and sideways! It's not gonna happen! So send me home!

If home is where the heart is. [she points to the woman]

[The woman - Emily Chacon, Cassidy's mother notices Nerissa]

Emily Chacon:
Hello? Is someone there?

[emotional] Mom?

It's Nerissa, Emily. I didn't mean to startle you. Oh, the garden looks lovely today.

Thank you, Nerissa. And don't apologise, dear. You know Cassidy's old friends are always welcome here.

Thank you, Emily. Ah, that locket, is there a picture inside?

Oh, my! Your memories are worse than mine. I've shown you this before. [She opens the locket]

[The picture is revealed to be Cassidy, Emily looks at the picture]

It's Cassidy, of course.

[Cassidy flies over to join them]

Oh, mom.

Now you wait here. I'll get us some lemonade.

[She turns around and starts to walk off, and Cassidy reaches out and touches her arm]

She misses you terribly, Cassidy.

Oh, I'd give anything. Anything!

There's nothing to give. Just show some mercy to your mother. [She holds out the Heart of Meridian, which emanates dark purple swirls, as Cassidy appears in a lilac aura] Just say the words. Say you want to live!

I live!

[The Heart is emiting green waves] Compassion is a powerful thing. Especially when it fuels desire. The desire for something you cannot, should not have is the chink in the armour of your soul and all I need to make you mine!

[Cassidy opens her eyes, which reveal that she is being mind controlled]

You will live again...very soon!

[She teletransports herself and Cassidy to a mountainside where the Knights of Destruction are]

Once your service to complete.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

That would be our celebration pizza. Got any money?

It's comforting to know something's haven't changed.

[Will opens the door]

[gasps] Dad!

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Nerissa has teletransported herself and Cassidy to Heatherfield General Hospital, the Children's Ward]

Heatherfield General Hospital, the Children's Ward. Ah, I recall you dreamt of being a paediatrician.

Yeah, and I once dreamt of eating a marshmallow the size of Jupiter. So, where's my giant sticky treat?

[A child coughs, Cassidy places her hand on his face and rubs his hair]

It's a shame you can't help these poor children. Comfort them. You have so much compassion for every living thing.

Except I'm not a living thing.

Aww, but you could be again. [darkly] Simply by admitting you want it.

I don't. Life people are so catty.

[Nerissa teletransports herself and Cassidy away]

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

If I make things so unpleasant, why work so hard to bring me here?

Since you’re here, why work so hard to make things so unpleasant?

You know, you two are really more alike than you think. [Will and Susan glare at him] Which is meant as a compliment!

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Yan Lin is outside the Silver Dragon, tying up a rubbish bag]

Yan Lin:
I wish you a safe journey to your final destination.

[She throws the rubbish into the large bin/tip]

Yan Lin:
Or as the kids say, "Smell you later".

[Shagon flies past her and she uses her powers as a light source and Shagon starts to charge up his green energy beam. Cut to Hay Lin's bedroom, Yan Lin teletransports]

Hay Lin:

Yan Lin:
[out of breath] Small problem. I nearly got taken out with the trash.

[Later, the girls and Yan Lin are in the basement of the Silver Dragon]

I had a feeling it was Shagon, but why attack Mr Olsen?

Hay Lin:
Maybe he hates grandparents?

[Flames appear in her glasses] Not just grandparents.

[Scene changes to at night, Peter Cook is playing basketball, he throws the ball and Shagon destroys it. Shagon is seen standing on a building and flies away]

[voiceover] I'm pretty sure he went after my brother last night too.

[Scene changes to at night, car headlights are seen on the road]

[voiceover] Join the club.

[Anna Lair is driving, behind her, Shagon's charged up green beam eyes are seen and he flies over the car. The car skids. In the now, lowering car window, Shagon is seen flying into the moonlight]

[voiceover] My mom said a giant bird nearly ran her off the road!

[voiceover] It gets worse.

[Scene changes to Lillian Hale, in bed. She gets woken up - Shagon is levitating outside her bedroom window. Lillian screams. Scene goes back to the basement]

Lillian got a real good look at Shagon - described him to the last feather! Luckily, my parents convinced her it was a nightmare.

Hay Lin:
He is a nightmare.

Going after our families.

Even Phobos didn't sink that low.

I just hate him!

We all do. But that's like exactly what he wants.

I know! I know! Hatred fuels his power, but he'll be back tonight. So, what do we do?

You go to dinner with your mom.

Pizza with the Professor, while Shagon's on the prowl? No chance.

Even if your mom's his next target?

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Nerissa has teletransported herself and Cassidy to Shell Beach]

Shell Beach! My favourite spot! Oh, what a perfectly lovely, and [She flies through Nerissa] totally transparent gesture. [She flies down to the water]

You shouldn't look a gift beach in the mouth. [She flies down] Don't you miss this?

Oh, sure. I'd love to feel the sand between my toes. Breath in the [she walks on the water] salt air and [Nerissa joins her] swim and swim and swim. [She stands still] Maybe even kiss a lifeguard or two.

All that is possible. If you say you want to live.

This may surprise you, Rissy, but I've sort of let go of the whole material world thing. Besides, [she turns to face Nerissa] I know you. There's got to be strings. I've hung onto my soul this long, I'm not selling it now.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Welcome back, Cassidy.

So, how long's it been?

Forty years.

You haven't aged a bit. [Flies around her] You've aged many bits. Draining our life force for power are we? Granted, you have the sad disadvantage of having to live in this world, while I...

I apologise for any role I might have played in...your accident.

'"Might" have played? That's like me saying I might have missed curfew on prom night. [She laughs] Oh, oh, but were I just was, we don't hold grudges. Now, if you'll send me back?

Cassidy, I didn't raise you simply to apologise. We were Guardians together. I...feel a responsibility to show you all that you have been missing.

Really, Nerissa, that's not...

Oh, but I insist. And since I've bound you to the Earth Plane with the Heart of Meridian, we will stick to the plan. [softly] For your own good.

A field trip you can't get out of, that's good for you? Wow, even the afterlife's like high school.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[after a dream about Shagon] Can't I just once dream of unicorns?

[The next day, after Susan has waved to Dean]

[to the girls] Nightmares aren't enough. Now I get daymares too?

Hay Lin:
Last night I dreamt of unicorns.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Yan Lin is travelling on Mount Thanos holding a bouquet of roses. She sees a graveyard. She walks up to a grave]

Yan Lin:
It has been too long, Cassidy, my dear friend. [She puts the roses onto the grave] I promise to see you again soon.

[She teletransports away]

[voice] Perhaps sooner than you think.

[The two gravestones on either side of Cassidy's grave transforms into Nerissa and Shagon]

[Shagon picks up the bouquet and hugs it]

Aww, she shouldn't have.

I have business I must attend, and the Guardians must not interfere.

I'll drive them to distraction! Will, especially. [Picks the flowers] She hates me, she hates me not. She hates me, she hates me not. Who am I kidding? She really, really hates me. [He rips the flowers in half from the stem]

[Nerissa uses the Heart to teletransport Shagon away and unleashes lightning on Cassidy's grave]


[A blast of air comes out from the grave and the ghost of Cassidy rises]

[whispering] Nerissa. [not whispering] Wow! You look awful.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Fine, but no more balloons. I’m getting light-headed. [She kicks the balloons, which fill the hall]

Light-headed. Air-headed. How do you tell the difference?

[sarcastically] Big "Ha."

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[To Blunk] I wonder what the sentence is around here for assaulting a passling?!

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[ranting] Not precious! Worthless! Worthless garbage! Just like you!

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

That's "Twinkle Twinkle"!

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Irma sends a stream of water, to catch the Horn of Hypnos and to return to her.]

[While the Horn is travelling to her] Nothing like Guardian powers!

[The Horn moves away from Irma, and it is revealed to be telekinetically levitated by Cornelia]

Argh! Unless they're somebody else's.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Will is on the phone to Cornelia. The two are visible on screen talking to each other, with two halves of the screen sectioned for them. Cornelia is upside down on her bed, brushing her hair.]

...So I can't help decorate.

Oh, please! If you want to attend the ball, you have to help with the prep.

[Hay Lin appears on screen, on the phone with Will and Cornelia]

Hay Lin:
I spent forever designing the decorations. We can't lose you to a pile of dirty underwear!

[Taranee appears on screen, on the phone to Will, Cornelia and Hay Lin]

Besides, when you're not around, Cornelia gets really bossy. [She puts her glasses on]

Irma brings it out in me.

[Irma is on the phone to Will, Cornelia, Hay Lin and Taranee and is brushing her teeth. She tries to speak, but it just comes out in gurgles]

Will, Cornelia, Hay Lin, Taranee:

[Irma spits out the toothpaste]

I said: Stop brushing your hair, Cornelia. You're losing brain cells.


Please, Will! Without you, I can't guarantee any survivors.

Oh, I'll find a way.

[One by one, in reverse chronology everyone hangs up]

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Will and Astral Drop Will are standing by a washing machine in a launderette]

So, once again. [She holds up a white garment and a black garment] Never mix...?

Astral Drop Will:
Irma with Cornelia?

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[After Nerissa has used her power to transform Astral Drop Will into an Altermere]

You are no longer an Astral Drop. No longer a soulless slave to the bearer of the Heart of Kandrakar. You are a living, feeling Altermere. With all of Will's memories, emotions...and powers!

Altermere Will:
I'm living! I'm feeling! [notices Nerissa levitating towards her] I'm scared!

Wonderful, isn't it? To be truly alive and not just a dull shadow.

Altermere Will:
Wait, I remember you. You're the old woman from my nightmare.

That was Will's nightmare. It doesn't have to be yours. I gave you life. I'm your friend...remember that.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Nerissa is watching Altermere Will do the laundry, from outside the launderette]

That's right. Experience life. That way, you'll have something to lose. And something to fight for!

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Irma has accidentally let go of a balloon she was blowing up]

Hay Lin:
Irma! Be Careful!

[sarcastically] Gee! Now we only have now we only have nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine left.

Hay Lin:
You can never have enough balloons!

No, you can never have enough shoes! Balloons you can definitely overdo.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Caleb jumps and grabs Altermere Will, while Altermere Will and Will are in flight]

Altermere Will:
No, Caleb, it’s me!

Whoops! Sorry, Will.

[He drops down]

No, Caleb, I’m me!

[Sits on the ground] Like girls aren’t hard enough to understand when there’s just one of them.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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